Listen to the Throne of God, feel His Divine Presence. Your anchorage is liberated, your past is erased by the powerful Fount of the Will of God and of Divine Grace.

Listen to the Voice of God within you. Proclaim His greatness and His victory on the surface of this planet and beyond this universe.

Feel the bliss of God. Participate in the communion with His Spirit so that your wounds may close, so that your hearts may open and receive from Heaven the divine Mercy, not only for you, My children, but also your brothers and sisters, your fellow being, the one who suffers silently, the one who is not here today before the Presence of God and of His powerful Throne, by means of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I want to build within you a new temple. It is not a new church, it is a temple in which God can find repose and consolation by the heart of the human beings who receive Him and welcome Him into their inner universes.

By means of these Universal Laws that act here today, the doors of Light and of the whole Cosmos erase even the deepest past of Germany so that the hearts no longer feel the weight of suffering, but rather the victory of Light and of Love that enters the world from the Universe of God by means of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, which brings you the Light of Grace and of Redemption, that which also comes from My beloved Son.


Therefore, feel your spirits liberated. Feel your souls touched by the Light of redemption, contemplated by the Face of God that shows His Glory and His infinite Mercy for the whole world.

Receive, then, My children, by means of the service of His faithful Servant, the merits that Christ attained within this planet, merits that are still mysteries and that someday will be revealed to the world so that the whole world may consciously know who is the King of kings and whence He came from to be able to help humanity from its great perdition.

Therefore, the time of His Second Return is drawing near and your hearts must be ready because He will come without warning, without hour and without time. But a culminating moment will come in which the definition of the consciousness of humanity will be at stake.

But the love and the light of all prayers that come from the heart of My children and that, day by day, fill the Heavens, will be the true and only testimony of the intervention of Mercy for those who still have not awakened in time, nor will feel God in their hearts.

But I come as the mediator, interceding Mother, as the Universal Mother, the Mother who brings the Love of God to the world so that this Love, as a great, infinite and immutable wellspring, may bathe each soul of the world for them to have the Grace of finding God within.

The spiritual column of faith that will sustain each child of Mine will not only be your prayer, but also your goodness, your charity, your service and your mercy and, especially, your union with God, the Creator of Heaven and of Earth, of everything visible and everything invisible, of everything nonmaterial and of everything material, because the Father is in everything.

Therefore, He sends His Messenger. He sends again His own Son, the one who died on the Cross for you and for all of humanity. He sends His faithful Servant, Saint Joseph, so that the hearts may learn to humiliate themselves and surrender, so that the human arrogance and blindness that is profoundly spiritual, and that which many do not perceive, does not keep taking My children out of the path, because I Am your Mother, I Am your eternal Mother, the Mother who cries for Her children in silence and in prayer, a Mother that wishes to be heard as many mothers that are here today in the world and that are not heard by their children.

God has given you a faithful Mother, a Mother that accepted you, that received you with all of Her Love at the foot of the Cross and that had, in Her hands, the Blood of Christ and the flagellated Body of the Lord.

All these attributes, My children, kept in the spirit of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, come today to Germany and to Europe so that hearts may trust that God has not forgotten you, that God has always heard you, that God, through His Messengers, arrives here, in this city, in this people, in this nation, to renew it, to heal it, to rekindle the Love that comes from the Source, a Love that once ended, in a Love that was flagellated and wounded by humans and by wars.

But Love never dies. Love is eternal and invincible. It is this immutable and infinite Love that God brings to you today to renew your souls and your essences, to renew your people and your culture by means of the other sister nations, not only of Europe, but also of the world which, as different peoples and cultures, languages and experiences, unite under a single purpose of pleasing God through the prayer of the heart. Such a perfect and simple instrument, which I have taught you by means of each Apparition that took place in humanity, throughout the decades, and the last times I taught you how to pray, just as the Archangel Gabriel taught me how to.

My children, prayer will always make you triumph and grow. Prayer will make you perceive your state of ignorance and indifference, because prayer will transform you and fill you, because prayer is a gift of the Love of God, of a Love that never yields and that never ends.

It is this Love, My children, that today, in Frankfurt and in Germany, embraces all of your people, fulfilling in this pilgrimage, within Germany, the second Motive of God, because the first one was in Munich, the second is here on this day and the third Motive of God will be in Berlin, where the merciful Light of My Son, under the adherence of all of His collaborators and servers, will triumph.

Therefore, today I will also bless you with My Grace, not only bringing the Light of My Grace to Frankfurt, but also to all hearts, especially to those who will be consecrated as My children through the vow of not only living God within themselves by means of a prayerful life, but also in the important of the service of expressing love for their neighbor, for each heart of Germany that must still be healed of its wounds from the past, through a Love that renews everything and heals everything, through this Love that I bring to you today from Heaven, from the Heart of this Universe.

Let those who will be consecrated come here.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, My children, you will receive My blessing of Mother, just as God wishes at this moment, because it is God, the One who renews all things, the One that brings Light to the world by means of the hearts that open to live their intimate encounter with Him, in the fullness of His Spirit and of His Grace; Spirit of God that brings Peace and Redemption to souls.

Today I leave you the commitment, My children, of uniting to the Prayer for Peace for Germany, Switzerland and Austria, because the Work of your Heavenly Mother and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will continue.

Today we are here again, with you, My children, but we will be here again, at the request of the Celestial Father, because My wish, as a consoling and interceding Mother, is that all of Germany may receive the Grace of God, in each city that we pass, so that its entire culture and people may be renewed by the transfiguring Love that comes from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and give to you, in the name of Love, a rose from this altar, which is blessed by Heaven so that the souls may always remember the beauty of the Father, the infinite appreciation of His Love and of your Heavenly Mother.

Gladden your hearts and sing the hymn of your consecration to please God and the entire Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

I thank Frankfurt for having received Me.

I thank you from My heart.

May God always bless you.


See you soon.


Modification history

Special Apparitions
Extraordinary apparition of the Virgin Mary, on the 8th of July of 2018, in Vienna, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Do not fear.

I am the Queen of Peace, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, Mother of all peoples, Virgin of all cultures, Mother of all languages and Queen of Love.

I come to the world as Mother of the Universe, to remove from your hearts all that distances you from love, all that keeps you apart from God, all that is not part of His Divine Plan.

This is why I have come to Vienna to conclude the mission that My Son has started, to end the suffering of human beings, especially those sufferings that have marked the history of humanity and that nobody, nobody has been able to erase.

This is why I come from Heaven to announce that I Am your Mother who loves Her Children, a Mother who understands humanity and its mistakes, a Mother who has come to the world many times to warn humanity, to correct humanity, to guide them on the path of love.

You have time, My children, to live all that I promise you and bring you, of transforming your lives according to My designs, of forming part of My celestial commands and of making this planet a planet of redemption together with all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Remember then, My children, the unconditional service of your Guardian Angel who is there, present close to you, to take you by the hand towards the Design of God, to remove you from the path of constant suffering and agony that many souls live on many degrees of the consciousness.

Therefore I come through My Grace to grant you the Grace of God, the one you will need to awaken the consciousness, the one you will need to live in life the Principles of God according to His Will.

I want you to open your consciousnesses to the Universe and to all that exists beyond this planet and this humanity.

I invite you, My children, to look up to the Highest, to find in the infinite your history and your origin, to reencounter your path according to the Will of God and to make this a sacred path so that in you and in time you may awaken the virtues of Divinity and these may be part of the project of redemption of humanity.

I come to open the eyes of your superior consciousnesses, searching in all of this path for unity, the one that will lead you to wisdom, in the joy of serving God and above all, in the path of faith.

Austria, like all of Eastern Europe, still needs to heal its most profound wounds of war.

I come to grant you and your last generations My maternal Grace in order to remove the pain from your hearts, the hatred or resentment for having felt apparently abandoned by God.

But God was, in that moment, contemplating His children and sent Me to the world in those times, to announce My Message in Fatima, in order to rescue many souls, many families who escaped from suffering and the horrors of those times.

I do not want, children, to remind you of the past, but to submerge you, through My Heart, in the eternal present, where you will find the Design of God for each one of your lives and consciousnesses.

I come to encourage you to renew the times and to transform theses times into great moments of forgiveness and redemption.

I invite you to continue living the School of Prayer because with prayer in your lives and especially in your hearts, you will be able to perceive, My children, which is the new path that you will have to go through at this time.

Therefore, I am here today, with all the angels of the Universe, those you sing Glory to God, to offer you the consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

In this way, My children, in this very simple consecration, but true, that your lives can offer Me at this moment, you will be able to not only help your families who also need the forgiveness and the Love of God, but also help all of Austria and beyond it, radiating, through your consecration, the renewal of time and humanity that forms part of Eastern Europe. 

At this moment, before the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a new step is granted to your consciousnesses, which want to be led through the path of awakening so that some day, under the aspiration of My Heart, you may feel motivated to serve the world and its humanity expanding, together with your Heavenly Mother, this network of Light, prayer and forgiveness.

Europe still needs much mercy for all it owes to Africa and to America.

I invite you to convert the mistakes of all times into love, in this way you will be sincere hearts, that listen to the Call of God and dare to take a step in the name of Love.

Therefore, I bring you Peace, so that Peace may be conceived in your lives and may triumph in humanity.

We have come now to the moment of your consecration.

May the music of the Children of Mary sound so that I can bless those who will consecrate today.

And today I call Austria to renewal and hope so that, in this place, forgiveness and love  may be reached in the hearts that need them the most.

Now, children, that you are at My Feet and that you will know My mysteries, make a sincere petition to Me in the silence of your hearts, so that I may be able to take it to God and it may be fulfilled according to the Divine Will.

May this petition not only be something for your lives, which today are renewed in the Holy Spirit, but also a petition for humanity, that cries out for love and relief of suffering. So be it.

I bless this water in the name of My Son, for you to be baptized and blessed by the fire of the Holy Spirit of the Mother of God and for the talents of your hearts to awaken in honor of the Triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

May Peace and Goodness descend upon Austria and all the souls who are congregated here.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
