Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After a long time, I once again sit under the Fig Tree, so that souls may approach Me and attain an elevation of consciousness, transcendence of suffering, so that souls may again attain peace, the peace that is lacking at this moment in a way that distances souls from the Path of God, moves hearts away from the Truth.

Come to Me and enter My Inner Temple, the Temple of My Heart, just as many more are within the Temple of My Heart to contemplate, in these times, the Divine Purpose, the Blazing Flame of the Source, which is never put out. It illuminates the inner worlds regardless of where they are to be found because it is an Immaterial Flame, it is a Divine Flame that your Master and Lord also contemplates so as to always follow the Will of God.

Therefore, enter the Inner Temple of My Heart, just as the other Masters of the Hierarchy do. And under this simple Temple, under this Light of the Fig Tree, receive wisdom and understanding for these times, so that the world may learn to make correct decisions, beneficial and fraternal decisions, decisions that may prevent consciousnesses from distancing themselves from the Law and the Truth.

This is why today I have brought you to this Sacred Place, the Inner Temple of My Heart, under the Fig Tree of Light, so that you may return to your origins, your roots. So that you may remember the Principles and Commandments of God, which are the sustenance of your spiritual and inner life, because these Principles and Commandments will always accompany you in your universal trajectory.

See the fruits of this Fig Tree of Light that expand throughout its branches into knowledge and surrender, which reminds souls within their inner worlds that beyond that which is material lies that which is immaterial.

This Sacred Inner Temple of My Heart is present in this Community, founded under the principles by which it was inspired. This great Community of service and brotherhood has awakened other cells throughout the whole world throughout time, bringing to many places of the planet inexplicable inner benefits, unknown Graces, unique opportunities for souls, through the foundation of Faith and Truth.

Therefore, today I bring to all of your inner worlds the Inner Temple of My Heart so that, together with the Master among Masters, you may contemplate, under this Fig Tree of Light, the Flame of Divine Purpose, which is eternal and inexhaustible. Because this is where you should direct your gazes, this is where you should direct your consciousnesses so that you may always be protected by the Divine Purpose and, thus, your souls may be an extension of this Purpose on Earth. Wherever you go or circulate, this Divine Purpose will touch the souls that need it.

Thus, I call upon all those of you who are gathered with Me at this very moment to imitate the Masters, preparing the next meeting of the Marathon of Divine Mercy. Because after so many Marathons of prayer, I assure you that this will not be just one more Marathon, for your consciousnesses have learned to deepen into the spirit of prayer, into an inexhaustible love for the Divine Word, into the manifestation of charity and the good.

Therefore, I tell you not to fear for those who do not understand this Work, because many will stay in what is superficial and will lose the Grace of deepening into this spiritual wealth of Figueira, the Fig Tree of Light, which was founded by the Hierarchy itself with love, devotion and reverence.

Therefore, keep this image of the Inner Temple of My Heart in your memory and minds, during this Conclave of the Masters, under the Sacred Fig Tree of Light.

Thus, I invite your hearts and consciousnesses to be reborn, after the last two years of organized darkness. I invite you to always seek the inner truth, that which is unknown and is alive within you, that spark of Light that comes from the Supreme Source, which illuminates you and blesses you so that you may continue on.

This is why your Master today re-ignites the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, bringing consciousnesses to the origins and principles of this Plan, but also offering souls the fruits of the Fig Tree of Light, fruits manifested through effort, sacrifice and surrender, the true intention of manifesting the Purpose on the surface of the Light-Communities and their extensions on this planet.

This Blazing Purpose, which comes from the Source of Creation, is the Purpose that must not die in you. In these crucial times of the planet, this Purpose must not disappear, neither from the surface of the Earth nor from the inner worlds.

When you are exhausted or tired, overwhelmed or disturbed, remember the Inner Temple of My Heart, embraced by the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, which expresses the fruits of instruction and service, not only for this planet or for this humanity, but also for the whole universe.

I wish many more could appreciate such a Grace, especially those who were permeated by that Grace and are not here today. God has given the simplest His most valuable inner treasures, which do not come from the Material Universe, but rather emerge from the deep Spiritual Universe, where souls can be nourished from the Light of God, from His Love and Unity.

Today, through My Presence, your Master and Lord summons and gathers the inner worlds at the foot of the Fig Tree of Light. This is done so that together we may invoke the power of the Peace, Mercy and Compassion that the planet so much needs, that this humanity and all nations so much need, imploring to God, through this unity between your hearts and Mine, between your hearts and the hearts of the Masters, that the true and sublime Spiritual Government may be made manifest on the surface of the Earth, so that those who claim they rule nations no longer generate suffering, but rather with understanding, wisdom, truth and transparency, they may become responsible for humanity itself.

But I tell you again, My companions, do not seek results and solutions in that which is material. The Truth lies within each one of your hearts. In them, you will be able to enter the Inner Temple of My Heart to find an answer. Remember that in the end of these times humanity must completely elevate itself so that, once and for all, it may abandon world illusion, injustice, impunity, slavery and even arrogance.

Therefore, I invite you all, on these days of prayer, to be at the foot of the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, so that not only the Father may bless you through His Fountain, but also so that the Purpose, which has been foreseen to be fulfilled and carried out may be concretized through the adherence of all hearts and inner worlds.

Therefore, this will be a very important Marathon, because it will depend on the offering of hearts that this Blazing Purpose of God may be fulfilled not only in Brazil, but also in all of humanity.

Thus, We invite those who love their inner worlds, those consciousnesses that are attuned with the Masters of the Light, to be united under the spirit of Mercy and Compassion, which the world needs so much, so that the Principles and Commandments may be lived by all consciousness and they may remember their origins, the experience of Love and Forgiveness that all must carry in spirit to the Universe.

May the Rays of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy fill and permeate this moment.

May souls feel embraced by the Love of God so that, in times of darkness, souls may walk the path of the Master toward an encounter with His inner temple, in the Temple of the Fig Tree of Light.

Let us pray.


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive 
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.


I thank you for being here with Me, for wholeheartedly being at My Feet, close to the Inner Temple of My Heart, at the foot of the Fig Tree of Light, so that the world may be converted and redeemed, and peace may be attained throughout the Earth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the face of what is happening in the world, God is silent and, once again, He sends His Son to help those who need the most and, especially, those who are going through war, slavery and the trafficking of people.

Today, your Master and Lord is in these places, on the inner planes, and He avails Himself of this potent channel of Light of the Marian Center of Figueira to bring, to the neediest souls, consolation and peace, love and hope, which, among brothers and sisters of the same humanity and planet, are dissolved through wars and conflicts.

See now My Thorned Heart, horribly outraged by those who go unpunished and do not accept to live the Law of God, by those who subject their brothers and sisters of nations and peoples. I come for all of them. I come for the last and for the most lost, because,  for My Heart, all are rescuable, although in appearance it may seem impossible.

In this third impulse that today I bring to you, I not only prepare you for the next Sacred Week, but I also prepare you to assume the Plan of God with responsibility, so that you may know that the most important thing now is that each one of your lives may be confirmed to Me, because I no longer have resources to justify the errors of the world.

Therefore, I need decided and defined souls. I need souls that offer themselves to be victims of My Love and that not only let themselves be pierced by My Love, but also by My Will, because it will be through small groups of souls that your Master and Lord will carry out His Return to the world.

For this reason, at this moment, I need you to be brave, to assume with Me what needs to be assumed and endured. I do not speak of something external, but rather of something profound, in which your Master and Lord works for souls and essences, for all those who need an opportunity.

This should be your rule: that you work for Me, that you serve Me and that you surrender to My Heart, so that at this acute moment of the planet, when everything is allowed, souls may have an opportunity, just as you have had with Me since the beginning, when I summoned you to be by My side.

For this, I invite you to offer each one of your tests, each one of your deserts, even each one of your discomforts, for one reason: so that, before the Eternal Father, your Master and Lord may have a way to justify the grave sins of humanity, so that this situation of the end of times does not become uncontrollable and unsustainable, but rather that, through small groups of souls, of the souls that offer themselves to be victims of My Love, I can, once again, intercede for the world in the same way that I interceded two thousand years ago.

Take the example of what happened two thousand years ago with humanity and the point humanity was to be found, not only from the material, but also from the spiritual standpoint.

Now, humanity is in a more serious and complex situation, and the Thorned Heart of your Master and Lord needs brave souls willing to endure the cross of this world, an invisible, imperceptible and silent cross, which can only be sustained out of love; so that those who are condemned and lost may have a last opportunity.

This is why I asked you a little while ago to have a ready heart. This is not a poem, it is a statement of a consciousness that is responsible in Christ and for Christ; of a consciousness that has the wisdom and the discernment to realize that humanity is precipitating quickly and that many of the situations that happen in the world and in nations today are created by humanity itself, by those who go unpunished and who believe they have power above God.

In the face of a war like that of Ukraine, in the face of a war like that of Yemen, the war of Ethiopia or the outraged Syria, I know that many have wondered  in these times, “where is the Power of God to defeat these impious human beings?”

Here, God does not challenge anyone, God does not flaunt anything before anyone, otherwise He would not be God. He is a Father of Love and Mercy, Who, through these attributes, traces Justice for the world at the right time and the opportune moment.

Therefore, all that is happening today in the world will end someday. You, as My confirmed apostles and companions, must keep praying with fervor and not allow your prayer to become cold or even fade away; because, at this moment, the union of souls through prayerful word is fundamental for all that will happen.

Have trust and faith in all that I am telling you, understand that I cannot tell you more than this, because the Will of God is only known by God Himself, by His own Son and the Holy Spirit. But if you keep loving the unknown, that which is immaterial, the assistance that you and your brothers and sisters need will come from these levels of consciousness and I assure you that you will know where to be and what to do at the right moment.

This is a time of an increased and sharpened pain, of a suffering caused to humanity and to peoples through impunity and corruption, which the Father had never seen. Because the Eternal Father Himself has realized how far His children can go when they are vitiated by power and impunity.

But have in mind that all these situations or actions cannot go beyond that which is material; that above all these things is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, of all their Angelic and Archangelic Hierarchies, which, at this moment of humanity, untiringly work on the inner planes to protect the essences of the whole world, as many essences as possible.

Do you now understand the importance of your prayer in these times?

The true victory that Christ achieved on the Cross did not happen in an external but rather in an internal way, and this victory was built through silence, by radiating Peace and Love to those who crucified and condemned Him.

I invite you to love this mystery, but do not expect this mystery to be revealed; live this mystery in your lives and you will unveil it by yourselves, because you will learn to love as I have loved, you will learn to forgive as I have forgiven you, and in this way you will know how to heal the deepest wounds in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters.

Today, I come to say all of this to you because My Father has seen that there are souls who, having received everything from their Master and Lord, have not valued it; they have turned their backs to their Redeemer due to their own resistances and fears and, despite being by My side for so long, My Love did not touch their hearts.

Who will pay this debt?

All that comes from the Universe must not be wasted. Learn to live in the spiritual economy, which leads you to manage, with wisdom and understanding, the impulses that come from the Hierarchy, precious and determining impulses that only try to elevate your consciousnesses more and more each day, so that someday you may understand and know about the Will of God.

Today, I rejoice for being here with Mine and with the consistent, with those who, in spite of their own imperfections, try every day to follow My footprints, the footprints of Light of the Redeemer, daring to deepen into the degrees of love and surrender, daring to be the Christs of the New Time.

For this reason, beyond everything that happens in the world and is very painful, both for Me and for you, always see the Light, the Light of Christ beyond the darkness; follow this Light, have the Light of My Heart as your purpose. And, through this concentration on the Light of Christ, close with Me the doors to evil, and lead the darkest souls of this world to find again the ocean of My Mercy, because only through Mercy will the world be redeemed.

This Thorned Heart of Christ, which I expose to you today, is now a Luminous Heart, a Heart filled with the Love of God for souls, a Heart that heals and cures, a Heart that redeems, that brings you the peace and consolation that each of you needs.

Thus, dare to keep carrying the cross for the world, dare to be brave and to follow the steps that I am indicating to you, because, as I told you a while ago, you will do more things than those that I did, greater things than those that your Master and Lord did. For this reason, I also tell you that you must have your hearts ready to do greater things than those that I did; and when you are living them one by one, you will remember what I told you today.

Thus, I invite you to love simplicity so that this world can recover its innocence. I invite you to love purity so that this world can recover love. I invite you to adore Me, to recognize Me in the Sacraments and in the heart of each brother and sister, so that this world may recover the hope that has been conditioned and buried by those who go unpunished.

But when I return, as I will return during the next Sacred Week, each one of your souls, each one of your spirits will have the opportunity and the Grace of living their synthesis with Me. A spiritual synthesis that will remind you of all the impulses received from My Heart throughout times.

This will prepare you for what will come, and thus I will be able to have you where I need you, in different places of the world to transmute with Me, so that souls may be liberated from their material and spiritual slavery, and thus, when I return in Glory, showing My true Face, the Face of the Solar and Cosmic Christ, all souls will be able to recognize Me.

Because at this hour, I promise you that there will no longer be anguish, suffering or despair, but rather there will be a joy that will spring from simple and humble hearts, from the hearts that have persevered in Me and through Me; and I will gather them to give them to eat of My Glorified Body and to give them to drink of My Precious Blood, from the Chalice that will mark the great hour of planetary redemption, when evil will be removed and the Kingdom of God will descend again through My Heavenly Mother and through all the Hosts of Light that will celebrate with the New Race the emergence of a New Humanity.

So that you can physically understand this third impulse that I bring you today, I invite you to celebrate the Eucharist with Me. And today, in a special way, I will invite to this altar all the Mothers of the Order that are present here, for them to offer themselves for all mothers of the war, so that these mothers who suffer conflicts and persecution may have the strength and hope to move forward.

Let us celebrate in peace.

At the foot of the destruction of this world, we offer ourselves as victims of God’s Love so that My Sacred Heart may triumph on this planet and in all the souls that, at this moment, most need consolation and forgiveness. So be it.

Just as it was at the night when I gathered My apostles to reveal to them the Mystery of My Love, today I gather all the apostles of the end of times before the preamble of this next Sacred Week so that, through the institution of the Eucharist and through the celebration of the Mystery of God’s Love, as many souls as possible may prepare themselves for this important meeting with Me.

Lord, bless this wine, which will be converted into My Blood.

Lord, bless this water, which, in perfect union, will bless souls.


Adonai, You who are Holy,
Loving, Powerful and Invincible,
do not look at the horrors of this world
but rather the fidelity of souls,
of those who, despite their tests
and uncertainties, steadily follow My Path,
the Path that leads them to My Peace,
and may this Eucharistic celebration
serve as communion with all souls
that always say yes to Me.

May this console Your Heart, Father.


Before the Celestial Universes, just as it was in the Last Supper, Beloved Father, I again take the bread to offer it to You, so that it may be transubstantiated into My Body by the angels of Heaven; and thus, I break it again, to offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be delivered for humankind, for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


In the same way, I again take the Chalice in My Hands to offer it to the Eternal Father so that the wine may be transubstantiated into My Blood; and thus, I offer it again to My companions, saying to them, “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Behold My Body and My Blood; happy are those who avail themselves of this Sacrament and offer it for those who do not live it, who do not adore it and do not recognize it, so that My Divine Mercy, unfathomable and inexhaustible, may reach as many souls as possible.

Let us offer this Sacrament for the mothers of the war, so that the sacred spirit of motherhood, conceived by the Sacred Feminine Energy, may be rebuilt and re-established, so that all children of God may feel loved and protected by their mothers of the Earth.

Let us pray:

Our Father, in Aramaic.


Just as My Peace is in this place, may this Peace expand and multiply on the whole Earth, so that the inner worlds may recognize the Living Christ. May Peace descend to Earth.

I invite you to strengthen your faith just as the Roman centurion strengthened it, because his own faith healed his servant. I invite you to think about this.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.


With the joy of this meeting and of this reencounter of the souls that are postulants to be victims of My Love, we announce the Spiritual Communion to all brothers and sisters on the planet, to all the devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let us pray, as the Angel of Peace prayed:

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.


I have fulfilled My promise. Through the three impulses received, your hearts are ready to live a spiritual synthesis with Me in the next Sacred Week. I only ask you one thing, never stop being brave for Me, in this way you will learn to overcome and transcend yourselves every day.

I thank you for this welcoming and inner love. Today the Sacred Figueira illuminates the world again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

 Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We close this work with Christ in silence and withdrawal. And we prepare, with great joy, to receive our beloved Instructor Saint Joseph tomorrow.

We may go in peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
