X - Find Yourself Within the Eyes of God
A soul that aspired to fulfill the Divine Will, but constantly felt itself unworthy and incapable of doing so in the face of all the great things that the Lord called them to live,questioned His Sacred Heart for feeling too small and poor to fulfill His Work, and said: “Lord, great is Your Plan and it is full of deep Love for humanity and for all Creation. I contemplate Your Will and I am amazed by Your Mercy, but when I try to manifest what You want, I feel incapable before so many imperfections and difficulties. So I look at the world and at so many precious souls that You have created, and those whom You can count on to manifest Your Work, and I ask myself: why did You call on me?”
And contemplating this soul with Love, seeing them transparent and crystalline, just as He created them, the Lord responded: “Little soul, see your reflection in My Eyes. Do not look at yourself in the mirrors of the world, but rather in the mirror of My Eyes. What the mirrors of the world can show you are limitations and defects, imperfections and perhaps skills, but what you truly are, you will only see if you look at your reflection in My Eyes.
I see you just as you are. I know of the potential that lies within you, I know of your trajectory since the beginning, I know what you were created for and for what your essence and consciousness were formed. Therefore, little soul, it is My Voice that you must hear, and not the voices of the world, or the confused voice of your mind, which is so often lost through the stimuli of this Earth. Open your inner hearing and listen to My Will, knowing that it corresponds to you and to no one else.
For each being of this world, I have a perfect Will, a path through which they will reach Me. And this path is not the one known to you; oftentimes it is not the one that you already know how to walk. This path is the one that will forge in you what I need, it is the one that will reveal to you what I see when I contemplate your little soul, for it will allow to emerge within your consciousness what you are, and the truth will take the place of the many layers with which you have covered your consciousness.
Therefore, beloved soul, when I ask something of you, do not look for your reference in the mirrors of the world. Look into My Eyes, see your real face reflected in Me and feel capable of carrying out everything that I ask of you, because My Will for you is perfect.
Open each day to discover within you that which is reflected in My Eyes: you yourself, as I see you. And it will not be vanities, nor pride or false humility that will dwell within your heart, but rather it will be Me and My Truth, the transparency and the perfection of My Thought for you.”
May this story inspire you, children, to look for your references neither in that which you see of yourselves nor in the world but only in the depths of the Eyes of God. It will be there where you will find yourselves.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The only thing that God expects from you is that your life be permeated by transparency and truth.
That when you pray, you do so in truth, pronouncing each word with all your being and that, even though you do not understand the celestial mysteries and the Divine Laws that move within a sincere prayer, you simply do it because of knowing that the world needs it.
That when you sing, you do so in truth, emanating each note with the simple intention of praising God, as the angels and the archangels do, who do not sing for themselves nor for the harmony and the good feelings that are generated when singing, but simply because of knowing that singing opens the Portals of Heaven and draws the neediest creatures toward God.
That when you serve, you do so in truth, recognizing your limitations, but always willing to overcome limits, so that each day you may discover that you are capable of giving a little more of yourself and, in this way, in this constant overcoming, you may discover the true potential of the human being.
That when you strive to transform something, may your striving be real, and may the result of your transformation not matter but rather your true striving in the correct direction. If you do it in this way, it will be Divine Mercy Itself that will enter into you and transform that which seemed impossible to you. In this way, you will know what it is to be a child of Mercy and live in permanent Grace.
That when you look to the universe in search of your origin, you do so in truth, opening your consciousness to the unknown, and not limiting existence to your small human understanding. In this way, you will be allowing a sublime reality to be revealed to you and to the world.
Live each instant of your life inspired by truth, breaking away from lies and human illusion, consecrating your spirit, mind and heart with transparency, with striving, with valor and humility, always willing to move beyond obstacles and, at the same time, always open to receive the help that comes through many ways and forms sent by God.
If you did everything in truth, you would remain within Divine Truth and, even in a time of craziness and uncertainties for humanity, in which chaos permeates the world with clouds of confusion, while humankind is blind because of the darkness, your eyes will be beyond the clouds, seeing the sun that hides above the shadows, and knowing that light always remains far beyond that which seems to be darkness.
For this reason, child, keep your heart in truth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a heart loves the Law and the Grace of God, it lives under His Love and His Mercy. It lives hidden in the shadow of His Presence and, even though it may infinitely fall, it knows that the Hands of its Father will be stretched out to lift it up from the ground.
When a heart loves the Will of God and believes in His Plan, it lives according to this Will and fears leaving His path. This heart, in the face of temptations, asks for help and Mercy from the Lord to keep its spirit pure and its path of the return to God straight.
A heart that chooses to leave the Law and Divine Grace is one that yields to its will, to its most human thoughts and desires, forgetting the purpose of its life and choosing to leave it behind in order to experience its most human aspirations.
This heart, children, is not fragile in the light of God; it is fragile to the world and condemns itself by believing that its soul is invincible while facing temptations, the Law and the Grace.
This heart, that does not recognize its own deviations at the right time to correct its steps, is so distant from the Law and from the Grace of God that it becomes lost and closed off to feel the Presence of its Father; it closes its eyes not to receive His Love and does not perceive Him, until His Justice begins to descend from Heaven, like rays that break its blindness and its illusion.
But in this moment, this lost soul, in its repentance and in its humiliation, will need to find a new path that will allow it to again meet the Will and the Grace of the Father.
Nothing is lost, not even for the most sinful soul, when it surrenders, humbles itself and opens in a heartfelt way before the Father. At a certain point in its lost steps, the Creator will find it and put it in a new place, where it will be able to live His Grace. But for this, children, it is necessary to surrender to the Love of God.
I do not tell you these things so that you are fearful, but rather so that you may understand that the soul that chooses the world when called by God to live His Will, spiritually leaves the Grace and the shadow of Their Lord to live under His Justice and the illusions of the world.
Despite this, all paths may be corrected. Many are the paths that lead to the Love of God and to the awakening of the consciousness. Some choose to live it through Mercy; others, in spite of being children of Mercy, choose Justice.
The laws are fulfilled according to human choices. Thus, know how to perceive that your small and large actions; your feelings and your heart, are the measure that puts you in the place you choose to be, to learn in this world.
For this reason, know how to be in the correct place.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In a spirit of sacrifice and surrender, launch your heart into the unravelling of the mysteries of the Universe, as well as into the depths of the Earth.
With love, embrace what is unknown to you and give thanks to God for the Mercy granted in your life, of being so close to His Grace and His Truth.
In a world of so much ignorance, child, your spirit must be joyful for being a part of the cycle of revelations that begins for all humanity.
Open your heart to what you have never learned.
Open your consciousness to discover what was hidden within your soul.
Let the remembrances emerge, and that which you did not know to have experienced may arise as a way to propel you toward the new, the sacred and the sublime.
Let your soul face new horizons, because the tests of these times will be new and for this, you must be ready.
Let gratitude be the key always held within your hands to open the doors of the Heavens.
Let humility be your protective shield in this battle of ignorance and vanities, from which humankind tries to get out of and often does not manage to do so.
Let prayer be your harbor and the Heart of God your breath.
Breathe His Presence and radiate His Peace; in this way, you will realize that even what seemed most hidden has always been in front of you, in the Heart of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In these times of assaults and inner conflicts, become silent and place your consciousness within God.
Be in the light of His Heart and cry out for His Mercy, contemplating His Cross, His sacrifice and His triumph for you.
Contemplate all that Christ experienced until reaching the Cross: the moments of recognition, of glory and of joy, but also the assaults, the battles, the humiliations.
Feel the tired Heart of your Lord, yet full of faith, full of the certainty that the Will of His Father is accomplished and manifested through persistence, courage and firmness.
Contemplate the Heart of your Lord and ask Him for a heart like His, willing to suffer, but ready to love; firm in compassion, but also in justice; transcendent in Grace and overflowing in Mercy. A wise heart in the face of assaults, strengthened in faith before the voids; a heart that is pure before the mysteries and simple before the unknown.
Ask your Lord for a priestly heart like His, so as to recognize within a neighbor the possibility that Mercy may be expressed.
See, within your brothers and sisters, souls sent by God to fulfill a mission, and you, child, be a bridge to the Heart of the Father, a doorway to His infinite Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Mercy of God that descends upon the world through the prayers of His children. These are times of miracles and inexplicable spiritual Graces.
Announce with your heart the Presence of God. Unite your heart to the choirs of angels and archangels that proclaim the victory of your Lord in the battle of this world.
Unite your voice to the deepest prayers of those who cry out for peace. Surrender your life, consciously, for a greater purpose.
Prayer, child, is the perfect key that opens the doors of Heaven and the hearts of men, which brings down the original principles of the Thought of God, to life and to beings. Like a rain of new codes, it cleanses beings of their old standards of conduct and restores them, revealing the truth that was hidden in their essence.
Prayer is this celestial melody which, when it is sincere, runs through the Universes and spreads through the air, bringing the Good News of renewal to all beings, of all the Kingdoms. It enters deep into the seas and restores the spirit of the oceans; enters the depths of the Earth and heals its internal registries; enters the depths of beings and makes them worthy children of God.
So pray with your entire being. Pray from the heart and see, that which I tell you to do, become fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In spite of the somnolence and indifference of humankind, if an awakened soul offers their heart to the Father, God will send His deepest Love and His Mercy to the world.
May hearts be consolidated in their own surrender, in the emptiness of self and in renunciation so that, through their offering, the Lord may transform and redeem this world.
Pray and never lose hope. May the surrender of your lives be each day more sincere and more truthful.
Let the truth which emanates from your hearts be enough so that each day more you may be instruments of God and of His Grace.
May the trials and challenges every day forge a new human within you because, in the face of difficulties, you must be renewed in love and in emptiness, and be renewed in your offers, regardless of the return you may receive from this world.
Live each day for a spiritual purpose. May your joy and wholeness be in serving and loving more and better each time; thus, you will be able to be instruments so that the Creator may institute a new life pattern in which the most important thing is to live under His Grace and have His triumph of Love.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and let your prayer open the doors of Heaven for the Creator to elevate the souls that became lost in the seas of this world while they were seeking hope and consolation for their lives.
Pray for those who emigrated from their countries in search of peace and of a grace and however, did not find encouragement, but loneliness, despair and the suffering of feeling lost in the seas of the world.
Cry out for Mercy for their souls to be relieved. Cry out for Mercy so that nations be pacified. Cry out for Mercy so that hearts get to know piety and repent for their errors and sins, redeem their past and design their future with acts of peace.
Pray, child, for not only souls agonize, the planet also agonizes and cries with the same tears of your Heavenly Mother, for it can no longer bear the evil that oppresses it through the error and indifference of beings.
Pray, for the Divine Justice is approaching the world and those who are blind will not have many opportunities of seeing the Truth and the Grace of God anymore.
Pray for your heart to be filled by the Divine Piety, and thus make your intercession each day more sincere and truthful before the Father.
Pray, for the Grace of God is already upon you and it must expand all over this world. Allow the Mercy of the Father to flow through your clamor for peace.
Feel the urgency. Feel the pain of the world. Feel the grief of God and offer your heart to repair this planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul seeks help, pray with the heart so that the consequences of its action, which led it to suffering, are transformed into an experience that makes it grow and open more to love.
When a soul seeks help, listen to its call, and take this request to the Feet of God. There will be things that are uncontrollable, which you will not be able to change or help, because human life has its limits. But there is something boundless, which unites you to the Infinite, to the Origin from which you departed and to where you must return. This, child, is prayer.
Pray and let your soul intercede before God for those who most need it.
Pray and cry out to the Father for his Mercy, not for things to happen according to your will, but so that Divine Mercy be the law that rules the teachings and the experiences that you live in this world as human beings.
When some situation escapes your possibilities of acting, of serving, of giving of yourself, resort to something deeper, and though sometimes it may be imperceptible, it is able to transform all things: pray to your Father and cry out to God, because He is the Creator of all things, and He can transform them all.
More important than anything in this time is to be with your heart united to God. And if you can serve and pray, you will be rendering the greatest service of life on Earth.
Love each being and pray for your brothers and sisters with love. God, who is perfect, will always listen to your prayers.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Mystery of Faith
The mystery of faith is that which is kept, as a potential, deep within every heart, and that, in these times, God calls you to experience.
Faith rises and expresses itself in the hearts that, day by day, try to love and know God better, that deepen into the greatness of His Love and into the infinity of His Mercy.
These hearts find the Love of God within themselves, through the persistence in prayer, through studying and deepening into His Words, they start to awaken faith within themselves. Despite being invisible, the Love of God is tangible to them, and His Mercy is expressed in their lives, at each moment.
Feeling the Love of God and experiencing His Mercy awakens in the beings an absolute trust that, when matured, becomes faith.
Faith is the certainty of the Love of God and His Presence. It is the unexplainable gift of knowing the Creator and of knowing that you are a living part of His Heart. It is the unexplainable gift of loving and trusting in His Plan, even if it is still a mystery.
To live the mystery of faith, you must seek the love of God and deepen into this love first. When you study and deepen into the Words of the Divine Messengers, you will know the Love of the Creator, more and more, and it is the same Love that transforms and removes covers of disbelief, doubts, fear, insecurity and uncertainty from your hearts, and shows, in the depths and innermost parts of your beings, how faith emerges.
The love, the knowledge of God and faith all walk together, because they each awaken and gives life to one another. The more you love God, the more you know Him, the bigger becomes the awakening of faith. The more you know God, the bigger becomes the love, because the awakening of this love is inevitable and, in consequence, faith emerges.
When faith awakens, it must be maintained, and it must grow through the prayer that unites you to God, because the time will come when it will not matter what happens around you; faith will always be present in your hearts and it will support you. It will not matter the tests and the challenges that you experience; faith will always give you strength so that you may make out of all of this a triumph in the Heart of God.
For this, my children, in this time of great tests and challenges that is approaching, search for God, love and get to know the Creator, and let your faith consolidate and grow roots within your consciousness, that nothing will be able to pull out.
Today your effort and deepening builds the consequence of tomorrow. It is now that the triumph of God starts to etch itself within your lives.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dive without fear into the dark night of the soul, night that presents to you the emptiness, the solitude, the inner dryness, the nothingness.
Dive without fear into that night of renunciations in which you find no gratification in your inner world but which, without your knowledge, is strengthening your faith and your spirit for the time that will come.
Do not distract your mind and your heart with the things of the world in order not to recognize within yourself a deep darkness, a void of renunciations and solitude. This is what the Creator wants you to live now: to immerse yourself in this inner state of absence of everything, even if you do not understand it.
There, in that darkness, continue seeking your Lord and persevere beyond yourself to find Him, even though your search seems eternal and without hope of reaching its finality, its goal.
God places you within a space of inner darkness, but His Eyes continue over you, His Love continues over you and His Grace and Mercy continues over you. When you have passed through that moment and that test of strengthening your faith and your union with God, beyond your inner and outer senses, it is then, child, that you will be able to find Him in all things.
When the dark night comes to the planet, your feet will not fear to step and will walk without being afraid of getting lost, because they will know that behind this darkness are the Eyes of the Father, contemplating the Earth, and that, at some moment, all human life will live the learning that this night brings; strengthening their faith, all beings will learn to find God in all things.
Today, live the solitude, renunciation, emptiness and darkness as a service and an offering that you make to your Lord and trust that He will never abandon you.
You see the path and it is dark, but under your feet, hidden from your eyes, are the Hands of God, sustaining your steps.
Open yourself to begin this coming new cycle, conscious of what God expects of you in this time. Live that dark night as your new inner and planetary mission.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To persevere spiritually is not to struggle against the world for the establishment of one's own dreams and aspirations. To persevere spiritually is to surrender to God and stay surrendered, in spite of all difficulties, desires, and temptations that emerge from the heart, the body, and the mind.
To persevere spiritually is to kneel when you feel safe and bow down when you feel firm, for there is no safety or firmness except in God. There is no safer place than the Heart of the Father.
To persevere spiritually is to cry out for Mercy even when you feel your heart to be clean, in the certainty that there is always something unknown to redeem, in one's own consciousness or in the human consciousness.
To persevere spiritually is to know the vastness of the Universe and the infinitude of the Divine Creation, and thus, always deepen the union and the knowledge of God, because the Father always has something new to reveal and teach His children.
To persevere spiritually is to trust in the promises of God through Christ and to be certain that, whatever may happen in this world, someday His Words will be fulfilled, and His promises will be life.
To persevere spiritually is to walk toward being nothing, more each day, discovering and loving humility, learning and allowing oneself to transform through renunciation, discovering a communication with God in the mystery of silence and solitude.
Persevere spiritually, children, because this is the time to be sustained and to be firm in God, until the fulfillment of His promises.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everything in the life of those who surrender to God can become a service even if their minds do not know it.
Let the Father make of your being His instrument in the world, so that your prayer may be liberating, that your renunciation is repairing, that your surrender is healing, that your love to God is the motor that makes the Divine Mercy an unending source for Earth and for all of life.
The human heart is full of mysteries and one of them is that almost all the Laws and Divine Rays can manifest themselves in your lives, even if there is no knowledge about Them. In this way, children, your actions are pure and sincere, your intentions are turned only to the Divine Purpose.
Today be a little more conscious of this higher reality and pray, allowing the doors of liberation to open in this world and so the ties and oppression that suffocate the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature will be dissolved.
Renounce with joy and let that action be like a balm for the Heart of the Father because when you renounce your human will to fulfill the Will of God, you are repairing the Heart of the Father of all the wounds that human indifference and self-will cause Him.
Serve and surrender your heart to the Greater Law so, child, your actions will attract the Sublime Laws of Heaven which will make the Heavenly Source pour graces and Mercy upon those who do not deserve it but that, in spite of their mistakes and sins, are profoundly loved by God and were created with the Divine Purpose from which they deviated.
May your life be as a light in the world, lighting up the path of those who have lost themselves and giving peace back to them.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.
I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.
I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.
I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.
I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.
Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.
I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep in your heart all the Graces that the Lord granted you and consolidate, within yourself, the action of His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.
Remember, every day, that you are the fruit of the Grace and Mercy of God, which acted within you, as in your consciousness, releasing you from all the evil that kept you tied to the things of the world.
Keep your heart immersed in Divine Mercy, remembering that the Grace of God is something that must be cultivated and sustained within you. Make the gifts and virtues that the Lord granted you grow and multiply, because the time has come to put into practice, before the atrocities of the world, the faith and perseverance in the Love of Christ.
You will not be free from this test, child, because the purification has now extended beyond the invisible of your inner world and has reached the consciousness of the planet. But, just as you pray, you clamor and sustain your own inner self; now with more fervor, pray, clamor, and sustain life upon Earth.
Do not let chaos, hate or fear approach your heart. Love and do not forget that love is your only tool at this time.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your most sincere pleas and cries for Divine Mercy rise up to the Heavens.
May the union between your spirits and God be consolidated.
May you leave behind the cycles of immaturity and of half-surrenders.
May you leave behind your irresponsibility and your ignorance, for the time has come, children, for each being to take responsibility for their choices, for tracing their destinies, because the final test of humanity is already being designed and both the external events and your own inner purification will be lived according to your own choices.
Pray and cry out for Mercy. Strip yourselves of the small and big wills and human aspirations; your aspirations must be in the Cosmos, in the return to the Origin and in the fulfilling of God's Plans.
Live the cycles with wisdom, knowing how to let yourselves be guided, renouncing when necessary, making an effort, each day a little more, deepening in your own surrender and donation, and above all, consolidating your union with God.
The purification of the planet will not be something lived by a few nations, just as the inner purification is no longer an instruction transcribed from the Words of the Messengers of God. Everyone can feel this purification in themselves, and thus, everyone will also feel and live the consequences of the purification of the nations and of the consciousness of the planet.
Keep your hearts and minds in peace through prayer and place your deepest aspirations upon surpassing yourselves in love.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as in a previous cycle, I conducted you through the path of humility, of service, which goes beyond the works of charity, and I also taught you about the love for the Kingdoms of Nature, and now, children, I come to teach you to elevate yourselves beyond the human condition.
As a divine contradiction, in reality, children, I come for you to know the Truth and diminish the power of illusion. Your hearts are anchored on the Earth because you do not know the Truth about yourselves, nor about God, His Kingdom, His Plan; you do not know the Truth about Life and you spend the days of a unique cycle of definition identified with something that is not real.
The Time of God is approaching and nothing nor nobody will be able to stop this event. The definition that marks this cycle talks about how each being, and the consciousness of the planet itself, will cross the threshold to a New Life. Will you become dust like everything that comes from it? Or will you leave the dust to the wind and allow the nothingness, which you seemed to be, reveal the unity with God and make you part of an infinite Whole?
I come, in this cycle, to help you to define your paths. It is not that the voice of just one Messenger is not enough, because God in Himself, in His silence, is sufficient, but the presence of three Divine Messengers, instructing humanity in a unique and extraordinary form, never seen before, is the symbol of the perpetual Mercy of God; during a time in which the traits of His Justice have already began to appear, as in the writings of the Sacred Books, which dictate the destiny of humanity.
Therefore, children, in this cycle, let gratitude permeate your hearts and drink from the Words of God as a thirsty being who knows how to value each drop of water that is offered to them. This is the Water of Life in a time of spiritual thirst. Drink and multiply this gift for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When God calls you to serve, listen to His Voice and follow it.
Every day, the need for service in this world will increase, and as time goes by and your hearts open, you will be more apt and prepared to serve because, in truth, you will be ready to love and give from yourselves those things that are the true treasure of the human heart, that you so often do not know.
You will not be known in this world for your service, but for the love that is in it; love that arises from the Heart of God and flows, indistinctly, into the heart of all those who open themselves to respond with sincerity to His call.
Through this Work, God wants to teach you and to teach all humanity that when one responds to a divine call, there is no merit on a single soul, there is no Grace on a single being, but upon all those who open themselves to stop being what they are and become instruments of God.
A mission requested by the Divine Messengers is the announcement of the Love of God to humanity; Love that flows through the human heart and permeates entire nations in its silence; embraces souls and hearts with Its Grace, even if all of this is invisible to the human eyes.
A mission asked by the Divine Messengers is a sign of God that His Mercy is still acting in the world, both in the heart that is called to serve and that receives the Grace to redeem itself through service, and for those who are served and seemed to be forgotten by God and by the world, but are not.
Your Father and Creator would like to have many arms, many feet and, above all, many hearts to send to those places in most need in the world, as a sign of His Love and His Mercy for the hearts that have lost hope. But while not many hearts open to give themselves, those who already do it must multiply themselves in an extreme giving that, in the silence of their actions, generates merits for the redemption of those who do nothing for this planet.
Today, children, We call you to service and to multiply not only efforts but, above all, surrender and love. Today we call you to not want to be protagonists of a service before the world, but to go beyond childishness in the life of service, and as mature spirits in Christ, to convert yourselves into instruments and vehicles of Love and Mercy for those who are in most need.
And, thus, the world will know you and will exalt God. Souls will find you and will know God. Hearts will receive your service and will thank God. And you will serve a child and, in it, a culture, a nation. You will serve a people and, in it, a whole humanity. You will serve the Kingdoms of Nature and, in them, a planet that needs healing.
Allow that, in this new cycle of service, your hearts grow and be more than yourselves in service; be parts of God, bringing renewal, redemption, and peace to this world.
You have My blessings for this.
Your Father and Companion in each mission,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more