Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and the angels and saints will dwell with humanity.
Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and King, in the vestments of His Son, will return to proclaim Peace, making all difficulties small, making fears meaningless, making pains nonexistent, making simple the love to others and to God, above all things.
Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and Truth will manifest before human eyes, revealing the secrets of a superior existence, revealing those beings who have always been here to aid humanity, but that mankind has never been able to see.
Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and will reveal that the superior life does not only dwell in the Heights. It will reveal the sacred that is kept in the depths of the planet and that is safeguarded in the beauty and in the fortitude of Nature, because the moment has not yet come for it to be known.
Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and God, after having poured out Justice, will return to emanate Mercy upon the hearts, healing upon the spiritual wounds, restoration for the spirit of the Earth and Grace to establish the thousand years of Peace.
Believe, that everything will pass and that what seems the end is the announcement of something new and unknown to mankind. What they call the end is the end of deceit, the end of time counted by the clocks of the world, the end of days and their cycles, so that it may be the beginning of the Eternal Time, the Supreme Truth of God.
Believe that this day will come and keep your faith in the unknown, because all the prophecies of Your Creator Father will come to be fulfilled and the day of His Truth will be a reality in the life of this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Restore yourself in the source of prayer that, when sincerely offered, generates merits for the Redemption of souls.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and renew yourself in the certainty that your effort is not in vain and that everything you offer turns into a reparation for the Heart of God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and let your soul offer everything of itself to God and to His Son Who, throughout all of human evolution, offers His Heart in sacrifice and resignation for each being of this Earth.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and remember the souls without hope in the wars, in slums, and in the palaces of this world. Let your voice, already sometimes without strength, be able to reach the depths of these beings as an impulse so that they too do not give up seeking God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and do not tire of pronouncing your praises to the Father. Know that the Heart of God always waits for you, and no matter how small your offering, when it is sincere, its merits infinitely multiply and the Redemption that is born of it is eternal.
Restore yourself, beloved child, in the source of prayer, and until the end of your days, pray so that the Father never distances Himself from you.
If you have no strength or voice to pray, pray in silence. And if your heart is too weak to emit love, pray in the stillness. And if your mind is unable to pronounce a thought, pray in the void. And if your soul is in the desert and feels nothing, simply pray, waiting for God to reach you there. Never close the door to the Heart of the Father.
Persist and be firm, even if it is in the core of your being.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, child, pray at every instant of your life, asking that the presence of the Spirit of God be alive in you. That this Holy Spirit may permeate your being, your mind, your soul and your heart, entering into your feelings and acting in the world through your actions.
It is a time of confusion and conflicts, in and out of the beings, and the enemy, very invisibly, enters into the life of people and takes hold of their hearts, even when they believe that they are on the path of good and that they do not do anything other than proceed through life, according to what their heart dictates.
The enemy lives in the hearts of many men who sow discord by enjoying evil and that, ignoring the voice of their souls and the outcry of their guardian angels, enter more deeply, each day, into the abysses of this world.
Pray for those who make mistakes and only attract Justice and despair toward themselves.
Pray for those who will regret their mistakes too late, for having ignored the Plan of God, His Work and His Will, believing that all of that was the plan, work, and will of men.
Pray for those who ignore the Law of the Hierarchy, for the unbelievers and the impious, those who judge the actions of God in men, because they will not be able to receive anything more than Divine Justice, since they did not accept His Mercy.
Pray for those who suffer for not being able to be humble and who prefer to build human works instead of recognizing their faults and allowing themselves be corrected on the path of God.
Beg the Holy Spirit to act in your heart and live in you so that you may persevere in the Will of the Father and do not judge the fulfilling of His Plan based on human actions and definitions.
Pray, child, because the world agonizes, the nations tremble, the hearts of men are confused. Only in God there will be peace, only in His Spirit there will be discernment, only in His Heart there will be true Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Behold, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven, through which all souls will have to enter at the moment of their definition.
When Mercy and Justice have already descended upon the world, when peace has consolidadted in the hearts of those who have opened to receive the Love and the Kingdom of the Mother of God; when darkness has settled into the heart of the ungodly who cry out, who will weep for a new opportunity, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven so that all souls may enter through them.
The first one will be narrow, simple, and luminous; the second will be as wide as the sea, but its destination will not lead to the Kingdom of the Heavens nor to the kingdom of the world, but to restart, to the void, to nothingness.
Up until the last moment of time, of this world, the Creator will try to rescue and awaken His Children; but those who insist on deceit and, with the malice of their hearts, condemn themselves, will shape their own destiny and build for themselves the path to the wide and uncertain door, empty of light and of God, for at that moment, the Father will only be able to observe His children.
The Angels of the Lord do not feel like humanity does; within their hearts only the Law dwells; their hands signal the destiny chosen by each being, their rays hasten the steps of the beings.
All those who honored and respected the king of darkness will return with him into his abyss. In his kingdom there will only be moans and darkness until the end of the Thousand Years of Peace when the day of Redemption will also come for them.
Prophecies will cease to be prophecies, which are called threats for those who do not know God. His promises will be true for everyone.
Those who have honored the King of kings, the Son of God, the Truth of beings, with Him shall see the fulfillment of His promises and in Him will serve until the end of their days, until the day of Unity, of the return to the Heart of the Father.
Empty your hearts of the sins of the world and do not surrender to the temptations of these times. Remember that, like this prophecy, everything that you live today has already been prophesied to you, and no one has been left unadvised of its definition.
''Persevere'', says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Hold firmly to one another's hands. Life in the world is losing its meaning for those who do not discover their only meaning is the renewal of Love.
Do not listen to the voice of those who sow discord; rather, cry out to the Father so that unity may reign and, embracing your brothers, strengthen one another and make your fortitude indestructible.
The narrow Door of the Lord will open for beings and inside of it, infinite will be the Mercy, eternal will be the Life in Christ.
''Confirm yourselves! Renew yourselves!", says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Those who do not want to continue walking toward the Light shall fall, by their own weight, by your side, but you keep your eyes lifted to God. The Creator should be your eternal goal.
Your Father and Companion until the end of days,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself and not only the situations of human life.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to know how you react to the stimuli of the world and how you respond to the impulses of God.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself more more profoundly and do not be deceived by believing you are something that you are not.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness with love, with peace, with the simple intention of knowing who you are, how you act, how you live, so that thus, child, you may become aware of everything that you should transform.
May your eyes not only be in Heaven, or in the shortcomings and virtues of your neighbor. Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, opening to a true self-knowledge. In this way, you will open the doors to deepen into the science of life and you will allow God not only to transform you but also to show your true being, impelling you to reach what in truth you are.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to not deceive yourself and so that, in these times of illusions and mirages, your eyes may be fixed on the Truth and, knowing who you are and what you are not, you can thus find what God expects from you, since the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
What was revealed to the world through parables and prophecies is revealed today through cosmic knowledge and the wisdom that God manifests in the voice of His Messengers.
In order for His Son to establish a new cycle and announce the coming of the Celestial Kingdom and the new and eternal Covenant with the Creator Father, the Lord echoed His teachings in the Voice of Jesus through parables and prophecies, because this was the way in which humanity could hear Him, at that time.
Today, children, God prepares you for the establishment of a new cycle, a new time; He prepares the consolidation of the Covenant with Him. This is the cycle of definition, and only the ones that have crossed the door of Redemption will remain on Earth and in the worlds chosen by God. When everything has been defined, His Covenant will no longer be for a few, it will be for all.
Those who cannot take the necessary steps in this cycle will cross the thresholds to a new life that corresponds to their choices and they will learn, once and again, about sacrifice and renunciation, until they open themselves to learn with love.
These new schools will not be a punishment from God to make His children suffer; they will be the fruit of the Grace of the Father, for the merits generated by those who say “yes” so that others may have an opportunity of starting over. There will not be an eternal punishment, but rather eternal possibilities of starting over, until all creatures, wherever they may be, live Redemption and take their steps on the evolutionary path.
I know that this is all very mysterious to you and that you can little understand something you do not know, and do not live.
What I tell you today is not for understanding, but rather to be held in the heart and placed in the consciousness, because the time will come when the paths will divide before your eyes and two doors will be offered to you for crossing: the narrow door of love and surrender, and the broad door of the restart of the evolution of beings.
In order to know how to choose, you must come to know the decisions you make. This is why I prepare your beings, because none of these paths will be easy and simple, but only one of them will bring your hearts to fullness and restore the Divine Consciousness, leading God Himself to the renewal of Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Christ is not only your Master and Lord, King of the Universes, a living part of God manifested among men. Christ is a state of Divine Consciousness, a principle of the renovation of the Love of the Father, which awakens when beings give everything of themselves for love of the fellow being, for love of the Creator and, when they think they have drained their strength, they take one more step, and another, and another, until they surpass themselves, not in their strength; they surpass themselves in love.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Way: christification, surrender, giving of self, love for all creatures, without distinctions.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Truth: He, the Creator of all things, dwells hidden within all beings, and all those who decide to step out of the darkness of ignorance to enter the path of love, which is beyond any science, will not only be able to know Him, but above all, live Him. Let the Father express Himself in your dwelling places, within creatures thought by Him, in order to renew and to surpass His Love.
God sent His Son to the world to reveal Life to them. Love is Life. Where there is no Love, there is no life. And although beings may walk through the world and believe that what they experience is living, they do nothing more than go through an experience permeated by illusion, without ever having known the Truth, without ever having experienced Life.
The Creator calls you to enter this Way, to know this Truth and to live this Life, which is His Son, Who is Christ.
Give yourselves always a little more. Do not leave for later the help that is necessary now.
Love, without expecting to be loved. Serve, without expecting to be served. And when it seems you have no more strength, ask the Lord to renew you and to teach you to surpass yourselves in love.
Say to Him: "Lord, my strength has reached up to here. Now, I surrender my body, soul and spirit to You, and make room for You, so that You come and, being in me, You make me surpass myself in love."
Begin by making your being available to God so that you may surpass yourselves in love, and when you have offered all of yourselves to God, it will be Him, within you, Who will surpass Himself, and like in His Son, will raise you and awaken you, in all the levels of your consciousness, in imitation of Christ, the so-called Christs of the New Time. Those who, entering the Way offered by the Lord, will come to know His Truth and will achieve the Life He thought for His children since the beginning.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the depths of your body, in the center of your atoms, lies a hidden and silent light. This is the Spirit of Life, it is the Breath of God, which dwells within you and which is the true composition of your being.
You are a living part of the Spirit of God. Thus, the Father, Omnipresent, dwells in the essence of your being. Therefore, His All-Embracing Spirit dwells in everything that is life.
Allow your consciousness to penetrate the mysteries about yourself and discover, through love, wisdom, and humility, the matter pure and full of the Glory of God, which hides in your being.
The glorification of the body is the awakening of the Truth in the most intimate of the composition of human matter. The Glory of God is in His children from the beginning of Creation, but just as His Presence remains silent in the essence of beings, His Glory and His Spirit is also silence in the most intimate of human matter.
When a being reaches full unity with the Father and gives Him the space and permission to manifest in their body, the Glory of God begins to awaken in their physical and material atoms.
All beings, just as all Life, are parts of God, dismembered from Creation and manifested in apparently individual creatures.
Today I reveal a mystery to you: everything is part of God. Everything is a divine projection and particle. But the Creator expresses in those who awaken. His Spirit speaks and lives through the humble, who recognize their ignorance and do not limit the Greatness of God, which is still so unknown and incomprehensible to the human mind.
Meditate on the life that is in you, on the life that you are, part of God, part of His Spirit, and gradually let His Glory manifest in your being so that you may understand that to resurrect is not to die in the body and return to life; to resurrect is to die to ignorance and illusion and to discover the Truth within you.
There were those who died in the body and did not find glorification in God, and there were a few, unknown to humankind, who died to their ignorance and let God show them His Truth; living without understanding the Glory and the Magnitude of the Spirit of the Creator.
This is the time in which not only a glorified being must emerge, but rather a glorified race, which dying to the illusion of a false time and a false life, may resurrect to the Truth, dismissing the retrograde life of the surface of the Earth and opening the path so that the Kingdom of God may dwell here.
Live in Christ so that He may guide you to His Glory and glorify you in Him, awakening, in everything that you are, the living presence of the Holy Spirit of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek inside of yourself, child, the revelation of the unity with God. Love with all of your being and serve so that, not only your heart, but also your body learns to love.
Overcome yourself and go to meet the needs so that your cells awaken within you the true potential that they keep and so that you begin to become a human being as the Father thought, and not as you know of it.
Pray with your mind, pray with your heart, pray with your life, not only clamoring for peace, but being peace for the world.
Seek the Truth in knowledge, seek the Truth in wisdom, but be the Truth; awakening in you the gift of Love manifested, because, if you love, you will understand all things.
To Love is not just being full of that which you like, which brings you joy, which keeps you in peace. To Love is to know how to obey a will superior to yours; to love is to know how to renounce, for a purpose greater than yours; to love is to know how to delay your own steps to give passage to those who need to arrive before you; to love is to be in God and to let Him be in you, it does not matter how, where or when.
May your time and your life be the time and the life of God.
Love, for you have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion in himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion within himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To live the Love of God publicly is simple and it is a part of the mission of the apostles of Christ at this time, and all times, because they must announce to the world the Gifts and Blessings from the Divine Presence. But today, child, I come to teach you to secretly be with God and to build the foundations of your transformation and the consolidation of your surrender because thus, your simple presence will be the announcement of the Divine Presence, it will be the testimony of the Gifts and the Blessings from the Creator.
Today, I come to teach you to love to be with God and to look for every possible space in your life to find Him, to speak with Him, to be in Him and He in the world, through you.
That being with God is not an obligation for you, but yes, a necessity.
The final test of this humanity and the last definition of the souls are approaching. Your Father and Lord aspires to build a fortress within you, to deposit within you His Wisdom and make of your heart a door through which He will arrive to the world.
Therefore, the time has come to strengthen your ties with God, to learn to love the manifestation of His Plan within you, more than outside, because if God's Plan is not fulfilled in you, you will not be able to externalize it in the manifestation of His Work.
Grow with God so that His Work also grows through you and the redemption that He manifests in your life extends to the whole world.
Love to discover and to know God deeply in the secret and in the silence of your heart. Become a fundamental stone of this construction of the new time, the new world, the new man.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, feel loved by God, independently of your imperfections and miseries.
Feel loved by God in the certainty that the Creator knows you profoundly and, just as you are, loves you unconditionally.
Feel loved by God and do not fear not corresponding to what He needs from you because if you truly love Him, everything else will be accomplished in you, according to the Celestial Will, because the love to the Father will lead you through this path.
Feel loved by God and let this love penetrate deep in your heart, awakening in you a response of love similar to the Love of the One who created you.
Feel loved by God, and welcome each moment of your life as a symbol of this Love, because the Father gives you Graces, but also tests so that you may grow in faith and confirm yourself, day by day, in this Plan of His.
Feel loved by God, and welcome in this new cycle a more profound contact with the Father, knowing His Truth, recognizing His Presence.
Feel loved by God, and may this Love heal your wounds, liberate you from the past, prepare you for the future and build, in the eternal present, a life of surrender and love for the neighbor and all Creation.
Feel loved by God, for He welcomes you, supports and forgives you every day so that you may always have the path open to restart.
Feel loved by God, and start from scratch; rewrite your history, offer the Father a blank page so that He may draw a celestial triumph through you.
Feel loved by God, and always say “yes” to Him.
The one who also loves you,
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.
The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.
Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.
See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.
Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.
Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.
The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.
Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pacify your heart, because today is a day of glory rather than of pain, a day of triumphs and of multiplication of the Love of God.
Today the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit receive the fruits of an existence of a giving of self, of surrender, of unconditional love.
Today a part of the Heart of God renews and surpasses itself, because a son of His allowed Him to renew Himself through his constant humility, renunciation, and love.
Today, child, contemplate a more brilliant sky in the Universe, because a light returned to its origin, from where it will continue to give impulses to the human Project, because his surrender is eternal.
He, who having fulfilled his mission, offered a little more for love of his friends and companions, also surrendered his life for them, because the time has come for you to walk by yourselves, supported by your own feet and sustaining others.
Today the Universe rejoices because he, who had renounced his evolution to multiply the Love of God on Earth, returned bringing in the crystals of the center of his chest, the legacy of his experience on this so beloved planet. He did not only bring with himself a learning experience, but a celestial gift to God, because he learned, with all the levels of his consciousness, to love the Father above all things and to obey Him beyond his own will, even renouncing to continue in the world when his disciples and companions were ready to take a new step.
For you, child, a new cycle and a new time have come; a time to mature the Graces you bear within yourself, because a unique legacy was left for humanity over a long period of time, and you are a living part of this legacy of love.
Therefore, today, raise your eyes to the Heights and instead of grief, offer God gratitude. Place your offering at the Feet of the Creator and reconfirm yourself in the adherence to His Plan, because it is now that it starts.
After having received everything and of having sublime teachings placed within you, go and turn what dwells in you into life. The world so needs it.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart in the Heart of God to start a new cycle. Open yourself so that life may manifest for you in a different way.
In these times, child, in which Earth starts to enter into the Real Time of the Universe, you will experience and feel things that are sometimes incomprehensible or inexplicable. Feelings from the past will emerge in your consciousness, at the same time that sensations from the present manifest. In the same way, with intensity, within you will be an aspiration for what you will experience in the future, and suspended in this transition between what you were and what you will be, the only thing you can do is to calm your heart in prayer and place it in the Heart of God.
There is no way of not participating in the tests of the planet. There is no way of not experiencing the consequences of this transition. But, yes, there is a way of experiencing all of this and not losing peace: by placing your heart in the Heart of God and remaining there in prayer.
Let your being become purified and experience what you need to experience within so as to cross this threshold. It will not be so simple to transcend an ancient retrograde human condition, but always remember to place your heart in the Heart of the Father, because in Him there will be relief, there will be a breathing space, there will be peace.
I bless you, today and always, so that immersed in these so accelerated cycles of continuous transformation, your being dives deeply into these waters and opens to the new, but always finds, in the Heart of God, the space where it can breathe, so as to be in peace in the tests of these times.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order that the Heavens may open up and the Purposes of God may descend to the world, pray for the Truth to manifest itself and, along with it, faith, trust and wisdom to awaken within beings, so that humanity may be before the Truth and know how to welcome, accept and live it.
Cry out for clarity to be in the mind and heart of humanity, for the self-summoned and the ones called companions of Christ to not get confused and not lose themselves with retrograde stimuli, typical of these times, which will come to test and define the souls.
Cry out to the Father for all, in order to know how to recognize His presence in those who will be sent by Him, but who in no way are similar to humanity, because their origin is not from this Earth.
Pray for fear to dissipate before the new and for love to allow beings to transcend appearances, to reach the essence of all things.
In these times of Revelations, you will be before situations never before lived by humanity. On the one hand, you will need to conquer fear, hopelessness and lack of faith and, on the other, you will need to know how to stand before the Truth, distinguishing that which manifests to confuse you, from that which manifests to awaken you and lead you to a new time.
The more united you are with the essence of the Truth, being yourselves, true and transparent, the more you will be able to recognize it when it manifests itself outside of yourselves. The mirrors of your hearts will show you what to trust, but for that they must be clean and resplendent through the transformation of each one and through the increasingly profound union with the essence of Truth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
In order for you to be able to reach the Heart of the Father, and not only be a knower of a part of Divine Wisdom, but also experience it, you must begin to make the most basic principles of evolutionary human conduct a reality and life within you.
You were called to transcend the common and natural tendencies of the human beings of this time so that a new life may be established on Earth through your heart and so that all who seek spiritual life may find a meaning for their own existence.
Begin, then, by being faithful to God, true and transparent before Him as well as before your brothers and sisters, without fear or shame of making your effort and transformation visible. Be faithful to what you already know an evolutionary behavior, replacing, in your consciousness, decadence for evolution.
Go deeper in your daily prayers and make them more sincere each time, leading you to a transparent dialogue with God, confessing to Him so that, in this way, you may surrender what for you seems impossible to transform.
Sincerely strive to love and understand your neighbor, and overcome yourself every day, not leaving your request for forgiveness and a sincere act of reconciliation for later, when you offend someone or when you are offended.
If you do not strive in these little things, to no avail will God pronounce before you and your heart the most sublime Revelations of the celestial mysteries and make known to you the most pure Truths about life and infinity, because the Wisdom will be lost in the imperfection of your mind and, although you may believe that you know many things, you will not be an instrument for the manifestation of this Truth on Earth.
You will not be worthy of being a participant in the sublime things of Heaven, not because you have not had the tools and opportunities for that, but because you did not open a space in your heart to experience the Truth, be transformed by it and announce it to the world, through your own life.
For this reason, go and deepen within the simple things. May the experience of the Truth accompany your Revelation. At least try it, everyday.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Heavens open before your eyes, first give thanks to God and raise your deepest reverence to the Father; then, child, let this Heaven not only be before you, but let it enter into you, and you into it, recovering, even if for an instant, your unity with God.
When the Heavens open before your eyes, after giving thanks, then think about all of humanity, about all the Kingdoms of Nature, about each small and secluded space on this planet, and place all the life that dwells upon the Earth in the Heart of God. Cry out to the Father for each heart and feel that He responds to your supplications, pouring out Love and Mercy upon the world.
When the Heavens open before your eyes, give thanks, cry out for the world and then cry out for yourself, so that, as a part of a whole, which is life, you also may have courage and perseverance, enough to fulfill the Will of God and remain in it.
Recognize yourself as a unique piece in the fulfillment of the Plan of the Creator, in the renewal of His Love and of His Grace, and in this certainty, also understand the importance of each being, of each heart, and call for unity among beings; pray not only for the neighbor to learn to love you and accept you as you are; pray, above all, for all to know how to mutually love one another, respect one another, and understand the importance of each being within this Plan. Even the most sinful and lost being is important to God because their conversion is a great victory.
But you, who are also imperfect and are on this path of learning, consent yourself to pray for the neighbor and to open the path so that this Heaven that opens before your eyes may pour its Graces on those most in need, on all the children of God so that no one remains in the world without having received at least one opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.
With this, child, placing Life everyday, in the Heart of God, you will be fulfilling a part of the Will of the Father for you, because your prayers will be true.
Pray, and when Heaven opens before your eyes, cry out to the Father for His Unity to live again within the beings.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and let your heart rise up to God.
Prayer, as well as silence and true service, done with love, are the languages with which the hearts of humankind communicate with God.
Pray and speak with love in the language of the One Who created you, and as you learn His language of the heart, go deeper into this divine presence within you.
Truly be silent in mind, soul, and heart, letting real silence manifest itself in you and guide you to the first impulse of the Love of God, where from silence He emanated sound and manifested Life, giving love a form and a vibration that later expressed itself in the creation of essences.
Serve with love, feeling in your heart the need of your fellow beings, not mattering if they are the ones who live with you and are at your side every day, or if they are the ones who, in order to find them, you cross the seas and the borders between continents. In that act of true service, find the language of God, which constantly serves all kinds of life; He being present in all things, giving impulse to the evolution of all creatures.
You also speak in the language of God, always aspiring that all your siblings learn about love and develop this love in themselves. Know, child, that the best way for someone to learn something is to have an example before them. For this reason, go today, and speak the language that comes from Heaven: pray, be silent in the depths of your heart, and truly serve, making of your life an act of service.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more