Special Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through the oceans, My Consciousness is mirrored throughout humanity, and within human beings it can mirror the great state of Christic Consciousness. It is this spiritual and inner state that I have sought to implement in the entire human race throughout times, through the impulses that I bring to you in this cycle.

Today My Heart and all of My Being are now in Africa, just as your inner worlds and your prayers may also be there so as to accompany Me in this daring task of redeeming the African Continent and of generating, in all peoples of Africa, the relief of suffering and the recovery of peace.

For this reason, I Am here today, but in Spirit and omnipresence, I Am also in Africa, dealing with very important and spiritual subjects, which up to today your consciousnesses have not known.

Once again, I invite you to love mystery through the Love that I offer to you. Thus, you will be able to feel, in your inner world and in your consciousness, the impulses that I bring to you, so that you may learn to recognize My Will, the Will that is already written in the Consciousness of the Eternal Father, in all His Angels and Archangels, this Will that has been trying to establish itself from the origin of the planet, from the beginning of humanity.

For this reason, My Divine Consciousness has worked from the origins of the Earth for this human project, which was lovingly thought of by the Creator.

But you must know something important: this is the time to correct humanity, not through Justice, but rather through Mercy, so that it may again find the path toward its evolution and awakening, which it has lost.

The African Continent holds very important treasures, precious treasures unknown up to today.

It is My task, and it is also My duty, to reveal these treasures to you through the spiritual wealth that is kept in many hearts of Africa. A spiritual wealth that was not only exploited and removed in an unjust way that went unpunished, but also a spiritual wealth that was buried, silenced and enslaved by the countries and consciousnesses that unfortunately rule these nations of Africa.

In My Return, I will come with a Great Project to carry out and concretize. One of these Projects that I hold in My Heart is the re-emergence of the spiritual consciousness of Africa, what it has represented for the Eternal Father since the beginning and the whole legacy that no one has yet come to know.

These treasures about which I speak to you are not material, but rather deeply spiritual, and I might even say, super-physical.

These treasures will allow the planet, as a soul and as an inner consciousness, to regenerate, and thus allow the emergence of the New Humanity, which is not the humanity of these times, because this is a humanity in transition, in trial, it is a humanity in suffering and in agony.

Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.

For this reason, the beginning of this mission in Angola, at this stage, will be very significant, and it will not be like previous experiences, which strengthened the spirit of missionary service.

Now is the time to allow for the emergence, and also the concretization, of what the Father needs to materialize on the surface, that which you already know as sacred Points of Light, which will benefit not only Africa, but also the whole world. And this will demonstrate to all of humanity, once again, the sacrifice of the consciousnesses of Africa who do not lose faith and hope in My Heart, who only have My Heart so as to survive.

For this reason, My Heart gives of itself, once again, just as it once did in Rwanda. Now I come for all of Africa, for all nations of Africa, for all peoples and all cultures.

The time has come for humanity to recognize the errors it has committed against Africa and to correct and mend them, not only in a material way, but also in a spiritual way.

For this, I Am here as the Advocate of God, as the Mediator and Intercessor between the just and the unjust souls. I Am here through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy and by means of the Light of My Grace to make hope re-emerge in those who have lost it and do not have anything today.

For this reason, the steps that will be taken in this cycle will be important, they will be steps that will determine the coming times, they will determine the next cycles, and I might even say, the next events.

For this reason, you must be attentive and watchful. And as My apostles, servers and missionaries, called to live the Plan of God, you must carry forward the Purpose of your Master and Lord, that of sowing Christic Love in hearts and souls, and, that of allowing suffering souls, through this unfathomable, infinite and inexhaustible Christic Love, to again find hope, faith and the joy of living in this world, and also so that, at the same time, they may again find the virtues and gifts that they do not know today.

For this reason, through the foundation of My Work in South America, a bridge of Light, of unity and brotherhood is today created between South America and Africa so that Europe may also join this purpose and so that the African Continent may no longer be used as a discard, as trash of the consciousnesses that suffer the most, but rather that Europe and the Northern Hemisphere may finally take the step to cancel out the pending spiritual debt they still have with all of Africa.

I told you, as of 2017, about the importance of reaching Africa. Some movements took place, but they were not enough. Some experiences were lived, but they were not enough. It is time for each European consciousness, each member of the Northern Hemisphere, to place their hearts, and, above all, their life, unconditionally at the service of those who most need it. This will demonstrate to your Master and Lord that you can understand My Message, and that My Message does not get lost in time nor does it end up kept only as a remembrance.

It is time to act with readiness and determination. You, suns on Earth that are already awakened, know what you must do and where you must be. Do not resist, may the Europeans not resist, but may they rather open their hearts and cancel the debts they have with Africa.

Someone must take the step and you are the ones who must do it for those who will never take the steps, for those who will never look with Mercy or even compassion upon the suffering brothers and sisters of Africa.

I invite you to reconsider your attitudes and intentions. I invite you to definitively position yourselves on the path of the concretization of the Plan.

The times now urge. For this reason, you must be attentive, so as not to lose the impulses, so as not to lose all that I Am bringing to you in these times. Africa has waited for a long time for this moment, and will not be able to wait any longer. For this reason, I Am here to remind you, to let you know, that this is the time for action.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy prepare this immediate moment that I so much want to see concretized through you. A moment for serving without conditions, for giving of oneself without conditions, for doing something without conditions for those who suffer, for the brothers and sisters of Africa.

I can no longer hear, nor keep seeing the children of Africa, who wait for hands and arms that could welcome them, that could approach and, above all, that could love and serve them. They wait for love and not just for bread.

This is why it is important that you change your concepts about what survival life is. It is important that you may understand that in the hearts of Africa there are unknown and important treasures.

If this movement of permanent service for the African Continent takes place in these times through the collaboration and donation of all, it will allow for the spiritual debt of Europe and also of other regions of the planet to be relieved, allowing for the African consciousness to be repaired and spiritually rebuilt.

You must not just have a gesture of goodwill, this is not enough for Me; you must have a gesture of concretion, of readiness and not of resistance. You have My treasures and My Graces upon you, in your hearts and souls.

For this reason, I tell My apostles: this is the time to act, and to not allow My enemy to advance in this world and, above all, in those peoples and nations conditioned by the corrupt systems of this world.

I do not ask you to do big things, I ask you to make movements and carry out actions with love. There is the key to redemption.

After this Message, and through your prayers to the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, I will return to Africa to keep working, just as I have been doing throughout these days, preparing the continent for a new stage. But this new stage will take place and be concretized through collaboration, and I might even say, the enthusiasm of those who understand My Message, and not just listen to it.

Through this Marathon of Divine and unfathomable Mercy, I can tell you, My companions, that the world will live a Judgment in the face of what Africa lives and suffers today. Do not expect that those who claim to be powerful, or even those who exploit all of Africa, will change. The change, companions, begins within you, in the anonymous service for others.

This will grant the world an unknown, inexplicable amnesty, and Africa will be able to rise and re-emerge as the people and the culture it represents to God.

I will pray for you, My companions, to take the steps, especially all the members of this Work that belong to Europe. It is not enough that one, two or three consciousnesses make a movement for Africa, all are responsible for the spiritual debt.

I invite you to assume the cross, just as I assumed it for you. But I assure you that you will not experience the weight or the calvary that I experienced for you. I will always be there, by your side, to sustain you, to impel you, to transform you, to convert you into My apostles of the end times.

Be brave and do not step back. 

Do not fear the cross, nor the suffering, rather fear to be far from God and absorbed by the illusion of the world. 

You have the treasures of the Father, through Our Words and Our Apparitions, you have received these treasures; now it is time to place them at the service of others, of those who most need them, of those who have most waited for them, for such a long time.

I will be there, waiting for your definitive steps.

Now I truly return to Africa as a spiritual and divine Consciousness, hoping that more consciousnesses may assume a mature and not a passing service. Remember that Africa has a great spiritual and physical wound that has not yet healed. The presence of My apostles, of My servers and missionaries, will generate the healing of this situation, which is inexplicable to all.

Only Love will heal the pain.

I encourage you to move forward.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

With bells of joy, I was received in Europe, as the time has come to again congregate My disciples. Those who were with Me in the past, who were part of My trajectory on Earth, who lived My Word, who practiced My Commandments, who surrendered their lives at the service of others.

I come here today, to Europe and to the whole world, so that each consciousness may look inwards and through their interior, and not through their minds, they may feel and understand how in truth the world is a planet in chaos, confusion and suffering.

But I do not come to again repeat to you all these things, because I know that you are already aware of them.

What you must know, companions, is that it is time to seek a solution.

It will not be an external solution, but rather an inner solution, a deep and true conviction, that you must be definitively united to God.

Thus, you will allow My sidereal Priesthood to be fulfilled on this planet through all those who serve Me in this lineage, in this office, in this sacred task.

I need you to look within, not to see the imperfection of things, but rather to recognize the Grace of God, the Grace that guides you and that has sustained you up to these current times.

In this way, all adversity that is around you will become small; because a true disciple is forged through the challenges, the goals, the fulfillment of the Sacred Purpose.

I need Europe to awaken from the sleep of its comfort and live the immediate action of these times, the service that will encompass and meet the needs of nations, especially the poorest nations, as those of Africa.

In this way, with your willingness and surrender, with your true self-giving, you will impel other souls to also do the same exercise, so that this debt that Europe has, especially with South America, can be paid once and for all; and so that there no longer be sequels, wounds or marks that remind your brothers and sisters of all you did in other times.

By means of the Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, I come to grant you the opportunity of forgiveness so that you may achieve the opportunity of redemption.

For this reason, prepare yourselves with bravery and determination. The emergency will only tend to increase, the demand will only tend to grow. It is time to forge the true disciple, the self-given soul that will sacrifice itself for Me. Thus, I will have no obstacles to intercede for you and for your nations.

From the heart of Europe, the change of consciousness must emerge; from a selfless, unconditional, available, mature, wise and surrendered consciousness, from a consciousness that can mold charity, the good, peace, fraternity and cooperation, and not the subjection of the poorest countries.

All are responsible for what happens today throughout the world, each one in their degree, each one in their school. But the destiny is one, the path is one, the truth is one, and it is the one that I bring you today to open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, so that your heart may feel all that I am telling you today. Thus, I will be able to deposit My Plans within you, in trust and fidelity, in readiness and response, something that must emerge from yourselves so that the Hierarchy can intervene and help.

Through My Hands, I illuminate the Plans of My Father, and I present them to all of Europe and the whole world.

We have chosen to return here, although there are greater needs in other parts of the world, because if the change does not take place from the root of consciousness within this place, there will be no change in the rest of humanity. With this, you will be able to understand where everything began, where the deviation began.

Through Love, I come to deposit My Light and My Wisdom so that the New Christs may awaken and prepare themselves to serve.

Unity among the praying groups and the pilgrims of Europe will always be very important. Now that the consequences and chaos have separated you from one another, you must be more united than ever; but united from the heart, in truth, with a deep feeling of brotherhood and fraternity towards your fellow being. Thus, you will maintain the doors open to My Mercy and Europe will not be hit so hard due to all that it has not done well.

You know, companions, that the door of Divine Justice is opening. I want, through your sacrifices, surrenders and renunciations, to sustain this door so that it does not open, and, thus, the flow of the Mercy of My Heart can be poured out upon Europe and the whole world, as it once was in Poland, when I revealed to the world My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I want your souls to be victims of My Love. I want your souls to justify the errors that the world commits, day by day, because the scales of this planet are ill-adjusted, uneven and unbalanced.

You must be precious pieces within My Hands, you must be instruments through which I can impel peace and the fulfillment of the Plan. Thus, companions, many, many will cease to suffer and to have to endure.

May your European nations be shelter and sustenance for the refugees, because I am the one who is knocking at the door of your nations, your governments and your homes, so that you can receive Me.

I have walked many times on the grounds of this continent, Europe. I was rejected many times within a child, within the mother who suffers, within the sick elderly person, within those who are not accepted, because they are foreigners.

Now that you have greater awareness, through the impulse of My Love, I invite you to renew yourselves with bravery and not with guilt. I invite you to feel the joy of being able to do the right things and cease to do incorrect things; that which no longer belongs to the Law or to the Plan, that which no longer belongs to brotherhood or fraternity.

May your hearts become sensitive, may your minds calm, may your spirits open up to be depositories of My Projects for this very important cycle in Europe.

Thus, many inner centers will benefit the consciousness of this continent and of the whole world, because with the consistency of My disciples, the intervention will be deeper and more immediate.

I come to bring you a Message of awareness and not a Message of punishment. I come to speak to you while there is still time, before time runs out. The Brotherhood of this region of the planet awaits your ‘yes.’

This is why it is important that you change your ways and even procedures. To follow and accompany the Hierarchy is not just to be united to It. To follow and accompany the Hierarchy is to live the Hierarchy, it is to respond to it, it is to work.

I have brought here to Europe a part of the group of the Grace Mercy Order that was in South America so that you may feel supported, so that you may know that Our Sacred Hearts, with predilection, will be in the Kingdom of Fatima, and while being in the Kingdom of Fatima, they will be with all of Europe, accompanying all the needs, situations, intentions and supplications, even in the Far East.

For this reason, you have to prepare for the last cycle of the end of times, this is the moment and this is the time.

I open to you the door of My Heart so that you can enter the Temple of My Spirit and commune with the Source of My Wisdom and Love.

I come to make you brave. I come to impel you to live the fire of determination so that that which must be built can be built, once and for all.

I come to bring My blessing to Europe because My Heart loves this continent, which has such precious roots and traditions, which have been gradually lost due to modernity.

The European is a hard-working people and they have shared and transmitted this to their descendants, to many of their descendants who are in South America and in other parts of the world. May this hard-working spirit continue impelling the concretion of the Plan.

Therefore, I come to leave this Message to you for this new Marathon, so that you may know that I am here, under the unconditional Spirit of My Father, who is your Father, Our Father, who is in the Heavens.

I come to this inner Sanctuary to celebrate this renewing Communion, this Communion in which you will be able to confirm the vows for My Plan of Love and Redemption to be fulfilled.

Celebrate this moment for those who cannot celebrate it. Praise this moment for those who cannot praise it, because they are under subjection and slavery, exile and war, annihilation and chaos.

Recognize that you are not alone and that, just as My Hand extends to you, My Heart expands to the world, so that all can be under the Rays of My Peace.

Offer this Marathon of Divine Mercy for all the Plans of your Master and Lord for Europe, Africa and the Middle-East.

No matter what, the Work must now expand, not only the Work of My Mercy, but also the Work of the humanitarian missions, because My Love must keep relieving the suffering of the innocent.

I give you My Peace and I ask you to go in My Peace, trusting that a new time will come. This is the coming time of the Kingdom of the Heavens, the New Humanity, of the one thousand years of peace.

I bless you, under My spiritual Priesthood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


It is in this new cycle, which will begin in the year 2020, that incredible things will be seen and known.

Everything that was cleverly hidden, in all senses, forms and ideas, will be uncovered.

Every lie, manipulation or deceit that has been constructed through invention of humankind will be unmasked.

Every situation of people, whether it is inner or outer, concerning health, purification or resistance, will be shown, because the solar waves that in this time will be entering, during the summer in South America, are ultraviolet waves that are coming with an extremely high degree of expulsion and movement in all living beings of this and other planets.

As from the year 2020 on, the Solar System will enter into the last and most acute spiritual, cosmic, mental and material stage of its transition.

Of the eight billion people present upon this planet, ninety percent are distracted or hypnotized by global illusion.

In this sense, the field of action of the solar waves will move from its location and remove everything that is outside of the Law, and this impulse that the Universe will bring, which will be associated with the imbalance of the planet and the axis of the Earth, will increase the unexpected effect of this cosmic movement.

Therefore, the year 2020 will be the last segment for being able to achieve an elevation of consciousness and of the mental plane, so that the universal effects of this movement shall not affect the majority of sleeping consciousnesses.

Just as the solar impulse will be intense for the involutionary spheres of humanity, the same impulse will bring all beings of goodwill the opportunity to take great and firm steps in evolution and in the maturity of consciousness, as well as the possibility of establishing important spiritual processes of redemption, of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

But I again say: there will not be a being on the surface of this planet that will be able to oppose or hide from this solar movement. Everything will be in evidence.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Today My pain for humanity converts into Divine Mercy, and I radiate the Rays of My Heart to the whole world.

On this special day, after the adorers of My Eucharistic Body sincerely offered Me their spiritual union with Me; it was like feeling a balm for the thirst I once had on the Cross, a thirst not understood nor known. That ancient and deep thirst for lost souls was quenched by the adoration of My companions.

That special moment was when your Redeemer, for an instant, found the inner spring of good souls.

For this reason, today I was able to spiritually help South America, the Promised Land, so that its peoples and nations could perceive that they have distanced themselves from the Love of God and that, in the struggles and conflicts, they will not achieve the freedom that souls seek for so much.

But at the most acute moment, do not fight with swords; withdraw into My kind Heart so that you may feel the peace and trust of being upon the path to redemption; in this way, I will always renew you and fill you with My spiritual gifts and virtues.

Thank you all who, with sincerity and love, adored My flagellated Heart, because today I also was inwardly reborn and I can say to you again: "I make all things new."

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While the channels of transmutation of the Divine Hierarchy are preparing to carry out the regional task with Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina, some souls are placed in this service in the inner planes so that, out of love for My Heart and My Grace, Divine and universal Justice does not fall upon those nations, especially upon those nations that are today experiencing severe social and human conflicts.

But this situation goes beyond disconformity in the people that inhabit those nations. In these events, two complex realities come together, the spiritual reality and the cosmic reality of souls, the veiled history of those not yet aware that they came to the planet to be redeemed and to reconcile.

For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy will join this task, not only to attend to a spiritual situation, but also to try, with great risk, to resolve the cosmic situation within the consciousnesses.

Because what is occurring today in South America is not only a process of abuse of power and of inequality of rights and of assets. As never before, South America is now the scene of errors that are being repeated again, like in other times.

Thus, the Hierarchy will concentrate in Argentina, through a special epicenter that will assist in the freeing of certain thoughtforms that awaken and generate momentum towards rebellion in souls.

For the Hierarchy, it will be one of the most demanding tasks.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this stage for the mission of the Plan of Redemption!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While South America experiences the results of a crisis, generated by certain nations, the peoples that are put into conflict and in dissociation are losing the values of cooperation and solidarity, as each day the people become more disappointed and lose confidence in those who lead them.

Thus, to be free from this situation and from this chaos, it is necessary to be in prayer and in attunement, so that the consciousness and all that is around it may be elevated into another vibration and into another state.

At this moment, this initiative of elevating the consciousness will withdraw the being from that chain of dissociations and of discord; this is why it is important not to enter, even in thought, into that battlefield that was generated only to take advantage of the situation and to exercise abuse of power.

This moment will demand greater elevation of the consciousness and of all the being so that a sufficiently elevated protection may be established.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Now that Colombia has been faced with the opportunity to find the principles and the values of its culture again, souls will be able to receive the dignity and the freedom of feeling a part of this legacy, which brought Colombia the spirit of the immaculate and of the sacred.

Through the Pilgrimage for Peace, Colombia will be gradually placed before the spiritual treasures that the people of Guatavita knew in the past, and they will have the Grace of essentially recovering all that was taken from it and erased from ancestral memory.

Colombia is a great original people that, like other peoples, entered into the rebellion and the conquest that was carried out during the discovery of America. For this reason, Europe owes much to South America, just as it owes much to Africa.

Everything that happened must be balanced, and the European descendants of the conquistadores will be the ones to settle the consequences generated over the course of time.

Colombia will be able to rise when it remembers the values of faith and trust that it experienced in the past; which will allow its people to have the chance of recovering their original roots.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Through the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia, the Spiritual Hierarchy will try to embrace the greatest possible number of humanitarian situations so that, from the spiritual plane, they may be served and a solution may be carried forward on the material plane, in face of the infinite number of causes.

In this context, although the Divine Messengers have cancelled the pilgrimage in the cities of Cucuta and Barranquilla, it does not mean that, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and through the meetings of prayer that will succeed it, the Hierarchy will be unable to take care of everything that They planned to assist in these regions of Colombia.

Therefore, the Divine Hierarchy will increase efforts so that the greatest amount of spiritual and concrete situations may be assisted by the Divinity.

In this way, it will be necessary that inner and material support be provided for, so that the more concrete bases of this pilgrimage may be really firm and, as a result, through the spontaneous contribution and the collaboration of everyone, the Hierarchy may count on this foundation, that will be built by the loving help of all.

Thus, the tasks will be broader and the help will be deeper, and not only Colombia will benefit, but also the rest of South America and, from South America, the whole world.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While chaos and evil illusorily join efforts to find out who will win the power over the people in the region of South America, on the other side, the Hierarchy, attentive and vigilant, works silently from within the inner fortresses of the Sacred Sites of the planet to be able to maintain the most effective balance among consciousnesses, so that complaints and movements may be avoided in order to prevent them from compromising universal peace and harmony.

But there is a piece that humanity must experience in response to what it chose for its near destiny.

Because of the lack of transparency and truth in the majority of nations in the world, souls have to face situations of even greater uncertainty and doubt, because the essence of the governments have become corrupt through unlimited abuse of goods and power, which should be shared equally.

This reality is that which causes humanity to regress and distances it more and more from the Law and from Love.

Thus, the necessary change and the needed transformation will come by means of the coming events, which will cause consciousnesses to define the path that they will decide to follow in the coming time.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While in Colombia the natural riches continue to be removed from the depths of Mother Nature, in benefit of those who refer to themselves as first world countries, nature will show itself, because it is something very similar to the human being losing some part of its body. In this way, nature also loses parts, except that it does not scream in pain, although it vastly suffers. But it will show itself.

If Colombia does not prohibit the exploitation of its resources, and does not protect them from the ambition of humankind, the nation will come to know the untamable power that nature holds.

Do not give pearls to swine. The nations that call themselves powerful have impoverished all of South and Central America for centuries and, furthermore, they cause humble nations to become indebted, those that hold the best and most incalculable natural riches in the world and that are to be part of the New Humanity.

The debt of the exploiting countries is great and unknown. Let their inhabitants hold fast to prayer so that the impact and the effects of all that they do outside of the law may be gentle.

Nobody can surpass Creation, because Creation and nature exist to educate and instruct the human being, which is miseducated. 

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


They not only want the Amazon to disappear, but also, with the social crises, they want to unbalance the nations of South America and of Central America by means of ideological plans that are now being applied in which, up until today, there is no fidelity or transparency on the part of the leaders toward the peoples.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, with the extraordinary assistance of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, will be preparing, in the Celestial Planes, to enter again into the nation of Colombia, which others also want to unbalance, through a condition of hostile creation and thought. 

In truth, the maximum Hierarchy of the Universe will be mobilized after the important meeting in Manaus, Amazonas, to give spiritual assistance to three Andean nations: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; as in these recent times they have been the scene of manifestations and social rebellion, which only move toward tragedies.

Venezuela was the doorway so that South America, as a future cradle of the New Humanity, would be brought into imbalance.

For this reason, the Divine Hierarchy appeals to all beings of goodwill who believe in the Celestial Father and in the concretization of the Divine Plan, to become mobilized, within all of South America and beyond it, to materialize the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia; as after the last 8th of August, the work as a whole has taken on attending to and aiding in planetary situations rather than regional or local situations.

So that this wave of imbalance in South America, generated by the exploiting countries of the first world, not end in a continental situation, I come to ask you for your collaboration, and I will also come to ask Colombia to become consecrated to the King of Peace so that an extraordinary Grace may appease the future anguish and desolation of the Andean peoples.

As from now, I am thankful for the adherence and the awareness of all.

For this, the Most Holy and Pure Mother, Queen of Chiquinquirá and Lady of the Apocalypse will also come to ask you for the re-consecration of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

If Her request is not attended to, worse and bloody happenings will come, which will be seen by the entire world.

There is still time to stop it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


If the Amazon region is totally devastated, as it has been happening throughout the recent years, and if the government continues forcing its ideas and projects upon Creation, the Brazilian people will witness events that will reach beyond the communication media and the newspapers.

Nothing can stop the trial and justice that the head, who was chosen to govern this country, will face, because no creature on the surface of Earth will be able to modify or deter the powerful action of the Universal Laws and, above all, the Universal Law of nature itself. This punishment can only be stopped with prayers from the loyal devotees of My Sacred Heart.

When I asked you to pray for the reconsecration of Brazil, it was so that at this moment you might be strengthened before all the unimaginable, which will show up overnight.

I want you to understand, companions, that never should anyone dare to challenge the Law, as many men and women do, because their lives will not only be unhappy, but sooner or later they will be converted into a disgrace, impossible to be hidden from anybody.

In the same way, I have come to ask you to pray for the reconsecration of Argentina, for the Argentines to be protected.

If within Brazil the harmful projects against life and against nature are not deterred, you will see not only fire, but also a lot of innocent blood flow, like rivers, and this will be similar to what happened in Kibeho, Rwanda.

If at this same moment the Brazilian government does not stop and listen, although it does not believe in the divine existence, many will cry more than hundreds of raindrops that fall from the sky.

I come to avoid a national and social catastrophe. Therefore, take My Message to the world, because if you do not do what I am asking you, South America will experience the consequences, a drought as it has never experienced one before.

There will not be a new flood, but rather rain will fall from great and unknown stars that will end a part of humanity.

I call you to be conscious.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus 



Many of My followers in South America and in the world would like to hear the word of the Hierarchy concerning that which our dear and subjected Amazon region is going through.

This is proof of the indifference of human beings and of the unconsciousness of those who take advantage of Creation and of the great regions of the planet that are exploited for the benefit of few and the poverty of the majority.

Humankind itself will realize too late all that it has transgressed and all that it has lost.

Therefore, what happens today in the Amazon region is an answer to the uncontrolled corruption and the excessive and sick exploitation of those who govern the nations, as well as a harsh consequence for those who have elected them.

In summary, all that the Amazon region is going through is not a punishment from God, it is a responsibility of the same humanity that believes to be powerful before the lower Kingdoms and the elements.

Yet, while humanity continues hurting the Amazon, the world shall know, even more, the fury and the indignation of the Kingdoms of Nature because the Law, which is stable and secure, cannot be transgressed.

Therefore, the groups of prayer must place the entire situation of the Amazon on another level of consciousness and not remain in the coordinate of judgments and of commentaries, for this strengthens the harassments of the adversary in the minds of the governors, in which he works in a hidden way.

Ask the Heavenly Father for only His Will to be fulfilled and do not hesitate even for a moment. Put your faith in the Lord and all shall pass.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


And you will see arriving, companions, the Son of God, transfigured in the most culminating moment of humanity, in the same way that He comes today to meet you in Divinity and in Spirit. I will return in the most culminating moment of the Earth, when I will come to seek you and gather you together in My Name, in the same way that I gathered together the twelve apostles in the past, but this time it will be different because, in spite of the world being in upheaval, you will be able to recognize Me and will receive Me in the same way that you do, in this time.

I will gather together all the tribes of My Father, not only here in Argentina, in the heights of the mountain, but I will also appear, like I did in Bethany, in other places of South America so that in such acute and difficult hours, My friends, you will not feel any fear, but rather a deep and joyful bliss for having again found Me.

I will call each by your original name and, in this way, will awaken within you the sweet memory of having once been with Me, sharing the same bread and the same wine that today I give you all again.

My arrival in Argentina this time is different, I now find you more mature and aware of the importance of following your Redeemer, without any doubts.

This is the time in which your inner preparation will be finalized and your true service will begin for the redemption and the forgiveness of the whole human race.

The time for My Return has come.

I thank you for having received Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Words of Christ Jesus transmitted during the consecration of the elements, in the presence of many pilgrims:

May My Words be the breath of the Spirit in you so that in this time the true being may manifest, that which will represent Me on Earth and will testify to My Presence throughout the entire world.

I come to assemble you in Truth, in the one Truth of God, which has you participate in His spiritual freedom and which promises you complete redemption of your beings and your consciousnesses so that My Christic Purpose may be fulfilled. I open the doors of My Heart and My Consciousness so that you may receive the presence of My Celestial Church which assembles you in equality and in love, which allows you to eternally celebrate the Love of the Father with Me.

Now that I find you with this joy, with this welcome that I feel in My heart, the Holy Spirit will act through your Gifts and with the Sacraments so that, renewed in your faith and trust in God, you will know that you will keep walking forward with Me, seeking within yourselves the realization of the Plan of God and the concretization of His Project in this human race, through the action of My Mercy, My Grace and My Pity.

I open the doors of My Heart and My Consciousness so that you may receive the presence of My Celestial Church which assembles you in equality and in love, which allows you to eternally celebrate the Love of the Father with Me.

We stand up.

At this moment, each one of My representatives and servers on the surface of the Earth will make their offering before the Celestial Father through My Sacred Heart so that He may receive your pleas, your intentions and your true offering so that His Grace may continue descending to Earth and touch all hearts.

In the silence of your heart you will make this offering with Me; meanwhile, in the presence of the living God, your Master and Redeemer will transubstantiate the elements together with the angelic hosts so that the Mercy of the Father may descend upon the beings and the planet, and the flame of light of your hearts may be strengthened and again lit so that love and grace may be in abundance within the world and the love of life may be respected.

In the Presence of Christ, Our Lord, by His invitation and call, we will enter the consciousness of His Celestial Church intoning the "melodic Kodoish" together.

Let us return to the instrumental "And so spoke the Master."

And in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior, at His request and call, in this moment we will participate in the consecration and the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will change into the Body and the Blood of Our Lord.

We invite those who can, to kneel, or to remain standing.

We thank God for the renewal of this sacrifice and for the inspiration, in this moment, that our Lord Jesus Christ gives us through the Sacraments, and especially through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

In that time, Jesus was together with His apostles, and many more consciousnesses in the inner planes, which are present here today.

He took the bread, elevated it, recognized the sacrifice that the Father was asking Him to endure and with the immensity of His Love, gave thanks, gave it to His apostles and said to them: "Take and eat all of It, for this is My Body that will be given to you for the forgiveness of sins," and at the sound of three bells, the transubstantiation of the bread into the Divine Body of Christ was established.

We praise You, Lord and we Bless You (repeated three times).

And before the Lord ended His Supper and gave the greatest gift of love to humanity, He took the Chalice, elevated it to God, the Father blessed it and He deeply thanked Him for the sacrifice He would go through, for each one of us, until the end of times. He gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by Your Redeemer and by many martyrs, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me." And at the sound of the three bells, the transubstantiation of the wine into the precious Blood of Christ was established.

We praise You, Lord and we bless You (repeated three times).

The Divine Body and Blood of our Lord. Amen.

In unity with His Sacred Heart, and for the triumph and the victory of His Kingdom in humanity, united with Him, in absolute awareness and attunement, we repeat the prayer that He taught us:

Our Father.

We may stand.

Companions, never lose hope and faith, because these are virtues that will renew you and will always urge you to continue onward, knowing how to transcend barriers, knowing how to experience challenges and, this way, you will gain peace, and you will how never lose it, because you will be in Me and I in you.

May peace on this day be in you and in Argentina. Amen.

In the presence of the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in fraternity, you will give each other the greeting of peace.


Today, for the first time, I am wrapped in the mantle of the Argentine flag and, through this symbol, I wish to announce that My purpose for this people is still unknown to the majority of souls.

For this reason, so that souls may understand the meaning of your Master and Lord returning to Argentina in the month of August, which will be the most daring goal of all times, for in this people I will place one of My seven aspirations so that it may be fulfilled, through the adherence and the perfect union of all My servers.

This is the time for granting to the world the concretion of many miracles, as it is also the time in which humanity sees the reality that it always wanted to hide from its sight.

Argentina is a laboring and working people, a virtue that also reflected in their spiritual life with the same strength and determination.

Thus, I will make use of the inner power of the heart of the Argentines to prepare My return and, in this way, fulfill the promise in humanity that was once made for all, that I would return at the most culminating moment on Earth.

And as it is the time, and that hour is approaching, I will again visit My companions of Argentina so that the foundation of the bases of a Light-Colony of souls may be finished in South America, which in the name of many more, will fulfill the Will of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


At the beginning, during the first Meeting of Prayer in Buenos Aires, Argentina, within the first days of the month of August and after the spiritual practice of the Sacraments, the inner and spiritual condition will then be prepared for your Redeemer to return to South America and from Argentina to carry forward, not only the task of liberation and of forgiveness, but also the great moment of the Eucharistic Celebration with souls.

It is in this way, companions, that in the first days of August, the Spiritual Universe of God will be granting a reprieve to Argentina and also to the region which, in an inexplicable way, will open the door to redemption and to forgiveness for those souls that did not deserve them.

Through the sublime action of Divine Mercy, through the songs and prayers that will be offered, a period of inner peace will be able to be established in the spiritual consciousness of Argentina so that, filled by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, the Argentines may make their great and last decision, which will place their people and nation in Eternal Mercy or in Divine Justice.

It will be the faith of the heart of the Argentines that will allow Your Master and Lord to be able to intercede and work miracles in many souls. In this way, there will be built the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



As days go by, the special moment draws closer in which your Redeemer will place His Feet again on the sacred ground of South America and will enter one of the regions destined to be the New Earth, Argentina.

Beyond the social, political and human decadence, Argentina is a country blessed by the beauty of the Creation of God and the most precious landscapes, from Tierra del Fuego to the peaks of Jujuy, serve as immaculate and inner sites so that the Hierarchy may always be present there.

The Celestial Father knows that the majority of His children of Argentina and of all of South America are going through the first cycle of the transition of the Earth. But beyond what is done by the leaders and those responsible in the equity of the South American nations, in beloved Argentina, there are souls with great hearts that beat and are moved by the coming of the Redeemer.

It is like an inner impulse that never ends, it is a love of the Argentines that matures as time and experiences go by.

It is My ardent desire to be received once again by the love that beats in each heart of Argentina, so that the doors of Heaven may be kept open and may all be filled by the Love of the Lord, a Love that will always renew you and give you the impulse to continue forward.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


All the meetings of prayer of July, which will be lovingly offered to the Celestial Hierarchy, will be accepted and recognized as important moments for the preparation of the next mission in Argentina.

In this sense, the meetings of prayer will be the most special moments so that souls, as a single group consciousness, may build the bridges of light that will raise them up to accomplishing the next goal in South America.

With special gladness and joy, the Sacred Hearts are now preparing so that in August, a special month for the whole Divine Hierarchy, an inner communion is established again with all the children in Argentina, who again will be gathered together in the name of Love to receive the Light and the Mercy of the Sacred Hearts.

The meetings, which will be carried out for the first time in Argentina during the month of August, will generate a definite spiritual impulse so that the bridge of contact with the Divinity may be maintained not only in Argentina, but also in its sister nations.

And so all the inner preparation, prayerful and organizational, that from now will be carried out by each server of the Plan, will help in the deepening and in the expanding of the Work of the Divine Hierarchy in Argentina.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Today I send My Message of peace to all of My brothers and sisters of South America, and I especially address My Words to My brothers and sisters from Venezuela and the whole adjacent region, spaces in which souls seek to survive this final battle that has just begun.

But do not fear, the triumph of love is near.

The one who lives in love will not perish.

The one who lives in love will always find the way out.

The one who acts through love will not fail.

Because the Love that I have taught you is invincible, it is capable of defeating any situation and of overcoming any obstacle.

Therefore, do not favor the oppositions; may nations not rise against one another, because humanity has suffered enough to learn that it has left the path many times and that it was always difficult for it to return to the Heart of God. 

While I am here, I am with all of the people of Venezuela, accompanying each being, each consciousness, each soul; living with each brother and sister of Mine, their suffering and their pain, their agony or their despair. However, the moment has not come yet for me to return to the Earth.

By means of My Love, may you find peace, the peace that is missing in the world and in the heart of many beings.

It is not a time to battle; it is rather a time to work with love, although evil exists and oppresses. Because the liberation of captivity is near, and the chains of evil will break to make room for the entrance of light, of victory, of the triumph of the Kingdom of God, which must express itself within each one of you, in every step, as well as in every action.

Today I am with My Shield to defend you from the forces of chaos.

Today I am with My Sword to dissipate the darkness, bringing the Power of God to Earth and the manifestation of His Will for this end of times.

May the spaces be stabilized, may the energies be balanced, may harmony express itself so that creatures may find within themselves the equilibrium that will make them perceive the need of these times and the call that the Universe proclaims loudly.

May your hearts take refuge in My Heart, may your lamentations and your pains dissolve in My Mercy, because I will be with you until the end of times to accompany you to carry this cross that will liberate you in the calvary that is the scenario of this humanity.

There will be no triumphant ones nor winners, conquerors or powerful ones.

Seek in the silence of self this key that opens all doors and transcends all times.

Bring souls toward My Heart, because it is the only place where all will be safe in these times.

The last battle will come and everything will be defined. All must be at the heights of these events; this will also be the most acute moment of humanity; a moment in which souls will define their paths and will know their next destiny, depending on what they have chosen.

But the Promised Land will arise, however small it may be, and the promise of the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in those who have believed in the advent of the new, in all that will descend from the Universe as a spiritual treasure to enrich souls in knowledge and Truth.

I am here as the Governor of your people, as the Director of your souls, as the Shepherd of all flocks.

I grant you the gift of the inner force that you need to keep moving forward, crossing the events of these times, however difficult it may seem.

Remember that Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Word will remain in the hearts that know how to recognize it because thus they will live My Message.

Do not desist, but rather persist. Faith will double the spiritual strength that you need to walk toward a new time.

Everything will reach its end because the end also has its time and its hour.

Reinforce your commitment with the Heavenly Father and allow that He can work in the events, although His Presence is silent.

Do not fear to face the end of times; there is still a lot to go through and to live.

Although I am in retreat, I am with you and I will return to give you My last impulse; that impulse that will finally place you in the fulfillment of your task and of your mission on this planet; a mission that will make you represent Me on Earth as My apostles and as My companions, those who will be with Me under any circumstance and in an unconditional way.

I avail Myself of your sufferings to relieve the suffering of humanity. Everything I touch I transform into good and I transfigure it into light for all souls, bringing them the Love of My Heart.

From Aurora, I will give My great impulse of love for the planet in March, a moment in which My task with you will be finalizing. But this will be a very important moment because you will be able to put into practice everything that I had once told you and you will be able to do it better than what I did in past times; you just must be obedient to Me and trust.

In March, the last Fount of My Divine Mercy will open so that your spirits may finish forming in this Command that I address to you from the Universe.

Pray every day with more fervor and may the prayer spring from the heart, just as your love for Me does.

I bless you, and I give you My Peace.

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part X

If all the previous stages are fulfilled, Aurora will be in a condition to express its task on the surface and, especially, its work with the principles of healing will be possible.

Each stage that is carried forward, within this project of the finalizing and manifestation of Aurora, will not only demonstrate to the Universe that the servers and the followers of the Work understand what the Hierarchy is talking about and requesting, but that there will also be different opportunities for Uruguay as a country, and for the region.

In this sense, it will be important that all collaborate in each one of the phases of the new manifestation of Aurora, regardless of whether they are part of a sustaining group or not. In this way, consciousnesses will be able to verify that when there is unity of purpose, it is possible to follow through with any request of the Hierarchy.

If that immediate and precise response exists, without leaving anything behind, the greater will be the awareness of the group purpose that will be built for the New Aurora.

I hope that each worker of the Plan knows the importance of building Aurora, day by day, until the purpose is accomplished, and of not ceasing to collaborate in all senses until everyone can see the Aurora Center manifested in its maximum splendor. 

For this, the organization of the group through a monthly schedule that presents details, stage by stage, will help the whole Work become aware of the possible delays, as well as the different goals.

In this monthly chart, which will be attended to by an architect and by a builder, all of the Work will be up to date on what is lacking for finalizing each stage.

It is important that each server of the Work knows that, as the different phases of the manifestation of Aurora are completed, the treasures of the Hierarchy will also be established so that they may be active, helping humanity.

Each step in the manifestation of Aurora, the accompaniment and the sincere effort of the group toward the Hierarchy will grant that awaited opportunity for Uruguay and South America, something spiritual that Aurora has to offer to souls.

In this attitude of readiness, of immediate and prompt response; in this attitude that is truly fraternal toward Aurora, I invite you to be constant, without hesitation. 

I thank all those who will make the new stage of Aurora possible!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
