During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


I have told you more than once that I could not work with those who have a tepid heart. And at this time I see that many hearts easily remain tepid, and in different moments they lose the fervor of being in Me.

In this situation, My Consciousness can only contemplate and hope that the tepid heart will define itself if it will remain in this condition or it will risk itself for Me to give a little more every day.

A tepid heart is a doubtful heart, not faithful, not reliable.

My Celestial Work cannot be in those who are tepid of heart, in people who act according to events, instead of acting according to unconditional love.

This is the time to reflect on this, because everything that hearts have already received directly from Me in the last years should not place you in tepidness/lukewarmness, because if so, My Work of Pity and Mercy would not be fulfilled.

It is in the heart of each disciple of Mine, the response to follow the Truth or remain in indifference.

There is no longer time to sustain those who are tepid.

May the flame of My Love heat you up and light within you the fire of determination.

I am waiting for you.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Through My Love and My Truth I can heal hearts, I can remove from souls that which should be transformed, purified and elevated.

Through My Love I carry you into the original and spiritual state of your beings.

Through My Love I can declare reality to you without there being any blame, fear or oppression. 

Through My Love, I lead you on the path of good, so that you may be generous soul, filled with My Mercy, and beings completely surrendered and given to others.

Through My Love I build within you that which I so much aspire for and desire, as long as you allow Me to work within you.

Through My Love I teach you to truly love, I teach you to alleviate, with simple words, the oppressed heart of a brother or sister.

Through My Love I cause you to strengthen your trust in the High, I teach you to be witnesses to My Word and defenders of My Message.

Through My Love I call you to the apostolate, to the living of a service that enriches the spirit.

Through My Love I give you My Peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Human life is like a hard stone. It must be broken little by little until it becomes dust and until all aspects represented in it are dissolved.

The human stone is the hardest to break because within it has a strength that resists being transformed or to be ground like the grain.

There is still a harder stone in the human being, that is the stone of the heart, the one that cannot be broken at once because it would lose all the meaning of its existence. The stone of the heart is harder because it gets stronger through the feelings it generates, which does not allow it to find the path of peace.

There are few stones that break by themselves at once. What disintegrates the pride of these stones is humiliation or sometimes feeling the Fear of God.

There are stones that are so hard and strong that they do not break easily. If this action of breaking inside does not work in the consciousness, sometimes not even with the instruction received, it then cannot change, because it strengthens itself and, in truth, misses the Grace of finding a lighter path of transformation.

Now My Son has His great tool of Light in His Hands, about to break many stones of hardened hearts. If He gave only one blow, the effect could be intense. If He gave a medium blow, the impact would have little effect. Therefore, Christ needs some stones to be well destroyed so that pride may soon die and the soul may find the meaning of its true mission.

There is no hard stone that can resist the blow of Christ. For Him to be able to reign in a superfluous consciousness the Master must expel with one blow the resistances and extract all of its roots.

The universe knows that resistance is an energy that condemns or that makes the soul suffer continuously. I tell you, My children, prepare yourselves because the hardest and most resistant stones will surprisingly be broken.

The Lord tries so that the aspects of life will not drown the evolution of the soul. This way, in certain cases, the Law of heavenly power avoids more things from being triggered.

Dear children, the effect of a precise blow of Christ upon your hard stones can generate several consequences and inner movements. The Master knows that a blow of His Hand breaks everything because it is not a blow of punishment or fear, but it is the energy that will remove the inner and outer things from their place.

Nobody can oppose this. Therefore, the hardest stones, more resistant and with pride, prepare themselves to experience a total breakdown of their structures. There is no time for superficial things.

Those hearts that know they are resistant and do not manage to change, should know that they will be helped to unblock human vices. The time for patience is gone, humanity has entered into a hard and acute cycle of purification.

The Universe of Christ will do all that is possible for His sheep not to be lost, but there will be no space to accumulate hard stones in the stable of the Heart of the Lord. Everything will be ground, thus embrace prayer and implore so that you may always be guided.

We thank the repentance of those who do not manage to do so and are humble in asking for help. Soon they will be free of their own pride.

The scale of the Law has My Immacultate Heart upon one of the scales, My Consciousness generates the weight of love and purity to save souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Special Message

The true awareness of what Life is only comes to humankind through the Spirit of God. My Immaculate Spirit and the Most Sacred Spirit of My Son comes from the Holy Spirit. But today I want to reveal to you that it is not necessary to be originally conceived by this Holy Spirit in order to experience the infinite Graces that Jesus and I experienced 2013 years ago.

The Holy Spirit transforms everything It touches, Its Fire purifies into Light everything that comes near It. The soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit will never be the same, even during other existences in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Spirit of God even transforms the spiritual destiny of beings because the one who opens to receive a glorious touch from the Holy Spirit makes a commitment to the Creator to serve Him eternally.

The Holy Spirit is a mystery to the world because It is in everything, and everyone seeks It without knowing how to find It. The Holy Spirit manifests Itself as life-giving Fire and as a superhuman Gift; It manifests Itself as Love that illuminates everything, as Forgiveness that forgives everything, as Peace that radiates to everyone. 

The Holy Spirit comes when you least expect It, because at the moment when you least expect It, without losing the permanent aspiration to find It, that is when the heart makes room for the Holy Spirit to enter.

For the indwelling of Holy Spirit to be eternal within beings, the consecration of the soul must also be eternal, the offer of the heart must be eternal, the aspiration to serve the One and Only God must also be eternal.

The Lord deeply knows the heart of His creatures and He knows when His child confirms themselves perpetually in union with His Most Sacred Heart. And it is at this moment that the Lord sends His omnipresent Spirit to find this new home.

Since the heart of humankind is unpredictable, even to themselves, only God knows the truth about the intentions and feelings of humans, about the offers and aspirations. Therefore, the only thing that your beings must do is to be in a permanent offer and to reconsecrate yourselves daily before the Universe of God, with a pure and sincere heart. 

Seek without seeking, because this is how it will be without realizing it, and humility, which is the first Gift of the Spirit of God, will come to those who do not know it and have never known it. The Gift of humility is only known by the one who recognizes it in his neighbor because the heart that is truly full of the Holy Spirit is so close to God that it does not notice its own progress and virtues.

This is how Jesus, Mary and Joseph experienced the Holy Spirit. One recognized this Holy Spirit in the other and realized how many Gifts God had manifested in that family, full of charity and humility, but none of Us observed within ourselves the presence of this Spirit. We admired in silence and in prayer the virtues of the others, and the more we noticed the Love which the other manifested for God, the more our hearts were filled with this Spirit. And in Our simple life, but full of mysteries, the Holy Spirit was manifesting Itself.

Therefore I tell you today that a key to progress is to think only about God and strengthen the virtue of the neighbor, so that you may always grow and develop. Thus, even without realizing it, your spirits will be preparing themselves to receive the Spirit of God. 

May peace and harmony reign in each heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Once again, I invite you to live simplicity and humility within your hearts. I have called you to this place to show you that My Presence is among the crowds, but it is also in the homes, among the simplest and most open-hearted families. I have brought you here to place within your beings the spirit of humility and simplicity so that you may learn from this example that you have before your hearts.

My beloveds, the world needs more humble hearts willing to respond to the call that comes from Heaven; it needs simple hearts that are able to live obedience without it being a martyrdom in their lives.

My dear ones, on this day, I want to leave in your hearts this call to humility through faith, reverence and fidelity. I want to invite you to live simplicity through obedience, an obedience that flows from the heart by the simple act of obeying the Will of God in all things and listening to His Call with the heart.

Today you may not understand what I ask of you, but if you follow My Words you will, without much difficulty, find this path through which I am guiding you.

My dear ones, a time will come when your hearts must be fully faithful to the voice of the heart, which is an echo of the Voice of God within His creatures.

To reach Eternity, without entering other paths that do not lead you towards My Kingdom, you must be silent and listen attentively to the Voice of the Lord who guides you. This echo does not bring doubts, it brings confidence and, through this confidence, you must respond to the Call of God without the need for it to be repeated.

Today, My children, My Voice brings the echo of God, repeating His Will to you countless times, but the day will come when this call will no longer be repeated, and those who can listen to it must obey faithfully and without delay.

My dear ones, I hope from My Immaculate Heart that you may understand what I ask of you today; may humility and simplicity in the little things lead you to trace the great events of your lives.

I come as a Mother and helper to guide your hearts and your spirits. Listen to My Words with love, study what I have told you over the years, and at least try to practice what I tell you. My intercession will reach those who say yes to Me and take the first steps to respond to My call.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the apparition of the blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

Praise be always Our Lord Jesus Christ.

My beloveds, I thank you for responding with promptness to My call. The trust of My children allows My Heart to reach the most distant souls. Each time that your small beings take one more step in the commitment you have to Me, you allow the Lord to open the path for My Heart to be  among you for a longer time.

Therefore, My children, I ask you day and night to trust My Words, My guidance, that you follow without fear the path indicated by My Heart, because you will soon understand where I am taking you with My steps of Pilgrim.

The trust in My Heart will lead you to a total transformation of the heart, mind and spirit. I lead you to the redemption of life and teach you to be intercessors before God, as I am for the souls.

I am forming in your hearts a fortress of faith, for when My feet can no longer rest upon the Earth and My Word will not be so near to your beings.

Through faith you will always find Me in your hearts, and this same faith will lead you to pray for your brothers and sisters, so that, up to the last moment of your lives you will be fighting for the salvation of the most lost souls.

For My Heart to be able to bring to the Heavens even the last of the souls that are in this world, I will need many intercessors with a flame of devotion ignited in the heart. This is built now, when My feet are still on the Earth, when My Word, through My visionaries can directly reach your hearts and your beings.

Build in this time, in which you live so near to Me, the full trust in My Mother's Heart. Trust My Presence and My Words and do not fear to respond to My call, wherever it takes you.

The Lord observes you and, through the answer of your consciousnesses, I may intervene, more or less, for the world and for the souls. Your love, your prayers and your actions dictate My steps. If you understood the importance of these words you would change the course of your lives and you would have the focus of your hearts on My Immaculate Heart.

I leave this simple reflection so your beings may meditate on the actions of your own lives, on the love you are capable of living and on the word you emit. Observe, from the heart, always from the heart, if you are capable of taking the steps in the transformation of your being, for the salvation of souls, of the Kingdoms and of the world.

My Heart accompanies you with Love and will always be beside your beings.

Thanks for listening to My call to the trust of the heart.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
