In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

 Let us pray.


Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.

(six times)


Even if darkness seems to imprison the consciousness of the planet and all possible souls, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Even if all wars are unleashed throughout the world and souls migrate to different nations, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Even if the three days of darkness draw near and mental confusion is present in most of My children, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if, in cities of different places of the world, many consciousnesses see entities walk, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if desperation, anguish and spiritual blindness are present in the majority of My children, especially in those who rule the nations and who subject all of society, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if suffering seems bigger than love, even if pain seems bigger than healing, even if lies seems bigger than the truth and even if impunity is stronger than fraternity, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

And even if the souls of this world, that is, all people, see that horrible things happen, that many uncertain doors open and that souls keep being subjected through the injustice and lies of this world, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

My promise remains in force and hidden.

I will come, after My Son, to re-establish the Spiritual and Celestial Kingdom on the planet. For this reason, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the moment of all the Children of Mary. This is moment of the confirmation of all apostles of Christ.

Who will sustain, together with the Heavenly Mother, the banner of Peace?

Who will not allow their heart to become cold in the face of this planetary indifference?

This is the time of the final confirmation of all Children of Mary, because the preparatory time has passed. Now you are no longer My children, now you are evolving adult servers.

Now you must be ambassadors of peace and citizens of this universe so that the Divine Attributes may descend to Earth and so that the millions of souls in the world do not forget, because of the wars and conflicts, that God is Love, Truth and Justice, and that no one nor any event will erase from hearts the essence of the Love of God, even if it seems that suffering, the conflicts and migrations erase the Truth from hearts, the Truth that is the Living God Himself.

This is why I tell you, My children: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the time for the Children of Mary to be true consciousnesses that are decided to serve the Plan and allow the higher spirit of each child of Mine to descend, and who, through their own universal origin, allow for the establishment on Earth of the warrior spirits of prayer, the mirrors of prayer, the contemplatives of prayer, the guardians of prayer, the watchers of the Plan, the healers of the Love of God and the governors of the Universal King.

Place your consciousnesses in the correct direction, do not allow what is superficial and horizontal to take hold of you. Do not allow the forces that are contrary to the Light to keep subjecting all the consciousnesses through disinformation and lies.

Place your consciousnesses in a vertical position and see, on the top of the mounts of this world, the victorious and luminous Cross of the Redeemer, which will no longer be the Cross of suffering, but rather the Cross of Mercy, Justice and Love, which offers itself to you time and again, so that, through the victory of the Cross in your lives, your consciousnesses may rise to God, on behalf of all those who deny the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and so that your consciousnesses may establish Spiritual Justice and Compassion in this world. This will allow those who have condemned themselves to the fires of hell, I speak of those who rule the nations and all their subjects, to have the opportunity, through My Son, the Redeemer and Resurrected Christ, for all to be redeemed, because this is true Love, to love one’s enemy and to not destroy them.

Even if the enemy destroys what is material, mental or spiritual, I invite you, My beloved prayerful armies, I invite you, My beloved Children of Mary, in these times, to be true strategists of the Plan of God, to not fight with weapons, to not offend with words, to not attract, through thought, what is negative, but rather to be like My Son, the Christ, who, on top of Mount Calvary, redeemed the whole world, until the last moment of His expiration.

This is why, My beloved children, it is time to change the frequency of this world and, through the pillars of prayer, service, dialogue, compassion and understanding, to allow the Doors of the Heavens to open so that the Graces of reparation, healing and redemption may descend upon the neediest souls in these times and, thus, the hells of the surface of the Earth may close, where great negative consciousnesses work within the involution of consciousnesses and souls.

But in this spiritual strategy that I invite you to practice through prayer, adoration, Communion and service, you must not challenge nor tempt the enemy. The strategy of silence will be your shield, the strategy of prayer will be your sword which will cut the shackles of evil and dissolve the hells, where many souls are without being able to find Light and Love.

Do you now understand the strategy of these times?

Because evil will be dissolved through its own evil. Remember that My Son is Love, He is the Truth and He is your Life, and that His Love is what closes the doors to evil.

Decide, Children of Mary, not only to be the apostles of the end of times, not only to be available, decided and defined consciousnesses, but also offer yourselves to My Son and to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart as sparks of the Light of Christ, codes of His Redeeming Love, mirrors of the Heavenly Mother, which can shine on the surface of this planet so that chaos can be vanquished, purged and removed from the human consciousness.

Just as I told you yesterday, I do not want to come with a Message of warning or fear. Through the Celestial Universe, I bring you the truth and the reality so that your eyes may no longer be confused, so that your attention may not be deviated by the chaos of this world and by illusion.

Through kind and generous souls, through souls of sacrifice and through the victims of Christ's Love, once again the Love, Justice and the Good of God shall triumph. And this will be the great and victorious justification in the face of all sins and errors of the world, and even in the face of all wars, condemnations, sacrileges and indifferences, because souls will be this justification before God. the souls, the Children of Mary, who, as from now, decide that their lives no longer belong to them, but rather that their lives belong to God, the Creator.

Thus you will open the correct door to live His Divine Will. Believe that this is so. Believe, at this moment, and feel, at this moment, the same inner and spiritual situation that your Heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary, lived with the Archangel Gabriel.

Do you by any chance believe that I doubted the Call of God when I received this Call from Heaven?

You are before the same inner moment. You are before the great opportunity, in the name of many lost children, to embrace the Call of God, to love the Cross so that it may become more victorious and redeeming.

Today, I come from a place in the universe, from a place of this solar system, where the Heavenly Mirrors work again for peace in the world, in a silent and imperceptible way.

Therefore, on this very special day for Me, when many Children of Mary have the opportunity to renew their inner vows and take a definitive and true step, I invite all praying souls, all mirror hearts, to be quite united to the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God; because you know that humanity needs it, it needs this peace that has been jeopardized, this hope that has been put under condition, this love that has been oppressed and buried, this fraternity that has been dissolved through evil, lack of piety and war.

It is the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God that today reflect within the prayerful hearts, that elevate their word toward the Thrones of God to supplicate for Mercy and Redemption.

May those who have persisted up to this moment rejoice.

May those who have not managed to follow the Steps of Christ meditate.

May all My children pray for those who have been diverted from the Purpose of Love, by different situations and circumstances.

Today, in the face of the cruel reality of the world, the pain and suffering of the most innocent and inoffensive souls, I want My Children, the Children of Mary, not only to feel enveloped by My Heavenly Mantle so that the Star of the Brotherhood may shine within their hearts, but also so that, in the name of those who cannot reach Me, due to conflict and wars, desperation and anguish, the darkness and the absolute void of the deserts of life, I want My Children of Mary, in the name of each one of them, to place their heads upon my chest so that I can embrace you with My Light and My Love.

At this moment, in the silence of the heart, feel the beating of the Heart of the Divine Mother, a Heart that loves you, a Heart that accepts you, a Heat that embraces you, a Heart that bathes you with the Love of God, a Heart that illuminates you in each one of your steps.

For a moment, feel the Heart of the Mother of God, a Heart that suffers for the world when souls distance themselves from God, when souls distance themselves from the Father of Divine Mercy.

Now, embrace Me, placing your hands on My waist, upon the golden belt of the Mother of God, place your ears upon My chest, the Feminine Center of the Light of Creation, which guards and protects the whole universe and all life.

In this alliance with Me, internally renew your vows with the Creator Father.

I thank you for listening to Me and I also thank you for having the bravery to persist so that the Return of Christ may be a victory in the whole world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray. Still with our heads upon the chest of the Mother of God, let us pray together with Her in unity and trust, in fraternity and love.


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive 
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.

(three times)


Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


These are the times in which two realities will meet, the inner reality and the material reality. They will emerge spontaneously through the revealing impulse that the truth will bring, and nobody will be able to escape this event because it will be brought forward by the Universe itself.

And so, these two realities will meet in the light of each consciousness to bring them to a profound decision. And those consciousnesses that have already come to know both realities, but wasted the opportunity of growing, must account for this great waste.

For this reason, I encourage you to live in the constructive thought of God so that, when this moment comes, you may be neutral and peaceful and you may simply be moved by the impulse to help, by means of the path of prayer, all those who will need it; because they did not avail themselves of the path that I had asked them to tread.

Thus, companions, remain in unity with Me so that at the key moment I may help you and guide you, showing you the way out.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
