Child, at the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, cry out for mercy and discernment, so that your steps may be right, and the path chosen by you always take you to the Heart of God.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, let yourself be flooded by the Humility that comes from the Heart of God.

Your Lord is already beginning to take the first steps towards the Earth and it will not be the gold of the world that will make you shine before the Eyes of God, for Him to find you. It will be the pearl revealed in your heart, when you clean and purify the mud of your miseries, that, for God will be the sign and the seal so that He may find the redeemed-on Earth.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, do not let the shame and fear of seeing yourself humiliated be greater than the Grace of achieving humility. Let yourself be stripped away of the things of the world and let them only belong to its vanities.

The day will come in which God will seek to receive from you the multiplication of the treasures given to you, but if you have not known them, how will you come to multiply them?

God did not give you the riches of the Earth, but rather the virtues hidden in the heart, sometimes even covered over by skills and good appearances, but those are really not what your Creator expects from you.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, search in your heart for the greater virtue of giving up, the treasure of faith, the richness of charity, the joy of surrender. Heaven and Earth will pass, but what God placed inside of you will multiply.

Give yourself up, as God gave Himself up, becoming a child in the arms of the Most Holy Mary,

Give yourself up, as the Creator did, escaping death and going to Egypt, in profound surrender in the hands of His Holy Children, made His Parents there.

Give yourself up, in the silence of God, denied on the Earth He had chosen to sanctify, walking towards distant peoples who would know how to listen to Him.

Give yourself up, as does God Who know how to forgive, who throws casts upon the ground the stones of the sins of men and does not throw but Forgiveness and Mercy at them.

Give yourself up, as did Christ Who – being perfect – sat at the table of sinners, and inviting them as they were, forgave them and redeemed their sins.

Give yourself up and transform the loneliness, the sacrifice and the pain of the cross into a real and perfect love, that crosses and transforms the Universes.

Give yourself up, as God gave Himself up to death, but also giving Himself up to the mystery of faith, that gives life back and resurrects with the One Who died for you, Who lives today to teach you to return to life.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, child, give yourself up and do not judge any longer, do not criticize, do not defame, do not pretend and do not sin any longer.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Seventh Day of the novena

When the Angel warned Me that I should leave with the Holy Virgin and the Boy to Egypt, because people would try to kill Him in Bethlehem, in My Chaste Heart I saw everything that would come to happen. I took the Boy in my arms and placed My Holy Spouse on the mule. There We understood that Our life would be an eternal battle until the Boy could fulfill His Mission.

The Most Holy Mary was also able to see what would happen with the children in Bethlehem, She could hear the screams and tears of their mothers and could feel the pain of God in Her Pure Heart. We had to leave without looking back, trusting in the fact that we were leaving so many children for the salvation of One Child who, someday, would return their lives to them. In Our Hearts, we strengthened the faith in God and during the whole journey, we prayed for His little children and We knew that He was listening to Us.

Sometimes, children, God asks you to walk without looking back, to apparently leave alone people whom you love, who need your care, but you should know that your spiritual steps provide greater support than your presence. Physically you can protect a body and, spiritually you can save a soul, an essence, the whole evolution of a being.

For this reason, if one day God calls you to walk without looking back, do not fear to take these steps, because they will, someday, be the motive for the salvation of those who stayed behind you. For you not to fear, and to strengthen your own faith, pray to God in My Name:

just as You called Saint Joseph,
and He responded to Your Call,
call upon us and teach us not to look back;
lead us and strengthen our faith in You;
guide us so that we may know
that life in this world fades away,
but the merits of the spirit endure forever.

Children, during this transition, trust in the fact that taking spiritual steps is what matters the most because even if the world trembles and life fades away, it will be the merits generated in the purity of your hearts that will allow life to be recovered and the Earth to be rebuilt with principles of Love and Unity.

I saw the world tremble, I saw war consume the hearts of humankind. I left Mine behind to support the Boy and, one day I also left the Boy, by the Will of God, and it was from Heaven, with My Invisible Eyes placed upon the Earth, that I saw souls recover life and Love be stronger than war.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
