In both, the message of yesterday and the message of today, Saint Joseph makes an analogy between the Passion of Christ and the Armageddon, which He called as Planetary Passion. Today, He showed us the resemblance between the performance of the Cyrenian in the Passion of Christ and the Kingdoms of Nature in the Planetary Passion, explaining to us that the different phenomena of nature which will happen in the world are not a punishment or a way to prolong the human suffering, they will be the vehicle that will give us the possibility of surrendering all for love to God.

Saint Joseph was telling us that, at the same time that nature will spiritually sustain the human consciousness, it will also create the conditions for us to get where we must get in our learning, thanks to the different climatic movements that we will live. He was telling us that for us to be able to follow the transition of the planet with the correct view.

He is trying to lead humanity to be before this Planetary Passion with the same intention and understanding of Christ during His Passion, in other words, not feeling itself punished or martyrized, but offering each step with the cross for the triumph of God in the world, overcoming the pain thanks to love.

The Kingdoms of Nature will also live the Planetary Passion, the so-called Armageddon. They will share the cross of the world with the human beings, as the Cyrenian sustained the cross of Christ and walked with Him until the Golgotha.

The Kingdoms of Nature will learn with the human experience and this lesson will remain marked within the individual and group consciousness of each species. This means that when  the moment comes for the individualization of consciousness for the Lower Kingdoms, which have shared the evolution of the Earth during the end of times, this individual consciousness will carry within itself the codes of surrender, giving of self, sacrifice and forgiveness, experienced in these times.

The Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the Cyrenian, will not be able to avoid the apex of the crucifixion: they will sustain the human consciousness and they will create the conditions so that it lives its learning. Besides that, they will conduct the humankind through the Calvary of the Armageddon and, much as, for many, it may seem that nature is the responsible for the human suffering, those who know the truth will know that nature is the vehicle for the achievement of the human learning, it is the Cyrenian who allows that humanity lives its learning and reaches the apex of the cross, in the absolute and total surrender for love to God and to the achievement of His Plan.

At the time of Christ, many thought that the Cyrenian extended the suffering of Jesus, not letting Him die on the path and conducting Him to a greater moment of pain and anguish, that was the crucifixion. Others know that the Cyrenian was the one who, as the angels, allowed Jesus to arrive to Golgotha with the cross, and there pour out until the last drop of His Blood, out of love to humanity and to all the creation, giving the example, to all that was created, of how the Love of God acts.

In the time of the Armageddon, of the Planetary Passion, the Kingdoms of Nature will lead you to surrender all for love. Those who embrace with gratitude the cross of the world and open themselves to the magnanimous expression of Love and of Forgiveness will understand the movement of nature and will thank Mother Earth for conducting them to the victory of the Most High God.

May the Teaching strengthen your hearts and dissipate your fears.

I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one Who prepares and instructs you for the times that will come