In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The one who truly is with Me will never perish.

If you are here today, it is because you want to be with Me, accompanying your Master and Lord in this important and definitive task during the Holy Week, when the deepest codes of My Heart will be offered to each one of you once again; because My goal is that you may be New Christs, and until that happens, I will not rest.

This is why today I elevate to God the inner temple of each one, a temple that has been transformed by Me throughout the times so that the souls on this surface may live their mission, regardless of what may happen or of the event that may present itself in their lives.

If you are already decided to follow My steps, if your lives already recognize Me as the One and Only Lord, what should you fear? Because in My Heart there is a place for each one, a place that waits for you yourselves to find it through your life of consecration, self-giving and service.

There, in the simplest things of life, you will reflect your true life, where your souls will be able to govern at last, where your resistances will dissolve and they will no longer be an obstacle for you to take the last step.

However, the steps that each one of you must take have their moment and their time. You must not anticipate something that has not happened yet, you must follow the rhythm of your own hearts, you must follow the impulse of your own spirits, because your spirits already know what they must do in this world.

Let yourselves be guided by your spirits, so that, when you experience this coming Sacred Week, your decisions may have been definitively made, because we do not have time any longer.

While the events on the planet precipitate, I need, I need the New Christs, those who dare to walk divested of themselves, those who do not fear My Redeeming Fire, those who allow themselves to be molded by My own Hands, so that I may create the form and the perfect model that God needs for the end of these times, because I will never do anything that you do not allow Me to.

Know that My Love is infinite and incalculable, and it is in this frequency that you must live, because the world lives under the frequency of hatred, revenge, and death.

The New Christs must be present in this cycle, to justify all the errors of the world, and I know that this cannot be understood by the mind.

It is the spirit that, through the heart, will give you the wisdom. Because I need your lives to be My own Word, your acts and actions, the facts of each one of your lives to be examples of service, mercy and forgiveness. Because I want you to know, attentively, that this will placate the injustice that many hearts live in the world.

You know that this world has gone mad, because there is no discernment any longer, because there is no wisdom and, as there is no wisdom, many hearts have lost connection with the Higher Love, and only suffer and suffer. But there are groups of souls in the world that are placed under this condition, and I know they do not deserve it.

But so that I may remove all these situations from humanity, when the time of My Return is fulfilled, there must be blessed ones and servers of Christ on Earth. I know that millions of souls aspire to this path.

But the very situations of your lives must not paralyze you. You must learn to understand the causes that you yourselves generate, and the results of these causes in your lives.

Make yourselves responsible first of yourselves, this is the same that I asked of My apostles: make themselves responsible for the mission that they had to fulfill. Because on the fulfilment of that mission, which is so similar to the one that you live today on Earth, will depend the result that Christ will be able to have in His most culminating moment in the world, a moment when the Lord and Master will remove the darkness of the entire planet, just as He did from the moment of His Birth up to His Death on the Cross.

Because the world, at this very moment, in the face of so many errors and so much injustice, cannot justify itself. But the New Christs who give their lives and their consciousnesses into the Hands of the Lord, will be able to justify all errors, so that the world may live a new age, free from injustice and suffering, free from all duality.

I need you to enter through the door that I Am opening in the coming Sacred Week. It is one of the last doors that I spiritually open upon the world, and this is possible due to the Lent time, when souls can receive the impulses they need, even while, up to the last moments of their lives they have to face their own imperfection.

My Eyes come to contemplate the same that I contemplated from My apostles. My Heart comes to seek what your hearts can give Me.

This is why I have brought the Holy Chalice and have placed it on top of the Hill, so that, in the next Holy Night, just as your Master and Lord experienced, the Steward Angel may give you to drink of My precious codes of Life and you may renew your commitment, although you see, in this time, a cruel and terrifying world. But it is a moment for you to accept that we are in the Apocalypse, a preamble that announces the culminating Coming of Christ to Earth.

Because when I Am present, the great decision will be made, which will have repercussions not only on this planet, but also in the whole universe, and this will reach the Spiritual Universe, where Our Father-Mother God is.

In this time, which is not very far away, hope will emerge in hearts again, and an unknown happiness will invade all of you and your brothers and sisters. Overnight, you will no longer know what suffering is, because My Love will dissolve it completely.

You will feel the same impulse that the apostles and the holy women felt, which renewed them so that they could live the path of evangelization, be missionaries of the Sacred Relics of Christ on Earth, together with the Most Holy Mother. Contemplate this moment, affirm this moment in yourselves.

The desert of the planet will end. Souls will no longer agonize and there will be no one on this surface who will die due to injustice. Because the Powers of Heaven will move, the Laws will manifest the Divine Will, angels and archangels, known and unknown, will present themselves, the trumpets will sound and there will be no one on this surface that will not be able to hear them.  

This will be the indicated moment, the Glorious Return of Christ. An extremely important moment to God, because His Hand will seal the Earth and humanity. The Just will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, the unjust will live their judgment so that they may be redeemed, including the angel that fell from Heaven will be judged.

If the Precious Blood of My Body was shed upon the world, and I died for you and offered even My last sigh for you, what will I not be able to offer for the world when I return?

Souls will know My Glory. The mysteries of My Heart will be unveiled. The secrets in Heaven will no longer exist, because God has no mysteries. God is the expression of the Living, Eternal and Inexhaustible Love. This will bring bliss to all the hearts that have believed in Me until the end.

Therefore, tell the world and your loved ones to repent, just as Christ did penance in the Garden of Gethsemane, and has been carrying all the sins of the world on His Back, from that moment until the end of times.

The only thing that I ask you is to never forget to love one another. You must not be divided, because behold the Unity of God, which makes Himself present in Divinity, Soul and Spirit, just as He made Himself present in the Holy Cenacle, blessing the apostles and the holy women. Meanwhile, I will always wait for you.

I come to bear witness of My Word, so that your burdens may be dissolved, so that relief may come to all, so that you may trust in Me, just as many, throughout the times, have trusted in Christ up to the end.

Because in truth I tell you that each one of you will have their definitive hour, just as your Master and Lord had His sacred and definitive hour in the Garden of Gethsemane. Do not fear that moment, because the Invincible Light of God will always emerge from the dark night. And the one who holds on to that Light, will hold onto My Mantle, and will be inexplicably healed.

As a testimonial of Love, today I come to bless and consecrate two daughters of Mine, who will receive important names in this new cycle of their consciousnesses and lives. These names are important to Me for what they represent in this stage which the world is experiencing.

And through this testimonial of consecration that we will live now, I want to awaken in all, the importance for all to renew your vows every day. Because each one, from their experience and, above all, from their hearts, can live a vow with Me. Remember that I do not seek perfect ones, I seek sinners, simple and true hearts, open to embrace My Will.

I was waiting for this moment of consecration so that all may be witnesses, just as My apostles and the holy women, of all I do and all I say is for one reason, it is for a miracle of Love.

I Am contemplating now what your inner worlds feel. Because through Me, God observes you, the God of Love and Goodness.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us prepare incense and blessed water, and Friar Baltazar will carry out this consecration, at the request of our Master.

Patricia and Debora.

Let us accompany this moment of consecration with the song “Consecration.” And we will accompany the sisters in this offering before the Face of Christ, Our Lord, who is present and accompanying this moment.

My daughters, may you always sing for those who become silent, may your voices be the Voice of God on Earth, to heal wounded hearts, bring peace to the hearts that do not have peace, renew all those who have lost hope.

Therefore, on this sacred night, offer this consecration for all those who do not consecrate themselves. And then elevate this offering during the Eucharistic Celebration, with this motive and this end.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, Debora, the Lord consecrates you as María de los Inocentes, for all the innocent that suffer in the world.

Today, Patricia, Our Lord consecrates you as Clemencia, for all those who are under the yoke of impunity, so that all may live liberation from spiritual slavery.

Thus, I consecrate you in the name of God’s Love and His Holy Will.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having been with Me today, we are on the way to the Sacred Week.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Grace never ends for the hearts that are dedicated. For this reason, today I bring you My Grace through this rain that bathes this Community, so that you may physically testify that, in these times, I am present with you and with the world.

Today I gather you all around the Cenacle of My Sacred Heart and I bring you a sincere and profound offer for your lives.

Today I bring in My Hands the sorrowful Crown of Thorns of your Master and Lord, which your Redeemer offers to each one of you, so that you may live this crown together with Me, in sacrifice and in rendition for all that is happening in the world, for all the souls that have denied Me, for those that wound My Heart.

But I will never deliver to you a greater sacrifice than the one that I lived, at that time, for each one of you.

This is the Crown that I offer you, the Crown that will transform you, that will redeem you and allow you to spiritually comprehend the significance of being with Me in this time, under the Light of My Grace and My Mercy.

It is for this reason, companions, that while I offer this Crown to each one of your souls, the precious Blood of your Master and Lord pours out upon the world through the Sacred Chalices, which the angels gathered during the time of the Cross.

It is in this way that I unite one time with another, and that, in the omnipresence of God, in the omnipotence of His Spirit, under the Glory of His Presence, I pour out the codes that you need today, to finish purifying your lives and consciousnesses; so that, finally, you may be the spiritual and serving model that God expects.

But this will not be soon. The world must still experience many tests, such as what it experiences in this current time, in which frustration and fear encompass the human consciousness, in which the human consciousness cannot find the way out, because the time has come in which, through the merits of the powerful Blood of your Master and Lord, souls will surrender so that they may be redeemed and become definitely consecrated to the Plan of God.

The hour has come for the world to learn to look at God, to seek Him within their hearts and lives, to perceive and realize that many have not heard the message of Heaven.

Through the sacrifice of this Crown, which I offer today to My companions, to all those who listen, to all those who have been faithful to My Sacred Heart, to them I will be able to deliver a reprieve to all humanity, at this moment that the human race experiences, in the face of the tests it will face and go through.

Companions, I need the merits of My sorrowful Passion to be of value in this current time. Thus, in the next weeks, you will be able to re-experience the Passion of your Lord with another degree of awareness and discernment, so that this sorrowful Passion may continue being the key and the doorway that is opened for the redemption of the whole Universe, until your Master returns to humanity, at the most culminating and difficult moment for the human race.

It will be through sacrifice and rendition that you will be able to live through the Spiritual Crown that your Master and Lord offers you today, that your souls and your Guardian Angels may justify before God all the mistakes committed by those that have been close to you and all those who are in the world, persisting in unfaithfulness, in the lack of transparency and consecration to God.

I offer this Spiritual Crown so that your lives may be the perfect justification in the face of the Justice of the Eternal Father, so that He may grant the world a greater time of Mercy, Peace and Redemption for all the beings that need it, in an urgent and immediate way.

Through My sorrowful Passion, you will be able to carry the sorrowful Spiritual Crown of your Master upon your heads, and you will offer your lives at the Altars of God, as a means and a perfect path to grant the world the great Grace it needs in this end time.

Today the rain of My Grace bathes your consciousnesses, purifies your hearts, neutralizes your minds and harmonizes your inner worlds, while I work with the whole world, in this hour and at this moment, where the forces of chaos, fear, panic and frustration are unleashed upon the Earth and the great and final war between Heaven and the hells is established.

Be aware of this. Live the fiery tension, in the vibration of neutrality and in the deep love that can be born and emerge from each one of your hearts; because while this battle has only just begun, everything is allowed, and nobody can stay behind without knowing the truth and without having the opportunity of being aware and taught to also face their own inner battle.

But if today I offer you the sorrowful Crown of your Lord, it is because you have already gone through other more difficult tests that, with striving and determination, you have learned to overcome in My Name.

But do not be afraid. It will be at the most acute moment in this inner and planetary battle when the Light of the Holy Spirit and of the Holy Archangels will emerge from the depths of the abyss to save the consciousnesses that were dragged by the illusion, the lie and the deceit of My enemy.

For this reason, through this Crown that I offer to you today, you will be with Me in rendition, and you will live your rendition consciously up to the limits of your being, without ceasing to receive the Mercy of My Heart.

I offered to the apostles this same Crown, and today I offer it to the apostles of the New Time, who are each one of you; just as My Mother spiritually offered this same Crown to the holy women, so that they could be faithful spouse to their Redeemer in the consecration and spiritual matrimony that each soul can live with Me.

Build this spiritual matrimony with Me, My companions and souls, for there My Love will be in you and you will be in My Love; and the Unity of God will be there; you will be within the safety and the necessary protection, and you will live this alliance that you so hope for and aspire toward, which My enemy, by all means, wants to stop and interfere in.

But it is in this inner battle that everyone is living, just as the world experiences the planetary battle, where you souls, hearts and lives will be confirmed and win, in the name of Love, the Love of your Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Do not desist, do not let yourselves fall, strengthen yourselves through My Presence and through the Eucharistic Adoration that I offer you, because you may fall, just like I fell for you, to save you and redeem you. But My Hand is there, reaching out toward you, for each heart of this planet, so that you may be able to stand up and hear that I am here, and I to hear from you: "Jesus, I trust in You."

I will not allow anything bad to happen to you, but it will depend on you, on each one of you, that this may be fulfilled, because I can intercede up to a certain level of the Law. And I must fulfill the Law for all eternity.

In this rain of Grace that I bring to you today, and through this message that I give to you today, I invite you to persist, to have faith and to be renewed because, through this meeting, I come to renew your souls, to strengthen your commitments, so that you may simply live the Will of the Creator.

In a very intimate and spiritual way, we offer this Communion, and you will re-experience with Me, during this Lent, the sorrowful Passion of your Lord, in the same way that today your souls are offered to the powerful Altars of God for those who do not offer themselves, for those who do not surrender, and do not allow themselves to be loved.

The purpose of all this is so that you heal inwardly and you may feel the joy of always meeting with Me, after so many tests and falls, but fortified by faith, by the Communion with My Body and My Blood, through Adoration, inner confession and through the Grace that today is being poured out upon the whole world.

Thus, we are prepared to make this offering at the Altars of God, because I have listened attentively to each of your souls and consciousnesses, in spiritual and inner confession.

May the sorrowful Passion of your Lord, at this moment of the offer, justify the errors of the world and of the souls that have ashamed My Spirit.

I entrust My Life to you, just as you entrust your lives to Me, so that we may be in a spiritual matrimony, perpetual and eternal, until the Divine Will is fulfilled. And today, I place your souls, hearts and lives before the scene of the Last Supper.

And surrounded by the angels, in eternal supplication, we remember that sacred moment when, after having anointed the apostles,  after having purified them with the Water of Life, I gathered them together as I gather you and all those who listen from any part of the planet, to tell you to continue trusting in Me and to remind you, at this moment, of the greatest mystery of Love of all Creation, for humanity.

As more than two thousand years ago, today I again take the bread in My Hands, and offer it to the Father in reparation and justification for all errors committed, so that it may be transubstantiated into the Divine Body of Christ. And thus, I offer it to you, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which was given and is given for the unfaithful, for the remission of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).


In the same way, I elevate the Chalice of redemption and I offer it to the Father for each one of you and for the whole world. And this wine is transubstantiated for the forgiveness of sins. Thus I offer it to you, saying: "Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed even until today, by your Lord, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).


United at this moment with the mystery of Love of Jesus and for all the merits that He achieved until after His Ascension, united with His eternal and sublime Presence, with all the power of our hearts and souls, for humanity, the planet and all Kingdoms of Nature that endure and suffer in this time, let us pray together, the Lord's Prayer as an offer to consummate this consecration of the Body and the Blood of Christ.

The Lord's prayer (in Portuguese).

And now Our Father asked for the Lord's Prayer in English.

Lord's Prayer (in English).

We announce the Peace of Christ on Earth.

The offering that was made by each one of you was accepted by the Creator. I want you to know and remember this, so that when you need it, you may carry out the same practice, as you did today in My Presence, in simplicity and love.

It is in this way that the Earth will be redeemed and it will transform.

And before leaving this world, I want to end this meeting with you by telling you that I have felt in My Heart the ardent desire of the good, charitable devoted and adoring souls that will be present during the Sacred Week.

It is for this reason that, with the authority that My Father granted Me, I will be with you twice, in April and in August, since now in April we will be together, in this way, as in this moment. And in August, under the Grace of God and all your prayers, we will all be gathered here to celebrate the final Sacred Week.

And so, companions, from April 5 to 12, we will meet here in prayer, and you, from your homes, also praying for the world and for this planetary situation. And I promise to give you My Words so that you may learn, in this moment and in spite of the distance, to spiritually commune with Me, because that time will come, and the spiritual Communion is as valid as the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

But if you, from your homes, during these days of April, are united with Me like at this moment, I will also be there with each one of you, with your families, with your groups of prayer, in each one of your nations, sharing the Passion of your Lord and again renewing each one of your vows so that, in this way, during the month of August, we may meet again and celebrate the consecration of your lives to My Sacred Heart.

Do you accept this call?


I have heard it from the other side of the world.

But this time I do not need great sceneries. I need something like today, simple, so that your souls may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy during the days of April.

We will meet from April 5 to 12, and I will meet with each soul and with each one who prays, through this means of communication and, in this same way, so that we may pray together for the most important Mercy that humanity needs to learn about, to overcome its tests and difficulties, the tests that are coming.

Before I leave I want to thank you, at this moment, for the work of Adoration that is being offered by all the adorers and by the adorers not yet consecrated, who I will have the joy of consecrating in the month of August, when they will be strengthened to live this silent task with Me, in the unceasing search to bring peace and harmony to humanity.

I give thanks for all the adorations that are offered and I invite those who have not gone deeper in the Eucharistic Adoration to do so. Drink from My silent Presence and the enemy will not find you.

I bless you all, all those present, all those who listen, because on this night I have felt the true inner presence of the souls that still struggle for their transformation and surrender.

May the Light of Grace fill you and bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To end, I have requested a song that delights My Heart, that brings tranquility to My Soul and motivates Me, in spite of all that I see, to return here, from where I can give the world My message.

The song is called "That which I am, that I give You."

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic and in Spanish).

Today I come to speak to your hearts, a place where you will always find Me. There are many hearts that are wounded and hurt by different experiences in life.

In this hour of Mercy and Pity, My universal Sun comes to meet with you so as to be able to aid you and forgive you. And like this fount, this Water of Life that emerges under My feet, so is the spring of My Mercy for you.

You are in time, dear companions, to surrender to My Sacred Heart so that you may receive the gifts you need in these times. Do not delay, My companions, in taking the great step toward the universe. The Lord needs you to be firm so that He may accomplish His works in the end of times.

Today I come to wash your hearts with My Water of Life, I come to give you My Glorified Body so that you may eat of It and commune.

Do not waste time, My companions; rid yourselves of yourselves so that the Graces of God can inhabit your dwelling places and can be radiated to all.

While I am here with you today, sharing this priestly mystery, My Heart contemplates the whole world, the souls who need God, mainly those who become lost day after day and cannot find the path of My Mercy.

Like a great emanation of universal Light, My Countenance becomes present before you so that you may receive the luminous codes of My Heart and, definitively, be renewed and healed.

You are already crossing the threshold of purification. Many hearts suffer these consequences, but this had already been written since the beginning.  It was already announced by My Glorified Heart when I was among you here in the world. Hold tight to My Hands and your hearts will be freed, will not suffer the purification so deeply, but rather will be washed by My Light and will receive My celestial Graces.

Console your hearts with My Presence. Receive, from My Mantle, the sacred protection you need. Open your hearts for the great change of the end of times. My Heart will guide you, It will accompany you.

I come in this time to be able to deeply give of Myself to you, but I also come in this cycle, in this period, to be able to free the world from all the impure spirits that deceive souls, that disturb hearts, and that divert the feet of all those that must walk toward the Celestial Kingdom. But this will end when your decision is deep and sincere.

I will show you the new path to be traveled in times of purification and tests. Do not remain in your purifications. Allow the Law of Divine Justice to be able to balance everything, within and outside of your beings. You will never be alone to be able to purify yourselves.

The Sacred Hearts gift Themselves, in these times, like the true balm of Love and Peace. And through these meetings I have with you, upon your lives and all your families, I pour out that which you truly need for these times, which I call "Grace of God," which will allow you to overcome the tests, free the paths, cut the ties and find the new shining hope on the horizon, so that all may find the true Paradise of God at the end of the path.

My silence today carries you into a preferred union with God, to a constant search for love.

Today My Heart visits each of you to teach you new things.

You will wash your heads and purify your feet of all stains, as I have taught you, so that you can be renewed and find unity with God, a unity that many are losing through being so indifferent to change, to the great transformation.

Let us repeat and pray with the heart.

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
(repeated three times)

When you are separated and cannot be united, invoke the Sacred Unity of God, a blazing flame that is held in the Sacred Hearts. In this way, you will be completely helped by Me, by My Most Holy Mother, and by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

Be just in these times, so that you may be balanced in the end time. All together live in Sacred Unity, the Sacred spiritual Unity of God, the Divine Thought that unifies forms and all differences under one single redeeming purpose.

Seek the Sacred Unity of God. Nurture your lives through Unity, a flame of Grace and of Pity that will comfort you, that will not separate you, but rather unite you with My merciful Heart.

When you do this invocation, you will affirm that in your lives you are united with God and will not become separated from Him, in spite of what may happen in this world.

Seek the Sacred Unity and you will be in profound fraternity. In this way, you will be worthy of serving Me and will deserve the healing of God so as to achieve redemption.

Meditate on what I tell you. Aspire to live Sacred Unity.

Let us pray for all those who do not experience unity with God and for those who deteriorate the Divine Plan of God through their indifference and arrogance, and their pride which leads them into perdition.

When you cannot experience Sacred Unity, pay attention so as to invoke this prayer. You will be protected and safe so that your paths not deviate like a leaf blowing by.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us say the prayer all together three more times.

Christ requests, at this moment, that all the brothers and sisters that are connected in different parts of the world and in the Light-Communities bow down before Him to carry out this invocation:

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
(repeated three times)

And that in the consolation that I pour out upon you today, your lives may achieve the original purity.

Receive My Graces, My Peace, and My blessing.

This is a special day so that your hearts, already strengthened by prayer, may find Me tomorrow at another point of consciousness, a great inner step that I invite you to take in trust and in peace.

Be purified, transmuted, and find freedom.

For this world that gathers you together and for all those who must awaken in time, I lovingly thank you for your faith.

Go in peace and be strengthened.

Under the spiritual blessing of God, be blessed and receive the Love of the Father and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We will fulfill a request that Our Lord made to us. He asked that we perform seven Baptisms and seven Foot-washings, and that we perform the baptisms here, in this bowl He consecrated.

What did He call the bowl, Friar?

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Bowl of the Sacred Heart.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Tell us, Friar, what it was that Our Lord told you.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Moments before the Apparition, we saw Christ, Jesus, having a meeting as if in another time.

He was celebrating the supper. He was washing the feet of some of us. He was calling Peter, from his home, so that he could follow Him and accompany Him to preach.

Afterwards, He consecrated this bowl and asked us to do the baptisms here, in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, where the first baptismal bowl was consecrated, the Bowl of the Sacred Heart.

Song: "Christ, Source and Spring of Life". 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
