In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The world has judged the message of the Mother of God, and even though it was not all of my children, this has had a great repercussion in God.

The world has not understood the reason for Me being here on Earth, but I still come to the world for those who listen to Me.

Opening My Heart and stretching out My arms toward you, today I come to give you My message and this goes beyond any human credibility, because I come here for one reason, because I love you and I want good for your lives, just as My Son wants Mercy for your lives. 

The world cannot judge the Will of God, because it does not know it. Today I am in silence so that you may reflect and not just listen.

In this place, there will be a visible sign that We have been here, and that Our Sacred Hearts had been here for a long time. 

Today I cannot tell you much. You have to understand, My children, what I want to tell you through My silence, because it is God that speaks through the Heart of His Servant.

A large part of the world does not accept the Love of God. Very few children of Mine dare to be submerged into the Love of God in order to be redeemed and transformed. 

Today I come as the Lady of Peace, because My Peace will be in those who truly seek it.

God has asked me to tell you something important, something unforeseen and extraordinary. First, your souls must know so that your hearts can understand afterward.

I have given the world much more than it needed, so that the majority of My children could feel and recognize this moment that you are experiencing with Me. 

The Chalice of sacrifice that is before you today in the hands of the Lady of Peace was drunk by very few. It is the Blood of My Son that wants to be Blood within you so that, through the sacrifice, He may continue to save the world.

We are at the doors of the Celestial Church, where God attentively listens to this message. His Divine Consciousness is watching and contemplating you, as well as all His Hosts of Light, archangels and angels, all are bearing witnesses of this moment.

The special message that I bring you tonight, with a heavy Heart, is that I will come to the world to meet with My children for the last time on August 8th, the day on which the task of the Sacred Hearts will come to an end. 

If the world, up to August 8, does not repent and does not stop persecuting, humanity will feel the movement of the Earth, because it is Us, the Messengers of God, Who through these meetings support the world and humanity so that it can continue onward. 

Today the Sorrowful Mother cries out to the world for penance. 

Today I say the same thing I said in the third secret of Fatima, that has not yet been fulfilled, because a part of this secret has not yet been known. 

The Angel of Justice of God directs His sword of fire toward the Earth. But the Lady of Peace, the Sorrowful Mother, places Herself before the Angel to emanate the Light of God toward it and bear the punishment that corresponds to the Earth.

My ardent desire, My children, is not to abandon you nor leave you, but some were not just with Me, and therefore, they were not just with God. Neither the Church nor humanity knows the Will of God.

I will rearrange the universe and all the celestial powers so that in the time left for Me to be among you, I can draw toward God the souls that have not yet repented, nor have been reconciled with what is High. 

From now, until August 8th, I incessantly aspire and pray for humanity to improve, and, just as it has been many times, I aspire that the doors of this Marian Center may again be opened, to say farewell to the Messenger of God, after these twelve years.

The truth will emerge and hearts will no longer be confused, because they will know that the Mother of Heaven was always here, gathering Her children in Love and in Mercy.

You must continue to pray so that, from Heaven, your Queen and Mother may continue interceding for you, even though I can no longer come here. 

While I am here with you, I am praying, because I cherish you and I love you. I want the truth for your lives and the end of ignorance upon the surface of the Earth. 

After August 8, it will be the great moment for you all to put into practice everything that I have been dictating to you, to practice love above all conditions so that the Love of God may continue to triumph, until My Son returns and fulfills His great promise. 

Let us pray from our hearts, souls and spirits, that the Supreme Will may always be fulfilled. 

Our Father (repeated three times).

Today I will carry this prayer to the Father as the eternal thanks of the hearts that have united with the Mother of God throughout these twelve years, and that beyond the difficulties and the tests, with bravery and courage they moved forward with the requests of the Most Holy Virgin.

The Lady of Peace, the Sorrowful Mother, thanks you for having responded to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We end this transmission giving thanks and reverence, at this moment. 

We say farewell, listening to this instrumental.

Thank you all.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition on July 16, 2018, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I choose these special dates to let you know the most simple things of spiritual life, because in that which is simple you will be able to transform everything, in that which is simple you will be able to comprehend everything.

The life of the spirit is simple, but it is also wisdom.

I hope My children will achieve this state of simplicity and wisdom, not only in daily matters, but also in the inner levels, a place where everything begins and everything ends; because it is there, in that inner level, where the experience of your life on Earth and your passage through this Universe is held.

When you cannot conceive in yourselves this simplicity and this wisdom in the life of the spirit, it is because you are not doing it within your material life.

The simplicity of which I speak is not restriction or severe measures.

Simplicity will always lead you to love your neighbor just as they are and to not judge them because of their form or appearance.

My children of the world frequently forget these basic rules of life, because by living these rules, you will be able to be in God and God can be in you.

On this special day, when we celebrate, together with the Heavenly Mother, the anniversary of one of My instruments on Earth, through this I want you to see, My children, that the call of the Mother of God to Her children has always been and will always be simple.

On this path that I invite you to experience, you will also be able to find the humility you need in order to stop boasting about your lives, although sometimes you may not realize it.

Why do I tell you all this, My children?

Because the Work of God, since the beginning of all this Creation, was conceived of in the spirit of simplicity and humility. From there were born and emerged the most beautiful things in this Universe and for this whole material Universe; the spirit of each creature found a dwelling place, up to that which is most physical.

But know, My children, that everything has a correspondence and a communion between Heaven and Earth; within you and outside of you.

When you are not simple, you cannot be real, just as I need you to be, day after day.

Simplicity will not only take you to humility and truth but also to that which is most important: gratitude.

When you have no gratitude in your hearts, you cannot understand the Plan of God when it changes, time and again and from cycle to cycle, or from day to day.

If you are in this eternal gratitude, you will be able to understand the Mysteries of the Father and you will no longer be blindfolded, not knowing where to go or in what direction to walk, because in the life of the spirit, everything is clear, everything is transparent, and everything is crystalline.

I need you to not forget this, children.

When you cannot get around certain obstacles, it is because you have not conceived of the spirit of simplicity within yourselves, which will lead you into humility and eternal gratitude.

Although these words, that I speak to you today, have been heard by you many times, from My own mouth, or from Saint Joseph or from Jesus Himself, I invite you, dear children, to pay attention to the basic rules of spiritual life, because otherwise, you will be skipping the Universal Laws.

With all of this that I am telling you, My children, I do not aspire toward your perfection, but your transparency, your fellowship, generosity and collaboration.

This message serves for all of My children, because each one, according to their timing, goes through their purification and also the moment of their great surrender.

I want, My children, for you to learn to live as We do; the Sacred Hearts lived such a long time ago here on Earth, with no pretension, not wanting anything; always seeking to learn through equality, solidarity and above all, brotherhood.

Humanity, throughout recent times, has lost these principles. This is why souls become archaic and rigid and cannot manage to take their steps when they most need to take those steps toward God.

We have the authority, My children, as Sacred Hearts, of being able to dissolve all these obstacles within souls.

But, children, My children, you have already learned how to listen to Me, to feel Me and recognize Me. You know that what I tell you is true. Each one of you knows what they have to improve and perfect as a perfect offering for the Altars of God.

I am speaking to you about something profound, not something superficial. That which is superficial that may take place in your lives comes as a consequence of what happens within you when you are not in communion with the spirit, nor with the Universe.

We know that knowledge ennobles the spirit, but that is not what you need right now, My children. You need to ennoble your spirits with transparency and the loving collaboration for a fellow being, for the Divine Plan and its important manifestation on this planet.

As Lady of Mount Carmel, I invite you, My children, although you do not believe it, to live the path of redemption and your salvation, because many may believe that they are already saved, yet they are not.

My children, feel the Heart of the Mother that asks and begs to God for the awakening of Her children, even in the simple details.

All this will make the Earth and its humanity transform; it will make the Word of God triumph within you, through the examples of good and of loyalty.

I invite you, My children, to enter this school, which today with all of My Love I am offering to you.

I need you to hear My Voice, not as you always hear it. I need you to hold My words like keys that will be able to open the doors to your conscious and real transformation.

Children, there is a part that is yours to do. Everything must first begin within you so that then the Universe will be able to work and intercede.

The souls of the world, in the majority, are lost; and you know it because you have seen it everywhere you have been, together with Me, accompanying Me on this trajectory of being able to accomplish the Plan.

My wish is that on the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel, you could consider My words with sincerity.

My wish is that My Voice could touch the depths so that the Gifts might be sown that you need in order to live the next steps in this planetary transition.

My wish, My children, is that each one of you could see yourself for a moment, not to torment yourself or feel intimidated; not to judge or punish yourself. That each one of you could see yourselves, just as God sees you, just as the Father contemplates you in His Mercy and in His divine Patience.

There is still, beloved children, much to be done. I need you to understand what I am asking of you.

I have given you the Grace of being near Me, because it is what you need to be on the path of the spirit and in the living of the Plan, beyond any inner experience with the Universe or with all that is higher and even divine.

First, we must begin with that which is simple and necessary. You must not lose the basic rules of loyalty and fraternity; this closes the doors to Divine Providence. The Universe has everything for you and for humanity.

If each one of you knew, with complete awareness, what it is that I have to do to manage to be before you at each new meeting, in truth, you would consider My words and would pray on your knees to express your gratitude to God.

The Servant of God and the Mother of the Universe unconditionally offers Herself to Her children with nothing in exchange.

I want, beloved children, for you to grow, just as I grew, while I was Mary on Earth.

I know that in your inner worlds you keep known and unknown experiences; spiritual and also inner traumas. But everything can be dissolved in the Mercy of God and in the action of His Divine Grace.

I do not want you, My children, to leave My path.

I do not want you, My children, to be far from Me, serving Me in other works.

Children, I need you here, close to My Heart, in a real way rather than one that seems to be.

Sometimes I feel your hearts to be cold. Why are they that way, if everything I give you is by Grace?

I only aspire that My servers walk with loyalty and that they never, never lose brotherhood, because brotherhood will unify you with the Brotherhood of the Universe, and thus, the Divine Consciousnesses of Heaven will draw closer.

The Lady of Mount Carmel comes to offer you a true consecration so that the next doors toward the fulfillment of the Plan, in other parts of the world, may open.

We wait patiently and silently, in prayer, for that moment.

The world still waits for more Mercy and for more help.

I invite you to continue accompanying Me on this path, which will transform you.

I bless this soul, and on this special day, those who have offered themselves as instruments in My Hands, so that more instruments in this vast Universe of God can be consecrated in their real task and to their real mission.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this divine trajectory!

This is all I want to tell you today, and I have opened My Heart so that you could hear Me with sincerity and love.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary on July 13, 2018, in the city of Cologne, Germany, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Germany needs to re-consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart, so that it may receive more Graces than the ones I bring to you today. But today I will carry to Heaven and in My Heart the breath of love of My children, which is what makes Me return to the world again and again.

This is why I am here, My children, so that the breath of the love of your hearts may reach not only Germany, but also the places that are most in need of the Love of God.

It is this Love so deep and real that will redeem your hearts and lives, that will have you understand the Mysteries of God, so that someday you may learn to fulfill His Will.

Today I have felt this love from your hearts, from each heart that is present, that has confessed their love for My Immaculate Heart to Me.

I wish, My children, for you to always remember this, for it is what will dissolve even more the mistakes that Germany committed in the past.

It is this love that will cause you to love the Universe even more, so that someday you may be participants in all that is guarded in the essence of Universal Life.

It is this love that will cause you to love everything unconditionally, that will awaken you to the service for those most in need; because the main reason for service here in Germany is for those who suffer spiritually, despite having everything and never lacking anything.

Although it may not seem so to you, My Children, spiritual suffering is greater than material and human suffering, for there is nothing that can dissolve it, except the Love of God, which again and again must emerge from your essences so that this Love may fill your lives and spirits, and in this way, fill the planet that is so in need of the Love of God in order to continue forward in these defining times.

Today the laws of transmutation have acted in a different way, because first you have donated the love of your hearts and surrendered to an unknown and invincible Will.

It is this Divine and Infinite Will, based on the Love of God, that has brought Me here to Germany, to bring to your hearts what is renewing and good so that, from your families and peoples, you may learn the new values of spirituality, based on the attributes that My Immaculate Heart offers to you for these times.

Through the path of service and of prayer, My children, through the Communion with Christ and the daily confession of your hearts to the Supreme Creator, is where you will find the keys to transform everything because, My children, you will learn to live the spirituality that God had planned from the beginning for Germany and Europe.

Therefore today, My children, a new cycle begins and your hearts are participants in this Grace that I bring to you; a Grace that will try to lead you into a further awakening and an awareness of all that God needs for this time and your humanity.

My children, the task here in Germany has only just begun. The soil has been prepared, the Shepherd has sown it and Mother Nature has watered it, so that new principles of brotherhood and of light can sprout here, which will help to dissolve the past and to heal hearts from all suffering.

Therefore, My children, first you must believe in the love that is in you and within you. Open yourselves to discover God's Universe of Love within, and prayer will be the basic pillar of your lives in order to find it. Because with this daily communication with Heaven, your Guardian Angels will help you find the path of love, in order to finally find the path of the truth that you need so much to know and understand, through what happens in your lives day by day.

So today, I not only stretch out My Hand for you to hold it tightly, My children, so We can unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe of God and the souls, but I also offer you My maternal Heart so that, through the Fire of My Spirit, new gifts may enter into you at this moment, and this may expand beyond your lives and your nation. Because whoever experiences the call of the Celestial Mother will learn to live the Will of God in these difficult times.

Therefore I invite you to generate among yourselves, children of Germany, an unbreakable unity that will help to foster Peace in the inner worlds and that will bring renewal to your lives and to all of your people.

Today I am here before you, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, to invite you so that, by means of your consecration on this day, group prayer may be the keynote for your lives; prayer that can heal the deep levels of the souls of Germany that are still suffering the consequences of the past and the present.

Today I offer Myself to you as the Mother of Prayer, so that you may enter into My eternal school, so that together with the Angels of Heaven, you may form this new school of prayer, which on very silent and deep levels, is not only able to transform Germany, but also Europe, which needs it so much.

With this answer that your hearts have given Me to experience today's consecration, and also for those who have come from other nations to consecrate themselves, My wish, My children, is that you be able to perceive the fire of your faith that, although unknown, must always lead you to concretize the Will of God in your lives and in the nations to which you belong.

This is My message to you, My children: I wish you to be ambassadors of peace and that you foster peace through good actions, fraternal actions, peaceful actions, that may renew your consciousnesses and all those who receive this service from you.

The greatest spiritual service for the groups of prayer in Germany will be the assistance through prayer and the invocation of the Divine Mercy of My Son for all of My Children who need to receive an opportunity in these final days.

Today I will leave here, My children, finalizing and fulfilling a Mission, which you have experienced together with Me in these last months and in which all were led to collaborate out of love and brotherliness, so that Europe could receive the Graces it so much needed.

There is still much work to be done, My children. Belgium and Denmark also hope for My help someday, as well as Russia, which is in need of a great deal of Mercy.

But if the pillars of the groups of prayer are first founded in Western and Eastern Europe, they will create the necessary conditions, My children, for the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers to reach those places in the world that are also in need of Mercy.

As from now, My children, we are preparing for this moment, as well as to carry the peace and love that you have received to Asia and Oceania.

At this moment, before the Celestial Church of Christ, which opens from the Spiritual Universe, the Mother of Heaven and of Earth, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, invites Her children who are consecrating themselves today, to approach this altar blessed by Christ in order to experience this important moment of the consecration of their souls to My Immaculate Heart.

As from this moment, let the hymn of your consecration begin to be heard.

You, My children, have determined before My Immaculate Heart to form part of this first army for Germany, which will also unite Austria and Switzerland in this divine and special triangulation for the triumph of the three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, who from this moment, in the name of God and of His Divine and Invincible Project, have offered Themselves to these three nations in order to carry out an important moment of conversion and of redemption for this part of humanity, forming glad and joyful groups of prayer that can forever carry in their hearts the Love that I will give you today.

The children who will consecrate themselves today, put your hands in a sign of reception.

As the Virgin of Schoenstatt and the Lady of the most Holy Rosary, receive from My Maternal Heart this Grace for which you have waited so long in your lives, so that this Grace may multiply and reach the hearts that suffer the most, by means of your commitment in this life of consecration to the service of prayer for humanity.

May the Lord pour out His Gifts upon you and make you partake of His Mercy.

May the Lord always make you feel His trust and plenitude, so that thousands of souls in Germany may receive the impulse of awakening through your devotion and dedication to a life of prayer, so that the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil, may be instilled in your hearts and in the world and renew the times on this planet.

You may place your hands on your heart and thank God for this day of consecration to the Maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Remember that I will always hear you, that as Mother and Servant of God I will listen to your prayers, which will especially emerge in this time from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Today I consecrate you as a spiritual family so that the three Sacred Hearts may be present in you and in your nations.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today you will take these roses that I am consecrating as the testimony of My Love for you, of an eternal and invincible Love, of a Love that understands and accepts, of a Love that does not question, nor judges. Of a Love of My Heart that embraces, that heals and that redeems, because it is God through My Heart in your lives forever.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

May peace always be found here in Germany.

So be it.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this world for those who do not deserve My Grace.

Today, may those who are tired come to My feet. May those who can no longer bear their miseries come to My feet; those who have not yet found the way out to experience their sacred transformation.

I cannot have near Me those who do not experience gratitude, consideration for their neighbor, nor a perfect union with the magnificent Work of God.

God asks you for simple things, but also very significant.

While the world is in agony, I come for those who really live in despair, experience the terror of these times, persecution, exile, hunger, illness and the catastrophes of the world.

I come tonight, for the United States. I come for my brave hearts of North America; for those who have had faith in My Grace and for those who persevered in prayer of the heart, in spite of what this nation was experiencing in these times.

I again wish, dear children, with your help and collaboration, to return to the United States, to again bring to My Immaculate Heart all those who have need Me, those who follow My steps and who in these times experience their unknown purification, without knowing how to step out of themselves and sometimes without finding the path of light, which can take them into the healing of their wounds, of their errors, of all their misunderstandings.

Today, I come for the regions of the world that experience the planetary turmoil, the world disorder, and the lack of fraternity and charity among human beings.

Today, My children, I come in truth for those most in need. You here have received many graces, more than you deserved. I am being sincere and fair, just as My Father and your God has requested. I have to be true, dear children, honest with all of you, so that you may grow from the love of your hearts, through an act of bravery and of courage, of releasing your resistances and forms, for all those children in the world who have no peace, who cannot find serenity, who have no home, not even a country where they can place their feet.

I invite you, dear children, with the maternal honesty of My Heart, to finally come out of yourselves, thereby greatly helping to free My Heart, and I will have a place and space to be able to endure the true planetary suffering, rather than your small and insignificant sufferings.

I invite you, dear children, to open the eyes of your soul, to look at the horizon and see around you the abysses that the planet and its humanity experience. I have invited you throughout time to accompany me in a planetary work rather than in a domestic work, so that your consciousnesses may expand through this Work and reach great spheres of consciousness, so that you may be able to understand a little more, every day, of the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Today, souls that cannot take their steps distress Me, because in truth they can take them, by means of this Sacred Center and this group and communal life. All the keys to all the doors exist for being able to transcend the human condition. 

During a full year, My beloved Son gave you the experience of Saint Joseph. And this beloved instructor of souls gave completely of Himself to you so that you could be like Him in the simple and humble example of His consciousness, and especially by means of His messages, so that your lives could be the testimony of Saint Joseph.

Where are these teachings? What repercussion have they had in your lives?

Do not lose the keys of Heaven. Do not waste the treasures of Heaven, because in the Universe nothing is wasted, everything is transformed until it reaches the true Light, conversion and redemption.

I no longer come to call the usual children. You are already adults in My Maternal Presence.

Do not use up your time in unnecessary things that may crystallize your spirits and all your consciousnesses, for the simple fact of not wanting to take the step.

Just as we thank you for everything that you have made possible for Our Sacred Hearts, for this mission of peace in the world, we must also correct you, although there may be greater resistance, because we want, we aspire and we beg Our Creator Father that you always continue on the same path, without deviating from the paths of Christ for such petty things.

The world is suffering and needs help. Souls are experiencing chaos, floods, catastrophes, the lack of hope and of faith, as the United States has experienced.

I will go to those children who do not yet accept Me, because they do not truly know love. I will go to those children who are in the United States waiting for Me with open hearts and an unknown hope, those who have opened the door so that I may return, until I conquer each sinning heart and have them change through the Love of My Son, an infinite and invincible Love.

I do not want you to feel anxious, nor that you experience any regret. I need you to truly grow, and not only inwardly but also externally. That you are able to show My beloved Son that you have understood His instructions and that you make an effort every day to be very like Saint Joseph.

Now is the test that each one of you must go through. Saint Joseph explained the details to you thoughout an entire year, about the simple path of inner transformation. If this Plan of Love, that the Sacred Hearts bring, does not bring about results within you, what will happen to humanity? Who will testify to Our Presence? Who will be a participant in their own redemption?

Meditate on the messages and live them because, in this way, you will show God that My words did not reach you in vain.

We are in a time of great demands, in which the greatest part of darkness reigns upon the planet and thousands of souls are led to perdition, minute after minute, second by second.

My Son, tonight, has asked Me to be clear with you, without any restriction, because I love you so much that I wish the good for your souls, and that this good may be achieved even in the smallest details.

Never boast again. Never seek inner self-realization again. Experience the desert that God presents to you because, in this way, Our hands will never be separated from your hands and you will be guided toward the end of the desert, towards the Portal of the Heart of God.

We need you to be what you can be, but for real; because this will free you from all of your limitations, from all your imperfections, from everything that resists and still does not want to change.

You already have enough of My Love to transform your lives in the Sacred Tabernacle, where the Heart of My Son will be placed so as to illuminate and transmute the abysses of the Earth.

That is all I want to tell you, with the sincerity of My maternal Heart, aspiring that someday you will much more greatly understand the spirit of My words, the meaning of My message, the intention of My consciousness for each one of you, without doing any harm.

Fill My eyes with joy and no longer with sadness. Fill My face with light and no longer with dismay, because I already have enough of it with the world, which turns its back to me and does not accept My Love.

You are part of My Love and I need you free of your own resistances, of your own fears, of your constant difficulties, so that you may soon find Christ within you and thus He may be able to carry out His Work, the Work that is so expected.

Let us continue praying to God so that you may be aware of the planetary reality and less of yourselves. Because while you are here, beloved children, the children all over the world are exploited, such small children are sold and women in the world abort what God gave them with so much love.

Who will be responsible for this planetary debt? Who will present themselves before the Creator to ask for an opportunity and an incalculable Grace?

Although it does not seem so, this is My mission, and I need you to be transparent, real, sincere with one another, free of lies, of illusions and of all pride; because being free of everything, with His eyes of Mercy, God will see that His most cherished treasures of Heaven have not gone astray within their hearts, nor in their lives.

I invite you to reflect, to understand with the wisdom of the heart,  in which you are present, in which Work you are participating; because on the day of the Final Judgment, dear children, you and your guardian angels must declare everything that you have received, and what you have done with those most precious treasures.

I bring you consciousness so that you may grow and mature quickly. This Work cannot be carried out with immature consciousnesses, only with true souls, true of heart, in spite of their imperfections; because in this time I come to seek the good that dwells in your consciousnesses, rather than your obstacles. If you prevent me, even if only in a small detail, I will not be able to place My Scepter of Light upon you, and My Celestial Government, which is part of the Government of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, will have restrictions for proceeding in humanity.

Now, do you understand, dear children, the difference between being within My Heart or outside of It? A simple divergent step could change the events. Watch your walking and you will realize how your attitudes are and what your responsibility  is before the Plan of the Creator.

To be able to continue with My Work on this surface, I need you to be decided. My beloved Son can no longer accept lukewarm hearts because, otherwise, His Work would never be fulfilled.

Reflect and meditate before everything happens. The world is in flames and many are being burned without even perceiving it. 

It is time to work for a Plan of Love that is possible for all and especially for those who will be farthest from God.

This is the Law that I present to you today: "Love one another," just as My Son said, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

Remember that your freedom is respected in this Universe. As I said to you today, the decision is in your hands.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

Place your gaze upon My Heart so that you may find the Universe of My Peace.

On this day I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, who takes care of religious life and also of the evolution of souls.

For this reason, I have come today with the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you may feel encouraged to enter into it and confidently feel your true origin.

This is the House of the Father, where everything is created and recreated.

This is the plane and the dimension where everything exists and nothing is separate; because here, in this place, the Primordial Source arises from where this entire Universe that was created has come, from the moment in which the Father emitted His Thought and His Feeling of Love so that everything would exist, as well as His creatures, so similar to His Divine Consciousness.

It is from this Higher Heaven that I come today as Mother and Lady of Mount Carmel, to strengthen the spirituality of souls.

Today I show Myself like this, before your inner eyes and before your hearts, so that you may see that something greater exists, and which is unknown to many.

In this place is also Christ, your Lord, your Master and Sovereign.

From there, with the Laws of the Father, He rules the Universes and commands them, so that fraternity, love and unity may exist.

Into this Heaven, not all can enter, but there are other Heavens that are open to receive you.

I show you this Heaven from where I come today, because it is where I will take those to whom I have appeared through this Work, so that together with Me, and in the next world that will not be material, they may continue to serve Me and may continue to respond to the call, which is not only for the future humanity, for the next humanity, for the next race, but also for everything that will come afterwards, for this Universe and beyond it.

Each one of the souls has a place in Heaven, which it must conquer with its sacrifice, with its surrender, with its renunciation and above all, with prayer.

If these foundations do not exist in your lives, how will you be able to enter into these Heavens, where your spiritual and infinite life will continue together with the blessed angels, together with the Sacred Hearts, which from this place cry out to the Father for a greater Grace for humanity?

Even though, to many, it may seem that many things do not make sense in this material life, or that it does not matter if they are lived or experienced as sacrifice and surrender, today I tell you, dear children, that all of this is very important to God; because it is the testimony and the way for you to pay for your debts of the past, and that through the Divine Mercy that arises from this Primordial Source, you may be able to enter, in the next world, the Universes that I offer you today with so much mercy, grace, and love.

Today, everything that surrounds My celestial aura is sublime and infinite, it is cosmic and higher, because in this place equality, justice, brotherhood, and equilibrium are lived.

Everything is in its place, so as to be able to awaken and evolve, just as God thinks and feels it. But the world and humanity have their gaze placed upon other things, and the time of definition is approaching, and it will depend on each one of My children for them to be able to take this great step towards their spiritual mission and towards their path, which will continue in the stars.

Meanwhile, I come to you to call you, so that you may follow Me in trust and faith, because in this way, on the inner planes I will be able to call all of humanity, and above all, the part that is most asleep and far from God, without knowing true love, true existence, and the true meaning of being incarnated in this time and in this final cycle.

All the tests that you go through will strengthen you.

All the difficulties that you experience will make you grow, so that you may be able to find the path and the meaning for responding to something greater and sublime.

From this place whence I come today, from one of the seven Heavens of the Creator, I come to call you so that you are able to expand the consciousness of your charity and service to others, because it is necessary to help a world that suffers and is in agony day after day.

I come to teach you to generate, through good examples rather than through resistances, the necessary merits to be able to enter into the Universes that God hopes so much for in the next world.

Quickly acquire a spirit of charity and service to others, and  learn, in these times, to take care of the Work of God in all details, because each thing that you do in this time will have great influences in the Plan.

Help the destiny of this Plan to be fulfilled as it is thought.

Help yourselves so that the Plan can be concretized.

In this Universe where I come from today, many things happen that are unknown to the  conscious humanity.

Here are kept projects, ideas, and treasures that the Creator emanates directly from His Source, in a permanent and continuous way.

I am talking to you about the designs that are born of His Eternal Heart, so that in all the manifestations of His Creation they can be fulfilled, and the souls may finally come know the essence of Love, which in this time they must conquer with effort and sacrifice.

This, at least, however simple it may seem, will make of this humanity a redeemable humanity; it will generate a possibility for new Laws of the Universe to be able to act in an infernal and indifferent world.

But in spite of everything, dear children, My Heart is untiring, My patience is infinite, and My purpose for you is even greater, and I work for this.

I wish My words would not pass, as other words or other messages have passed.

I need you to internalize My messages and to be able to understand, through your hearts, all the symbols that I reveal to you, because in this way, you will be consciously prepared to see the signs that the Universe will show in a short time.

And in spite of this, the planet will not stop suffering.

I need My servants and the apostles of Christ to be responsive to each need that presents itself in these times, no matter how simple it may seem. If you do not do it, dear children, you will not be growing inwardly, but rather will be evolutionarily stagnating.

And you must continue growing to be able to embrace new principles and new purposes that God will show you in the coming years.

Your lives are no longer your lives; your paths are no longer your paths; your decisions are no longer your decisions.

Learn to be in Christ, for Him to be able to be in you, and thus act. And be aware, be discerning, and have the wisdom not to make mistakes or err.

I invite you to be stewards of an unknown Purpose.

I invite you to be the pillars of an infinite Work, that does not only begin and end in an apparition, in a message, or in the liberation of a region, of a country, of a people, of suffering, or of a culture.

With the bases of Instruction that you have received in the last thirty years and in the recent times, I need you to be able to act just as God needs it.

The demand will be greater, but the consolation will be very great.

My Immaculate Heart will be the fortitude of those who are consistent, of those who say "yes" without thinking about it so much, and of those who respond spontaneously, without any resistance to live that which is new, renewing and transforming.

I wish you would receive in your hearts the Designs of God, just as My Immaculate Heart receives them at this time, as the Sacred Lady of Mount Carmel, who again gives you the symbol of the scapular of peace, so that souls may have on their bodies the union between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, between this Universe and Paradise.

you may have the mysteries of the Infinite, of the Universe that holds you and will always hold you, as your strength for the tests that will come,  because they are supported by the Faith and the Hope of God Himself, your Creator Father.

I come to prepare you for a time in which My voice will no longer sound upon the world, but the echo of My words must be inside of you.

Everything that I have said to you throughout these years and that I will say the years that will come must remain imprinted in your consciousnesses and reflected in your lives as pure and simple actions, of hearts that are awake to fulfill the Plan of God.

Many want to find the Celestial Mysteries only with the research of the mind, but forget about the simplicity of the heart, of building this path with the stairway of a true prayer, of service to the neighbor, of the understanding the miseries of their brothers and sisters, to heal in oneself that which they expect to see healed in others.

deeper mission, in which I will conduct the human consciousness to unknown Universes.

the symbols that will manifest in the future, in order to dissipate the disbelief of hearts and so that you are be able to guide others in the moment when everything may happen.

Today, My children, as Our Lady of Carmel, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lady and Mother of all consecrated spirits, I grant a special Grace to all My religious children of this world, so that they may be liberated from the atavisms of the past and that their consecration may be real; so that all of the brotherhoods, monasteries, convents, temples, in real union with God, may become these pillars of light that will sustain the world, and that the Truth may be lived there, rather than human mediocrity.

in a near future, face to Face, without guilt or fear, for not having done what He expected of His companions.

Special Apparitions

Dear children:

Today I am here representing My beloved spouse Saint Joseph. And this means for Me and for the whole universe that finally Saint Joseph, as a divine and universal Consciousness, is working in the entire planet and with all His Consciousness in this very moment.

You, through these steps you have taken, following His Holy Instruction of love, have allowed Saint Joseph, My beloved spouse, in this anniversary not only to welcome your hearts, but also to welcome the suffering of the planet, that is very large, immense.

Meditate on what I say to you today, because the spiritual Hierarchy needs to find you at this point every day.

In the name of My Son and of My beloved spouse Saint Joseph, united to the love that flows out from Aurora, I will consecrate these elements, which the angels who accompany Me today will transubstantiate by the power that Christ has given them.

For this reason I ask you, at this moment, to call within yourselves the Guardian Angel so that he participates in this Sacrament and your souls may once again be benefitted by this Grace.

All of this is possible. The Work of the Divine Messengers is possible, not only by your immediate, consequent and firm adherence, but also by the Grace of God, by the work of His Holy Spirit.

Adonai is observing you. Contemplate His immense Love and enter into His Ocean of Grace, because there all will be repaired and souls will be restored by the Presence of the Sacred Hearts.

On March 19 of 2018, may Saint Joseph, as Father of instruction and of souls, once again be free to work with the human consciousness, at the doors of this great transition.

If your souls are missionaries, Saint Joseph will be able to work with many more souls, to reach those corners of the Earth where there is neither light nor love. 

You, on this day, be the source of wonders, so that Saint Joseph may expand His Consciousness in the world and in humanity, and the Kingdoms of Nature may also be saved.

I will be, through this act, very grateful for your consideration.

Let us consecrate.

Today My Immaculate Heart will call two pilgrim souls who have travelled from far away to find Me here, and that have been worked upon by this divine Work for a few years now.

Thus see, dear children, how important is your responsibility before the Plan, because many souls are waiting to awaken to these same divine impulses that Saint Joseph brings to you.

Song: “Adonai, Holy Spirit”

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us listen to the prayer that Mary is making for us and for the world.

“Holy Father of Love, do not see the mistakes that exist on Earth, but the virtues that are born from the simple hearts, from the souls that open themselves to recognize Your Presence.

Repair each corner in the consciousnesses that have been infiltrated by evil. I ask you, Holy Father, that you have pity on those who are with You all the time. Do not look at their faults nor roles, but rather the infinite greatness of Your Love that lights up in the hearts that vivify Your Spirit.

May this Communion represent the experience of the Passion of Your Lord in each being; of the One that You sent to be gestated in My womb, so that Mercy could be born in humanity.

I beg you, loving Father, by the divine authority that You have granted Me, united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the venerable Heart of Saint Joseph, My beloved spouse, that this Sacred Unity may institute Your Plan on Earth and souls be freed from sin, from arrogance, and from pride that separates them from Your Love.

Invade, My Father, each consciousness with Your Gifts and on Earth be reflected the mirrors that exist in all souls.

So be it.”

I thank you for responding to My call and to the call of Saint Joseph.

Thank you, Adonai, for all that you give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

And now, from here, at the foot of the altar of Saint Joseph, we will listen to His sacred Words, in the Message delivered to Sister Lucía de Jesús.

Let us continue to drink of this infinite Love of the Sacred Hearts.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear Children,

I wish to constitute here, in this place, a strong prayer group that prays for the whole European consciousness, especially for those who were immigrants through the ages.

I wish to constitute here a precious oratory dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, so that I may pour out Graces, not only in Brazil, but also in Europe. 

Assume, dear children, My Face of Our Lady of Guadalupe as the great teraphim of your lives, as the sacred icon for your hearts, by which, through My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to unite all continents and cultures, peoples and nations, by means of My Divine Mother Spirit. 

I also desire here, dear children, that you work extensively for your conversion; that your hearts be ignited through the flame of My Immaculate Heart; for thus, dear children, I will be able to have you all in My most pure Womb, I will be able to gestate new things for your lives and conquer your hearts thus fulfilling the request of God to manifest His Work, in these times, in all hearts not yet redeemed.

Dear children, open your arms so that the flame of My Love may penetrate your hearts. Feel the maternal warmth of My Heart that only wishes to embrace and console you, so that your feet may walk on the path that I offer you in these times, the great path of redemption and peace, which all hearts must contemplate in order to be filled with the great Heart of the Celestial Father.

The reason for My Presence in this place, dear children, is so that I may lead you to My Beloved Son, who waits for souls who can awaken to the path of Mercy that He also offers you at this time. 

Feel in your spirits the great celestial consolation that comes from the Heart of the Father and that today radiates throughout the universe and to all hearts open to receive this spiritual energy.

I also desire, dear children, that your lives be reeducated in the principles of the Holy Family, of kindness and charity, so that you, coming out of yourselves, may perceive how great is the need in these times; not only in this city that I visit today, but also in the whole world, where there are great planetary needs, mainly in the souls who suffer for those who do not serve God and who are asleep because of the illusions of this humanity. 

I come to open your eyes, the eyes of the heart and soul, so that you may participate with Me in this perfect unity with the Most Holy Trinity and thus your spirits, which today little by little awaken before My Presence, may receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and begin a new life in Christ, your Lord.


Sister Lucia de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I would like to reveal to you tonight the mysteries of My Immaculate Heart, mysteries that you must live in order to make life itself sacred.

Today, I come to this place, My children, so that humanity may understand that the errors of the past often remain in hearts throughout the centuries and do not receive the healing and liberation they need until the Mercy of God is poured out upon those hearts. 

The ignorance of My children, those who brought chaos and evil to so many hearts, to the native peoples, seeking to educate them in a culture they did not understand, still lives, My children, as a deep pain in the heart of this Earth. And the healing you need as humanity can still descend upon the world if your hearts become prayerful, servant, true before God.

Human consciousness, My beloved ones, is only one. Therefore, the devotion you have for My Immaculate Heart, in this place, can expand to many other hearts of the world, provided you unite your intentions to My Divine Intentions and truly walk for the manifestation of My Plan on this Earth.

The Creator sends Me to this world as His Servant to perpetuate the example of the Holy Family, so that you may never forget, My children, the principles which We gave you when We were in the world. 

My Holy Son Jesus showed you the example of surrender and self-giving. But, in the silence of Our Hearts, Saint Joseph and My Heart also gave you an example of life, of goodness, of fraternity; an example that you must live in these times to heal the degeneration of the human heart.

Children, while you are before Me, many are lost in ignorance, many throw themselves into the abysses of darkness and terror that human kind itself has opened in the planetary consciousness. 

I need, in these times, that your minds and hearts can be united to a Purpose greater than life itself; for in this way, My children, you will give true meaning to your existence in this world.

If you live to serve God and be a living manifestation of His Plans, you will be doing your part, you will be living fully the Divine Thought for this humanity. 

It all begins, My children, in the simple prayer of the heart. Then, little by little, I will guide you and you will be able to hear Me within each one of you, because every day I aspire for every soul on this Earth to hear the Voice of My Heart. 

But in order for you to hear Me, My children, you need to silence your own voice, your own will, your own aspiration, so that in this way, empty of self, you may listen to the Voice of God which is pronounced through His Servant.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children:

It is in this way, dear children, that I encourage you to the consecration of the heart, to prayerful life, to service and charity that must be life in your lives, for in this way you will please My Beloved Son who is inconsolable for this humanity.

Even when there are many mistakes, My Heart brings you Grace and the merciful opportunity to begin all over again every day, through faith and trust in God.

It is through My Presence, and in order to be here today, among you, that I activated the Divine Mirrors of My Consciousness so that the doors would open to this place in need of redemption; so that souls would be touched by My Most Holy Light, just as My Light touched many hearts throughout times.

I need you, dear children, in this city to pray the Rosary to My Immaculate Heart for the indigenous consciousness, to reverse the evils that happened throughout times, to balance the debts, to bring the Forgiveness of God to this humanity; as this nation, dear children, was always very colonized and that must end. 

Each nation must live its deep peace and that will begin in you when you begin the path of the prayer of the heart, which I come to lovingly offer you today. If you pray to My Immaculate Heart every day, whatever prayer you pray, I promise you, dear children, that everything will be healed in a short time and you will be reborn to the spirit, you will be reconciled with God the Father and thus reconcile all humanity. It is in this way that I come to form the armies of prayer, for it will be necessary, dear children, for you to be well prepared for the end of times.

Today, I want to tell you, My beloved children, that the times are no longer normal. Awaken to the call that comes through My Heart, for it is the Voice of God that is pronounced through My Spirit on this sacred night for each of you and your brothers and sisters.

Dear children, embrace with devotion all that I say to you, for it is your heart that will understand all things that are very immaterial.

Dear children, open your eyes and see the Light that descends from the universe, the rays of My Grace that approach you seeking a profound awakening of your consciousness. 

In this way, beloved children, I invite you to leave comfort, to enter the path of service to your fellow beings. There, you will find mercy in your lives, the healing of your souls and families, the rebirth of the Spirit of God in your hearts.

To give testimony to all these things I tell you today, dear children, I invite you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart. Therefore, through this sacred altar that you have offered Me and all the images that you have placed at the foot of My altar, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who tonight will commit themselves to Me to pray for peace until the end of time.

On this night, dear children, may the Solar Heart bless you. My Immaculate Heart, radiate the rays of the Sun of the Universe so that your spirits may gather in this blessed mission for peace in the world.

Now, as pilgrims who follow the path of Christ, Our Lord, I invite those to approach who today will consecrate themselves and place themselves at the foot of this altar, not only as souls, but as flames of My Heart that are re-ignited by the action of My Grace, by the triumph of the Mercy of God in the self-summoned hearts to serve Me.

In each new consecration, hearts are renewed and it is a major opportunity for all hearts that have consecrated themselves as Children of Mary to reaffirm their vows with Me and to live, in this final time, My great project for peace.

Come closer, dear children, to feel the consolation of My Immaculate Heart which will bless you in this task of praying for this city, for the entire European consciousness, so that redemption may be instituted in humanity.

Now that you are here, place your hands on your heart and feel My Immaculate Heart that embraces you tightly and unites you to the Love of God.

In this consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, feel the embrace of the angels, the song of the blessed ones and of all beings of good will who, in this hour and through this meeting, unite themselves to My Heart of Light.

See within yourselves how the profound essence of your beings is reignited, the original purity of Lys in your lives.

Repeat after Me, dear children:

O My God, 
I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee.
And I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.
(three times)

All the Children of Mary are mirrors of prayer, reflections of My Presence in the world, divine sparks of the Spirit of God that are reignited to give testimony of the Return of Christ to humanity.

Contemplate that mystery at this time and in every moment of your prayer. 

Remember every day that My Son is returning and I gather His flocks scattered throughout the world to reawaken to the Sacred Call of God, to His evolutionary Plan for this end time. 

With your hands upon your hearts, I bring down upon you, dear children, the divine blessing of the Father so that, united with Him, you may always remember that His Mercy is infinite and His Light is invincible.

Now, I will pray for you.

I consecrate you, dear children, and I renew you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now, may your voices, also consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, sing the hymn of your consecration so that the Angels of Heaven may raise the offer to the Universe of God, in union with your Guardian Angels for the thousand years of peace.

Today, dear children, you will receive a flower from this altar as a testimony of My Love for you and My devotion for all souls of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call! 

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all beings of good will. 

So be it. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus:

Today, Mary, through Her Face of the Queen of Peace, did a task between Europe and South America, liberating some things from the consciousness of the planet, especially what happened between the indigenous consciousness and the colonizers. And you may ask how did that happen? 

Our Divine Mother is also omnipresent and Her Motherly Love embraces many things. Her motherly work has been going on throughout the ages. 

At one moment of the Apparition, Mary showed herself as Our Lady of Guadalupe so that in our consciousness and, especially, in our hearts, that image will be kept, which is still valid today, because She said that the Lady of Guadalupe is the one who unites peoples, cultures and nations through love.

So, this Message is also for you, so that those of you who are in this city, when you do your prayer work, alone or in groups, remember Our Lady of Guadalupe; so that in this way, we can all heal ourselves spiritually and help our Divine Mother so that her Peace may be established, not only in Brazil, but also in the world.

We want to thank everyone for your presence and all those who accompanied us through the live transmission.

And now, let us thank our Divine Mother for this meeting.

Thank you, Divine Mother, for for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
