The key, that will open the main door of the Celestial Church, will be a sincere heart united with this special spiritual moment.
My Son needs sincere hearts rather than perfect ones, so that the attributes of the Celestial Church may be placed in the children of the Father.
A sincere heart, although human, can enter the consciousness of the Celestial Church, and there, mercifully receive the legacy of the Love of My Son.
Thus, today I call you to have a sincere heart so that your souls may go through the Celestial Church and be blessed once again by the impulses of Light and of Redemption that My Son will bring from the universe.
With a sincere heart, you will be peacemakers of Christ. In this culminating moment of humanity, souls will have the Grace of receiving the gifts of Heaven if only they have a sincere heart.
My children, open of heart, with gratitude and devotion, receive the coming of the Celestial Church and, united with your Guardian Angels, offer the best of yourselves in order to amend and repair the offenses that the world still generates.
May your hearts be bridges that allow Mercy and Peace to descend to the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Whenever you cry out for peace, I will be there. My Heart is attentive to each plea, to each cry, to each sincere heart that ignites the light of its essence, even in the deepest abysses of the planetary consciousness.
When you pray from the heart, your voices are like melodies that resound between the dimensions and reach the Celestial Altars, moving the Heart of God, that responds to the plea of His children with pity, healing and Mercy, with the Truth that awakens you from the sleep of the world and allows you to return to His Heart.
Whenever you pray, remember to do so truthfully, placing attention upon each word, with life within everything that you pronounce, sing or offer, because the miracle of prayer is still a mystery to the human heart. But today, I tell you, children, that it is this mystery, held within your hearts, that reveals the true potential of human beings.
It is when you pray with sincerity, overcoming all shame, fear and the human condition, that you can experience what you are and discover your most pure and spiritual potentials.
I do not speak of universal life, I do not speak of material realities, but about your essences, of that which makes you in likeness to God, that which many think they know, feel and live, under the guidance of the essence, yet it is not so.
The more you pray, the more you will be able to ascend toward that deep space of consciousness. When you set aside your fears and all that you think about yourselves, when you place yourselves in the Presence of God, and only in Him, to enter into a profound dialogue with the Creator, this is when you can begin to come to know yourselves.
Self-knowledge begins with confession, when you allow yourselves to be transparent, without layers, without veils, and you allow yourselves to not only be exposed to God, but also allow that God be Who touches you with His Hands and shows you this about yourselves, that which you still do not know.
Why do I tell you these things today?
Because in these last years, this is the synthesis of all that I have to tell you; pray, in truth, in confession, before God, disengaging from everything that you believe about yourselves. Lose the fear and the shame of not being what you built for so long on Earth and beyond it, and let the Hand of God cleanse you and show you something wonderful about yourselves, you who are nothing, except a pure, divine essence, part of the Creator, capable of recreating and renewing all of His Creation.
Each time you pray, let it be in truth and, little by little, your lives will be a constant confession, in which you will not need to be alone to be transparent, but rather you will find yourselves in the Presence of God at all times, and all that you do will be real, in everything that your essence will express.
On this day of renewal and of Graces, I come to tell you something that you think you already know but, in truth, you still need to risk discovering. Pray and continue to pray, until you are nothing, and then find everything, until the mysteries cease to be mysteries.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To reach the Heart of God, you do not need great science and deep philosophies, you do not need formulas or even eternal practices. What you need, child, is a sincere heart, pure and redeemed in front of the Father.
All spiritual practices and exercises will forge a transformation for your consciousness within you, and they will allow you to remain in union with the Creator, and may this not be for just an instant, but rather become a permanent state of consciousness.
But to touch the Heart of God, to feel It and know It, you only need a sincere heart that is willing to come to the Father in confession, in adoration, in communion and in surrender. To feel Him, experience within yourself what He really is, and in coming to know God, also come to know yourself.
For this reason, before anything else, and even though you may not have the strength or inspiration, simply be with a sincere heart before the Creator, simply be with a surrendered heart at His Altar. Place yourself as an offering at His Feet and let Him make Himself felt. In the Divine Presence, everything in your life will regain its meaning, your efforts will be of value and their weight will be less, because the Love of God within you will speak louder; your battles will be light, not because they will be easier, but because your heart is no longer loose within the winds of darkness, but anchored in the Presence of God, from where no wind will be able to remove you.
Everything begins, child, with confession, yielding, surrender, adoration, and thus a perfect communion with God. And this can happen in silence, in spiritual joy, in the profound mourning of the soul, in prayer or in adoration, in your own life. You only need a sincere heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you feel the weight of your past mistakes which, like harassment, the enemy uses as attempts to deter your steps, just place your eyes upon the Cross, upon the Eucharist, upon the Heart of Christ, and stay there.
On the Cross, child, your deepest sins have been forgiven. On the Cross, your biggest mistakes have been justified.
Not only the memory of forgiveness is on the cross, but also the living and eternal forgiveness, which is renewed, time and again, each time a sincere heart is able to repent for the merits of the Cross of Christ.
However, on the Cross there is not only forgiveness for your sins; your path is also found on the Cross. The guide for your next steps is written on it so that you will not sin again, so that you will know where to go.
On the Cross, you discover God's forgiveness, but also the way that your Creator grants it to you in order to make that forgiveness fruitful. It is through surrender, humility, sacrifice and, above all, unconditional love, so that you may imitate the steps of the Christ of Calvary, so that you may drink from the Chalice that His Father offered to restore the Covenant between God and humans.
It is there, child, at the foot of the Cross, where your path begins. But it is when your Lord descends from it and ascends to Heaven that you are called to multiply the gifts of your redemption, bearing witness to the Love that has healed you and that is constantly being poured out upon the world, from the Heart of Christ to all those who know how to seek and find the merits of the Cross.
Therefore, when the enemy places your mistakes and sins before you, may your eyes turn to the Cross, may your heart remember that you have already been forgiven and that it is now a matter of following the footsteps of your Lord, Christ Jesus.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When hearts pray, accompanying the Divine Messengers in Their pilgrimage throughout this world, they are opening the doors to Heaven so that a new life may be instituted on Earth.
The sincere prayer of your hearts awakens the potential of the human heart of uniting Heaven with Earth and, little by little, you begin to express the true purpose of humanity.
When hearts awaken, they generate merits so that more souls can also awaken and so that those who are in the abysses of this world may receive an opportunity of finding the light.
Only the one who has already been in the abysses of the Earth, children, knows the pain and the anguish of being far from God and prisoner of the play of dark forces that besiege this world. For this reason, what is most important is to cry out and plead for lost souls, say 'yes' to God unconditionally, and accompany the steps of His Messengers, even though you may not totally know the mission that we are carrying out in this world at this time.
What we do, as we are on pilgrimage throughout the nations, is much broader than what we can reveal to you. We are withdrawing this planet from the abyss of its self-destruction and placing it in the correct position for its transformation so that it is able to cross the threshold between illusory time and the Time of God, in which nothing will ever be the same, in which the truth will be revealed to you, in which you will know who you are and why you are here.
Thus, children, something so simple as a sincere prayer is the response you must give to God, every day, so that you may fulfill your part in this mission of love. Simply accompany Our steps with the heart and, wherever you are, announce through prayer your adherence to this Plan of love and of rescue of the life on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Take the Reliquary of My Heart wherever you go because, as a pilgrim, I will silently pour out the Graces of God upon souls, radiating the purity and humility that hearts need to find the Father and the path of return to His Celestial Dwelling Place.
The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will reveal to souls their own purity and truth so that, when faced with it, souls may recognize who they are and what they came to this world to do.
The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will be like a mirror for souls which will show the reflection of their purest essence and, little by little, will discover how to express it, how to be that which they are discovering about themselves.
The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart exists for the simple purpose of bringing peace and revealing to humankind the path of return to the Heart of God.
When you are sincere before My Heart, you will be able to receive the same Graces that I received to find God and unite with Him.
My Heart is not the Way, the Truth and the Life, but rather that which knows how to surrender to God, to tread this Path, to know this Truth, and to become whole in the true Life, which is Life in God.
May peace, which comes from it, reveal your origins to you and inspire you so that you know how to return in spirit to the Heart of God, even while having your feet on the Earth.
May your souls know the path to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to fulfill the Plan of God every day, you only need to be sincere of heart, always seek the path of humility, and the overcoming of self.
It is in these times, child, when the purification becomes more intense within many beings and, above all, within the consciousness of the planet, that you need to elevate your heart more and seek within it the strength and the courage to persist on your path, every day.
Place your heart and your mind always on what God needs of you.
When what you want intermingles and becomes confused with the desires of the world, turn your heart toward God and offer Him your being so that He may make it clear and pure, transparent and true, before His Will.
God will call on you to surpass yourself every day, but not to surpass through pride, competitiveness or vanity; He will call on you to surpass through love, He will call on you to overcome obstacles in your inner world, experiences that will occur between your heart and the Heart of God.
Surpassing, in these times, is not just physical but, above all, it is interior. And it is not the obstacles of the planet or the external difficulties that you are going to overcome.
Within you will be your greatest challenge, where nobody sees, where nobody reaches, just you and your Father. And it is there, child, that you will fight your greatest battle, and it is through that triumph that you will overcome yourself and surpass the Love of God.
For this reason, do not place your attention so much on external things, on the defects of others, but rather on the truth and on the transparency that there should be within you, so that you may fulfill the Will of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Open your heart to perceive that which God aspires for you. Always receive His words, placing them within your own being, for them to transform you as a living witness of the Divine Presence.
Not only listen to the Words of God, but, child, allow them to transform you into what you truly are. Allow them to liberate the covers of your illusion and arrogance so that you may see the truth that is hidden under your human condition.
Listen to each message as a dialogue of God with you and do not fear to deepen into what He tells you. This is how you will truly transform yourself, and your transformation will be a service to the planet.
The inner life of beings - their transformation and their contact with God - can be an incalculable service for the human consciousness and the planet, with all life that inhabits it. But for this, child, your heart must always be sincere and transparent, and in this way, when the moment to correct and transform yourself arrives, may you look more to yourself than to others. Look at your fellow being only if your gaze is compassionate and merciful, and if within you there is the firm aspiration to serve your brothers and sisters, and not to search for their defects
Why am I telling you this today? Because the planet agonizes, souls agonize, the Kingdoms of Nature agonize and the hearts are still awakening, very slowly, to this planetary reality.
Do not lose your time and your word. Pray for your fellow beings and for the planet, and transform and purify your heart. My child, make yourself a true disciple of Christ, so that when He calls you "companion", He will not only be referring to your spirit, but to everything that you are.
Receive My Words with love and hope, knowing that you can serve and change the destiny of this world, wherever you are. You only need to look within yourself and make the decision of definitely expressing what God wants from you, of finally becoming what God expects from your heart
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part X
If all the previous stages are fulfilled, Aurora will be in a condition to express its task on the surface and, especially, its work with the principles of healing will be possible.
Each stage that is carried forward, within this project of the finalizing and manifestation of Aurora, will not only demonstrate to the Universe that the servers and the followers of the Work understand what the Hierarchy is talking about and requesting, but that there will also be different opportunities for Uruguay as a country, and for the region.
In this sense, it will be important that all collaborate in each one of the phases of the new manifestation of Aurora, regardless of whether they are part of a sustaining group or not. In this way, consciousnesses will be able to verify that when there is unity of purpose, it is possible to follow through with any request of the Hierarchy.
If that immediate and precise response exists, without leaving anything behind, the greater will be the awareness of the group purpose that will be built for the New Aurora.
I hope that each worker of the Plan knows the importance of building Aurora, day by day, until the purpose is accomplished, and of not ceasing to collaborate in all senses until everyone can see the Aurora Center manifested in its maximum splendor.
For this, the organization of the group through a monthly schedule that presents details, stage by stage, will help the whole Work become aware of the possible delays, as well as the different goals.
In this monthly chart, which will be attended to by an architect and by a builder, all of the Work will be up to date on what is lacking for finalizing each stage.
It is important that each server of the Work knows that, as the different phases of the manifestation of Aurora are completed, the treasures of the Hierarchy will also be established so that they may be active, helping humanity.
Each step in the manifestation of Aurora, the accompaniment and the sincere effort of the group toward the Hierarchy will grant that awaited opportunity for Uruguay and South America, something spiritual that Aurora has to offer to souls.
In this attitude of readiness, of immediate and prompt response; in this attitude that is truly fraternal toward Aurora, I invite you to be constant, without hesitation.
I thank all those who will make the new stage of Aurora possible!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Just love one another, as I have loved you, as Father and Lord, from My Birth until My Ascension.
Love one another always, and may this love of the heart never be missing from you, however poor or imperfect, may it be true and healthy love, capable of understanding and of accepting everything.
Love one another, much more than I love you, and surpass Me in love and in surrender. I have told you that you would do greater things than I did and this continues to be real and current for Me.
Love one another until you can express compassion, honesty, and transparency.
Love one another without fearing to unmask your characters and to only live for love and in love.
Love one another because it will be the love between brothers and sisters, disciples and friends, that will liberate you from yourselves.
Love without fearing to always say “yes” and to donate yourselves much more than I donated myself.
Love one another so that love may abound on Earth and so that it may be love that will defeat evil, falsehood and all pride.
Love one another in truth and you will fulfill My great Commandment.
Love one another and peace will not be lacking.
I thank all of you who made it possible to fulfill My call this year and those who will fulfill it next year so that the graces may abound on Earth.
Who blesses you always,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear and beloved children,
In these severe times of purification of consciousness, know that God does not expect immediate perfection in humankind, but rather the simplicity and the truth of the heart.
God invites you to, through simplicity, let the Love of God be born in you, again and again; a Love that will comfort you, a Love that will not abandon you, a worthy and faithful Love.
Do not rest your attention only on the defects of human life because it will be through a redeemed imperfection that the new being will be born, who will be the bearer of hope and trust in God.
For this reason, My children, embrace each new stage of purification with humility and simplicity.
Through prayer, you will always have My consolation and guidance, and in the culminating moments of your purification, you will be able to count on My assistance; because I love you, and as a mother, I know the inner need of each child of Mine.
Stop feeling that emptiness that does not lead you to anything. Stop submerging yourselves in this arid desert of life.
Through My Words, I bring you the Fount that will quench your thirst.
Children, do not despair, do not be perturbed, do not punish yourselves any longer. You came to participate in a transition that has just begun.
Have faith; the power of the Love of My Heart will be your constant strength.
Today, God grants you His Forgiveness and His Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I bring a lot of infinite Graces to the world, but only a small part of humanity receives them with joy and plenitude. For this reason, I will not rest until I am able to give My children all the opportunities that I have for this suffering humanity.
My Graces allow very powerful conversions and redemptions in the hearts of the world, as well as great chances to be able to revert the spiritual and material life of the beings.
This is the time when the souls of the Earth should have, even more, their attention directed toward Heaven because from there will come the so needed help for these critical moments; from there will come what each being needs for their different phases of purification and redemption, until they reach the total consecration of their soul to God.
May humankind know that My Heart is full of Graces for souls and that I wait for you to ask for them through sincere prayer.
I wish that this petition may not be personal, but planetary; that it may be a request of Mercy for hundreds of souls that, day by day, walk towards the portals of perdition.
I thank you for the dedication in praying for the nations of the world; they are, in these times, very much in need of intervention and spiritual help.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother, together with Her pilgrim children, walks taking steps of light towards the lands of Brazil so that I may be closer to all of My Brazilian children, at this time in which the destiny of the country will be defined by the discernment and the election of the children of God.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother is already to be found in vigil and in prayer for the next few hours, and I inexhaustibly pour out all the Love I have for the Brazilian people, upon the essences that are and will be in prayer, with Me.
My Children, at this time I unite My Rosary of Light with the rosaries of all My praying children, and with maternal gratitude, I hear the voices of those who pronounce the prayers of the Hail Mary to Heaven.
My angels work tirelessly at this moment in order to gather up all the sincere intentions and the prayers of those who, for love, ask to the Celestial Father for Brazil.
Thus, I unite to each sincere heart, and on the inner planes, we pray together for the establishment of a sovereign peace.
I thank all those who unite to the Mother of God for the good and justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother, together with Her pilgrim children, walks taking steps of light towards the lands of Brazil so that I may be closer to all of My Brazilian children, at this time in which the destiny of the country will be defined by the discernment and the election of the children of God.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother is already to be found in vigil and in prayer for the next few hours, and I inexhaustibly pour out all the Love I have for the Brazilian people, upon the essences that are and will be in prayer, with Me.
My Children, at this time I unite My Rosary of Light with the rosaries of all My praying children, and with maternal gratitude, I hear the voices of those who pronounce the prayers of the Hail Mary to Heaven.
My angels work tirelessly at this moment in order to gather up all the sincere intentions and the prayers of those who, for love, ask to the Celestial Father for Brazil.
Thus, I unite to each sincere heart, and on the inner planes, we pray together for the establishment of a sovereign peace.
I thank all those who unite to the Mother of God for the good and justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
God only expects from you a heart that is turned to the High, that contemplates the stars that shine in the sky and knows that a higher purpose is being designed in life upon the Earth; a heart that honors life, the school of love and existence; that knows that all that it lives and builds on Earth has no material purpose, but rather a divine one; that knows that its triumph is not human and that its struggle is not for survival, for pleasure or for skills, but rather for divine victory, for love, for peace, for the establishment of a new life, for the redemption of humanity.
God only expects from you a heart that is fulfilled in the Truth; that knows to come out of itself to contemplate the whole; that knows to renounce to its wills and aspirations to fulfill the Greater Plan; that knows to say "yes" to the Father and "no" to itself, with the certainty that the plenitude is found in Divine Triumph and not in human achievements.
God only expects from you a heart that knows and lives the power of prayer, that multiplies and spreads Grace through the Verb; that makes known to the world the Presence of God and His Messengers.
God only expects from you a heart that trusts in His Plan; that has its goals in the stars; that overcomes the trials of the Earth asserting itself in unity with its brothers and sisters; that knows to ask for help, forgiveness, and Mercy; that knows to give thanks to your neighbor and to the Father for everything that it receives; that loves life and knows that it goes beyond the Earth; that loves humanity, for it knows that its essence is sacred; that loves the Kingdoms of Nature, since it knows that its unconditional service is worthy of eternal reverence and eternal love.
God only expects from you a heart that knows to look within and ask what is the Divine Will for itself; a heart that is interested in fulfilling the Plan of God and that is always seeking the next step to manifest it.
God only expects from you a caretaker of His Triumph in the heart of the neighbor, that creates opportunities so that others reach the goal and that is inspired by the triumphs of their brothers and sisters.
God only expects from you, child, a sincere and willing heart, that loves and says "yes" without conditions.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because prayer done with the heart has more effect than a mental prayer.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because this prayer touches the Heart of God and He makes the necessary Graces descend upon the world and upon nations, transforming chaos into a paradise.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because it is a prayer filled with the Love of God that gives impulse to changes and elevates consciousnesses to another plane.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win, because it is a prayer capable of modifying events and of opening the door of redemption for humanity.
True and sincere prayer accomplishes the promises of Christ, restores the psychic plane of the planet, exorcises regions compromised by evil, liberates from spiritual slavery all those who are immersed in these realities and do not perceive it; it conceives peace, unity and strengthens faith in those who believe in God and in the second coming of Christ.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because it is a prayer that is united to the Heart of the Great Master and establishes a communion with the Divinity of the Savior.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Father, in the desert of the hearts of men, build Your Temple. Find, among the fragile and wind-susceptible sands, the rock of consolidation of the union between Your Love and the human conscience.
In the middle of the distractions of the world and the endless noise that men cause, in order to not hear Your warnings, receive, O Lord, the cry which is emitted in the silence of a sincere heart.
Your children, many times, do not have the strength to elevate their verb and lift their voice, but in the depths of their interior, where Your Cosmos finds the microcosm of the human heart, there is lifted, in silence, the cry of the souls that seek You.
You, who listens to what screams in silence, receive the prayers of those who are weak and make them strong in You, so that they may rise in Your Name.
To those who recognize their nothingness and find themselves prostrated in their smallness, You, Lord, will raise them, because they gave you space and permission so that in them no human power dwell, only the Power that comes from You.
Pull out, from the core of those who cry to You, their most retrograde human condition, and the sin that lives in their cells, convert it into Original Purity.
Demonstrate Your Grace through the humble, and that in them the proud may find inspiration and surrender to You.
Learn to break those who are full of themselves. Learn to surrender to the Lord and you will see the Spirit arise from the dust and from the Spirit, the New Life.
So be it.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
My caress is like the passing of a soft wind.
My bosom is like receiving the warm heat of the sun in wintertime.
My Love is like the tenderness of a mother with her little child.
My prayer is like the rain that constantly falls.
My hope is like the flower that opens to sunrays.
My faith is like the celestial dome at night.
My supplication is like the call of the Universe to all beings.
My devotion is like the fire of the night.
My peace is like the waves that harmoniously strike the oceans.
My healing is like the sunray that penetrates the dark earth.
My unity is like the balance and harmony of the Local Universe.
My light is like the Sun at dawn until it reaches the highest point.
My happiness is the consecration of the children of God.
My joy is the concretion of priestly life.
My patience is like the fruit that slowly ripens in the tree.
My sweetness is like the sweetest fruit of the planet.
My mission is like the selfless service of those who tirelessly serve God.
And how are your virtues, My child?
Have you found the similarity of your actions in the Creation?
Let this principle of the Gift of God flow in you.
Allow the talents of these times to awaken, so that the Earth may be repopulated with simple, but true values.
Dare to say “yes” to the virtue of the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May this conviction always emerge from your heart, dear child, that God dwells and lives within you, because thus each human aspect of life and of personality will become small before the true impulse of the essence.
In the essence of the creatures of the Earth lies the fulfillment of the Work of God and this Divine Project must awaken within the beings, in this time.
The essence in each being is an incalculable treasure and, at the same time, the human being itself cannot conceive what the Original Essence in itself means.
In order to have at least a little contact with this reality, the school of prayer offers to you this portal that will always lead you toward the intimate and deep encounter with what you truly are.
May more and more hearts dare, in this time, to enter the most intimate core of your inner essence, so that the principles of faith and of the communion with Christ may make of each soul an instrument of peace in the Hands of God, for this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel the beating of My Heart, a Heart that pulses with love for humanity and the planet, a Heart that feels the love of His neighbor, but also the rejection of the disbelievers.
This is the living Heart of Christ, a Heart that lives for each being, aspiring for each soul of this planet to awaken to their inner reality and respond to the Universe.
This is the Heart that is gladdened by Its companions, but is a Heart that cries for those who disappointed Him, for those that were once at His side and then forgot all the love they received, because they exchanged it for other loves.
This is the sincere Heart, a Heart that opens as a refuge, as a tabernacle of worship, a Heart that is wounded and also flagellated.
This is the Heart of Christ, a Heart that has been opened to Life and has surrendered for all, a Heart that gives of Itself and pacifies all inner worlds.
This is the Heart that awaits for those who have not yet returned, it is the Heart that awaits for consolation, a Heart that listens to those who want to confess.
This is the Sacred Heart of the Lord.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more