In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray:

Sacred Fire of the Heart of Jesus,
transform my life and free me from all evil.


 (three times)

Behold the Fire of My Sacred Heart, exposed to the whole world and especially to thirsty souls.

Behold the Heart that surrendered for you, behold the Heart that gave of itself for you and behold the Heart that is still open for all those who would enter It.

Do you know why My Sacred Heart is open today?

Because you have come to meet Me. Because you have responded to My summoning.

This is why I give you the Fire of My Eternal Heart, so that your lives may transfigure, just as the Lord transfigured on the top of Mount Tabor, and revealed His true Face to some of His apostles.

The Fire of My Heart, at that time, should not be known to all, but yes, it might be perceived by many, those who were united to the Lord in Sacramental Communion, Prayer and Adoration.

This is the Fire that I will bring to the world when I return: the Glorified Fire of My Heart. That Fire, through the mere Presence of the Lord, will transfigure the planes and the consciousnesses that are present.

You will not only see the Son of the Father come in the company of the Sacred Spirit, but you will also see with your own eyes the Fire of My Heart, which, as a Sacred Sun of the Universe, will remove consciousnesses from darkness, suffering, anguish and pain.

Therefore, venerate the Fire of My Heart, the One that illuminates more than one hundred suns do. The One that brings to your essences, in wisdom, the joy of being with Me permanently, the bliss of serving Me and sacrificing for me, not only in behalf of this planet, but also in behalf of all of humanity.

This is the Fire of My Heart that I present to you today.

The same Fire that My Holy Mother venerated, the same Fire of My Heart that the holy women came to know in My Resurrection.

The Fire of My Heart that the shepherds of Emmaus knew when they were by My side, sharing with Me the Body and the Blood of Christ.

It is the Fire of My Heart's Love, which allowed for the salvation of humanity and the planet.

It was the Fire of My Love that allowed Me to arrive on the top of Mount Calvary and, although I physically no longer had even one drop of blood left in My Body, having lost it on the path to Calvary, I would like to tell you that it was the Fire Love of My Heart that allowed Me to go on up until the end, to fulfill the mission that the Father had proposed to Me.

If you can feel and today know the Fire of Love of My Heart, do you believe that this Fire can live in and with you? Not only to illuminate your paths and lives, but also so that you may participate in the greatness of the Kingdom of the Heavens, although you may be living on the surface of this planet, although you are participating in the Armageddon?

Through the Fire of My Heart, I want to remind you not only of the experience of Love that I lived for you. I also want to remind you that the Fire of Love of My Heart is what allows Me to come to the world, time and again, to meet My apostles, My sheep, to have you close and so that you may have Me close to your hearts and essences.

Today, in the solemnity of this Fire that reveals itself to all, feel within your hearts that you are a part of the Fire of My Love, which re-consecrates and vivifies you, which transmutes and transcends you, which elevates and reconciles you with God, so that the world may reconcile with the Eternal Father.

It is for this Fire of Love of My Heart that you must work and labor.

It is for this Fire of Love of My Heart that you must live this experience of the Earth as an opportunity to grow in love, in the happiness of serving God and, above all, of being a part of My Work of Redemption, a part of the manifestation of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I want to tell you that it is the Fire of Love of My Heart that I will bring to South America today and, through South America, to the whole world.

The Fire of Love of My Heart is that which will illuminate Argentina.

The Fire of Love of My Heart is that which will try to grant intuition and wisdom to souls in Brazil, the moment they choose who will govern them.

The Fire of My Heart was also what revealed itself in the Sacred Cenacle on the days following My Resurrection.

It was the Fire of  Love of My Heart that brought the Holy Spirit to the apostles and to My Holy Mother, because the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity was present, that is, the Sacred and Unfathomable Son.

It is this very same mystery that I bring to all because you will need it in the end of times so that you may not forget that, while being a part of the Fire of Love of My Heart you are also part of the Triune Unity, of this unity that must reflect among brothers and sisters and among servers of the same spiritual path.

This is why this is the moment of your re-consecration to the Flame of Love of My Heart. That Flame burns untiringly for the souls that adore and recognize My Sacred Heart, and It burns for those souls that still do not know Me nor have cognizance of Me, the souls that I need you to bring closer to Me in these times. Thus, I may also consecrate and heal them, just as I have healed and consecrated you.

This should be your main spiritual task: bring souls to Me, so that they may feel and see the Flame of the Fire of My Heart, the flame that will dazzle the whole world during the three days of darkness. Thus, souls will be able to be partakers of the Light of My Eternal Heart, no matter what happens, no matter what presents or manifests itself.

Because the Flame of Fire of My Heart will not allow you to have doubts, mistrust or uncertainty, but rather your lives and consciousnesses will be able to affirm themselves in My Heart. Remember that My Heart is the Heart of the Eternal Father, which incarnated and was among you and with you to bring you the Good News.

Through the Flame of Love of My Heart, I prepare you for the coming times, so that you may live your true apostleship and  help your Master and Lord awaken new apostles, who are ready now, waiting for the great moment, for the moment of awakening.

Be reconciling and mediators, be forerunners of the Flame of Love of My Heart.

Make the world know that My Heart is not only open to all, but it is also a Heart that can receive all, without exception and unconditionally.

Because by just adoring the Flame of Love of My Heart, I assure you that you will know the universe of My Love, and you will feel the inner impulse of doing anything for the fulfillment of the Plan.

May this Flame illuminate those present and those who are not present.

May this Flame grant to the world peace, wisdom and discernment, understanding to govern, just as God governs. Thus, peoples and nations will no longer be prisoners of the systems of the world, but souls will rather attain freedom from this eternal planetary captivity. Thus, hearts will again find the Love of God and the eternal hope of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The one who venerates the Flame of Love of My Heart makes a commitment, and this is not passing nor transferable.

Contemplating the Flame of Love of My Heart signifies consistency, being in readiness and being alert to help the Spiritual Hierarchy in all It tries to build and manifest.

I do not give you anything different from what I gave the apostles. At this moment, I am giving, as a legacy, the same knowledge and wisdom that My apostles and followers received in the Cenacle. Because thus I not only prepare you for the times to come, when you must attain a state of consciousness that is neutral, not indifferent, a state of consciousness that is peaceful, but that does not omit itself. A state of consciousness of love and compassion, but not forgetful of the true need of the planet, of the nations and peoples that now suffer, war, conflict, famine, religious persecution, trafficking and migration.

For those souls, I come to the world to work, so that all of humanity, and this is My aspiration, may be a missionary and fraternal humanity. A humanity that cannot have a heart at peace until the last soul takes shelter in My Arms, until the last soul receives what it needs, until the last soul may be taken out of suffering and pain.

Because there are missionaries available to be My Arms and My Hands in the world, available to dissolve the cruel system of this humanity through anonymous service, inner prayer and through the fulfillment of Christ’s Purpose on the planet. Thus, I also prepare you for the next mission in the Middle East.

For this reason today, behind Me, you can see Israel, My Holy Land, the land chosen by the Eternal Father Himself to develop the Sacred Genetic Project, through His Gifts and Graces granted to the people of Israel and its tribes.

Today, humanity is the great people of Israel, expressed on the four corners of the planet.

Today, humanity, lost and disoriented, influenced and persecuted by modern world gods, must turn to the people of Israel, toward the Original Project of the Father, that Project which He entrusted to the patriarchs and prophets: the Great Project of concretion of His Sacred Will in the end of these times. Because within each heart, within each one of you, lies a part of this Project of the people of Israel.

Therefore, return to your origins. As humanity, recover your roots and remember that you were once part of a sacred people, of a people that must recover its spiritual and moral dignity, of a people that must still concretize the Will of the Father, just as it is written in its Inner Heart.

The Mission to the Middle East, which you should already be internally living by now, will not only be a mission to help the suffering peoples of this region of the planet. It will be a mission carried out not just to undo the knots that tie many consciousnesses to perdition. It will be a mission to again unveil the sacred treasures of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Thus, through the Fire of Love of My Heart, these treasures may manifest and reveal themselves to the whole world, through the Sacred Relics that the people of Israel once received by means of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the Sacred Relics of the Cenacle, by means of the Holy Grail.

All these treasures must still emerge through the Heart of the Hierarchy, not only for the Middle East, but also for the world. Not only through the Inner Retreats, but also through the hearts that are thirsty to find their origin and to feel they are a part of God’s Project.

Each step of the task of the Hierarchy is for completing a new step. It is for carrying out a new effort that goes beyond what is material or even what is spiritual, a task in which all are summoned to participate. In which all are summoned to feel they are a part of the aspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy knowing that, if the treasures of the Hierarchy are not manifested and do not emerge, how shall humanity face the three days of darkness?

The solution to the world does not lie in what is material, but rather in what is inner. It lies in the Sacred Knowledge that the Hierarchy can bring to you, through the inexhaustible wellspring of Instruction. This wellspring ennobles your spirit and strengthens your faith which, sooner or later, leads you to live the Plan of God in the same way that We live it, feeling in the depths of the heart, the Divine Love that conceives and can do all things. The same Love that allowed God to sacrifice for the whole world and be the last Lamb taken to the slaughterhouse, so that the Tree of Life may rise again and the roots of the origins and the sacred story of the planet may be re-integrated into the consciousness of the world.

This is something that We will carry out in the Middle East. Something similar and deep. Accompany the Hierarchy in this goal, in the concretion of this aspiration.

This is why today I give you the Fire of Love of My Heart to give you understanding and wisdom, so that all of you may feel you are One in Us, and through Us you may feel you are One with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.

While I am here, I contemplate the needs of the planet, the supplications of souls, the pleads of hearts, the intentions of the pure and humble hearts of all those who truly cry out for help.

The ardent wish of My Heart is that, through the Fire of My Love, you may achieve the same vision and perception that the Hierarchy has. The only bridge and only path to attain this is through service for others, it is the school of the degrees of love, which lead you to reach beyond your limitations or conditions. When you achieve the degrees of love, you will have a universal vision, just as the Hierarchy does, and not a vision limited or conditioned by the mind.

It is only through your heart that you will achieve the degrees of love, when your devotion for My Love is ever deeper and truer, capable of placing you where God needs you to be, although you may not believe that this is possible.

Now I will withdraw, so as to prepare, just like you, to help the Southern Hemisphere and the Americas, which are part of the Fire of Love of My Heart, just as all your people are as well.

My Love expands over Argentina and I assure you that, from now on, I am counting the days and the hours to again meet My children of Argentina, with all the warriors of Mercy and Peace.

Because through the Argentinians, through the hearts that truly love and serve Me, I will be able to meet with all the Hierarchies of the Sacred Places that Argentina holds from North to South.

I assure you, My children of Argentina, that this will not be in vain and that I will fulfill My Word to them, in the end of these times, so that each one of them may again remember that not only does the Hierarchy love Argentina, as it is a part of the cradle of the New Humanity, but the Hierarchy will also always give you Its instructions and treasures, so that your souls may always be ennobled in the Love of the Redeemer.

May Argentina not give up, may Argentina rise towards Me, just as I extend My Arms towards Argentina, so that it can hold Me tight and thus I may withdraw this people from this eternal shipwreck, from lies, impunity and corruption.

May the hearts of Argentina and of the Americas rise again. Remember that you are a part of a Great Network of Time that silently shines from the North to the South of the planet until it may awaken and reveal itself. This is the great moment that is approaching all of humanity.

Through My priests, may we now celebrate the Spiritual Communion, for all that which the Hierarchy must do in Argentina and, through Argentina, in the Americas, for all cultures and peoples, for the poorest among the poor.

Let us celebrate through the Fire of Love of My Heart.

After this Spiritual Communion, We will bless one of My spouse's of soul and heart, who offers herself to serve at My Altars, whom I will wait for in Israel.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this Meeting, we honor You, Lord.



Through the Fire of Love of My Heart, I bless you and, through you, I bless the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the planetary task that Our Lord is carrying out at this moment, at His request we will intone "Adon Olam."

We invite those who are listening to stand up so as to accompany Our Lord in this planetary task.

Song: "Adon Olam."

You knew a fragile man as Jesus, who carried the heavy wood of the Cross and that, as a human being in spite of His divine and cosmic powers, gave Himself for each one of you so that you would not have to endure and suffer. If more than two thousand years later humanity continues to endure and suffer, it is a consequence of its actions and roles.

The Almighty incarnated on Earth through His Son so that humanity would not have to endure ever again.

The Almighty incarnated as a man and as a consciousness as you did, and reduced His grand vibrations of Light in order to be able to be among the human beings of this Earth.

The incarnation of the Son of God and the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant important times for humanity. Through the incarnation of the Son, humanity was able to recover the path toward its original purity, the original purity that was thought of at the genesis of the Human Genetic Project. But that incarnation of the Son of God also brought an end to an unending chain of errors.

The Eternal Father Himself knew that no matter if He incarnated on Earth and brought an awareness of Love-Wisdom, that victory would not be completed, because there would be human beings that would have doubt about His Presence and Power, and even after the Passion of Christ, this happened in many human beings.

The incarnation of the Son of God through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity brought an end to many errors from the past that up until then, in the history of humanity, would have caused the Human Genetic Project to succumb forever, even with having had the presence of the Patriarchs and the Prophets. 

But not all civilizations and races made a mistake; the adversary took charge of being able to distort some of those races that were present in humanity.

From the Adams and Eves up until Atlantis, humanity had to learn, as they have done until today, to remedy the errors committed in order to be able to again achieve the power of Grace and Mercy.

That was the main reason for the incarnation of the Son of God, which generated and made space for His second and important task, the Passion of Christ, which took place on many levels and planes of consciousness, from the cosmic spiritual to the most material and concrete plane.

The whole consciousness of God participated in all these mysteries and events, as well as different groups of souls and consciousnesses that, even though they were not incarnated in that time, participated in these events because they needed them in order to be present in future times such as this.

For this reason, Christ not only endured on the physical plane, but also on the plane of the soul and on the spiritual plane. The powerful Passion of Christ, which for many was a defeat, changed into a victory on the inner planes since, through the power of the prayer of the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of the holy women and some of the apostles, this allowed the gathering of the greatest number of consciousnesses possible, that on different planes of consciousnesses needed the energy of redemption.

Each suffering experienced by your Master and Lord, from the evening of Holy Thursday in the Garden of Gethsemane up until the death on Friday, on the heights of Mount Calvary, were unique and unforgettable offerings for all of humanity and the planet.

Through that sorrowful and profound Passion of your Master and Lord, many future planetary situations were contained, many future generations were protected in order to not experience a deviation from the Original Project.

And even though today this has been completely distorted by indifference and omission, many more were present over the course of time and returned many times to this world as servers, servants, disciples and apostles to be present in collaboration and in service to humanity.

Certain groups of souls, which achieved the experience of Christic Love, offered themselves in a way like their Master to be immersed in this humanity and in different peoples and nations of the world, to bring a continuity to the Genetic Project of God which, at this time and at this hour, are experiencing its great opportunity for correction.

Considering the entire history of the errors that occurred, from the death of the Son of God up until the present, to be amended by the power of the devotion of all My companions, by the power of those who adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ and by those who support the life of service and charity, we are in the time and at the hour for fulfilling the promises and the aspirations of the One, which have been present through the archangels and angels since Genesis.

And so, the sorrowful Passion of Christ was not only an event and a story that humanity may know about. Many planes of consciousness participated in this event; for this reason, I had to withdraw for forty days into the desert, since My most material aspect needed to prepare for that moment, even during the three years of preaching, in which humanity needed to learn to recognize the truth and identify it in order not to be lost on the way toward the Light and the Good.

For this reason, the Passion of Christ is an occurrence that will never be erased from the consciousness of the planet; it is an occurrence that can always be re-experienced and remembered as many times as you need in order to move forward in your process of purification and redemption. This way, in these events are the codes of light that you need to achieve your spiritual, cosmic and inner liberation.

With all of this I want to tell you, companions, that you must focus your awareness on the extent of that which the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant, and how many consciousnesses on the inner plans participated in the redemption of more consciousnesses that were condemned to complete damnation.

Thus, the Passion was so sorrowful because it was to overcome all the planes of consciousness. And that Passion, lived by your Lord and Master, was to reach the physical plane and the cosmic spiritual plane with His experience, where everything that happened was to remain recorded so that humanity could learn to not commit the same errors because of it having given up the Son of Man on the Cross.

The time of the sorrowful Passion of Christ today unites with this material time and this present time, in which the whole human race is faced with the opportunity of availing itself of this occurrence, which remained recorded in the deepest core of the Earth through the Blood that was poured out by your Master and Lord.

It is now when the Armageddon is present in the world that consciousnesses must be awakened for their preparation in order to be updated on the events and to participate in the preparations for the Return of Christ.

The Cross of the Redeemer will always protect you, save you and bring you the inner strength to be able to renew all things.

This is why the Holy Cross has not been erased from the memory of the planet; because it was the tree of God that was surrendering its fruits to humanity through the sacrifice of the Son of Man.

This is the time to be affirmed in this legacy that I gave you, because more intense times will come and your consciousnesses must not hesitate. You must be firm and decided to be able to follow Me until completing that which I expect from each one of you. This is also the reason for which I am here today.

Today you are experiencing communion with My Spirit through the recognition of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, from which your souls can gather the fruits and the merits that the precious poured Blood of Jesus achieved for humanity.

Now humanity must cease its self-destruction, and instead it must rebuild in a spiritual, mental and material way, to recover its filiation with Creation through these divine merits that I give the world, merits that will always give you the freedom to be in communion with the Father.

Today I will anoint you to be able to anoint humanity, in the same way that the holy women anointed all of My Body, preparing It for My burial, which after three days would show the world the power of the Resurrection.

Through this anointing that I will offer to you today, I will also anoint the whole world. I will give you the power of the spiritual Resurrection for the definitive times that will come, and through this anointing, which My holy women will do today in you, you will remember that you can always feel yourselves to be anointed by the glorious Presence of your Master and Lord.

This anointing comes to close the spiritual wounds of humanity, mental and material wounds, so that all may be regenerated and the awaited preparation may begin for the emergence of a new humanity, free of indifference and affirmed in Love, in the Love of God.

We will bring four jars of anointing oil here so that the Lord may consecrate them, in the same way that He will consecrate all the crosses that we have brought here to affirm our commitment to Him and His eternal union with each soul.

For this reason, from where we are, we will offer our cross, so that our cross may be alleviated and the cross of humanity may be alleviated of sickness, wars, persecution, political and humanitarian crises, indifference, the lack of love, the lawlessness and the evil that many souls practice because they are ignorant of the Love of God.

For this reason and motive, we will offer our crosses so that the world may achieve healing and peace. Amen.

Bless, o Lord, the cross that You have given each of Your children, so that it not be a weight or an agony but rather a constant perseverance of the triumph of Your Love through transformation and redemption.

"Through Your Grace and Mercy, place on these crosses the merits that Your Son achieved from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the heights of Mount Calvary, so that souls may feel fortitude in these times, so that any fear may be dissolved, and Your creatures be filled by the abundant trust of Your merciful Heart. And in this way, just as today you bless and anoint these crosses with Your Spirit, bless and anoint, beloved Father, each one of their families and loved ones, so that the great network of Your Mercy and Your Peace may be united and alive in the hearts of those who believe in My Return to humanity. Amen."

Let us lift up our crosses so that the Lord may bless them through the powerful Light of His Wounds. We can bring our crosses to our hearts.

Now we will move on to the blessing of the oil, of the four oils that Our Lord requested and that represent the four principal races of the planet: the race of the Americas, the race of Africa, the race of Europe, and the race of Asia and Oceania.

We open ourselves to this spiritual anointment and for this material anointment, which we will receive through the Mothers of Christ, in the name of humanity and of this Genetic Project, which must be accomplished through all the self-summoned.

Through the anointing which each of us will receive at this moment, it will also be permitted that all those who are behind us on the spiritual path and are waiting to enter this stream and Work of Love of the Christ, may have the opportunity of being participants in the Presence of the Divine Hierarchy.

So while we are anointed at this time, let us keep in mind all those who are behind each of us and are waiting for their awakening and redemption, in the same way that throughout time we are redeemed and anointed by the spiritual Love of Christ.

Mother María Shimani and Friar Joaquín.

Mother María del Salvador and Friar Luciano.

Mother María Getsemaní and Friar Ariel.

Mother Zorobabel and Friar Gabriel Pío.

And before beginning this anointing, which will attempt to bring a spiritual healing to humanity through the four races represented on our planet, each one of us, even though not present here in this place or in this Marian Center, will make our inner offering through a minute of silence, so that peace and healing may be reached in humanity.

We make our offering in silence; and we make this offering, at the request of Christ, for all those who have died because of the current pandemic. We ask for healing, Mercy and forgiveness. We make our offering for these souls.

I lift up your intentions to Heaven so that the Celestial Father may contemplate them within His Source. May this spiritual and inner anointing bring all the results that humanity needs at this time.

For those who have unjustly endured, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are unjustly suffering, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are enduring illness, desolation or death while alone, may the Father have Mercy.

For the small and most innocent, for those who are trafficked, exploited and sold, may the Father have Mercy.

For all the unborn children, which are millions in the world, may the Father have Mercy.

May peace, renewal and faith awaken in all hearts.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And so we say goodbye to Our Lord. And for His request for this Sacrament of Anointing, we will repeat the song that we heard at the beginning of this work: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus."


From the Heart of God, My Voice comes to the Earth of Love and Forgiveness, the sidereal school which will be the one to convert this and other Universes into a New Creation, in which the Race of Christs will flourish.

And it will be from here, from this tiny crib called Aurora, that these Christs will be born for the whole Universe.

I know that you do not understand My words, but you will soon see, My children, with the passage of time, how this humanity will give birth to the Christs of the New Time, who will impel in the Universe the changes that will give another direction to the Creation.

Today I descend as the Divine Conception of the Trinity to bring again the healing for humanity and for all of you, faithful and fraternal Children of God. I bring from the Source of Healing of the Creation this attribute that the Father wanted to place in this small place so that from here it could liberate, transmute and heal the world.

However, humanity has not understood the greatness of the Creator, although more than two thousand years ago He was placed, inside of a poor crib in Bethlehem, His own manifestation of Love through His First-Born Son.

Although more than two thousand years have passed, humanity still does not accept that, in His Infinite Humility, the Father places His Grand Will in the most sacrificed, in the poorest, in those who struggle the most every day to live true love and to honor the Truth every day.

For this reason, Aurora prepares itself like the crib of Bethlehem to give birth to the New Christs so that God can again express His Perfect Will in the small and humble.

Today the Aurora of My Heart beams in Love and Grace, placing its children in its cradle of love, of forgiveness, and of healing; today, the Aurora of My Heart offers healing and liberation to the spirits that come to offer their lives to Christ in order to be able to accompany Him in His Return.

Today, from here, I bless My crib of the end of times to all those who come with the heart in their hand and offer it to My Son and also to God so that His Divine Plan may be fulfilled.

Today, from this Aurora of My Heart, I send to all of My children in the world, to all those who are always in offering to My Son, the healing of pain and of errors, so that they can go ahead complying with their part in this Divine Miracle which is preparing the path of return of the Savior, Christ Jesus.

Today the Aurora of My Heart beams in the essences of the merciful, of the meek and the humble, of those who know sacrifice and temperance, of those who live in truth what My Son taught in simplicity.

Today I ask the Father, from My Heart of Celestial Mother, from this House of Love, that temperance, strength, and faith descend upon this place and on these hearts so that in this time, in which the presence of My Son will be in Aurora, this place may be blessed by these attributes that will consolidate the inner walls, which will sustain them during the time to come.

I love you; live in peace, the honor of serving God.

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Mother of Aurora


Before the existence of this Solar System and the group known as the Nine Galaxies, which make up the grouping of a universe of lives, God, as Creator and grand expression of Love-Wisdom, deeply wished that some of His Children, the Creators of the Material Universe, also called Archangels, the great Co-Creators of this life system, would offer each of the Nine Galaxies the opportunity to experience evolution by means of “self-knowledge” and the so-called “degrees of love”.

It was in this way that these great Co-Creator beings carried forward all the universal projects received by them as subtle spiritual impulses of light, and then offered to the created systems, known as “Milky Way”, the opportunity of deepening in “spiritual knowledge” and in the “degrees of love”.

All this happened before the fall of the adversary.

In this time, in all the Universes, the first one thousand years of peace were lived, a period in which the development of life, the inner schools of learnings and, above all, the awakening of the different "degrees of love", granted this Local Universe, in which this Solar System exists, including Earth, the opportunity that on a planet of very high spiritual characteristics, like the Earth, one of the twelve most important Projects of God's Love could be carried forward.

For this reason, the planet Earth went through different cycles. The seas, which used to be acidic, became alkaline so that they later might become containers of mineral and crystalline components, living as a high degree of oxygenation.

The continents, which used to be desert and cold, experienced a biological re-adaptation to later become seedbeds of new species. 

In this way, planet Earth, and all of its atmosphere, converted into a great womb of light, to finally gestate the consciousness of humanity, which was later known as Adam and Eve.

In this first experience of love, the Heavenly Father internally aspired that this Project, so yearned for by His Heart, would allow to correct and recreate Creation so that increasingly higher degrees of love may be lived.

Some time later the Universe began to live the first failures in evolution due to the very intense fall of the disobedient angel.

From there, the whole Universe, a place where peace, good and harmony were lived, became the sudden scenario of the first steps of duality, a current contrary to the principle of the Maximum Will; a duality that would begin to place at stake the freedom that had been granted to all creatures, with the aim that they might learn to love, just as the Heavenly Father loves them.

The planet Earth was one of the last places in which this spiritual current of duality descended to test, through Adam and Eve, the Project of a humanity essentially united to the Kingdom of God.

For various inexplicable temptations, the Project was being altered and changed, as the contrary spiritual currents gradually broke the scenery of the so-called “Eden”.

Why did the Heavenly Father allow this?

In a mysterious sense, Adam would have had the opportunity of taking his first step in the evolution of the degrees of love and of the awakening of consciousness, if he had been unconditionally obedient to God.

As for her, Eve, would have had the possibility of being the promising consciousness that would experience the Feminine Aspect of God by means of the spirit of Motherhood, a state that would concede the pure birth of the following creatures that would come after her.

At that moment, the Earth, as the first human experience, underwent its first and great test, which, had it been victoriously faced by Adam and Eve, as representatives of humanity of that time, would have allowed this race to attain a degree of love similar to that of Jesus.

This is the reason why God Himself, present in the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that is, in the Son, decided to incarnate on Earth, after so much time, to give Himself to His Children in Love and Wisdom and to teach all about Truth.

It was during the preparatory time for the incarnation of Jesus that the Father extracted, from one of His purest Founts of the Spiritual Universe, one of His most elevated and pure Aspects, which was the spiritual basis for the Divine Conception of whom later would be known on Earth as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

Thus, the Archangels, at the request of God, were the ones who prepared this scenery for the coming of the Messiah, That One Who, having given testimony of love and of life, would demonstrate, in his maximum humility, how duality could be overcome so that every living being on Earth may finally learn to fulfill the Will that brought it to the world and to transit the school of forgiveness and redemption, inner paths that will one day again place the human consciousness where it once had been before making the mistakes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Songs of Figueira - "Devotion"

"Devotion" is a song of Figueira that implores for and invokes the cosmic Mercy and a universal grace, permeated by the one and absolute Divine Creator Spirit.

"Devotion" is a call, a request of the innermost and deepest worlds of the soul of one who, in surrender and resignation, offers themselves to the Creator to be transformed, redeemed, and blessed by the Higher Law of Love.

The song "Devotion" presents itself to us as the key to access the Gifts that Christ offers, as is the spiritual Water, one of the millenary nourishments of Creation that sanctifies and quenches the thirst of humankind.

Through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, we find Christ as the principal saving model for humanity and the planet; we find Him in the inner world of each being, as the universal Redeemer and Intercessor between humanity and God.

For this reason, Christ is presented in the song "Devotion" in His true Aspect, something yet not recognized by His Church on Earth, but testified to in the different Gospels, and just like the Transfiguration of Jesus, a mystery yet to be revealed.

In this sense, the song makes an appeal for the life of the surface to be corrected from the deviation that it has lived, time and again, due to ignorance, pride, and human power.

In this way, the song invites the devotee of Christ to drink of the true and pure Fount that the Master offers to all beings, so that each soul may be completely satiated by the Redeeming Love that the Divine Person of Christ, in fusion with His Divinity, offers in this song.

The Water He offers not only purifies and cleanses, but also redeems and uplifts the consciousness in state and in plane in order to find the spiritual meaning of its existence.

Thus, the Master appeals to everyone to love one another as brothers and sisters so that there are no confrontations and struggles between beings and peoples.

In the song "Devotion," it is prophesied, in simple words, the importance that love prevails, in order to dissolve conflicts and, later on, wars.

After thirty years of the creation of these songs and poems of devotion to the Hierarchy, a warning is revealed, especially in this song "Devotion,"  to prevent human catastrophes.

And, in truth, the opposite took place because the human being allowed themselves to be defeated by the power and the arrogance to conquer the world, forgetting the rules of love and allowing themselves to be submerged in error.

Renewing the appeal of this sacred prophecy, expressed in this song, the last Christs will be those who will place human life again on the right pathway, a life that has been perverted, separating itself from the true reason of its existence.

The last Christs will be those who will give their lives for the rest.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The Fraternity of Light - Part I 

A congregation of serving souls, willing and surrendered to carry out the Will of Christ. 

They lead a life of selfless service for the planet, for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature. 

They work tirelessly to please God and to relieve His Heart. 

They seek the common good, the social and spiritual good among beings. 

They do not flaunt any prestige and aspire to be able to remain always in the last place. 

They wait ardently for the second coming of their great and only Master. 

Their feet are placed on a single boat. 

Their aspirations and their lives of service are on one path. 

They accept everyone, just as their Master accepts them, for love of humanity. 

They wish peace for all and live it in an unchangeable way. 

They find the meaning of their lives in the Divine Person of the Lord. 

They try, by all means, to multiply Mercy through their good works, their charity and their service. 

They unify their consciousnesses by following the Principles of the Hierarchy. This makes them participants in the communion with Divine Will. 

They accept, beyond everything, the cycles of changes. 

They do not fear their own purification. 

Their fidelity to the Work of God lies in transparency and in the truthfulness of their acts. 

They do not lie, do not manipulate any situation and do not modify forms for their own convenience. 

They assume, beyond everything, the Rules of the Brotherhood and they protect them, first, from themselves. 

They appeal for equality. 

They rejoice for the triumph and for the transformation of their fellow being. 

They take the risk every day in being more consequent with the Plan of God. 

They do not let themselves become influenced, neither by external nor human realities. 

They believe, above all, in the miracles of love and in the wonders of redemption. 

They build the Plan of God based on their own efforts. 

They sustain the current of Grace through their prayers and songs. 

They try, every day, to be a light for the world, relief for those who suffer, healing for those who are wounded. 

They share the planetary and human suffering. They seek to relieve it and repair it through their spirit of unconditionality. 

They feel this Fraternity of Light within themselves. 

They believe in the power of changes, in the construction and in the elevation of ideas, in the deep feeling of Sacred Unity. 

They do not know how to say "no", they have only learned to say "yes" and they vivify it in every moment. 

They are rescued warriors, redeemed mirrors, commanders liberated from ancient oppressions. They are integrated in the name of love and faith.

They only find Light in Christ’s Gaze of Love. 

They are the members of the Light-Network, those who form this Fraternity, those who accept the new cycle, those who no longer let themselves be influenced by the past, those who have overcome the tempest, those who do not change their minds out of convenience, those who aspire to be faithful to Christ, those who are conscious about the reason for their commitment, those who protect the Work from themselves, those who accept transformation, those who truly love the Instruction and those who wait for a better time. 

And those who do the impossible to live what they say, respecting and loving the place, the mission and the path to Christ, which they have chosen. 

This is the new Light-Network, which, based on the old patterns, today lives the necessary patterns, adapted to the needs of the end of times. 

The Light-Network is the Fraternity of Light because it is in communion with the Hierarchy, and all who enter into this Fraternity are determined to follow one path, a single Master; the Christ, so as to fulfill the Plan truly and without oscillations. 

May the Fraternity of Light be the new Light-Network, that launches its networks of love into the world in order to embrace humanity and relieve it from its suffering, and from its agony. 

May the Fraternity of Light be made of the faithful and true commitment of each member of the Light-Network, with the Hierarchy. 

I thank you for responding to My call! 

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 

Monthly Messages

First Message

My Silence speaks about the truth of these times.

My Silence reminds you of the moment of My passage in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the most hard hour of the Agony; a moment in which God revealed the truth to Me and made me know it deeply, so that not only My Heart could be prepared, but also so that My Spirit could be prepared for the times that would come after My Ascension to the Heavens.

We are in the hour of this great truth.

We are before the revelation of this crucial moment that comes to the world in order to show its reality, and thus step out of blindness.

Today, your Master and Lord carries the ingratitude of the world and all offenses that the hearts commit in these times, in their profound ignorance.

It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation, it is a very great pain to bare and, above all, to carry within My Heart.

Thus, I come to ask the world, and those who believe in Me, for the reparative adoration for five minutes, so that the Heart of the Lord may be consoled of the offenses it received and the ingratitude it felt from all those who once were by My side, but that the deceiver of the world separated from Me, for different reasons.

This is not the message I would bring you today, for your knowledge and instruction, but the Savior of humankind must reach the end, the last soul, the last corner of the world, to give help to those who need it the most, especially those who live in their ignorance or in their indifference.

In the reparative adoration of five minutes you will be able to console your Master and Lord of so many feelings and offensive attitudes that the souls of the Earth send to Me, along different paths and through different actions.

Here is the Heart, that still suffers for the world and for those who turn their backs to the Redeemer of the Universe, ceasing to correspond to Him how He needs, how He has thought and how the Celestial Father has proposed.

But let those who continue with Me not fear; repair the sorrowful Heart of the Most Beloved Lord, so that the seven main feelings that offend God may be transmuted and repaired by the merciful power of My Heart and by the adoration that souls offer to Me, for just five minutes.

Thus, you will repair the Heart of the Son and, as a result, you will repair the Heart of the Father.

You will repair the Heart of Christ for the feelings of indifference, for the feelings of ingratitude, for the feeling of denial, for the feeling of cowardice, for the feeling of negligence, for the lack of faith and, especially, for the feeling of lack of love for the Works of God, and to their fulfillment on the Earth.

For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.

And although the flock is agitated and the fierce wolf is stalking, the Shepherd of the Universe will not retrocede. He will not retrocede because He will come to save you, He will come to show you the path and the Light before darkness.

Companions, the time has come for definition.

The cross of this time is very heavy and who in truth is not with Me will not be able to carry it, even if they try to, even if they want to do it.

Whoever is not with Me, is not in love and might not know it.

Thus, implore to God with repentance of the heart, so that humility may be conceded to you, and your hearts may purify before the vengeance that the adversary will emit against the followers of Christ, in the end of these times.

If there is not love, nothing can be solved.

Words will not be enough. Comments and judgements of value will not be enough.

I need you to be My living example on the Earth, even if you never manage to.

You must mirror My Presence so that My Heart may be glorified in the confines of the Earth.

The moment has come to no longer deceive yourselves, and not to allow yourselves to be deceived, because many will come in My name and will affirm that others are the path, and many will believe it.

Thus, submerge in My sorrowful Heart, so that the flame of your love may console and repair it, through the adoration to My Eucharistic Heart.

The signs of the time announce great events, within and without men, within and without women of the Earth.

And there will be nothing and nobody that can detain their definition in this time, a definition that will mark the destiny of the next stage and, I might say, of the whole of your existence, until after the return of your Master and Lord to the world for the second time.

Thus, I do not talk to you of little facts or of insignificant misunderstandings, of poor adhesions or of lack of immediate unity with your brothers and sisters and fellow beings.

You are before the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.

You are before a revelation that is being announced since the origins of the Earth, to the present.

Thus, I would like to know, who will drink with Me from the New Chalice that God will deliver to Me?

What will be transmuted in these times will be very different from what was transmuted in the times past, during the Presence of the Son of God on Earth.

I invite you to open the heart, even more, to hear My Words, and for them not to become transitory, neither forgotten; because My time is ending among you.

Those who cannot donate themselves totally to Me will always be in freedom, because God made you free so that you could learn to love just as He loves you, infinitely.

I am delivering the planet in your hands and in trust.

I deliver humanity to this Work; because what will come to happen in the near future will be very great and will demand responsibility and correspondence.

I do not want you to feel fear from all of this, or from all that I have told you.

I bring you the revelation of the same feeling that God placed in My Heart during My passage through the Garden of Gethsemane;  a feeling and revelation that is being fulfilled at this moment, through the responses that My followers give Me, above all, those who give up on Me and let themselves be defeated.

Be intelligent and use the power of My Heart to transform everything.

Be something more than human beings, that live and breathe on this planet, that hear or speak, that feel or think.

Be, in truth, what you have come to be and do not justify yourselves, because in this way you will never change.

My Heart can no longer receive ingratitude, because the world gives it to Me daily.

My Heart only wants to receive your love and your truth.

I come to Austria for you to understand what we are working on together and the importance that this has for God in the Universe, as on Earth.

Are your feelings and restlessness not small before the true reality of humanity, and of its self-destruction?

Grow up and you will understand the Plan; you will live it, just as I live it and you will accomplish much more than I accomplish; because I told you that you would do greater things than I did a long time ago. 

May My Words remain, and not fade away, because My Words, when I am no longer here, will be your remembrance to live redemption.

May the Lord bless you and illuminate you.

May the Lord give you His Temperance and His Meekness.

May you correspond and work in the Lord, so that the fragility of these times may be defeated by means of the strength of the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 59th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the province of Algarve, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The one that is My rival will never manage to separate My flocks, no matter how much he agitates or disturbs them. The Faith of My Heart will prevail because it is a real Faith that comes from the Heart of My Father, is projected in My Heart and I project it over those who are Mine.

That powerful Faith of My Heart will always be invincible and that Faith, I invite you to testify in your lives, in your paths, in your coexistence, in your brotherhood.

It is the Faith of My Heart that will triumph in the world, through the powerful flame of My Love and of all those who love Me in the world, unconditionally.

I come to transform your love in the name of My Higher Love, so that you may live Christic Love someday.

Behold the Lord of Divine Mercy before you, the One Who announced the salvation of the world to Faustina, so that she could contemplate His Divine Image at the feet of Our Lord.

Behold the Rays of Pity and Grace, which are poured out today upon the world to generate atonement in the souls and true justification before all the committed errors. 

Behold the Lord of Divine Mercy of the Nations, The One That has no frontiers, nor divisions, race, color or society.

Behold the Lord of Life Who penetrates all souls with His Divine Power, Who comes from the twelfth celestial dimension and descends to the Earth, to this third dimension, to generate the great awakening.

Behold the Defeater of Death, the One Who rose for you, so that you could rise in spirit.

I am the Lord of Mercy and the Lord of Peace. Where I am present, no evil can abound or surround, because the victory of My Heart is realized in those who open to recognize Me within themselves.

Behold the Second Person of God manifested before you, the Firstborn Son, the Only Born Son, the Redeemer, your Savior.

Behold the One Who sustains the Sword of Justice, so that it may not be buried in the planet and cataclysms come about.

Behold the Lord of Justice, of Equality, of cooperation and of understanding.

Behold the One Who expurgates the evils of the world and defeats the hells with His Love, with the powerful Light of His Heart.

Behold the One Who transmutes the world, Who transmuted it and will transmute it, the One Who sublimates laws and unifies dimensions in the hearts that open to this sacred knowledge.

Behold the powerful flame of My Heart, which is revealed to the humble and shows itself to the simple to conceive in them the Glory of God, the Grace of the Father and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Behold the One Who breaks the chains of evil, Who dissolves human inertia and awakens the consciousness of human beings to the real spiritual truth that emerges from the heart of the Universe for all of this solar system.

Behold the One Who governs after the Father and is seated to the right of the Almighty.

Behold the humble Servant of God, Who died, suffered and endured for you, so that you might know the dimension of My Higher Love.

Behold the One Who opens the doors of Heaven so that all may enter into the House of God. Although you remain on Earth and are not in Heaven yet, you may enter through My Heart to the Kingdom of God, to His sublime dimension.

Behold the Lord of the Truth and the Life, the Way and the Kindness, Who decides, together with the Archangels, on the continuity of this race and of the Universe in which you are today.

Behold the Lord of the Milky Way and of all the local Universe.

Behold the Lord of the galaxies, Who contemplates with love even the smallest particle created because everything is part of God, of His Heart, of the kindness of His Love and the purity of His Spirit.

Behold the One Who will judge the fallen angel through Redemption, Who will stop the times so that there will be a single time, Who will grant the world the one thousand years of peace.

Behold the risen Lamb, which will free souls from suffering; which will give hope back to the world so that all may know the happiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Behold the Servant of Humility Who will renew the Church when He returns to the Earth for the second time and will destroy the oppressors, so that the good news of the Kingdom of God may be fulfilled in those who have been faithful and unconditional to My Heart.

Behold the One Who carries the Scepter of God in His Hand and the great Star of the Confraternity that unites all creatures of the Universe under the same condition, which is the higher condition of the Spirit of the Source of Creation, from where all come, from where all emerged once as sparks of this universal experience, which must be recreated through your sacrifice and redemption so that love, truth and unity may triumph in the hearts of the Earth and in all those that exist in the Universe.

Behold the Lord of all humanities, That One Who deeply knows the Project of God, after having incarnated as a man and as a Divine Consciousness on Earth.

Behold the Lord of fraternal Love, Who gave Himself for you to correct the Project of God, to turn this Project into a divine dignity in the Eyes of our Creator.

Behold the Lord who calls you to correct this Project through the transformation of your lives, the love for service, the redemption of your hearts, through your path of conversion.

Behold the Beloved Shepherd Who will always give you His Gifts, Who will show you the way and will point the path out to you to merge with the Creator.

With all of this, I want you to know My spiritual Aspects and the power of the omnipresence that the Father has granted Me since My Ascension, so that I could be present in all places and with all creatures, no matter what their condition or their evolution.

With My Mercy I come to renew the world and grant souls the Graces they need in order to know how to go through these times without losing the way to My Heart.

Through the Sacraments, I come to give you peace and the conception of good in your lives so that this higher good may reverberate not only in your lives but also in the world, which will need to awaken to cooperation and fraternity.


Everything that is offered from the heart has its reward in Heaven and furthermore, acquires an immense power when it is offered with humility and simplicity.

May these Sacraments that you will receive today renew your lives, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in you.

Yesterday you washed your feet, but today you will wash your heads, anoint your bodies, for the Love that the Holy Spirit will grant you.

Each Sacrament is the profound symbol of the reparation of souls, the opportunity for dissolving inner suffering and for generating healing for the spirits that most need it.

Today the Light of the Holy Spirit will be ignited in your consciousnesses so that you may be blessed.

Today you will be anointed by the immolated Lamb, so that Its precious and divine Blood may sanctify your lives.

As the power of the water that baptized Me in the River Jordan, may today this power be imparted and registered in this element that is offered at the feet of its Creator so that more souls in the world may testify to the immensity of the Universe of My Love for all hearts, so that peace may be established.

The moment has come to relive the Sacrifice of the Lamb.

Let all who can, kneel, so that this sacrifice that will be offered today to God may continue to be a source of reparation and of mercy for the world.

In each new sacrifice there exists the emanation of the Love of God, which can be experienced and undergone by the hearts that receive the Sacraments.

Seated at the table, together with My apostles, I took the bread, gave thanks to God for the surrender that I would live for you, and in that profound sacrifice of love, His sublime and divine Spirit blessed it. And all the angels of Heaven prostrated themselves before the sacrifice of the Lamb and for the Blood that would be shed in reparation for the outrages, indifferences and omissions of all men on Earth up to the present time.

Thus, I said to My apostles and today I say to you: all eat of It, for this is My Body that is given up for men for the forgiveness of sins.

May this sacrifice be recognized by the whole world and throfoughout the times.

Having the first part of the Supper ended, I took up the Chalice, that sacred teraphim of the Universe, which is still reverberating throughout the times and generations. The Spirit of God blessed it and the Holy Father, the Almighty Lord of the Universe put His Head on the ground, as a sign of reparation for all of humanity and the whole planet. The Ray of His Heart blessed the sacred wine, converting it into My precious Blood.

And I said to the apostles and today I say to you: all take and drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, which will be shed for you for the forgiveness of sins and the atonement of all consciousnesses.

Do this in remembrance of Me.

Our Father...

Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world,
have pity on us.
Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world,
have pity on us.
Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world,
bring us peace.

This is the Lamb of God, Who has sacrificed for you. Happy will be those who avail themselves of it so that nobody else may be immolated in this world and no other being may shed its blood for the injustice of the world.

I will always give you My Peace so that you may learn to live in My Peace, knowing that peace opens the doors to the healing and the redemption of souls.

Before your Master and Lord be witnesses of this Peace that comes from Heaven and descends to the Earth to close and dissolve deep wounds, great spiritual wounds in humanity.

Through the Rays of Mercy that today emerge from My Heart, I grant you peace so that you may learn to put yourselves under Me, so that My Rays of Light and Love may continue to be poured out in your lives and over the planetary life.

May the Peace of God be with you and go in peace. Through this Peace, I dissolve your sins and your offenses, in the same way that I dissolve the offenses of the world at this very important hour of the memory and remembrance of the Lamb of God and of His Divine Sacrifice.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You may give one another the greeting of peace in My Name.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
