With the Union of Heaven and Earth, I descend to the world in order to help it, bringing in My Heart all the wonders of God, and through the angels, all possible Graces for hearts.
Today, My inner voice resounds in the world, and the inner worlds listen to the word of the Mother of God, Who comes to rescue Her children from exile and the wreck of these times, Who comes to bring the healing of humanity through Her hands.
I only wish, My children, for the good in each one of you, and that many more of My children recover their spiritual affiliation with the Celestial Father, knowing that for these difficult and critical times, the affiliation with the Creator Father will be essential for all souls.
That is why I come as a Great Mirror Consciousness, so that through prayer, the Mother of God may be united with all Her children who invoke Light, Good, and Redemption for humanity through the prayerful Word.
But I encourage you, dear children, to continue building within yourselves the end of times through a life of service and of prayer for others, knowing that there is much to be healed in this humanity and on this planet.
Each time you practice these attributes, My children, you will allow the Mother of God to intercede again, just as She is interceding today for Argentina.
I desire that your hearts open more and more to this call that comes from Heaven and that in this life will not be deeply known, but if your hearts unite with My Immaculate Heart, like a single chain of light and of love, through the Rosary for Peace in the Nations, I will be able to embrace many more souls in need of love and of light.
Great is the captivity of millions of souls in this humanity, and they are not able to get out of that state, because of having many obstacles and barriers.
But you know, My children, My presence has many aspects, and the Mother of God counts on Her Powerful Sword to be able to defeat evil by means of love and of faith, bringing liberation to the world and peace to the hearts that most need to again find God within themselves, to live, in these difficult times, a true communion with what is High, a profound union with the Divine.
I come to invite you, dear children, to learn to live the divine Laws, through the attributes which are conceived in the prayer of the Universal Mother.
If you live these attributes and apply them in your lives daily, it will not be necessary for Argentina or any other nation, to endure the sufferings generated by the peoples themselves.
The attributes that I bring you, My children, are born of My Maternal Fount, they are attributes that are born of the humility of the Mother of God, because of Her eternal service and as Servant of God.
But if you, My children, strive to live them daily, you will not only build an invincible and unbreakable fortitude in your souls, but you will also help your nations so that more souls may be contemplated in the Ocean of Mercy of God.
The time has come, My children, to live fraternity and cooperation among the peoples, this will demonstrate to God and the whole Universe that humanity is understanding something, and the Grace of God in Argentina and in the world will be inexhaustible, in spite of the extremely grave mistakes that many souls make in these times, and that from time to time outrage the Heart of God.
But today a new story is granted for Argentina and for its essences. The prayer work done today has helped a great deal, so that the Mother of God and your Mother may intercede, knowing that there are many souls that do not deserve the Grace of God, but as your advocate, and celestial intercessor between Heaven and Earth, God has granted Me the salvation of more hearts for the times that will come.
My children, the giving of your lives will be the key of the great transformation and the portals of the Universe will open before your eyes, you will see the spiritual Universe descend, and the great archangels, creator fathers of all the planes of consciousness, will assist you and help you to live, in these times, inside of an unknown, I would say, unalterable Universe of Peace.
This is possible thanks to the power of constant prayer, and to your daily commitment to the Holy Rosary. Thus, My children, you will be protected under My mantle, your families will also be protected from all evil; this will come even more to all places, because the Light of My Heart radiates to the whole world through the prayers of My children who are aware and have the discernment that prayer is a basic key for these difficult times.
Submerge in this practice and in a short time you will not recognize yourselves, your lives will have transformed completely, and you will manage to walk towards a freedom from self, achieving a transcendence from matter, and uniting your spirits with non-material life.
So that all these attributes to the Universal Mother may be in your hearts and in your peoples, today I open My Immaculate Heart as a house and refuge for hearts, as relief for the afflicted, and healing for the sick, to receive from your voices, the Sacred Prayer to the Universal Mother.
I am listening.
The Prayer to the “Universal Mother” is recited three times.
And in this way, I will be able to carry your pleas and deep intentions to Heaven, placing at the Feet of Our Creator Father, the intentions of His children, of His creatures, so that His Plan of Love may triumph in humanity and on the planet.
Remember this prayer as something fundamental for Argentina.
Today, My request for this nation is that a third weekly day of prayer for Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay exist, but this time praying the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that these sibling nations may be contemplated by the Mercy of God, and the divine attributes of My maternal Heart may be established in souls as a divine spiritual protection.
I would wish that all of My children, beyond Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, be united in this practice of praying to the Universal Mother, so that the attributes also be radiated to the others nations of the world.
But today I ask for this prayer especially for these three nations, because they are the ones that most need it, to maintain their spiritual balance and their harmony in these times.
Prayer, whichever it is, that invokes the Divine Plan of God and that opens the doors of the Universe, will be the weapon of defense against the adversary, and the Mother of God, through the prayer of all of Her children, will step again with Her feet on the head of evil.
May the Project of God triumph in this Land of Argentina.
May hearts again find their affiliation with the High, and universal healing occur in souls, and in hearts, may the talents of Christ come alight, so that the commitment to the Universe be alive, real, and faithful for this final time. So be it
Like in all the places I visit, with immense love and gentleness for those who most suffer and despair, today we will experience a new consecration, reaffirming this commitment to union with the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that many more may feel drawn to the Fire of Love of My Maternal Heart, and thus souls may be healed and redeemed, freeing themselves from their chains and their prisons, so that the light of their spirits may fly.
At the request of the Mother of God, those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary should come forward to receive Her blessing.
And in this moment of consecration before the Mother of the Most High, we will begin to listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, so that those who will be consecrated, and those already consecrated, may renew this commitment to the Mother of God, so that it be real and alive.
Children represent the happiness of Jesus on Earth, thus His Celestial Kingdom descends in the most pure and innocent, and reaches all the men and women of the planet in order that the Sacred Family be constituted in humanity, through this offering to Me that is done today by your hearts.
I have come to bless you and give you My love, My consoling and healing love, so that your souls be reborn in the enjoyment of the Divine Spirit, and so find again the peace that dwells in the Heart of God.
May your souls light up in joy and gladness, so that the spiritual soul of this nation lights up in the Gladness of God, deeply believing that it will be able to fulfill the designs of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
My Spiritual Light descends upon you and enters your hearts, establishing this consecration as My beloved children, faithful followers of Christ, creatures loved by the Celestial Father.
I baptize you with the light of the Holy Spirit.
In name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call, for all the efforts made, for the triumph of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart in Argentina.
While you sing, I will contemplate you, so that your voices may reach Heaven as a plea of humanity to the Celestial Universe.
I thank you!
I come to the world for a spiritual and universal reason.
I come to open the consciousness of My children even further, so that you may feel the Truth in your heart, the Truth that I profess through My presence.
I come for a world that agonizes and despairs.
I come during a time of intense purification.
I come to bring you what you truly need, that which will grant you freedom, the opportunity of living what God has thought and what He has planned for your lives.
In the meantime, stay within My Heart, relive every moment of prayer as an opportunity for renewal so that the divine codes come into your lives and you receive the wisdom you need in order to make the right decisions.
This is why I come here, again and again, until what God needs is fulfilled, until what God has thought is accomplished.
In spite of it being a time of chaos, if He decides that everything is to be carried forward, it will be.
This is why your trust is essential, and especially the adhesion of all, so that what is written can be fulfilled.
Perhaps you feel that you have heard this many times, but if you are hearing it again, it is because it has not been fulfilled.
It is necessary to place your feet on one path.
It is necessary to bow your head in order to enter through the door of humility, just as We did when We were here on Earth as the Holy Family.
The attributes that are necessary in humanity cannot be lost.
You must be keepers of these attributes, you must be guardians of God's Rules so that everything remains on course, despite the events that are now happening within humanity and also the events that will happen.
When everything is very intense, there will be nowhere to run. Only in My Heart you will find the refuge you need, the breath you are waiting for so long, the relief you are so much looking for.
But I invite you at this time to follow this path of faithfulness, as We follow it up to the present and for all eternity.
This path of faithfulness that I invite you to live will lead you to transparency because, despite the miseries, your hearts will be transparent and pure and one day you will be able to live the Truth, even though the world is in its great transition.
I wish you could drink from the Light of My words, listen and keep memory of everything that I tell you, because then there will be no one to remind you of what I am telling you today and what I have already told you in other times.
The Instruction that comes from Heaven is like the spring that emerges from a mountain, it is inexhaustible and endless. But for this spring to last it must be taken care of and protected, because it could unexpectedly end.
You must take advantage of the Words of the Hierarchy.
You must build within yourselves this path to the true reality that in the near future will free you from yourself.
Many thought they understood everything I needed and everything I said, but they did not understand, because whoever lives the Word of the Hierarchy transforms, even though they must try, again and again.
Therefore, I pray for those who are no longer here, because they did not understand that they had not sincerely opened their hearts to God.
The Truth is one, there are no two different truths; this is why it is so difficult for human beings to live Truth when they must face it to recognize and accept it.
We are in a time of great internal movements.
We are in a time in which hidden things are coming to light so that everyone can see them.
There will no longer be deceivers or liars.
There will no longer be manipulators or consciousnesses that can take advantage of everything, because the Law is already descending even if it does not seem so and My Motherly love comes to help you, to tell you: "Children, do not remain there, nor be like that."
You cannot go against Divine Will. You cannot oppose it, because the Divine Will is invincible.
The Love of God never lacked.
The Grace of God, in many cases, was abundant and few realized that.
I do not need you to be sad, nor to be offended.
I wish you could feel how My Heart feels and that you could live as My consciousness lives.
I am not saying that you will be illuminated or elevated beings. Humility, obedience and surrender will transform you, but you should always take the step towards that constant search for the Truth that is in the Heart of the Father, just as it is in the heart of His children.
The world agonizes, by itself, having come out of Truth and obedience. The Laws of Grace are no longer able to touch the Earth as before, only when the heart surrenders and cries out in sincerity.
God created you to always be happy and to be in His Celestial Wholeness.
God did not create you to suffer or endure.
Therefore, many errors are stored in the Universe and on the planet. Many stories are still indelible and no one has managed to fade them from the inner consciousness of beings.
But the time will come when this will happen, when My Son returns to put an end to human captivity and the destruction of souls, to finish transmuting humanity and redeeming it, and thus creating a new civilization, with a few Christs.
Humanity is not perceiving that it is losing the opportunity to love and find God, and that He expects His children to be consistent with Him even in the smallest details.
The Work is sustained by faith, prayer and service of all.
There is still time to reverse many situations, before the Universal clock marks the end of time and everything is triggered.
Souls do not believe that they can lose evolution and many of them laugh at this, because they do not know it, because of their ignorance, because of their lack of knowledge of the Truth.
The Spiritual Plane is a commitment of all; before, during and after this life.
The Spiritual Plane does not end here, nor does it end later.
On the Spiritual Plane is the divine decision, the Decree of God and His Affirmation.
If the souls of the world do not live the Spiritual Plane, they will die out on their own, they will be erased, just as the sun disappears in the horizon, without warning.
The current time determines a severe decision on the part of souls, being aware of commitment and responsibility, knowing that there is no longer room for mediocrity.
It is time to grow and forge the inner Christ to rule, to act and participate in God's Plan.
Do not let your inner child disappear. Do what you must do and everything will pass.
God deeply loves workers of His Plan, but don't forget that it is necessary to pray and help the planet.
The Prayer for the Nations has been the refuge for My Heart and also My consolation, but that commitment must be sustained and not weakened by comfort, fatigue or for other reasons.
It is no longer the time to justify your lives, it is time to remedy the sins and grave insults that nations commit, day after day.
A bit of the Love of God must still reign on Earth through the hearts that profess their faith and communion with Christ.
We are not in times of rest or little work.
We are not in the time of thinking about whether the Plan is to be fulfilled or not, or if it is to be left for tomorrow or for next month.
Children, awaken, awaken and get out of your fanciful convalescence!
Look at the sky, the Universe waits to intercede and thus carry out the Plan of Rescue.
No one promised you glorious times; you were called to experience the Apocalypse and you committed to that.
You cannot waste the pearls of Creation, nor the treasures of Heaven. Everything, absolutely everything, will have its final account, it is part of the great calculation of the Universe and the universal balance.
I must announce this to you so that you awaken, so that drowsiness does not embrace you, does not make you indifferent nor mediocre.
The need of the planet will be assumed by very few, just as My Son assumed it with very few.
There are souls that will immerse themselves in their own regrets and their own desires, but there will be no time to wait.
The warrior is forged with the experience of the Plan and its fulfillment.
The soldier is sustained in the confidence of the Purpose and its goal so that the fire of transformation will never be lacking and they will be able to free themselves from their chains, to be reborn as a bird of fire that decrees the realization of the Plan.
Let the door of your consciousnesses open.
Let your hearts feel moved and not shaken.
May your spirits recognize the task and fulfill it with the best possible will and with the greatest love that you can express for these times.
In this way, the new race will manifest and will cease to be a promise.
The new Christs will inhabit the Earth and fight together with the Master to overcome evil and to establish the thousand years of peace.
I wish for you to remember this message, every day of your lives, because you will need it.
Blessed are they who believe without having seen and without understanding, because the Holy Spirit will not abandon them.
I rejoice, My children, with those who are consistent with the Law and comply with it.
My fullness reaches those who are most confused and need guidance because My Love will always be for everyone, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
I thank you for welcoming My words and for not losing them, for recognizing them and humbly accepting them, for the Glory of God.
Do not lose faith and the conviction of living in Christ; He awaits you.
In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come in the name of My Son to give you thanks for your pleas through the novena you are doing to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
I have come from the Cosmos to tell you this so that you know that your Heavenly Mother is with you, as She is with the world, in so much need of Love and of Light.
I come to make your lives shine through prayer, so that you may become pillars of Light for this world and carry that Light to the world where It is most needed, where they cry out the most.
I thank you for this novena, because the doors are opening and hearts are managing to be sincere.
Even though you do not understand in depth the Purpose of God, your Heavenly Mother, through Her Love, will make you understand all things with simplicity and humility.
For that reason, continue praying until the end of the Novena of Saint Joseph so that the Most Chaste Heart may also bestow His Graces on Europe and Africa.
The planetary needs are great, and the emergencies in these times are many.
I ask you, My children, to continue praying for Peace in the nations, as you have been doing: week after week, bead by bead, and heart with heart, igniting that Light of My Love in the world through the powerful Rosary.
With all of this, I ask you to continue forward, so that you may continue renewing yourselves through the times, in spite of the very serious things that occurr in the world.
My trust, children, is in you, in each moment of prayer that you offer to My Immaculate Heart, so that deep and inner wounds may be dispelled from the Heart of you Mother, and thus, from the heart of Her children who seek peace.
I come to meet you with all the stars of the Cosmos. I come to visit you with great angelic consciousnesses to untie the knots of these times, so that souls may find peace, live the spirit of solidarity and of cooperation with their peers, knowing that everything may be overcome through Love. There is no other path.
While the world does not learn to love, there will be no peace. The more you dare to practice the exercise of the love of the heart, the greater the possibilities that will exist for millions of souls to learn to live the path of Love.
Through this school of prayer that you live with Me every day, especially in the prayer for Peace in the nations, all the beads that are counted and offered grant inexplicable Graces to the whole world; things that perhaps you will not see in this time, but you will see occur in the near future, when your Heavenly Mother is no longer at your side to visit you and is only in Heaven, ardently desiring that you live My instruction, the instruction of My Son and that of Saint Joseph, so that this Work may continue forward, as it is written in the Heart of God.
Meanwhile, My children, I invite you to continue to truly love, to put love into practice in each detail, as with each sibling that approaches your lives, seeking a little of the restoring love, seeking a little of the healing and consoling love, that only emerges from the Source of the Holy Spirit and from the souls that unite with Him.
The Work that will be carried out by your Heavenly Mother in Europe is important. For that reason, each collaboration is essential, no matter how small it may seem. But I know that there are souls that can help Me more and you know that what I say to you is true.
The Mother of God does not flaunt riches, but rather the good for all of Her children, irrespective of their nation, religion or belief.
I want you to learn, My children, together with Me, that all can be one for, by achieving that spiritual unity, God will be in you and you will be in God, living His Kingdom; in spite of the events of these times, of the purifications or of the tests.
I invite you every day to be part of the Great Brotherhood, the Great Brotherhood that is in Heaven and also those who are in the interior of the planet and that with their silence, carry forward great Works in the world for the liberation of the planet and of humanity, for the redemption of souls, for Peace in all the peoples.
I invite you every day to link up with that great Brotherhood and to continue igniting the Confederated Star in your breasts, which will lead you on the path of Light, of ascension and of the good.
Very deep and unknown Laws of the Universe may be able to transform your lives and the lives of your siblings, and it will no longer be necessary to suffer, My children. I want the pain and the suffering to stop in the world. I want souls to know the true joy of serving God. What I call spiritual happiness, that is not in this world but in the Universe, in the Universal Life and in Knowledge; in faith, in service and mainly, in gratitude.
I want to lead you, dear children, to the Kingdom of God every day, so that you may dare to bring the Kingdom of God to the Earth and many, many more things in the world may continue to be transformed.
This is the ardent desire of your Celestial Mother, of your humble and serving Mother, untiring and eternal, Who comes to call Her children throughout time so that more lives may awaken to their true spiritual life.
While this does not happen, I will continue coming to the world. I will continue giving impulse to the awakening of consciousnesses, responding to the request of Christ and of the Celestial Father; with you and in you. As a Mother, I will be able to do many more things.
There is still much to do, My children. There is much to materialize and express within this Work of planetary Love and of Redemption that is traveling through the world and the nations, simply to sow Peace and hope.
Today I bring the Ray of hope to the world so that souls may recognize it and live it. Knowing that each one of My children has so many virtues and gifts to serve God, so as to be able to awaken and recognize in themselves what not even souls fully know.
Thus, I come to give you an impulse and to motivate you, to awaken your talents, virtues and gifts. Because Christ will come to call you and He will ask you for your virtues and talents, as well as for all of your gifts, so that you may be at His service at the time of His great Return to the world.
You, My children, are being called like your Celestial Mother, to be mediators of the heart and of the word; to seek in all things and in all of your siblings the spirit of the good; to see the good in your siblings, rather than evil; that which is positive, radiant and elevated in each consciousness that holds the inner Christ within.
Promote the awakening of the inner Christ in this time and the planet will be repopulated with sublime divine energies, which will be attracted by the children of God, not only as pillars of Light, but also as mirrors of His Divine Consciousness.
I invite you, My children, to recreate this planet and this humanity together. To teach the path of Love and of Service again through the humanitarian missions, the pilgrimages, the choirs, through everything that may be able to express the Love of God in the world.
Thus, this Work is for everyone and is broader than it seems and is. You, My children, have the key of My trust in order to do it, following the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy in obedience and in the good, so that all may remain on its path, just as I ardently hope it to be fulfilled.
I come to thank you this evening for your loving collaboration, all those that are generating the next mission of peace in Europe and Africa through prayer and collaboration.
You do not even know, My children, what will happen on that continent and all that the Divine Messengers will do in each nation They will visit, just as in each place where They will go in order to sow the Peace and the Mercy that you have had the Grace of knowing during these last times.
Through the collaboration and the building of this next mission, I invite you to continue to ardently be those who pray and are merciful with those more ignorant, that are distracted and full of illusions with everything the world offers them.
Everything you do on Earth you will also be building it in Heaven. On the last day of your lives, you will know and become aware of all that you did for the love of God.
Everything you weave on Earth you will also be weaving it in Heaven, and the Universe will keep a memory of your actions and of your works of good for humanity.
Today I will rise up to Heaven in profound serenity, knowing that My children have understood, beyond words, the call of Heaven.
Be propagators of the good that I bring you today, so that the planet may be filled with Light and with Mercy until the Divine Messengers finish completing Their Mission in humanity.
On this evening, My Children, I want your hearts to be covered in hope so that healing may be established in humanity, the good may reach many more lives in the world and be touched by the Grace of God, by His Infinite Mercy.
I come to bring Peace not only to Brazil, but also to the world. This meeting has helped this to happen.
In Love and in the Good, I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call.
May this place be always covered in hope, so that hope may transform the world and all the consciousnesses may be touched by the Ray of the Hope of God.
I thank you.
Today I am crowned by the Most Holy Trinity, bringing to your hearts the Purity of God, that purity so original that brought forth all things, to the manifestation of life and the whole Creation.
In the Purity of God is the Love of the Father, that Love that regenerates everything, and makes it possible to rescue hearts and remove the lost souls from the hells.
Today I come clothed of the Purity of God and crowned by the prayers of My children, knowing that, in these times, it is essential to reinforce the prayer from the heart, not only for the transformation of life but also for the recovery and restoration of the planet.
Today I come filled with the Essence of God called “Original Purity”.
I come filled with that which is within you, that lives in your inner worlds and that will always help you to reconnect with God.
I come to close a cycle and to start a new cycle, thus I come filled with the spirituality of God, to purify your hearts and lives, to unify you to the love of God, and in the mystery of His great science, where once everything was originated for this humanity, as for other planets, for the whole Creation.
I would like you to know, dear children, that the original purity, that dwells in you, comes from the universe of God, gestated by the holy hands of the Angels of the Father, in His sublime Sources of Creation.
From there, dear children, comes everything, and there you must one day return, with the lived experience of love and redemption, with the lived experience of forgiveness and reconciliation; knowing that all human beings, no matter how imperfect they are, will never lose the original purity of their hearts.
That is why I invite you tonight, dear children, to look within yourselves, to discover your inner universe and to find yourself with God in the Living Flame of His Original Purity, where neither sin, guilt or perdition exists.
Today I come to cleanse your hearts, but I also come to heal your wounds, seeking in you the purity of the heart, that living and shining flame that will renew all things.
This is My main message for today, seek the Purity of God within you, and you will be able to enter to the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Relive in these times the Gospel of My Son, so that the purity in your hearts may awaken.
No longer seek, dear children, separation, division or criticism. Open your hearts to the Purity of God, and the Purity of the Father will be able to awaken in you at this time.
Do not complicate your lives more, dear children, make things simple day by day. Live and imitate the Sacred Family, so that the celestial treasures of the Purity of God, through the sublime mirrors, may be reflected upon the souls of the Earth; may darkness in the hearts vanish, may the Light and Love of Christ triumph in these times.
I invite you tonight, dear children, in a simple and maternal way, to rediscover the path to the heart where wounds, guilt and suffering do not exist. Believe in yourselves, believe in this Original Purity that is within you; seek it through the path of prayer, of a merciful life, of a life filled with service to fellow beings.
Thus, you will be repairing the wounded Heart of God, and you, dear children, will be this perfect balm of love that will grant the world that your Celestial Mother returns to everyday to help the lost hearts, to awaken the planetary consciousness, to grant in this last cycle a little more time of peace, especially in those places where it does not exist.
Give great value, dear children, to the prayer for peace in the nations.
This simple exercise that My Heart has granted you to perform every day of the week, praying for those nations that suffer so much, that live in darkness and inside the abysses of the planet, so that they may recover and move forward. Praying for cultures so distant, for brothers and sisters so far away, who feel and live, just like you, the greatness of My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, in this cycle may everything be renewed, and that tonight you leave here living a true commitment with Me, so that I can return everyday, for a little longer, bringing the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Infinite Mercy of the Creator.
Because, if I am not among you daily, dear children, in truth I confess, this world would be unbalanced as quickly as the passing hours and the planet would move abruptly.
It is the prayer of your hearts, the prayer for the nations, service, charity and good, the communion and confession with My Son, that allows Me to come back everyday to the world, that allows Me to bring the Grace of God to this world that does not deserve it, so that everything can be stabilized, and, above all, the axis of the earth maintains in its balance.
Remember that I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother and Mother of humanity. I am the Mother of all people, who consoles all hearts and lives, the Mother who is with the poor and the rich, with those who are equal of heart and soul, the Mother who is also with those who are indifferent and still do not live God in their heart.
I come for the whole world, for all nations and all peoples.
I would like this current of prayer for peace in the nations to grow, do not feel limited, nor hindered to learn to pray in different languages, in order to help the angels of the nations, so that they may accomplish their great spiritual task in these difficult times, with the loving support of all My children.
Today I would like for you to not feel grief in your heart, because if the Mother of Life is here, life can be regenerated and the most profound feelings can be healed. For God nothing is impossible, for the Servant of God nothing is impossible.
Today I come clothed of the Purity of God, to remind you of this commitment with Me, that through the prayer of the heart and the loving services to the world, everything can be renewed and repaired, and your lives can finally be other, when you simply take the step, just as I took it before the Archangel Gabriel.
Today, I do not come only to tell you that I will be with you a little time longer everyday, but of the joy that My Heart feels, the bliss that My Spirit feels in telling you that My Son will also be here everyday, to bring the world the last lifeline for all hearts, all religions, and all peoples, in order to prepare the world, for one whole year, for His return.
May nobody lose this opportunity to relive the Words of Christ, to relive in your hearts the simple words of the Mother of God, but also to study them again as spiritual impulses present for these times in which you will still have the key, the inner key to be able to transform yourselves, just as God wishes, for these final times.
Finally, I wish, dear children, that your lives may be Original Purity, and that this purity may be reflected to the world, so that souls awaken from their drowsiness and may open their eyes to the Kingdom of God, which still keeps the doors open so that many more souls may enter into His Heart.
Do not lose this Grace; receive this Mercy with the humility of your hearts, so that tonight all may be renewed, just as God has thought it since the beginning.
I come here to bring Heaven to Earth, the Consciousness of God to humanity, the Truth to a planet that lives in lies, in order to awaken the hearts to the great feeling of the Love of God, to the spiritual filiation with His Great Divine Consciousness.
Tell the world that I will be coming to you everyday for a little time longer, in order to prepare your hearts for the time that will come, which will not be an easy time. You know, dear children, that time will change, humanity will change and your planet as well.
For that, you must be prepared and firm. You must take My Words and My Instructions, the Instructions of My Son, as stairways to Heaven, so that you may be protected and safeguarded by My Heart.
May My Words be heard in every language; this is My most ardent wish for this year, may My Message of Peace spread to the world so that the souls awaken, so that bombs do not detonate in humanity, over all those planes that My enemy stimulates in a blind humanity, closed of heart, for not being able to see God.
I invite you to the time of the great awakening of the consciousness, to the awakening of your inner senses, to come out of what is superficial and embrace all brothers and sisters with an immense love and an infinite Mercy.
Thus, dear children, although everything is so hard and difficult in this humanity, everything will be fulfilled and I will be able to continue coming to you until God indicates, as it is written in His eternal Heart.
Place your hands in sign of reception, because today your Celestial Mother, clothed of the Purity of God, the Rose of Peace, comes to reconfirm in your hearts and in the hearts of all beings of the world, the reunion with its original purity.
Water to bless…
Receive from My Heart this Grace that should not be lost, because the Mother of God, Mother of the Universe and Earth, of the Angels and all souls, comes to reopen the Spiritual Source of the Original Purity, in the souls of the world that say “yes” to the call of the Creator.
May the Source of the Holy Spirit descend upon this element, and may everything be renewed, may souls awaken to their original Source so that everything may be redeemed.
May the water baptize the lives of the world, redeem the sins and heal the hearts of their most profound wounds.
Today I do not only come to consecrate those who have taken the step to My Immaculate Heart. Today, as Mother of all and Mother of humanity, I come to renew this consecration for all those who are present here and for all that listen to My Voice, on the five continents of this world.
May this water consecrate all of you, just as the water of the Spirit of God washes the most profound wounds, and may it reignite in souls the Flame of the Original Purity.
Today you will sing a special song for Me, that will make you, in this time, reunite with Me everyday.
Mirarte (To look at You)…
While you perform this song, I raise Myself to heaven to someday return and bring to your hearts the same Peace that I live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this Peace descends to Earth in all the hearts of the world.
I bless you and consecrate you, to the Immaculate Heart of Love, to the inextinguishable Love, to the eternal Love, to the unconditional Love, to the perpetual Love of the Mother of God.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call.
I thank you!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more