Marathon of Divine Mercy

Silence opens the door for you to enter into My Heart and, there to remain in joy and light.

In these last three days, we have covered a large part of Shambhala, and I have shown your inmates what are the next steps to follow in this plan that must be fulfilled for the end of times.

But My Heart, today, feels honored by the result of your exertion and effort before the Heavenly Father. It is still necessary to do more because humanity needs it. Not only in the meetings of prayer, in the service, but in the surrender of the day by day.

I am with you accompanying you, guiding you. And now go, go two by two as the missionaries did in order to help the souls and bring them closer to Me in union with God.

Even the world suffers and we can not hide it, it is a reality before your eyes; it is the consequence of a continuous error, which never ends because there is no profound change in the consciousness and in the hearts of all human beings. But the time of My Justice is coming, for that reason, I prepare you to be carriers of My Mercy and spread it every day, just as souls need it in these times that comes.

In Shambhala we have lived an internal retreat that should be recorded in your memories, because from there the new things will depart, the new works will be given, and the souls will gather around My Glorified Heart to serve the Universe in this redemption project.

Even the doors of redemption should be open so that more souls can enter as you did in recent years, who have been called to live forgiveness and love in this school of the planet.

I rejoice when there are souls who are encouraged to follow me for real and fear to lose nothing because in truth the Universe always gives them everything, more than the others.

The treasures that My Heart keeps for you are incalculable and infinite.

I wish that you not only love My Mercy, but also My Grace, which is the living power of My Divinity that was also among you in the past time to guide you to the redemption and love that you did not know and that you had forgotten.

Today, before the doors of Shambhala, before the twelve choirs of angels that congregate around the King of the Universe, before the presence of Adonai and the Blessed Virgin Mary, I remind you again: never forget to love, because if you love as I do, as I have loved, you will know how to forgive and you will not be in sin.

My mission is you all to be apostles for this time of darkness and constant trials for all hearts. But I repeat for you again this message of love because many times you forget it, and your superficial things emerge and leave you blind without being able to see the importance of the Love of God in these times.

Through each Marathon of prayer, I remind you of the same key, until one day you can unify them in your lives as part of your beings and stop being just a message for you to live in practice of this school of redemption.

The twelve choirs represent the twelve missions that still have to be fulfilled in the four points of the Earth, to which you are being called to participate and to collaborate so that My Seeds of Light are sown in the most forgotten and abandoned of this world.

There are many souls in solitude. There are many hearts that do not receive a drop of love, not even human love. Therefore, I prepare them in these current missions, not only those who serve but also those who pray, so that they can take their great step of evolution through a humanitarian service, where the pain of the world is unbearable when it is seen face to face.

So, companions, I teach you to do what I did in the past times, to love enemies, to triumph through love, to donate for love of others and to achieve union with God, the perfect union in that infinite communion with the Heavenly Father.

Today, I leave for all the Presence of My Glorified Heart, with Its twelve stars and Its rays of Grace. May this symbol impel you to adore me so that you may adore God through His Beloved Son. May this symbol represent through the stars, the union between the nations and the constitution of eternal love for the whole planet, the Christ Redeemer Love.

May the Rays be the souls that emerge from My Glorified Heart, Rays that expand through all the spaces to illuminate the dark abysses of consciousness and to raise sinners to the Kingdom of God, where they must reach mercy for collaboration of his fellows, of his servants and peacemakers.

Do not leave Aurora without these signs that I leave in your hearts, because they will help you in the moment that you must make the leap to evolution, just as the missionaries of the Middle East have given it and have shown it to God.

I acknowledge, as your Lord, the offering you are making through the daily prayers in the prayer groups. This allows you to vitalize the Plan, makes it alive in each one of you, and lovingly you feel part of this work of redemption and peace that will be fulfilled through the effort and dedication of all My companions.

For this day of prayer that has happened, you have entered Shambhala with Me and your souls have recognized the importance of loving the Plan of God and of bringing it to Earth through good works so that it can be fulfilled as My Father expects it. From the beginning.

You are a very characteristic flock that can awaken other flocks to service, to prayer, to fellowship, something that I hope to fulfill through you all the time and all the days of life until the end of time; until I return, to witness the judgment of the Earth, together with all the heavenly choirs that will dictate their proclamations of how the last two thousand years of this humanity have been. At that time there will be no more time.

Therefore, I come at this time to motivate you to the greater surrender and that you do not lose sight of the Purpose that shines in front of your eyes like a great sun to illuminate the paths of all the servants.

Today, I embrace those who have opened their hearts to Me and keep them under My Mantle to unify them with God and with My Merciful Heart. Today, the offer that I make is for everyone, because everyone has the opportunity to live in the name of love that comes from the Universe for all the galaxies.

Today I show you, companions, how to please the Heart of God, which is very forgotten by the world, by war and separation.

May God always listen to you so that His Works will always be carried out in simple hearts. That they really want to change for the good of humanity and the new Promised Land.

Always pray with Me to strengthen yourself, prayer is the dialogue between our hearts and it is through which My Grace can flow towards your spirits.

In spite of the falls I contemplate you, because My Love is greater than your sins or your uncertainties. Even you do not know My Love, but yes, I show you a part of My Love that is the Love of God, the living and wise Love that understands and helps the souls, that brings them closer to the Source of Love to be reborn all the days, and so that each soul fulfills its mission, which it has come to fulfill at this time.

Today I will make a new prayer for you and I ask you to join Emmanuel now. This prayer, comrades, I recited it to My apostles at the Last Supper, before Judas delivered me. I call it "the Prayer of the Purpose", because it is the Purpose for this humanity from the beginning of the people of the desert, of Abraham, of Moses and of the prophets.

Prayer of Purpose
O Glorious and New Jerusalem!
that lives in the dimensions of My Father.
O Sacred Treasure of the Ark of the Holy Covenant!
may you still vibrate in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Come down, New Jerusalem,
as a resplendent city,
as a New Humanity upon the children of My Father.
O Glorious and New Jerusalem!
join the spirits who believe in the Kingdom of God
and who only wait
for the promise of Christ's Return.
Meanwhile, O New Jerusalem!
formed by the One Mind of My Father
and His wonderful Creations,
make yourself alive within the souls that await
the fulfillment of the Redeeming Project.
O Glorious and New Jerusalem!
 that once shone in the firmament of Bethlehem,
when the Firstborn Son incarnated on Earth
to bear witness of Mercy to the world.
O Glorious and New Jerusalem!
join with the purpose of those who have called themselves
to experience My Second arrival in the world.
Father, Father-Mother Emmanuel,
bring down Your New Jerusalem, which shines in the Universe,
as the beginning of the new purpose for the New Earth.
May your laws and designs, O New Jerusalem!
 be fulfilled in those who await Your arrival.
Today I open the doors before You, O New Jerusalem!
for the Father to touch the hearts of His children,
and may they feel confident to live in the Purpose.
Sacred and New Jerusalem,
full of angels and archangels, of laws, gifts and designs,
descend to this sick world
that is darkened by having forgotten You.
May your love be manifested, O Glorious and New Jerusalem!
so that souls revive Your Principle,
Your Principle of Ascension and Unification with God.
May the New Humanity arise
by the arrival of the Glorious and New Jerusalem.
May everything become One,
and, in Unity, we will be in My Father, Emmanuel.
Beloved Father,
in Gethsemane, You gave me
the greatest weight upon My Back,
which was the sin of the world and the destruction of souls.
After having fulfilled Your request,
in the name of Love and Unity,
by Your side, O Emmanuel!
fulfill My request that Your children
 receive the new Light of the Universe.
Emmanuel, open the doors of the New Jerusalem,
so that all may enter, and do not leave anyone behind.
May your Paternal Gaze, Emmanuel,
illuminate the souls,
and, that, in Your New Kingdom,
we may be One forever.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The things you experience are smaller than the grains of sand in a desert, because in truth I tell you that there are much more urgent and greater things that you do not know.

I come to bring you the awareness of what is supreme, the Truth that is hidden to many. My Presence comes to reveal to you the sacred Will of God, which is still to be known by hearts that are consistent with My Sacred Call.

I come this afternoon to show you My five Wounds, not so that you see the suffering I went through, but rather the Love I lived for you, that which nurtured life and converted a sinful humanity.

One that venerates My five Wounds, venerates My Heart in presence. I come to bring you this mystery because My Heart continues to be outraged.

Few are the souls that I uplift to the Kingdoms of God in My Hands. But I come to train you through hope and love, so that you may deeply know the great need of your Father Who is in the Heavens. That now, in these times, you can be converted just as He foresees in this end cycle.

The Seals of Gold are opening. The Books of Light are being revealed. The Elders assemble in council, because the hour has come for determining the day and the date when I will descend to the world, an hour marked by God.

But in truth, who will see Me? Who will be able to understand that the humility of My Heart is the humility of God? Who will be able to recognize Me among all this humanity that walks to the abyss of its damnation?

But I tell you that these books, which are opened by the Elders of the Light, are still kept closed through the flow of My Mercy, which modifies the Law, balances it and harmonizes it for humanity.

How long will this happen? Today I will not be able to tell you. That is why I come to prepare armies, so that you may be prepared to receive the signs that will come from the Elders and the signs that will reveal the moment so critical for humanity.

But there are merciful hearts that, leaving this meeting, will continue on, renewed by faith. There will be no mystery and the Elders will thus recognize that this part of the project of God, which is already the last for this era, I will be fulfilling in you, through My Works of Mercy and Redemption.

But many eyes will not want to see the Law. The Law will be manifested anyway, at the culminating moment of the purification. Therefore, your bodies are being trained for purification, on the path of purity, of detachment, of humility and of simplicity. For in this way, I will be in you at the culminating moment of the tribulation, and God will find My seed of Light in each of your souls.

But I know that this evening you do not understand what I tell you. I no longer come to speak to your minds, but rather to speak to your hearts, which are the only tabernacles where everything can re-emerge, transfigure and be redeemed, although the greatest sinner may exist.

Correct your lives and the lives of your families will be corrected. Live good and helpful acts for your fellow being. In this way, you will be helping this heavy scales not to break before its time.

Thus, in this way, today you know the unfathomable power of My Love, which comes to assist you to fill your hearts up to the last moment of your lives, a time in which you will already be prepared to live the end of times.

I also pray for those that will not be prepared and that did not stop to listen to My Voice and My Love. Continue to pray for all of them because it is the majority, it is the majority of humanity.

That is why My five Wounds still hurt. In My Hands I feel the pain of humanity. At My Side I feel the spear, which is placed by ignorant hearts that constantly outrage the Law of God. My Feet are marked by the confusing, turbid and bad paths that many souls experience.

Who will quench My thirst? Who will fill My merciful Heart with the codes of the Light of prayer? Let prayer not only be words, but rather a testimony of your conversion.

Let those who listen to Me come here, because in these times, I need true soldiers trained in redemption.

I do not promise you wonderful things in this world, because the world and humanity, the whole planetary consciousness is denying the God of Love. Those who are do not suffice.

My Work has already been accomplished in past times. I gave you and brought you the true testimony of Love through the sacrifice of the Passion. But I know that many souls still have not understood this.

All I hope is that in the bosom of My Heart I can gather all of you so that, in the most difficult moments, you will know how to recognize the good and the evil. The hearts and gazes of many will be confused, but those who trust in Me will not be lost.

I come to tell you what you need to hear, do not waste any more time on superficial things nor waste your words in useless comments. Seek all the time for a union with God through silence, for in this way, I will be able to tell My Father that, in truth, I am doing something with each of your souls. Unite more each day. Set aside the comments. No longer judge your brothers and sisters.

You are deteriorating My Plan of redemption, because I know that leaving here, going through the doorway of this room, you will be saying other things, and where will My spiritual energy be? Will it have been worth it that I descended from the twelfth dimension of Adonai to come to this contaminated third dimension to seek hearts in the abysses of the Earth?

The hands of My Mother are no longer enough for so many lost souls. Therefore, She consecrates you with such love so that you may be Her hands, workers in service and in charity, in all of this humanity.

Do you understand what I tell you? Say yes to Me with your heart rather than with your words. I need My message to resonate in the depths of your beings.

I do not want you to be My Wounds. I want you to be the Rays of My Heart transformed into redemption and light. I want you to be the good for My Father. I want you to be the just, the justifiable to God. I want you to be the balance and the truth, transparency and trust among brothers and sisters. I want you to be the column of light that will prepare the temple for the coming of your King.

But if the King does not come to your hearts, to the few worthy hearts of the Earth, how will He be able to come to the world? What dignity will I have with Adonai to ask Him to descend to this material humanity? Therefore, I must find prepared flocks, all within the stable of My Heart and not seeking other paths that are not Mine.

There is no more time to lose. You must no longer look for other people. Your true spiritual union is with God. And we have already given testimony, companions, that true transformation is to be found through prayer.

Purify yourselves in peace. Things will become more acute, but you must be brave to overcome the times and enter into the perfect vibration of My Heart.

When your feet are washed, the most impure stains are removed by the Angels of God and your lives are renewed, your paths are purified so that you may definitely ascend on the stairway to Heaven, to the Throne of Adonai, sacred Temple of the Heart, where eternal life is to be found.

When you are baptized, all pain and suffering is purified, but your souls are renewed by the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and a new life begins, with the soul purified and clean, fully renewed by the unfathomable strength of My Love.

But when you commune with Me, the mystery is more infinite. The doors of hearts open to receive My Christic energy and to build, little by little, the perfect dwelling place that I wish to have in you all the time.

And when you are anointed, there is no evil that can resist.

Receive the Sacraments as a Grace, as a form of honoring God. In this way, you will build the New Humanity.

The angels of Heaven will today consecrate the Holy Sacraments. Call on Their presence. Let us invoke Their power, uniting Heaven with Earth, souls and all hearts with the primordial Source of God.

Let us repeat:

Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts!
The angels of Heaven proclaim His sacred Word
and the Mercy of God descends
through His beloved Son.
Holy is the Lord of Hosts,
for His power and omnipotence.
Holy is His Name in the Heavens,
and in each corner of the universe
the angels proclaim His Mercy,
and Sacred Hearts
concretize His plan on the planet.
Holy is the God of the universe,
the doors of hell are closed,
hearts are filled by the Spirit of God
and Love defeats evil.
Holy is the God of Love
for His truth and purity,
holy is His Grace,
holy is His hope and His compassion.
Souls bow down before His Throne
to revere His existence.
Holy Adonai,
Holy Emmanuel,
Holy Abba,
the seven portals open
through His Divine Grace.
Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts!
Souls proclaim His infinity,
Holy and sacred be the universe,
the suns ignite in humanity,
the Plan is fulfilled in each being,
happy are those who hear the call.
Holy are You, Eternal Father,
Holy are You for Your Creation,
holy and unfathomable is Your Name.
Holy and wise Lord,
give us Your Wisdom and guide us until the end.

Song: Kodoish.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

And now, with all the sacred elements and objects that were blessed, may they be a renewal of your faith. But remember that in your hearts is to be found the true portal that will always unite you with God.

Your prayers, in these two days, untied many knots, which I will untie through the action of Mercy in various points of the Earth, where prayer became a source of salvation for wounded souls.

Let us give thanks, companions, to our Father Who is in the Heavens. This is the real reason for this meeting, to be with God and work for God. In this way, your lives will be healed.

Go in peace and I wait for you always in prayer.

I bless you by the Grace allowed to Me as Son of God and Brother of all.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 7th Marathon of Divine Mercy, at the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Before the majesty of My Kingdom, let us honor the Presence of the Most Holy Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Today, the Three Sacred Hearts come to consecrate this Community as the New Earth; the new seeds of light for humanity, seeds of light that, through love, unity, and charity, will re-emerge in hearts that are wounded.

The Three Sacred Hearts honor and glorify your souls because, for God, this space will be a point of light for all Rio de Janeiro. Mainly during the most difficult and hard times, when souls will be able to find here the consolation they are searching for and the love that the world cannot give them, because My Most Sacred Heart, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph re-emerged in these essences since the beginning of this project, when this task began with children, young people and adults; a task given to the Heart of God.

For this reason, today in the world, and throughout the history of this humanity, many humble souls have also existed, such as My Sacred Mother. And there exist at this time, humble souls that give of themselves to God, who, through their charity and surrender, trust in the full Love of Christ, and in the Purpose that God has for each of their lives.

Once again, Rio de Janeiro has become a city of salvation, for many points of light in the world re-ignite in this hour at the Marian Centers, in the hearts of families, and in the essence of all My children who are preparing to receive Me in the coming era, in the silence of their heart, in merciful prayer, in the continuous faith in God.

Today I have come with the Sacred Hearts of Joseph and Mary to remind you of the task that each of you has with these humble hearts that offer themselves in service to you in these end times, to guide you in faith, in love, and in the Purpose of God above all things.

Open your hearts to Me, because Christ wants to enter into your dwelling places today. I will alleviate your sufferings, heal your sorrows, and reignite your hearts in My Mercy.

Today, My message becomes public for each of you, and especially for all those who listen from their homes.

I want to thank you for the constancy and the perseverance of the people of Nicaragua for accompanying My Christic Purpose in this time. I promise to come to Nicaragua to disseminate My Mercy and to be very close to My soldiers.

The need for Light is present in the whole world, dear companions. For this reason, efforts on your part must be paramount. Offer your weariness to God, your sacrifices and services to the Father; thus, you will allow a balancing of the scales which  are imbalanced, and many hearts can re-enter My Kingdom of Light, through your sincere and permanent offer.

Your prayers have been heard by My Heart, as well as your songs and voices; joy will be able to heal the world in these times; prayer will be able to repair many hearts.

The Three Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary invite you on this afternoon to be mediators for the Father. Trust, dear companions, that when you pray from the heart, the Father will be listening to you and responding to your urgent needs.

Today I want you close to My Heart and I want you to carry the sacred Cross of Emmanuel on this night as a banner of redemption and peace for the Earth. Because not only the hearts that live on the Earth will be freed, but also the impure spirits will be elevated by My Heart so that they may find God again in their lives, invisible lives, lost lives.

I need everyone to be able to work through My Heart, to be able to feel through My Heart, to dare to love and to forgive through My Heart.

Leave behind your old feelings now, open the doors to the new that is coming, in spite of the difficulties and the mistakes. The Celestial Universe will never abandon you; God has heard your prayers and supplications, and many hearts have been favored with all this.

Today We invite you to enter into Our Celestial Unity. And today I come to this New Earth to give hope, joy and love to all. These will be the keys that will allow you to find the sure paths to My Heart. Open your eyes through your heart and feel My perpetual Peace, in this definitive hour.

Today I gather up each one of My flocks and unite all prayerful hearts in the world in the hope of it being possible to continue and move forward, walking steadily through the ruins and silently looking toward the horizon, so as to perceive My Return, which is close.

Today I am among the little children, who are the faithful example for your sanctification. Imitate their simple and sincere steps, for thus you will be very close to My merciful Heart. You can be beings in profound and real humility and in this way, you will be united with the Father.

I want you to feel Our Three Sacred, silent Hearts. For the first time, I will pour out My Mercy very close to you, through your prayer. Bring your consciousnesses to My Source. 

I invite all the families and companions that are in their homes and groups of prayer to pray with Me for the world, for the equilibrium of that great scale of the universe, for redemption and peace in humanity, for love in all hearts.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Lord asks us to ring the bell in the bell tower 33 times.

In the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts, we will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, fifty beads, and at the request of Our Lord, five children of Crer-Sendo will pray before Christ, to ask for His Mercy. We will accompany this prayer.

Virgin Mary:

Dear children, seek Peace. Seek Peace above all things. The Peace that comes from the heart, that is born of your union with God. I am with you for these difficult times. I thank you, now and always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph:

Dear children, follow the flock that represents the Great Shepherd. He will always guide your steps, lead your lives. I have offered Myself in this life to guide your essences toward the Great Redeeming Heart.

I thank the missionaries for their works. Saint Joseph is with them and with all those who want to serve in the reparation of the cities and the villages, of the hearts that suffer, of the families that are in need of humanitarian assistance. I am among the servers.

The children pray the Chaplet.

Christ Jesus:

Sacred prayers are said by innocent souls, and this enriches the Heart of God with joy and, in His profound and infinite Pity, He pours out His Love and His Mercy though the Sacred Hearts, believing that it is possible to lift all of humanity to the Light, so that it may enter into the Heart of His Kingdom and receive the Peace it so greatly needs.

Like more than 2,000 years ago, I institute the Eucharist as the Sacred Sacrament for your hearts.

On this afternoon of Mercy and Pity for the world, I invite My friends to bring Me the bread and the wine to perform the consecration so that you may commune on all levels of consciousness with My merciful Love, with My compassionate Heart, with My Peace.

My dear ones, I bless these Sacred Sacraments, as I have often blessed your paths, in the hope that you will be able to be reborn in My Heart every day and find the faith and fortitude in My eternal Communion, so that through it, you may receive My Celestial Codes, which I achieved in the Passion for all of you, for many souls in the world.

Let us pray.

The children pray Our Father.

Go in Peace. I bless you in the Light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Our Sacred Hearts honor your joy; joy in Heaven, joy on Earth. Sincere hearts and souls that suffer resurrect God out of love and glory for the Celestial Universe.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

