On each new day, rise with a heart full of gratitude.
May your first thought be permeated with gratitude for the gift of life, gratitude for every lesson this day will bring, gratitude for all the Graces received, gratitude for still being able to get up and serve, love and transform yourself according to the Will of God.
Gratitude, child, will allow you to grow humanly and spiritually because the one who is grateful does not become involved with human weaknesses, but rather they are integrated with the Divine Grace and Mercy that they receive from God, every day.
The grateful heart becomes aware that everything it can do in this world is little to repay and multiply the Love that it receives from God.
Gratitude elevates consciousnesses beyond the dimensions of chaos and places them in a state of grace so that they may know how to deal with every situation in life with wisdom and discernment, imprinting the Will of God, and not their own, in all things.
Therefore, elevate yourself through gratitude and, at every moment of the day, remember to be grateful to God for everything. In this way, you will be in the world, yet belonging to the Heavens, and the Kingdom of God will be able to express itself through you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I do not have much time left before I return to the world, for that reason I am coming these days, because my Father sends Me to the world to be among those of Mine and prepare them for that moment that is not very far away.
In today's Gospel, you saw represented what I said more than two thousand years ago, which is a reality for today's times.
For this reason, yesterday, I had you consciously enter the Kingdom of My Father so that your souls could have an experience and, from that experience, you could gather a treasure, which is a result of the Gifts of God that you will need in this time to live that which will come.
It is thus that the Universe patiently weaves the Plan of God on Earth, integrated by each one of its souls that were self-summoned to be here, as many souls were throughout time, at different moments in the history of humanity, through the Apparitions of the Most Holy Mother of God and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
But in this time and in this hour, I come for everyone, and here there is no religion or belief prevailing because today I remind you once again that you are part of the Source and all come from that non-material Source that originated life in the universe after the planets, stars and suns were created.
This way you can understand, companions, how extensive the history of each one of you is, within this Universal Creation and that, as happened yesterday, everyone was able to recognize that they are more than a human being or a consciousness that thinks and contemplates.
It is through the value that essences can give that I will avail to move forward with My Return to the world.
For this reason, I come for everyone, Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers, I come for everyone. All those who were attentive to My Words yesterday received many Graces that will begin to descend into your lives as the Father has thought it.
Those Graces that you will receive will also benefit your loved ones and, as a result, the rest of humanity. When humanity recognizes that it is one family, it will be ready to again receive me; when there are no longer differences, prestige or protagonism within any of you, because all are equal in the eyes of God and God expects that each one of His children may also be able to recognize what He sees and what He feels.
In this preparation, which I have made today through these words, elevate your consciousnesses toward My Thought; and from My divine and universal Thought, receive the new impulses and decrees that will shape your lives according to the model that God expects for these times. May everyone do their part, just as the Universe accomplishes its higher part.
Recognizing these instructions, surrendered to the Love of God, let us further open the doors of the Universe so that, for a moment, you may have the vision and the awareness of the reason why you are here and are called by name to at this time receive the spiritual impulses of the Redeemer.
At this moment, Our Lord Jesus Christ, with His Hands raised up to Heaven, opens the doors to other Universes, where humanity never reached, but that today for the first time reaches those Universes through the Redeemer.
Let us accompany this spiritual movement of Our Lord through our connection and contact with Him, placing all our attention upon what He is doing so that we may continue to be filled with everything He wants to reveal and show us.
Our Lord said at this moment:
Through My Words, I sanctify you so that your consciousnesses may be within the necessary vibration and you may enter into the universal wisdom that holds the answer for each of your lives, as well as the knowledge of each of your lives.
See above you the Universe and the great vault of the Milky Way. Recognize the different nebulae and solar systems, and feel yourselves inside the vast Universe of God. And, in this way, awaken in your hearts the memory of your origins, just as you remembered it yesterday.
Realize, then, that it is not impossible to do so if you are truly united with Me and wholeheartedly trust that which I am revealing to you.
Within the entire Universe that governs and accompanies you, focus your attention upon the blue nebula that I am showing you, and see how within it there is life, and how different stars shine within that nebula, emanating wisdom to the Universe.
Following the sound of this melody, raise your consciousness a little more, emptying yourself completely so that you may be filled with what truly exists in the Universe.
Following in My footsteps, let us enter that space of light within that blue nebula. See your beings illuminated by that blue light and how, from the center of your chests, small lights ignite that spring from your hearts, which are the hearts of your origin.
In front of you, within that blue nebula, identify fourteen stars that, in perfect alignment, contemplate each one of you.
You are standing before your Fathers of the Origins, the Father that the Universe granted you so that you could have life, and in that void that you must exercise, at this moment, feeling yourselves filled and replete by the presence of those stars of light, and ask yourself inwardly: Who am I? Why am I here, facing my origin?
And Christ tells us to remember, not with pain, but rather with joy, because the errors of the material Universe are being corrected by the consecration of your lives and your filiation with God.
Christ says:
Behind those fourteen stars of light, see a powerful golden Light. It is the emanation of Adonai, without any form, but in a sublime state of consciousness and repeat inwardly: Adonai, Adonai, Adonai.
And the Celestial Father, opening His Arms with His golden emanation of Light, embraces all present with His omnipotence, and in that emptiness, where there is no personal will, seeming or wanting, we are filled by His Presence.
Christ says:
Here are the Fathers of your Origins in the Presence of Adonai, they are the Fathers of Orion. Remember and feel their love, silent and profound love. And see how that light still emerges from your chests which unites you with each of the Father, who know your origin and your emergence from the Source.
And now we are surrounded by those fourteen Stars of Light, Christ in the center, above us the Consciousness of Adonai and around us we feel how the Universe vibrates, like an elevated melody that brings us streams of Light and impulses of Light to our consciousnesses.
We are facing what we once were; we are facing the truth that the Heart of the Redeemer reveals to us today.
Above those fourteen Stars that surround us, which are the essences of our Fathers, we see languages of fire. And the fourteen non-material Gifts of the Holy Spirit are revealed to us:
And Christ says:
Now that you know you were never alone and that God always filled you with His Graces, go back to what you truly are so that this material Universe and even this planet may fulfill the purpose that they have in Creation, and thus consciousnesses may be raised towards their true spiritual condition, becoming aware of their mission and purpose.
Orion has been the site of many stories. That is why it approaches you in the presence of the fourteen Fathers of the Origins, the same Fathers that Abraham knew, as well as many other patriarchs.
May all this help you internalize your lives so that you are aligned with the Purpose. And after this moment that the entire planet is experiencing, that many more hearts aspire to reach the truth, beyond the religiosity of life, entering into the abundant Knowledge of God that is expressed in all His dwelling places.
Today you are facing one of those dwellings, which has witnessed many events, but which today, Orion expresses one of the most important wisdom for this material Universe. That impulse comes to you directly, through My Presence, so that you may continue to affirm what you truly are and the reason why you are here, at this planetary moment, not to live the things of the world, but rather to live that which is in Heaven, in the Universe, and that for a long time continues vibrating and pulsating in its dome.
Recognize the arrival of those who come to your aid and you will be on the path of peace.
Bringing our consciousnesses to this place, we are now with Christ in front of this altar so that we can perceive the difference of how to achieve a deeper contact with everything that is in the Sublime Spheres.
My Father asks Me to do all of this for one main reason: so that the talents awaken in each of you, through the Source, that is called "lineages." Now, after this moment, everyone is prepared to know their lineage that, in My Name, must contribute to and serve humanity in the building of the New Humanity so that healing may be established, forgiveness may redeem you and Love may elevate you to the Truth.
In honor of the Fathers of the Origins, today we will celebrate, because God granted you the Grace of becoming aware of Truth so that each day you are more aware, open and available to find the meaning and the answer for being here today.
Thus, I pray, all the time, so that My friends may achieve that Truth because the Truth will set you free.
Our Lord is asking for a veil of a helper and the ring of a helper.
So that you understand, companions, how important your mission is on Earth before I give myself in Body and Blood for you, I give you My Love through consecration.
Bring anointing oil and water to bless here to Me also.
The apostles and the holy women knew this truth that you know today, and during the three years of My Public Life, the apostles and the holy women were guards on the inner planes of that knowledge of the Universe. It is for this reason that My apostles and My holy women achieved freedom through Truth.
Today I bless these elements, which I have asked to be brought to My altar, to demonstrate My gratitude and trust in those who persevere and surrender to My Eucharistic Body, as well as in the Sacraments and in daily prayer.
These elements are a means of conversion, as well as each one of the sacred elements that you carry with you, so that I may bless them at this time.
In humility, hold your items in your hands, whether they are rosaries, medallions, crosses or anything else that you carry. But, especially, place your hearts, so that I may accept them.
I waited ten years for this moment, to consecrate this soul for a deeper service to My Heart, so that the Work of My Mercy may be accomplished throughout the world. I also waited until this moment so that each one of you, according to your learning and schools could know the revelation of this truth that I brought you today, which at the end of this meeting, My beloved Mother Maria Shimani will explain to you, because of the gift that I will give to her so that she can pronounce it.
Through this consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, the Lord will bless the elements that you are offering so that they may be a means of Grace for all, of conversion and of light for all.
At this moment, in which Divine Mercy descends to the Earth, through the Love and Compassion of your Lord, offer me at least one soul, a person who comes to your consciousness and needs of My help at this moment, be they a healthy or sick person.
"Before this sacred knowledge that fills you, and that benefits humanity in the act of forgiveness and reconciliation, Adonai, like more than two thousand years ago, but today gathered with many followers of Mine, I ask You, in the name of Your children and the infinite and cosmic Love that You have for each one of them, that you bless these elements that are offered, so that You, Father, are more present in the lives of each one of Your children, so that they may feel Your blessing and Love beyond what happens. "
"For this reason, today I offer you this bread so that it may be blessed by You and become the Glorious Body of Christ."
For this reason, I again say to you: "Take it and eat it, for this is My Body that to this day is given for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
"I raise this Chalice, Lord, so that it may also be blessed by You and so that it may become the Blood of Christ, and thus the breath of Your Spirit may be in the hearts of the Earth."
So today I say to you again: "Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which is poured out by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
United with our Redeemer, we pray the prayer that He lovingly taught us.
Our Father (in Spanish).
Our father (in English).
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us. In this meeting, we honor you, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Comments of Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We are going to try and bring everybody closer to an ancient story of the Universe, and we are simply going to tell this story as if we were in a meeting with many children that need to understand a very broad reality, and for this reason, simplicity will be the key to your understanding.
A long, long time ago, when God thought about what He wanted for His Creation, He multiplied all His Attributes and felt the need that material creatures, that could live the experience of Love and Unity, should hold in the heart of their race each one of His Attributes.
So He appointed His archangels to build beautiful races, lovely creatures that could represent His Attributes in the material Universe.
One of these races was Orion, a race with Blue Hearts, where the profound Love of the Universe was held.
But, because of those things that happened among the angels, a long time ago; one of them, who did not know how to treasure God's Love and understand what God wanted to accomplish, fell prey to his own ignorance and wanted to destroy the Creation of Our Lord, the Eternal Father. And he went to seek in the Universe one of God's greatest Creations, the Orion race. And he wanted to conquer, through his deceptions, the Blue Heart of that race that held the deepest Love of God.
But the Blue Heart of Orion, after living many trials through that love he kept in his heart, was able to survive and learn what never again, in the Universe, should happen.
Orion had 14 Fathers, the wisest of the Orion race, who "guarded" Creation for a long time, and in that story, it is told that those 14 Fathers perished at the hands of the deceiver, offering their lives to save the Orion race, and today they shine like 14 blue stars, like the Heart of Orion, so that in the Universe it is always remembered that the Love of God's Heart will always triumph because that is His Will.
All of us, on this planet Earth, one day had something to do with that Blue Heart of God. It is a story that each one of us will have to discover because as you enter more into the Heart of God, you will find that blue color that guides your way home.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
And united to You, King of the Universe, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Stay with God, everyone.
Live in the faith of the first Christians, who did not fear death but who madly wished for life in Christ and constantly offered their existence to God so that He could make of their soul's receptacles in order for graces and mercies to reach the world.
Live in the faith of the first Christians, who announced the Kingdom of God, not only with the word but mainly with their lives; which allowed them to become inflamed by the Love of God and discover what true faith is in the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Live in the faith of the first Christians, who were not struggling to gain and accumulate things of the world, rather they were surrendering to gain their place in Heaven, dissolving in the Heart of God, becoming One with the Father.
Live in the faith of the first Christians, who gave their lives for mysteries unknown to them, for an experience and a greater Life, which was only kept in the certainty of their hearts and in the darkness of their absolute faith.
Live, child, in this faith, allowing yourself to be inflamed by it, in prayer. May this faith, hidden within you, gain a place within your whole being so that it may be Christ who expands within you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gaze and their hearts toward the Heavens, not to plead but to give thanks, to recognize how many Graces and Mercies the Creator has poured out upon their lives and how much there is still to be lived within this walk in God, toward the Infiniteness of His Love and of His Creation.
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gratitude toward the Father for the Love He constantly emanates from the Immaculate Heart, for the Peace that comes from Mary and floods the souls, transforming them and consecrating them to God.
May each Child of Mary raise their gratitude to the Father for the awakening, for the revelation of His mysteries, for the veils that were torn and will be torn, for the life that is consecrated and re-consecrated in each new prayer.
May gratitude be the eternal prayer of all the Children of Mary because it will be only in Heaven, children, after this trajectory of transformation and love, that you will understand how blessed your lives were.
Gratitude will open the doors for you toward Eternity.
Gratitude will make fruitful all the Graces received.
Gratitude will make you instruments in the hands of Mary for the re-consecration of the whole world to Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be a guardian of all the impulses that you receive from God, cultivating within your heart that which draws you closer to His Truth and His Graces.
With silence, defeat adversities, with prayer, keep your consciousness elevated, and with eternal gratitude, constantly open the doors of the Universe, as well as to Infinity.
Child, be a guardian of all you receive in the name of humanity. Let each impulse reach your consciousness as something that pushes you toward the path of ascension, so that each day you are more within the Time of God and outside the time of humankind.
In your heart cultivate the good and the love for the Divine Purpose and leave the things of the world, which are no longer for you, to those who are still lost.
The impulses you receive come, in this time, so that your heart may be a doorway toward higher life. For this reason, keep your consciousness focused there, united with the subtle worlds, united with the Truth of God, united with the celestial mysteries that are revealed behind the veils that continue to be torn in these times.
Cultivate faith and hope, in spite of all that is taking place in the world. And even though life around you may seem so distant from what is real, do not suffer, rather simply walk toward what is High.
Do not let your mind be confused with the illusions of the world, which seem so real. There is a greater Life, there is a higher Purpose, there is a reality drawing closer to Earth and this is where your heart must be.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In a spirit of sacrifice and surrender, launch your heart into the unravelling of the mysteries of the Universe, as well as into the depths of the Earth.
With love, embrace what is unknown to you and give thanks to God for the Mercy granted in your life, of being so close to His Grace and His Truth.
In a world of so much ignorance, child, your spirit must be joyful for being a part of the cycle of revelations that begins for all humanity.
Open your heart to what you have never learned.
Open your consciousness to discover what was hidden within your soul.
Let the remembrances emerge, and that which you did not know to have experienced may arise as a way to propel you toward the new, the sacred and the sublime.
Let your soul face new horizons, because the tests of these times will be new and for this, you must be ready.
Let gratitude be the key always held within your hands to open the doors of the Heavens.
Let humility be your protective shield in this battle of ignorance and vanities, from which humankind tries to get out of and often does not manage to do so.
Let prayer be your harbor and the Heart of God your breath.
Breathe His Presence and radiate His Peace; in this way, you will realize that even what seemed most hidden has always been in front of you, in the Heart of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While you travel through sacred places, hold all of humanity, all life, within your hearts.
Feel that all that you have received, as an inner impulse, reaches each being of the Earth, and beyond.
Feel the spiritual unity that is established in the hearts of those who know that everything they receive is not for themselves, but rather for the Plan of God to be fulfilled in all His children throughout this world.
Besides uniting the dimensions and reaching the Heart of the Celestial Father, human beings have the possibility of inwardly sharing all the evolutionary lessons they experience, as well as all the codes of light they receive for taking their steps toward the Love of God.
It was in this way that the Love achieved by your Lord on the Cross overflowed from His Heart and everything He achieved reached each being of this planet and well beyond it.
This is one of the gifts that He taught you with His surrender: the gift of giving not only to oneself, but through all the Graces received and achieved, the gift of feeling united with all creatures and knowing that everything you experience is for each and every being of this planet.
Look at your fellow being, even if they may be someone you do not know, and yet know that they are also a part of God and they are here to convey something, learn something, redeem something and achieve the same love that, through Grace and Mercy, you receive, every day.
The more you allow the gifts received to influence you, and the more you consciously experience the Graces as a service for humanity, the more these gifts, children, will flow toward the world.
Remember that human beings are a great mystery. A mystery that is unveiled through experiencing and living, risking to love and to serve ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
God strengthens the hearts that respond to His call through tests and challenges, battles and difficulties, which forge fortitude and faith within.
It is in this way, children, that in the light of so many Graces received, the laws are balanced and those who receive everything from their Creator are called to give everything for Him.
God does not want to see you suffer, but He does need to allow the laws of this world to be fulfilled and that they guide you so that you may experience an ever deeper surrender of your lives.
In the face of the chaos of the world and the inner chaos, seek the spirit of peace and allow your consciousnesses to be focused outside of the dimensions of conflict that confuse the minds of humankind.
Through peace, your hearts, in times of such confusion and imbalance, will be able to attract Divine and Universal Laws and live the wisdom and discernment of the Spirit of God.
And so, children, do not forget to understand that the laws are fulfilled and all abundant Grace is balanced with sacrifice.
However, in difficulties, you can choose how to experience them. You can be in peace and united with the Divine Consciousness, and, in this way, not only keep your own consciousness in God, but also provide a service for this world that is confused and lacking balance and harmony.
I bless you. I place you under the protection and the peace of My Chaste Heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to respond to the call of God; a call that invites you to meet the spiritual and physical needs of this planet in redemption.
The time has come to listen to the Voice of God, which strongly resonates in the hearts that have already awakened.
From His Word will come the strength to move on. From His Love will come the help for renewal each day in the fulfilling of His Plan. From His desert, but also from His Kingdom, will come the experiences that will forge an unbreakable fortitude in those who walk.
Thus, listen to the Voice of God within you and follow His call. There will be no other cycle, there will be no other time.
There is only a great need, children, of being in the correct place and carrying out the responsibilities that your Celestial Father gave you from the beginning of humanity.
The tests are intensified, but the Graces are also multiplied. Know how to take the Gifts of God so that they may be the foundation under your feet, and carry on in prayer, in communion and in surrender.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the most sublime Sources of Creation, the Gaze of God radiates His Love toward the Earth.
Graces upon Graces, His Light descends to the world like an eternal spring of renewal and of life. These are the opportunities that beings receive to return to God.
Like a Savior who casts strings from Heaven so that His children may return to Him, the Creator is constantly pouring out His Gifts upon the world. These Gifts, children, are the path to return to God. Respect, love, humility, service and wisdom are some of the many bridges that God creates between His Heart and the hearts of His children.
Let your eyes be attentive to find the Gaze of the Father. Let your hearts be willing to be fertilized by His Grace. Let your lives always be ready to become new and to manifest what they receive from God.
The Creator waits for you. Open your eyes, see the bridge and begin to walk.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Divine Mercy descends to the world as the fruit of the purest and deepest Love of God for all His creatures. Allow for this spring to find within your prayers the bridge for reaching the world and, in your heart, the doorway for permeating the hearts of humankind.
Live the gift of Divine Mercy and you yourself be merciful as well. Express your gratitude, being consistent with all the Graces you receive in your life.
Live to announce to the world the gift of the divine presence, and imitating the Love of God with actions, thoughts and feelings of Mercy, child, multiply everything that the Creator gives to you.
You are an instrument of God in the world, the fruit of His Grace, the living expression of His Love. In your heart, carry this certainty, and with your life inspire beings to Love.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Universe within you does not hide, it merely keeps silent, waiting for its beings to turn inward to find it.
Mysteries only remain mysteries in the hearts of humankind when they do not seek them or are indifferent to spiritual life. All sciences may be revealed to you, because the Wisdom of God Himself is to be found within you. Your essence is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, to everything that He is.
There are no limits or boundaries for the spirit that untiringly treads the path of return to God. Ignorance is the self-condemnation of those who choose to remain in illusion, in the darkness of their consciousness. Wisdom is not a gift for the few; Wisdom is a virtue that is asleep in the essence of all human beings who can awaken through a sincere and pure search for the Truth.
Be pure of heart and begin to walk. Be sincere and ask the Father for the grace of being in His Heart and of living what you were created to live.
Aspire to go through the school of the Earth and to experience it fully. Aspire to express all the potential that you hold within you. God manifested each being according to His Perfection. All of you have unique virtues to express. Aspire, children, to fully manifest this truth.
Empty of human concepts, of vanity and pride that keep you attached to material concepts of evolution, you will be able to find the truth about yourselves. Divine Grace can reveal these and all things to you; it is enough that you wholeheartedly cry out and open up with your whole being.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart in the Heart of God and be grateful, child, for another cycle that is beginning. Let your spirit find renewal and peace in the impulses that descend from Heaven to guide souls into the new time.
Each day brings with itself the Graces and blessings to overcome the tests and challenges that come forward. Open your heart to perceive and receive these gifts, and understand how the Creator guides your steps and supports you so that by means of your life, other souls may find peace.
Love the path of awakening and of return to the Origin; let it be the priority of your heart.
A cycle has begun for humanity, child, in which the planetary tests will become even greater, the assaults and the temptations will grow, and you will see fall those who were not firm in Christ. But in spite of everything, calm your heart and find peace. Affirm the basis of your faith on prayer and on permanent surrender so that many may be supported in this rescue ship, which is the faith in the hearts of the children of God.
The impulses that will descend to the Earth will also be infinite, coming from the Universe of God and from His Heart. Many that have been asleep will awaken under a great impulse, and everything will have its balance.
Pray and keep your heart in God. See the tests of these times pass by with your heart firm in Christ and, in this way, you will not only find peace, but you will also be an instrument of peace for this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Remember within yourself all the impulses received within the recent days, in recent times, and let them generate results within you. Mature these results, meditating upon all that you have lived, allowing your consciousness to move to a different place from where it was before, receiving all these Graces of God.
Reflect upon all that you are to experience from now on, the steps to be taken, the tests that await you, and how your heart is to prepare for new cycles and impulses that have never been received or experienced by humanity.
Let Divine Grace permeate all that you are so that even the smallest of your cells may be conscious of what it receives and what it is called upon to experience as from now on. In this way, child, without wasting anything of the divine impulses that descend to the world, your being will always be worthy of greater impulses.
Learn to reflect on, to meditate upon and to love the steps that you are to take as a human person, as a soul and as consciousness, as a creature and as a part of the Divine Consciousness.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Accompany, with your heart and spirit, the steps of your Lord through this world.
Cry out, on behalf of humanity, for the roots of corruption of human consciousness to be pulled out from the depths of beings and of the Earth. Allow the Divine Hands to plunge into the ocean of the records of humanity, to liberate and purify you, removing from the consciousness of men and women of this world, the weight that does not allow them to walk.
Beg for Grace and liberation.
Let Mercy descend upon the Earth as a transforming flow, and offer your heart so that it may be the first one to be healed and transformed by God. Because thus, child, with your own example, you will open an even greater door so that the Mercy of God may descend to the world.
Cry out and be an example of the action of Divine Mercy. Ask God to transform the world and let yourself be transformed. Ask the Father to sublimate human corruption and let Him tear out from you the corrupt roots, the ancient energies and hidden forces that hinder you from deepening your steps toward God.
Look at the world, child, and feel yourself as a mirror of it. If you transform what is inside of you, that which is outside of you will also transform.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into prayer and cry out to the Father so that He opens the doors of His Kingdom within your own heart.
Place your attention in the depths of your essence and, as one who returns to his parents' house after a very long time, go with joy to meet your Creator. Feel His Love waiting for you; feel the spiritual warmth of His Presence. His Mercy fills all the spaces of your being.
Get onto your knees at the Feet of God and embrace Him spiritually. Tell His Heart your most sincere confession, repenting of your most hidden sins, and ask the Father for the Grace of being in Him and with Him, at each moment of life.
Receive the balm of the forgiveness of God and strengthen your faith. Then, cry out with a pure heart for those who most need it in this world. Do not forget to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the sinful souls who get lost in the abysses of their own ignorance.
Ask the Father in the name of all life, of all human consciousness, that the light of His Wisdom permeate His Creation through His divine Mirrors, and that this same light may be reflected onto you.
Understand, child, that at the feet of God, in your essence, is kept the key for the transformation of all things. Do not seek outside of yourself for the relief of your heart, when within you is found the door to be in God.
Receive from Him the blessings for the concretization of His Plan and, more than that, to intercede for this world.
Return then, to the House of the Father with your heart in peace, in the certainty that your consciousness remains there, for He is in you. Live in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Mercy of God that descends upon the world through the prayers of His children. These are times of miracles and inexplicable spiritual Graces.
Announce with your heart the Presence of God. Unite your heart to the choirs of angels and archangels that proclaim the victory of your Lord in the battle of this world.
Unite your voice to the deepest prayers of those who cry out for peace. Surrender your life, consciously, for a greater purpose.
Prayer, child, is the perfect key that opens the doors of Heaven and the hearts of men, which brings down the original principles of the Thought of God, to life and to beings. Like a rain of new codes, it cleanses beings of their old standards of conduct and restores them, revealing the truth that was hidden in their essence.
Prayer is this celestial melody which, when it is sincere, runs through the Universes and spreads through the air, bringing the Good News of renewal to all beings, of all the Kingdoms. It enters deep into the seas and restores the spirit of the oceans; enters the depths of the Earth and heals its internal registries; enters the depths of beings and makes them worthy children of God.
So pray with your entire being. Pray from the heart and see, that which I tell you to do, become fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The times that will arrive will deeply need the adherence of all in order to know how to go through the culminating stages which will place humanity on a new path.
With all of this, My children, I need you to be able to perceive the reality of this cycle which, full of challenges and tests, will be filled with the light of your prayers so that peace may be established in the world.
My children, this planetary moment will need more and more consciousness, righteousness and prayer in order to be within the necessary spiritual protection to know and learn how to discern before all the events that in a short while will approach.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to different nations of the world to prepare and alert all children of the Celestial Father, to remove souls from the illusion of these times, to awaken human consciousness and fraternity, which will help to feel the inner need to assist and cooperate with one’s fellow being.
Dear children, for this reason, the Divine Messengers also bring the graces that exist within the Creator Source of God so that souls may recover their filiation with the Eternal Father and, above all, remember their divine and spiritual origin, which is drowning under the modern influences of these times, under a global distraction.
Thus, dear children, I bring you to God through My Heart and I invite you to repair the Heart of the Divine Father so that He may pour His Mercy upon you.
My children, I call you to have more consciousness so that you may know how to make correct decisions rather than hasty ones. I call you to find the truth through your love and your devotion to God and to all of His Celestial Kingdom.
I impel you to change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Mystery of Divine Mercy
Mercy is a Grace still unknown to humankind. The spiritual science that humanity knows has still not fully comprehended this mystery because they try to place Mercy in their known theology and cannot see it as something that transcends all that is known to humankind.
On the Cross, the Creator transformed all Laws, and the God of Justice opened a new cycle for all of life, a cycle of pity, of forgiveness and of redemption, in spite of the seriousness of the sins of humanity.
There was no other greater sin than that undertaken by those who flagellated and crucified God Himself; but even so, children, when they were touched by the merciful Blood of Christ, they were forgiven, healed and redeemed by the potency of His Love.
Mercy is a mystery that is joined with the mystery of human creation. It is a Grace coming from the link between humankind and God, their Creator. It was from the moment when the Father was fulfilled in His creatures, through His Son, and demonstrated to beings the true essence of what humanity is, that Mercy began to flow toward the planet and to all of Creation.
Mercy is born in the Heart of God as a new opportunity for beings to achieve the Grace of Love, but in order to reach the material universes of the manifestation of life, the vehicle of Mercy is the prayer of humanity, and the doorway to Mercy is their heart.
The human essence is intimately connected to the existence of Divine Mercy, to the point that their genes can physically carry the potency and the presence of this Gift that comes from God, just as it was in the Blood of Christ.
The Redeemer fully lived Divine Mercy so that all beings could recognize their own potential, and move toward it.
I tell you all these things so that you may understand the importance of truly crying out for Mercy in this time, not only for this world, but for all of Creation.
Recognize yourselves as potential carriers of the Grace that comes from the Father and cry out for it to descend upon the world and upon all of life. The more you cry out and pray, the closer you come to God and the more you awaken within yourselves what you truly are.
The potential of human beings is infinite, but in this time, children, only the purity of the heart and sincere prayer will be able to awaken you. It is in serving this planet that you will be able to enter into the mysteries about yourselves and draw closer to the heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On this May 13th, may your souls ask God for a Grace: the redemption of hearts, the liberation of this world, so that souls may find peace.
Today do penance and pray for the Light of Fatima to expand toward those places most in need.
Unite your voices to the divine voice of your Heavenly Mother. Unite your rosaries to Her Rosary of Light and cry out with the potency of your essences, which makes you worthy children of God.
Ignite in your hearts what makes you similar to your Creator and pray, children. Vigil, in prayer, for this world to be redeemed.
Unite to the universal and divine conditions in which Greater Laws are congregated by the prayers of all beings who, in different nations, unite to the Heart of Our Lady of Fatima.
With the mirrors of your hearts ignited and united to the Greater Mirror of your Divine Mother, allow a Supreme Grace to be established and to give the world an opportunity of liberation, redemption and peace.
Today, pray for peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more