Whoever fears the transition of times, in reality, fears himself and humanity. He fears because he does not know what is inside of him and inside of all men and women in the world.
In reality, the Apocalypse, children, is a consequence of the choices of each being, of the path that each one has decided to follow. The Apocalypse, although experienced throughout the whole world, will be supported and sustained according to the inner world of each one.
Understand, then, that you should not fear the times, the movement of nature or descending the Laws, but rather, children, you need to get to know yourselves, transform yourselves, adhere to the Plan of God and let yourselves be healed; you must surrender and not resist before the Love of the Father, allow your consciousnesses to mature, according to the divine principles.
Deepen into the spiritual synthesis that, as humanity, you must experience; let the wisdom of ancient times unite to the love that you can reach today, and make this a new step towards a new stage for your consciousness.
Seek transformation in small things, in the love for your neighbor, in understanding, in patience, in non-judgment, in compassion, in abnegated service, because it is in the day to day life where you will transform your heart.
Embrace the opportunities that God gives you to serve and to love, because it is through them that you will shape your beings according to the Divine Will. Be attentive with yourselves and with everything, and pray with your heart, with consciousness, with spirit and truth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everything you search for is within you. The Universe is revealed in the human essence. Happy are those who believe in this and do not search outside of themselves for the answers to their questions, but use the Word of the Hierarchy as a path to enter their own heart.
Happy are those who know how to welcome the ancient wisdom that God handed to humanity throughout the centuries, but who do not hold their minds and hearts in what is written in the books but rather make of knowledge the motor for their liberation and discover that the narrow Door is in their own heart.
The science of life is self-knowledge.
Happy are those who know how to drink from My words and from all the impulses that I have handed to the world. And still happier are those who know how to make of My silence a cycle to experience all that I have said to humanity.
I speak to the essence of hearts. I speak to the truth within each being, because there you can understand all in which I tell you. Therefore, listen to Me with your heart, feel My words and meditate upon them as a prayer, more than as a study. Pray the divine instructions, and they will be life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Your first connection with the Universe must be prayer because prayer is what will prepare your consciousness to cross dimensions and to be worthy of finding God and His Universal and Divine Truth.
In order to enter the gates and reveal the most sublime mysteries of the infinite Cosmos, you must first enter the gates of your own consciousness, revealing the muck and mud that you have to transform before reaching God.
To cross both the gates of the Cosmos and the gates of your own inner self, there is something that your consciousness must know; without love, nothing will be revealed to you. Love is what makes you worthy of being with God, and the same love is what allows you to deal with the miseries of your consciousness, transforming them in the correct way.
In prayer, you will learn how to love. Therefore, pray and let God Himself be the one who leads your consciousness to the gates that you are ready to cross.
Do not fear, child, because both self-knowledge and the knowledge of the Cosmos are sources of wisdom and evolution, they are revelations which complement each other and are necessary for you to fully return to the Heart of the Father, even though you are alive.
Just as when we say that there are living dead people, it is also possible to return to God in consciousness, and continue within this world thus, beings will be in God, in His Thoughts, in His Feeling, in His Mind, in His Heart and, like a pencil in His Hands, they will draw the manifestation of His Plan on Earth.
Everything starts with prayer, but not empty prayer with distractions or by obligation. It all begins when beings learn the true value of praying and they pray with their hearts.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the perfection of the human body, its sciences, its systems, organs, cells and atoms, still so unknown to the mind of humankind.
Simply observe the perfection with which life was designed and open your consciousness to penetrate this mystery of love and grace.
The Spirit of God, with Its Breath, manifested the perfection of the stars in the human composition, and just as the Creator has His living Body in the Cosmos and in the different dimensions, human beings also, in likeness to their Father and God, in the mystery of their life, hold not only creative power, but also the infinite Cosmos which is reflected in each small space of the expression of humankind.
To discover the hidden and divine life manifested within yourselves, you need to learn to be reverent with your own body, mind, feelings, soul and spirit, because the key of reverence is what will open the deepest doors for you to self-knowledge, for the science of one's own body, spirit and consciousness.
To be reverent with oneself is to know that you are facing a part of the Creator, to know that your bodies are a temple that guards your soul for the learning in this world, and that they are also a divine dwelling place, a dwelling place for the essence of love and of the Spirit of God.
You respect your bodies when you live in gratitude, nourish yourselves with gratitude and stay consistent with what you carry inside of yourself each day, not exposing your minds and feelings to retrograde stimuli, trying to keep your bodies always stimulated for your origin in God, and not allowing them to be more and more lost and distant from the truth each day.
In this time, everything you are must be elevated, because human genetics are reaching the correct point for its transformation, returning to its origin of purity and, with consciousness, those who awaken must walk toward this, placing your bodies before Truth and Love, placing your thought on Divine Thought, your cells on what is pure, your feelings on what leads you to the Love of God and thus, little by little, one by one, your cells awaken and ignite in the purpose for which they were created.
I know that today I am speaking to you about a mystery, but toward these mysteries you must begin to walk, to discover the science of your own consciousness, to return to the Time of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
A strong spirit is not one that wields a sword and supports evil and pain, sustaining theirself with the energy of their own bodies.
A strong spirit is not the one that has an answer for everything and does not tremble in the face of adversities, but keeps their head raised in humiliations.
A strong spirit, children, is one that sustains their strength in the Power of God; the one who, before wielding the sword for their fellow being or for something, wields it first upon themselves and is capable of overcoming their human condition through inner silence and peace.
A strong spirit is one that is capable of giving up their own will out of love for the Plan of God and that, with this same love, opens the doors that unites the dimensions and becomes a participant in Divine Laws.
A strong spirit is one that knows how to look into the eyes of their enemies with love and that experiences the freedom of forgiveness and the grace of reconciliation, removing from within themselves the hurts and wounds that used to consume them, although unnoticeably.
A strong spirit is one that knows that in the face of everything in life they must seek wisdom and discernment in God, not because they fear to make a mistake, but because they fear to move away from the path that leads to the Father.
A strong spirit is one that knows how to say “yes” when their cells and their bones say “no”, and that launches into a transformation in Christ, even though their bodies clamor for a common human life.
A strong spirit is one that knows they will only triumph through unity and does not fear to hold out their hands to their siblings, to cry out for peace in the world and for redemption.
A strong spirit is one that is capable of setting aside their needs in order to assist the Kingdoms of Nature and grant them peace.
Today you are being called to this, to be spirits that are truly strong in the Power and in the Grace of God, because these times and this world need this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Happy are those who, aspiring to deeply know the Universe and the Creation of God, do not fear to know themselves and enter the depths of their human condition to transform it.
Happy are those who recognize the grandeur of Creation, and thirsting for its mysteries, know that, in order to enter the infinite Cosmos, they must first enter into themselves in order to transform it.
Happy are those who show themselves to be firm before the world, fearless and faithful before God, but who, above all, use this virtue to transform themselves, so as to not fall into their own traps, to not succumb to the errors they already know they must overcome.
Happy are those who aspire to the new human being and to the new time and do not look for it in their fellow being, but rather within themselves.
Happy are those who know that the renewal of love begins within themselves and love this mystery enough to surrender to God everything that, in themselves, does not know love and refuses to love.
Happy are those who are willing to be instruments of God, rather than of themselves; those who want to build the Celestial Kingdom on Earth, rather than the human kingdom, and know that the first who must learn to be servants of God are themselves.
Happy are those who find their joy in service, in sacrifice, and in self-transformation, for these will be worthy, until the end, of being called companions of Christ. In their surrender, the Love of God will be renewed; in their void, the New Church of Christ will rise; in their nothingness, the grandeur of the Creator will be revealed to the world.
Choose to be happy before God and full of His Spirit. Thus, you will know peace, even in times of transition.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself and not only the situations of human life.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to know how you react to the stimuli of the world and how you respond to the impulses of God.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself more more profoundly and do not be deceived by believing you are something that you are not.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness with love, with peace, with the simple intention of knowing who you are, how you act, how you live, so that thus, child, you may become aware of everything that you should transform.
May your eyes not only be in Heaven, or in the shortcomings and virtues of your neighbor. Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, opening to a true self-knowledge. In this way, you will open the doors to deepen into the science of life and you will allow God not only to transform you but also to show your true being, impelling you to reach what in truth you are.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to not deceive yourself and so that, in these times of illusions and mirages, your eyes may be fixed on the Truth and, knowing who you are and what you are not, you can thus find what God expects from you, since the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more