Dear children,

May the Solar Essence of the Love of God nurture you so that you may spiritually acquire inner fortitude in the face of all the battles of these times.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is a most potent current that flows among the spaces of Creation and within the cosmic universe, which makes it possible to regenerate the spiritual and material life of everything that a molecule of light of the non-material Source holds within itself.

This Solar Essence of the Love of God is what allows our connection with the Heights to be awakened, but it is also the matrix essence that generates life and the different forms of expression in the material, mental and spiritual universe.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is capable of repolarizing the spiritual being of a human being of the surface in the light since its electric and cosmic current comes from a spiritual Source that generates the expansion and illumination of the consciousness.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is what brings us the principle of healing and reparation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Monthly Message of Mary, Mother and Queen of Universal Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

There will be a time when peace will reign in this world, a time in which the Doors of Heaven will remain open, and anyone who lives on the Earth will be able to receive Its Light and commune of the divine presence.

There will be a time when, at the center of each being, the sun of a new race will shine, symbolizing a new cycle of the universe rather than just of this world.

There will be a time when creatures will recognize their Creator and will feel reverence for finding the Divine in everything created by His Universal Consciousness.

There will be a time when days of profound illumination will be born in this world, days of communion and of fellowship, days of peace.

I say this, My children, so that you may remember My Words when you feel that you are far from God. Let them be the source of new hope and may they resound within everyone that had the flame of their heart dimmed. Because I tell you that there will be a time in which this world will be One with the Kingdom of God; but before that time, other occurrences will come, to generate merits for the future. Before peace will reign, hearts will be tested and strengthened by the might of the Love of God. In the face of any situation in life, never let your hearts lose the hope of seeing the Divine Purpose manifested.

My beloveds, I come to the world to have you know the greatness of the Plan of which you are a part, a Plan that is perfect and that comes from Who is One and Who reigns among the universes.

I want you to understand that My Presence among you has a greater intention. I am here to make you strong, persevering and untiring so that you do not stop your steps with the winds that will blow throughout this world.

I want you to ask yourselves, again and again, why the Presence of the Divine Messengers are among your souls so that, in this way, the Light of the Spirit of God may be able to bring a greater truth for you to know what the reason for the focus of God's attention upon this part of His Creation.

Dear children, your souls are treasures, more precious than you can imagine. This world has an objective much greater than the life that is alive today. And the time is urgent for those that live on the Earth to awaken from the dream because the Lord waits for the response of His creatures. For the second time, He will send His Son, reconfirming His Mercy and giving the world a sign of the greatness of the life that dwells in it.

My beloveds, it is necessary that you no longer be children in the life of the spirit. You have already received much so that you can see life from another point of view. Infinite impulses came to your hearts; it is time to let yourselves be guided and, without fear, steer the ship toward a new horizon.

When there is darkness within your hearts, remember My Words: there will be a time of Eternal Peace in this world.

I love you and bless you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
