In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I waited for so long to come here, to this precinct of God’s Creation, where the souls that find and visit it, without quite perceiving or noticing it, return to the beginning of their spiritual and cosmic origin.
Through the witnesses of the Creation of God, and by means of these giants of the Plant Kingdom, see how much history is kept here.
It is not necessary for a being to be so spiritualized to notice it. When contemplated with an open heart in gratitude, the subtle spheres of Creation can reveal to the human being of the surface, through the Plant Kingdom, realities of inner and spiritual healing that this Kingdom, despite its giving of self, has not managed yet to express to the humanity of surface, due to all that which this Kingdom receives from the Human Kingdom as transgression and mistreatment.
In the silence of that which is apparently motionless, in the silence of that which apparently is still, God mirrors and reflects His Consciousness through the consciousness of the angels and devas, so that in this Human Project on the surface, returning someday to its original essence, returning someday to its Essential Purpose, this race may recover the code of Creation it has lost throughout the times.
When I tell you that I was waiting to return here, it is because there is a part of My Consciousness that visits this place on the inner planes, by means of the expression of My Hermit Consciousness. In this place I find, not only for Me, but also for all My companions, an opportunity to return to the inner world and come out of this superficiality of the end of times, which only confuses and deceives souls, leading them along an uncertain path.
Through this place of God’s Creation, at one of the extremes of the United States and very close to the Pacific Ocean, a special spiritual conjuncture presents itself to souls and consciousnesses. Because in this place, through the Plant Kingdom, there is not only a history that has already been written, but also an opportunity as a door that opens for consciousnesses, so that they not only may return to their essential origin, but also that, by returning to it, they may begin again from scratch, evolving as the Lower Kingdoms do, evolving just as the angels, devas and elementals do. Because they do not know the Law of Suffering, because they fully live the Law of Giving and, despite what the human being of this humanity has done to the Lower Kingdoms throughout the times, the whole memory of its giving cannot be erased by anyone.
For just like the angels, the giants of this region only have the mission of rising towards the Heights until they find the Light, just as a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun, in the same way should be the opening of the consciousness of the human being in these critical times. Because what exists on the other side of the portal is so wonderful, but many still fear to face the unknown.
But what is there beyond what you can control or retain?
How is it possible for the group soul of the Kingdoms, despite the transgressions of all times or even the contamination that they experience, not to stop giving of themselves for the evolution of this Human Project?
Where is the key to this constant and permanent self-giving of the Lower Kingdoms? Why does the Human Kingdom not manage to live it or achieve it?
This is one of the reasons why I will return to humanity, so that the Genetic Project in its origin and in its DNA may be reconfigured, because there is an atom and a cell that have been lost.
Therefore, the effort of humanity must be very great to live a self-giving that someday may be unconditional and true, without expecting anything in return, just as the Lower Kingdoms and these giants do not expect anything in return.
If Humanity looked at the Kingdoms of this Creation in a different manner, how wonderful it would be for the souls of this world to receive the attributes of the Kingdoms of Nature: strength, self-giving, surrender, silence, reverence, devotion to what is sacred and silent transmutation, as well as liberation!
You have the Mirror of God before your eyes. You have everything, more than other planets and more than other constellations, you have it all, more than hundreds of suns and stars in this universe.
Open your consciousnesses, just as the Spiritual Hierarchy opens these spaces and dimensions so that the devas, angels and elementals may become present at this moment and commune of the Second Person of God, just as you can commune with My Body and My Blood.
This is the reason for My Return, this is the motive of one of My important works for the redemption of humanity and the planet, in honor of the silent, true and immutable sacrifice of all the Lower Kingdoms.
Would you, on this surface, also be able to achieve it?
If in truth you knew what the soul of the Lower Kingdoms sees from the Human Kingdom, I assure you that your response would be different and many, really many, would be tormented for having wounded and hurt the Kingdoms of Nature, which today, through this humanity, bear the blame of the climatic consequences and the catastrophes.
But what was the first Kingdom that disturbed the balance of the planet?
My Words are clear, companions. Assume the time of surrender, but also of reparation.
This humanity and this planet could already leave the third dimension with the spiritual help of the great angels and devas of all of the Kingdoms, because they were created for this great moment in the history of this planet and civilization. They expect, in this end of times, not only for the human race to love the Lower Kingdoms as if they were their own life, but the Kingdoms of Nature, through the angels and devas, as well as these giants of the Creation, also expect to open the door, the last door to the Real Time.
Do you now understand that the material consciousness does not end here?
When you are before these giants or any space or manifestation of God’s Creation on this planet, when you are before the Sun, the Moon or the stars, do you not feel anything?
There are many who are losing this sensitivity, because they give strength and power to artificial and modern gods. The soul trembles in the face of this situation, because the soul of each one of the Children of God emerged from His Cosmic Sources not only to evolve, learn and live, but also to be in communion with all of Creation. As you today, before these giants of God’s Creation, can be in communion with a great mystery that is unveiled today by the Words of Christ.
When My Mother would go through the forests, when Saint Joseph would work with wood, the Kingdoms would revere Them when they were before Them, because of the reflection of Their Holiness and above all Their resignation before the Laws of God and the Laws of Nature.
Why is it not possible for the humanity of these times to live the same thing?
The healing of humanity is present through this Creation. I come to remind you of this so that the heart and essence of each Kingdom may not continue to be destroyed. This is what will raise the souls of nations and peoples: that the humanity of the surface may love, protect and respect what is most sacred that God has granted to them.
However, I want to tell you that My Word is not that of an ecologist. I bring humanity the impulse of something greater and cosmic, because a small door is still open for the return to the origin, toward your own inner nature, which is not human, but rather purely spiritual.
Remember that through these spaces you will find the Hierarchy.
Remember that through these spaces you will find the inner answer that you seek so much, an answer that is not outside of you, but rather in the deepest silence of consciousness, anonymity and service.
Regenerate, at this moment, your cells and atoms. Liberate your consciousnesses from forms and obstacles. Allow at this moment, through the giants of Creation that this Human Project may be repaired, through the impulse of Love and Light of the Kingdoms. Angels and devas accompany the Great Master.
Today your Master and Lord, by means of these Words, is before the origin of this humanity, before the first Adam and the first Eve, so that the original sin may begin to be dissolved from the human consciousness, so that most essences of this world may someday achieve the immaculate of this Project and what is purest in this Project of God.
When this happens through My Return, I assure you, companions, that the Project of God will be resumed as it is written in the Books, but above all in the hearts of the Lords of the Law of the Universe.
Be aware that you are participating in this and do not forget it, because all the Kingdoms will be praised in Heaven and on Earth, just as God praises them through His Love and His Spirit.
Let us pray not only for the Human Kingdom, but also for the other Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure the Apocalypse of the human civilization.
We ask for all the Kingdoms of the planet, through these giants of God’s Creation, to become peaceful and neutralized at this moment, for the forces of discord and disunion to be dissolved, for the telluric powers of this planet and universe to establish an inner and external balance in all the forms of the Creation.
May the Laws of the Great Creator Fathers Gabriel, Raphael, Michael and Uriel establish a principle of peace and neutrality so that souls and also the group soul of the Lower Kingdoms may receive the impulse of silence and internalization, which will reflect the condition of each being, so that, under the flame of love, light, reconciliation and healing, unity may be re-established.
My Spirit is pleased in the Lord, because His Love reflects and expresses itself in the silence and reverence of all creation. This nourishes the faith of the one who grasps and recognizes it, the one who perceives the inner realities as an abundant universe that never ends, that is infinite and raises the consciousness to the state that God expects so much, a principle of peace, love and unity.
May all one day find this path.
May all walk by My side, just as the angels and devas of God walk in silence and surrender.
May the hearts no longer retrogress in their steps, but rather may the spirits advance toward the goal and purpose that awaits them.
Today, on behalf of humanity, as part of this civilization, as a Being who incarnated in this world to guide and teach you, I repair the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the outrages, mistreatment and indifference that they receive in these times.
May the essence of the spirit of Peace rise again.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Yesterday, I sent you the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which, tomorrow, everyone will have the Grace of knowing.
This angel has fulfilled what I have asked of him and, although the dimension of your consciousnesses does not know it, continue to respond internally to what this angel has asked of you in My name.
The offerings have come to Me and the Reliquary of My Heart receives them today. This is something immeasurable to Me, it cannot be measured by the mind or by thought, because the angelic presence is helpful and eternal.
Therefore, I have asked all the Messengers of God, the hosts of Light that serve the Eternal Father, to present themselves in this world again, given the urgency of these times, because millions of guardian angels of millions of souls in the world are not receiving the response they need to present to the Creator God.
For this reason, your Master and Lord repeats the same fact, just as He did with the apostles of the past.
From very few will come the great offering, and the whole world will benefit from this offering, due to the fidelity and loyalty of the Children of God that respond to the commands of the angels, who respond to the call of the archangels.
Lys-Fatima has this scenario and this preamble. Since 1917, a great part of the Ultra-terrestrial Angelic Universe touched this place and continues to do so for the whole planet.
Therefore, all the angels, devas and elementals of the most remote and impenetrable places of the planet, in this final time, in this time of Armageddon, in this beginning of the Apocalypse, will be responding to My call and carrying out My Petition, the Sacred Petition of the Son of God; so that, through the angelic and archangelic consciousness, the greater part of humanity may be saved, before everything happens physically.
Because souls are precious to God, they are an unimaginable treasure for this planet; for this Project of Humanity is a faithful part of the first and sublime Divine Will, when God, from and through His Creative Source, decided in the beginning that this civilization should exist on the surface of the Earth, to respond to His Will.
Today, in these critical times, humanity, for the greater part, does not respond to the Call of God, and restlessness and depression embrace many souls of the world because they do not respond to the Call of the Heavens. This is why, in the inner affliction of My Heart, and because of the suffering of My Children, I will send again the angels to Earth so that, from the higher spheres, in union with the great elementals and devas of the planet, the great guardians of the Lower Kingdoms, they may intercede and intervene for the current humanity. Because the veil of the spiritual field continues to be vastly torn, and hundreds of retrograde forces enter the planet at an unimaginable speed, bringing conflicts, discord, revenge, illnesses and wars.
But do not forget My promise, the one I pronounced on top of the Mount of Olives moments before My Ascension to the Heavens. I come to fulfill this promise to humanity in a gradual manner, because I know better than anyone that, from the four cardinal points of the planet, many souls, families and peoples cry out for help, because they can no longer stand the impunity.
Therefore, trust what I Am doing, even if you do not know it. When you see the Moon with the color of blood, and when the clouds are grayer than normal, that will be the time when I will be returning.
I will present Myself again, just as I presented Myself to My apostles a few days after My Resurrection. But at that moment it will be necessary, and I might say it will be a special urgency, that the great angelic and ultra-terrestrial consciousness prepares My arrival in the world in the innermost depths of the consciousness of humanity, because the Lord of the Universe and of the Earth will not be nailed again on the Cross.
They will want to imprison Me, put Me in jail, but they will not be able to. I will demonstrate the Power that the Father has given Me since My Birth, not through authority, but through utter obedience to God. Because just as I will re-appear in the world and in various places on Earth, in the same way I will disappear if necessary, for those who want to persecute or harm Me.
But My Word, when it is pronounced again upon this surface, will deter this illusory time that many live. And My Word, which is the Word of God, will make the Real Time of the universe descend to the world, and the veil will be definitively taken out of many consciousnesses.
At that hour, all those who have not believed in My Message, the Message of these recent times, will repent and hit their chest with their own hand. This is the reason why the help from the angels is important.
It is time for you to open yourselves to know the Angelic Universe, because the innocent presence of the angels, devas or elementals of the Lower Kingdoms raises the human consciousness to re-discover the Source of God’s Love.
The angels will return at this time with a special mission. This is why at the moment they are surrounding the Lord and permeating the spaces with Light and Redemption, through the codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, of which they make use because I have allowed them to do so.
Therefore, all those who at this time are deciding to renounce to themselves, to carry their own cross and follow Me, do not stop, but rather continue to do so, because I promise you that the great day of liberation will come.
For that are your faithful friends, the holy angels, ignored by many and even despised by some, because they do not know the faithful testimony of self-giving of the angels of God. Many situations would not happen in this humanity, if humanity allowed the intervention of the angels and archangels.
Therefore, today the seven main Choirs of the Eternal Father accompany your Master and Lord. Each one of these Choirs is responsible for one dimension and one plane of consciousness.
They are the angels that guard the Relics of God. Among them is the Angel that Rules and Guards the Eucharistic Body of Christ, responsible for collecting from all Tabernacles of the Earth the offerings of the adorers of God, the friends of Christ Jesus, through veneration, devotion and reverence to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
This is why yesterday the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus taught you a simple prayer, which completes the prayer of the Angel of Peace. A prayer that will allow and grant, to all the souls that say it, that the offering may be accepted by the Eternal Father at each moment of communion, prayer and adoration to the Sacred Heart of the Son of God.
Today, I come with this preparatory Message, to tell you that, given the importance of this moment for the Angelic and Ultra-terrestrial Universe, I will return tomorrow with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body so that, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, through the Holy Monstrance of the Son of God, together with Me and the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body, you may adore My Sacred Heart present in the Eucharist, so that the offering of each one of you may be elevated to the Thrones of God, so that evil in this world may be placated and the betraying spirit of revenge, impunity and war may be dispelled.
Let us pray:
Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(three times)
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us all pray now together, in one voice and with one heart, united to the Heart of the Great Master:
Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(six times)
I thank you for being with Me today.
In union with all Angels of God, all Celestial Choirs, to honor this invisible and powerful angelic presence and so that the Angels of Creation may intervene in the world, we will honor the One who created them, the One who manifested them and the One who determined that the world, the suns, the stars and the souls should exist.
Together with the host of Light, let us honor the Father-Mother Creator, Adonai.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us sing "Kodoish," remembering the Holy Lord of the Hosts.
Song: melodic “Kodoish.”
We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Secrets of My Life must still be revealed, because no one knows them in depth. That they are a secret does not mean that they are a mystery; they are a revelation that will come at the right moment and, in the face of this planetary situation, this moment is drawing near.
Also for this reason I am here today, not only to continue My spiritual task for Ukraine, but also so that all of you may prepare, on the inner planes, for the moment of revelation.
My Celestial Mother and My Celestial Father know these Secrets in depth, because when My Mother was on Earth, preparing the arrival of the Messiah, Christ the Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel revealed these Secrets to Her, which would only be presented to the world in the end of times.
These Secrets will have repercussions not only in the Church and in all religions, the Secrets will also have repercussions in the awakened and the sleeping consciousnesses, especially those who do not believe in God and who have never united to the Eternal Father.
These Secrets of My Life come to elevate the consciousness of the whole world, to remove it from indifference and impunity, to remove it from the power and the control it believes it has. Because the Secrets of My Life are the secrets of My Universal Life, from the origin of My Consciousness, including the Aspects of God, and this planet and humanity until they ascend to the Heavens, to the Universe, becoming a part of the Spiritual Government of the entire One Source.
The Angels and the Archangels are the great guardians and caretakers of the Secrets of My Life. For this reason, the adversary does not rest even for a moment to deviate souls from the revelation of these Secrets.
Because when souls become aware of this revelation, they will cease to be in illusion, and they will awaken, they will become aware of how much time they have lost in worldly life; and many will repent and have a time of atonement, a time of Grace, to thoroughly live the mission they have come to fulfill.
From that moment, souls will become a part of My Command and not only will hearts be My apostles, but they will also be a part of My armies of the universe, just as I have so many armies throughout the universe. These armies will prepare My Return to the world, to re-establish My Spiritual Government in nations and peoples.
After so many errors and sufferings in this world, which will be dissolved by the Presence of the Light of God, through the Presence of the Most Sacred Heart of His Son, I, with My own Hand, will write this history of humanity again, from the moment of the Death of your Lord at Calvary, on the sorrowful Cross of humanity. From this moment up to the present, the history of humanity will again be written.
Because in My Return, at the moment of the revelation of My Secrets, you will not only come to know what some of the apostles came to know on Mount Tabor or what some participated in during the multiplication of the bread and of the fish, or even in the miracles of the Galilean Sea, you will live moments similar to these facts and, little by little, you will come closer to My Spiritual Government, to learn how to know and live it, just as I live it.
The main purpose of this reason is so that all may live in the Law, may live in the Law with joy and bliss and not as a rule or an imposition, as many believe. Because in the Law lies Peace, and in Peace lies the Happiness of God. In the Law you will always find the path toward the Purpose, and in the Purpose you will fulfill your mission.
These secrets will not only renew the religiosity of the world and the spirituality of all consciousnesses, they will change the dogmas and beliefs of those who have had greater resistance to the Truth. They will see it before their own eyes, because it will not be something that can be hidden, because, in this way, I will fulfill My promise that you will see the Son of Man come and all will recognize and feel Him, and those who have denied the Son of God will also feel and recognize Him.
But remember that I will not come as a Judge, but rather, in the end of times, I will come as the Great Advocate of the Father, to intercede for all souls and consciousnesses that went astray from the path of Light and Mercy, who were dragged toward the abysses and toward the life of the hells of the planet. But when I return, these doors will definitively close.
For this reason, this is the hardest time of all, and it is also the most demanding time of all, as a spiritual pressure is inevitably generated between what is superior and what is inferior, and the negative forces that are present on the surface of the Earth become agitated when souls simply achieve the Light of the Truth.
For this reason, I am here, gestating this moment, preparing this moment in all inner worlds, because when this moment of revelation of My Secrets comes, you will know much more than just My Transfiguration or even of the Transubstantiation of My Being; you will know Christ, your Master and Lord, in the Creative Manifestation of the Father, that Truth that emerged from the Source through Love and Wisdom, which brought to you, a long time ago, the Law of Redemption, when the Son of Man shed His own Blood for you and suffered for you.
But the moment of My Return will be different from those times, because now no one will be able to kill the Son of Man.
When the Hierarchy approaches the planet and, above all, humanity and some regions of the planet, this will allow the condition to prepare these spaces of the inner worlds for this moment of revelation, because it is not written in the Bible nor in any other sacred book.
My Secrets are alive in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and this Sacred Ark will descend to the world again, and reveal and show itself in those sacred sites we know and revere as Sacred Places.
Because certain points of the planet, where there are special cosmic and divine sets of circumstances, are spaces that have been prepared since a long ago, for this very moment. So the sacred relics of the Brotherhood will emerge so that all can recognize and see them.
These are the signs that Heaven will give you, the signs announced through the Apparitions of the Mother of God, visible and inexhaustible signs that will awaken consciousnesses and lead each one of you, as well as each one of your brothers and sisters of the whole world, to position themselves in the place where they must be in order to prepare this moment, together with your Master and Lord.
In truth, I tell you that all that I am revealing to you today is not a theory nor is it something abstract or unattainable, it is something concrete that will come and be visible to the whole world.
And those who have not fulfilled the Law or who have rejected God, the Creator, will have a last chance and opportunity to mend their lives and actions so as to be filled with Divine Mercy, and, thus, they will be able to be a part of the New Humanity.
For this reason, your Master and Lord is upon Ukraine, because, through Ukraine, your Master and Lord is upon Russia, as well as upon other nations of the world that urgently need divine and cosmic intervention, not only of the angels, but also of all Hierarchies. Being upon Ukraine, I can be upon Russia, upon a people that has been conditioned for a long time by a spirit of hostility and rivalry against other peoples and nations of the world.
But do not think of how this will be solved, rather think of what you will do for this to be solved, what is the true action of each one of you on a spiritual and inner level for a solution to come, and to be a concrete and not a passing solution.
For this to happen, your hearts must be united to the Heart of the Hierarchy and they must unite to Our great operations, Our great interventions for the planet and for humanity, especially for those places in the world that are spaces of inflection and permanent hostility, and which attract many forces of evil that subject and condemn many souls, and which do not in any way allow the planet to enter the fourth dimension.
This is why the pressure of these times is very great, and the greatest pressure is inner; a pressure that has repercussions on all living creatures of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human and Devic Kingdom.
All are under this pressure of these final times, because the currents that descend through the Central Sun are very powerful, but they are quite imperceptible to those who live in the illusion of the world. But these currents will not fail to descend, they will not fail to fulfill the Divine Purpose entrusted to them.
The great filter of these currents is the Consciousness of Christ, through which souls can learn to endure, to live and accept them as a part of the end of times, so that this human project not be lost, so that the planet as a consciousness not disappear from this universe and not lose the quality of being Confederate. This is why we must work hard, as I have told you in the last few days.
The collaboration and contribution of each one are fundamental, because they will create the necessary condition for more suns on Earth to awaken and be part of this Confederate Firmament that gathers Hierarchies and Evolutionary Consciousnesses of this and of other universes, of this and of other galaxies, which are united in brotherhood for the redemption and peace of humanity.
Do you now understand your participation in this Local Universe and the importance that humanity may learn to live in the Laws so as to be united to the whole Brotherhood of this universe?
For this, in this final time, the task of the Sacred Places will be very broad, Places that will also prepare My Return to the world and that will physically show that which no one has ever seen, because the impact of the awakening must be very broad to completely change the involutionary frequency of humanity so that it may enter the frequency of peace and universal harmony.
We must pray for all this, but truly pray, with the commitment to do it every day, so that your Master and Lord may have the doors of all hearts open, which must come out of the state of illusion and involution, to enter the state of peace and brotherhood.
This is why today I bring you My Spiritual Priesthood, so that all priests may act in accordance with what this moment requires and may be true mirrors of the Divine Life, which help reconnect consciousnesses with the universe and with the Supreme Source.
I need all of you on this level of awakening, so that you may understand all situations of this world, outside the superficiality of things and within the universality of all My Commands. In this way, you will be able to grasp the essence of the Purpose and join Me in service to concretize the Plan.
May Eastern Europe, and especially Ukraine, keep being helped by the prayers of all. Remember that a humanitarian mission is still pending here, and also the expression of a monastery of this Order to give continuity to that task.
The same must happen in Garabandal and at other points of the Northern Hemisphere that we have indicated to you.
For this reason, it is time for all the stars that shine through the souls on the surface of the Earth to work for this manifestation, because it is your responsibility that Heaven may descend to Earth and all tools of the Father may be available in this final time. Do not expect that what must be materialized will happen by itself. Your help is important. And this is why it is a concrete and permanent responsibility.
Make yourselves available for this manifestation so that the Northern Hemisphere may not precipitate; because this would be unacceptable to God, as in the Northern Hemisphere there are many sacred tools in the Sacred Places of the Father.
Head to this task and carry it out the way it is planned.
Do not forget what I am saying to you, it is time to keep working for the Plan, taking a steadier and more decided step, so that the debts of your consciousnesses and those of your families may be dissolved. All is waiting for you, it is time to work.
I bless Poland and I thank it for the welcome given to Me, and thus, I bless the whole world, all those who have the courage to hear and assume My Words and to not allow them to go as if this were just another Message. Because, in truth, I tell you, that My task is not static, My mission is dynamic, it is a constant purpose that will only make you grow so that you may surpass Me.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more