The use of three to six little bells during the eucharistic celebration has the spiritual and divine purpose of invoking and calling upon a certain number of Angelic Hierarchies so that they may participate in the moment of consecration of the spiritual and inner mysteries of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
Ringing the three bells, at the same time, calls upon the angelic choir of Archangel Gabriel so that it may collaborate in the transubstantiation of the elements offered at the altar through the bread and the wine.
At this moment and at once, this Angelic Hierarchy gathers up the purest intentions of the faithful who participate in the said celebration.
If four, five or six bells are rung, other angelic choirs are called upon and they descend from the supra-terrestrial Universe toward the place and space where the celebration is being conducted.
All the faithful devotees that participate in the consecration of the bread and the wine must remember that they are before the grace of recognizing themselves spiritually as worthy children of God and, in the name of all of humanity, affirming the recognition, the obedience and a total fidelity to the spiritual mysteries that Christ lived through His Last Supper, His Agony, His Death, His Resurrection and His Ascension.
This means that the moment of ringing the bell does not refer to something catholic, but rather to the loving gesture of the angels to imitate and revere the sacrifice of the Son of God so that the Fount of Mercy may descend to humanity and peace may be established.
This is the reason for beginning to apply, in eucharistic communions, the sacred little bells of the Angels of God.
I thank you for obeying Me and for trusting in all that I am teaching you!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There is still inner pain that I feel, even having experienced the Passion. That inner pain comes from the visions that My Father revealed to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane, and which nobody has yet managed to alleviate.
That pain is a consequence of the actions that many of My Own commit and, without realizing it, absolutely believe that everything is alright.
I speak directly about those who have a deeper commitment of consecration than the rest. These souls are the ones that sometimes put My Projects at risk.
However, as I know the human condition, I know what the impossibility of experiencing transformation may mean in certain moments.
Nobody can be transformed or redeemed if they want to remain under the same conditions and situation in which humanity is to be found.
The transformation of the aspects of the being must be clear, and those aspects must not rule over the soul, and even less over the spirit of the disciple.
Therefore, the openness of heart is a shorter path, for avoiding suffering and great resistance.
This is the time to give all for Me, so that humanity and everything that lives on the surface of the Earth, even if they do not deserve it, may receive an opportunity, just as you were called by Me.
With a more peaceful and humble attitude, you will manage to transform your lives and will be a perfect example of My Presence.
You will erect My spiritual Church from the ruins it was turned into by those who have dirtied their hands in sin, and you will be able to embrace My Cross, sharing in My joys and My sufferings as if they were a part of you.
What else do you expect? Am I not the Way, the Truth and the Life?
I thank you for your inner solidarity!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Never forget My Mercy, for you will always need it.
Each time you exercise and practice My Mercy, a miracle of love is generated in your soul and in the soul of the planet.
For through the Chaplet you invoke Mercy due to the merits gained during My sorrowful Passion, and the Father, Who is infinitely merciful, receives this request and, instead of applying His Holy Justice to you or the world, grants His merciful Compassion to all sinners of the world.
Remember that each time you invoke the merits of My Passion, by means of the power of the Rosary of Mercy, you will be opening the Wound on My Side, and from Me will pour out the Light of the Blood and the Water of Christ, over all that has been spiritually corrupted and destroyed.
Happy will be those who always invoke My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because each time it is necessary, I will submerge and baptize them in the Ocean of My Mercy and I will grant them all the most immense Love of My Heart.
I thank all who present themselves as apostles of My Divine Mercy, because their sufferings will be My sufferings, their sorrows and anguishes will be My sorrows and anguishes, and through the power of My Love, I will free them.
Happy will be those who always trust in My Mercy, for I will not abandon them at the time of their death, but rather will be at their side like the Angel of Resurrection.
I thank you for invoking the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more