I come to bring My Mercy where there is no religious or social justice.
I come to bring something that human beings do not yet have, because of the little value they give to it.
But it does not matter what education they have, it is the heart that counts with God, because it is the one that will always perpetuate, will always bear witness to the Love of God among all the men and women of the Earth.
Place your gaze, dear children, on the heart, and there you will find God, rather than humankind. If God is in you, My Son will be in you and no one will be able to change that inner union.
Nobody will be able to say, My children, that God is not present in the hearts of humankind, that God is not alive in those who believe in Him above all things, beyond all events.
I come to teach you the way of love, because in the Love of God you will always find the way out; there will always be understanding and wisdom for comprehending the designs of God and above all, His highest Will.
Today I come to bring peace to those human beings who arouse uncontrollable anger.
Today I come to tame hearts, so that they may feel peace and know that everything is being fulfilled, beyond all understanding or any philosophy.
What God needs, dear children, is for humankind to learn to love and that it not forget the path of love, because whoever is not on the path of true love will not be on the path to Paradise, no matter how much they may profess the Name of My Son, no matter how much they may perform the Eucharist before the people of God.
Love is everything. It is the first science. In love you will understand life, as you will understand suffering.
Unite in love and not in the separation of your ideas or your thoughts. The Kingdom of God is for everyone, it has no religion or doctrine. The Universe of God is free and ample. And He comes to point out the children He has chosen to carry His Work of redemption forward at the end of these times.
I tell those human beings that are claimed to be wise, that they not tempt the wrath of God. That they live the Gift of the Fear of God; let them live the Gift of the Fear of God so as to not be separate from the Father and not separate the flocks of My Son from the Heart of God.
These are not times for divisions. It is the time of the great celestial unity. It will be that unity that will save the planet and humanity, especially the most miserable in spirit, which are not only found in life, but also in religions.
My Son comes to give an opportunity to all souls. His Mercy is not limited to humankind. His Mercy is universal and infinite.
I need, dear children, for you to open your hearts to the great divine understanding, not allowing yourselves to be involved in what humans say of this world, by what humans point out in their fellow humans.
Open the eyes of your heart and you will find the Truth, the Truth that rests within you, the Truth that is born of the heart, that accepts all things and understands all things; an unconditional and living heart, that is not afraid to embrace the unknown and say “yes” to the Universe every day.
I am sorry, dear children, for those who do not understand the Will of God and who claim to live it fully, but which is not true.
Seek a union between your hearts and you will be prepared to receive the second coming of Christ.
God has asked me to come and seek all the essences of the world and not only those who believe in My Son. Remember that My Son is the Lord of religions, because He is the Lord of Love. And if He is the Lord of Love, He is the Lord of Truth, of Divine Will, and of Justice, of the good He Himself would wish to profess for all the beings of the Earth.
So, dear children, do not get confused. Feel My message in your heart, more than the message of empty human beings, who are empty of love, of truth, of the true understanding that only is given by the Holy Spirit.
There will come a time, dear children, where all religions must appreciate and understand each other. Because if this does not happen, who will open the door to Christ so that He may return?
It is necessary to pray from the heart and soul, so that in these times the humans of the Earth not confuse you.
It is necessary to choose the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.
It is necessary to live a life of service, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.
In this way, your faith will be strengthened, which is a faith that has no investment in anyone, or in any person. It is a faith that belongs to God and intimately to your hearts.
Revive that faith with good examples and open your eyes to divine knowledge that comes from the Universe. Thus, you will take sure steps in redemption and will fully accept the call of God, without thinking what others may say.
Dear children, as Mother of God and Mother of My Son, I come to re-connect you with the path of love, because it is a path that is not being practiced by the humans of the Earth. Illusion, and all that is superfluous, separates humankind from that true path.
Live the Commandments and you will be in true spiritual freedom.
I come, dear children, to do good, to teach you the path of Love and of Truth, at the request of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. No one can take that away from you, the experience of your faith and of your devotion to the call of God in these times, outside of the Church of My Son.
See the importance of the awakening of hearts in these times and do not allow yourselves to be invaded by the comments of people. It is necessary to unite and become stronger. It is necessary to unite the strength of the heart with the strength of the heart of your sibling, to carry out the Plan of these times, in the face of a chaotic and difficult planetary reality.
On this night, may your hearts feel the truth of My Heart and not repent, nor abandon your consecration as children of My Immaculate Heart, because what I bring you, dear children, no one will give you, not even the highest hierarchy of the religions. Everything comes from the Heart of the Father, from His non-material and eternal Source. You must learn to nurture yourselves spiritually from that every day; not only from the Gospel, which is the basic path for your awakening and redemption.
Find meaning in your spiritual path, in what is higher and divine, and thus, you will be in the Father and the Father in you. Your hearts will feel no doubt or distrust, but rather will take a sure and firm step on the path of Love and the joy of serving God.
Remember that you must reintegrate your spiritual dignity again in the Father’s eyes.
Religions are the bridge for that, but it is not the final thing. There is something, dear children, that must begin with you, that must be born of your heart, in order to be in Christ and in His Divine Presence.
I come to evangelize with a New Word, a Word that humankind does not know, because the Word that I pronounce is a Word that comes from the Source of Love. It is a Word that is not wasted. It is a Word that serves and helps souls in their conversion.
When the times are more difficult and the rebellions of humankind are present, it is a sign, dear children, that it is the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the defeat of the beast, which confuses hearts, despite their beliefs.
I come to bear testimony of what Christ gave you when He was present on this planet. I reintegrate this testimony of love again for you so that you do not forget, dear children, that the answer is to be found in love, in wisdom, and the way out of the great obstacles.
As I will not tire, dear children, of saying that I am here, although many publicly deny it, I come to consecrate new children to reaffirm that testimony of love, that testimony of the Infinite Love of God and of the Christ that, more and more, unites consciousnesses with the Essence of the Primordial Source.
That is why I will not stop giving blessings, no matter how much talk there is, no matter how much lying and not telling the truth.
Pray for those who do not understand, because they are very miserable and sick of spirit and do not know it, just as I pray for you to heal your spiritual illness. I invite you, dear children, to pray for the miserable of spirit and soul, because they do not know it, so that they may receive the Grace of someday realizing this and asking for true mercy from God, rather than uttering vain words.
Be merciful as I Am, and the planet will have more opportunities, more souls will be healed, and hearts will become reconciled with the living God.
Let those who today consecrate themselves come before the Fountain of God's Love, so that they may be witnesses of what I ask of them, so that they may defend their consecration and are not afraid of saying that they believe in My Presence, as a precious call from God for these times.
I would like to say to all the Children of Mary that they remember their commitment with Me, because I cannot waste anything, not even a minimum amount of the energy of Grace. All that I give you is because you need it, even if you do not understand it or do not know it; everything is a reason for a special Project in your lives, in your consciousnesses, and in your spirits. I give you something that no one can give you, that must be valued and respected, revered, and you must pray that the Gift that I give you may persist in the end of these times.
Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I come to bless you, dear children, so as to re-consecrate those who have already consecrated themselves as Children of Mary, to be witnesses of the Word of God and of the return of Christ, with nothing to fear, because the love that may be in your hearts is invincible.
The love that may be in your consciousnesses is indelible. No person or any being of this Earth can erase the Love of God. They will never win, because love is the one that overcomes; it is the Love of Christ that overcame death on the Cross and that comes to teach you that in love, everything is possible, until the end of days.
Beloved Father, have Your Fire descend upon simple and humble hearts. Have Your Divine Consciousness descend upon those who preach Your Word and who in the simplicity of their heart testify to Your Presence in the world.
Have Your Wisdom and Your Grace descend upon the hearts that must be converted to the Christic life of service and of love for fellow beings.
O Beloved Father!, listen to the voice of Your Faithful Servant, have Your Love descend upon the miserable, upon those who do not understand, and those who do not accept Your call, upon all those who cause the separation of Your people from Your Most Beloved and Intimate Heart.
O Dear Father!, forgive them, forgive them so that they may find a new opportunity, through Your Divine Compassion and Your Grace.
Forgive, Lord, those who offend their fellow beings. Forgive them, Lord, so that they may find the Light of Your Heart in the great Universe of Your Universal Love.
Today I bless and establish My Peace among humankind of the Earth, knowing that I will still be here, fulfilling Your Divine Will and Your Call, in union with all My Children, especially those who consecrate themselves, to be the example of Your Life in the Universe.
May the Lord bless you, redeem you, and consecrate you, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now sing, because you have been consecrated to the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call, in trust.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come, in this Vigil of Prayer, to reconcile the peoples and the nations for all the suffering that has existed between the Americas and Europe. Welcome My Heart into your hearts so this may happen.
I Am the Lady of the New Race, of the New Humanity.
My Heart is the bridge to unite what had been separated. My Heart spiritually unites continents and nations; because the wish of God is that in the next time, after the strong tribulation, humanity may become one single race, a new renewed people of God, which acts and lives through faith.
Dear children, I forecast future times for you, but for that Aspiration of the Father to be able to take place in humanity, God deeply wishes that you keep praying every day.
As in other times, My dear children, I place Myself above My children to bless you with My Graces, enfold you in My Maternal Mantle, and take you into My arms so you may feel My Heart of Peace.
God deeply wishes for Spain to give the first impulse for a union among the peoples; because I have also been in El Escorial and in Garabandal, announcing prophecies for a future humanity.
Today I am here again in Madrid through different channels so you may hear My Voice again, My one true Voice which reverberates so It may be heard by your essences and may fulfill the Will of My Lord in you.
There is still much to heal between the Americas and Europe, dear children. I lovingly invite all Spaniards, and consequently, all of Europe, to receive the Lady of Guadalupe into your homes.
As the Lady of Guadalupe, I give you My maternal blessing. I want My Stars to shine in your homes, and as the song that you have sung to Me says, the crown of My head must shine in all souls, because Peace is possible in a time of chaos.
You must be the disseminators of My maternal call, a call to the heart, a call for peace. Heaven pours out its Graces through My sweet Voice and My Heart opens to welcome you inwardly.
I want you all to be able to be immaculate in the coming time and Fatima will give you that key to achieve purity.
Have you understood, dear children, why I have spent so much time in Europe?
It is a people in redemption, as are many peoples in the world who have heard My Voice, and many visionaries have seen My Face.
In this time, I have come to unite what is separate in the consciousness. My Rosary, My prayer beads reverberate all the time in the Eternal Time, producing an echo and a call to God, a request to the Most High Father of the Heights, for as Mediator, dear children, My Heart offered Itself to you to save you. But what I need is that through you, this deep reconciliation which I ask of you be able to take place in other children of Mine, and this will be possible through the power of your prayer.
Today My face reflects the joy of this meeting. Today My arms pour out the Light and the Mercy of God. Today I reveal My immaculate Love for all of you, a patient and persevering love, kind, merciful, which wants to reach all the children of Europe.
Go for those who do not listen to Christ. They need to become reconciled with God, and the first door to enter and serve all those souls will be your families, where the temple of prayer and of peace must reemerge.
The third secret of Fatima may happen, may take place, may manifest on the world. Thus, if your prayer is more fervent than the secret, the Law will change and the Mercy of Christ will take action by giving blessings and healing to all the children of the Earth.
I do not come to the world to prophecy bad times. I come to the world to remind you of the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom that is inside of you, within your hearts and souls.
Dear children, through this meeting, I call on you to awaken. In this way, you will be able to follow My steps of Light and walk on the paths of Love and of Unity, upon which many souls will walk behind you to quench their thirst for love, the peace lacking in inner dwelling places.
For this, I gather you together at this time in Europe, because the time has come for your higher commitment to manifest, that it may be concrete and visible in the world.
As ambassadors of peace and missionaries of love, may you be cells of the Glorified Body of Christ, and expand in light and in harmony over the world.
On this afternoon, I give you the keys for this to happen; the only key is prayer, perseverance and the hope of continuing onward. In this way, dear children, you will respond to My call.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the same way, as in a past time when I gathered together the apostles of Christ in a cenacle of awakening and renewal, today I gather your small souls together in a cenacle of redemption and life.
My children, in the past, the Holy Spirit descended over the apostles of Christ, giving them the gift of speaking in tongues, of understanding the heart of each creature that approached them. And in this way, through the creative power of the Verb of God, the Church of Christ in the world began to be built, the love that Christians manifest today on this Earth.
And today, in this time, My children, I gather you together again in a cenacle of redemption, so the Spirit of God may return to this Earth. This time, through the life example of your small hearts, which must manifest acts of love and of fellowship, Christians are renewed in the world.
Today I come to the Earth, My children, so that in this cenacle of redemption, I am able to teach humanity to awaken to the life of the spirit, to the life of the soul, to awaken to this mission each being must accomplish in this time, to awaken in your hearts and in the hearts of the world a love for this perfect Plan that God has been generating in humanity.
My children, with My Divine Heart, I aspire that your souls are able to testify to the fraternity and the unity among beings, and that in this way, you demonstrate to the world that the time has come for the Return of My Son; that His Sacred Heart is already beating and lives in your hearts, achieving in your lives the biggest and true miracle, which is the conversion of your spirits and the true love that you are capable of experiencing even when facing chaos.
My children, My Presence strengthens the absolute faith in your hearts, so that you are never afraid in the face of difficulties and in the face of judgments.
It is necessary that your hearts be certain of the consecration of your souls to this Greater Plan, so you do not fear any difficulty, do not fear the attacks of the enemy, for Love will always be greater than the darkness, and faith will always be greater than the fear. For this reason, today I tell you to only remember My Words when you are facing some difficulty. My Heart observers you at each instant of your lives, and although invisible to your eyes, My Presence will always be there.
Today I want you to learn to feel My Presence, through your heart, so that in life situations, you know how to feel when I am present, know how to hear My voice in your hearts, which is unmistakable, because Love, My children, is absolute in My Heart, and will take shape within your beings any time it is needed.
Know, on this night, that your prayers were heard in the Kingdom of God, that many situations in the world were able to receive liberation and peace. But there is still much to be freed, many souls are waiting for you to be able to pray with devotion and fervor, and even more than that, My children, be able to live My messages in your lives.
Never be in a hurry, only continue to persevere on this path, because with one step after another, you will transform without realizing it, and one day, My children, you will look back and will not find the old being.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I am traversing, in Europe, the same paths that I once travelled in the Holy Land, beginning My Christic ministry; and village after village, awakening the children who were to serve God in those times.
For this reason, I return to Spain, to My dear Spain, that heard My Voice from the beginning and which, in spite of the difficulties and indifference of their leaders and of those who guide these people, have kept their faith alive in their heart, the precious trust in the Lady of Heaven, opening the doors to the Mercy of God.
This meeting with Me, during this evening, is a special meeting between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the cosmos; a profound communion with the Heart of the Father, which will prepare you for the days of tomorrow, in which My Verb will be deeply expressed to the world, trying to awaken those who sleep. This will be possible first through you, when you dare to live My Words out of love. Thus, as I have already said, you will transform.
On this night, I bless these altar roses, and may this symbol represent for your lives the possibility of experiencing a change of heart, that you are able to be My new roses of the gardens of Heaven. For this reason, month by month, My hands heal your hearts, close the wounds, and remove the thorns; so that renewed by My Holy Spirit, you are able to reach the Throne of the Father as an offer of redemption, an offer of Grace and Mercy; and in this way, the times that have been foreseen to come, may be good times for all.
I come from that Heaven to announce a call to you. My call is that you be agents of peace so that some things do not happen.
I will thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts. I am very grateful for this night. Let us pray to the Eternal Father so that the liberation of the world may also take place in Europe. Let us pray with the light of the heart, let us open the doors to Divine Mercy.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will pray at this time together with Our Most Holy Mother. At the request of Our Lady, we will pray the "Prayer for the liberation of the World":
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.
May the Peace of My Son be in your hearts forever and may His Redeeming Light be the strength to experience transformation, the reason that urges you to continue walking in the Light.
Lifting up your pleas to Heaven, I receive your intentions in My Heart.
Tomorrow I will also receive your intentions and those of all those who have need of an encouraging word. Write a small message to Me, which I will contemplate with love. I thank you.
Song: Hail, Hail, Hail Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Now we are going to carry out a task that Our Mother requested of us. The visionaries will distribute rose petals to each one, roses that Our Mother blessed and that are on the altar.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Just to tell the brothers and sisters that, for some time, Mary did not place Herself over people. This was an immediate revelation She made to us, from the moment of the Apparition.
She carried out a task of blessing Spain, mainly, and brought Her Consciousness and Her moment of Apparition in El Escorial and in Garabandal.
That was what, more or less, took place.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Sometimes we don't properly understand what is happening when Our Lady works spiritually.
Let us just imagine, for one moment, that this Higher Presence was a few meters from us, radiating all Her Light over our beings, transforming that which for us would be absolutely untransformable, dissolving inner situations that for us would be impossible, cleansing our paths, something that for us would be impossible.
So our heart must be full of gratitude, because if we continue with the Messages of our Mother within ourselves, we dedicate some of our time to pray with our heart, we will see that in the future, our lives will be different.
Let us never again forget this day, because we will soon understand why.
And now, we will do our task, while the brothers and sisters will sing.
Song: Hail Mary (instrumental).
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more