The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who look inward and decide to live transformation, redemption and surrender before God.  

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who no longer battle to establish their will and prestige, their merits and opinions, but who surrender in humility before Mercy and Divine Rehabilitation.  

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who do not hide behind their responsibilities and tasks, behind what makes them feel indispensable, but who humble themselves before God, offering their service for the transformation of human consciousness. 

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who do not fear losing themselves or what they have achieved, but who open themselves up to transform and correct what they are, even if they break themselves. 

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who do not fear this Divine Ray, but who nevertheless cry out in every instant of their lives for souls and the whole world to be deserving of Mercy. 

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world, and it will not be long now, children, before it is unleashed upon the face of the Earth. But I warn you and call you to live the Gift of Mercy, so that you yourselves may be the door and the bridge to Divine Mercy, so that even in times of chaos, purification and justice, your sincere, humble and transparent hearts may be worthy of receiving and transmitting Mercy to the world.

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world. That is why today I say to you: surrender and no longer resist, trapped in what no longer makes sense; open yourselves to the Truth and receive Mercy. 

Peace will be established in the hearts of those who learn to love and to be merciful. 

You have my blessing for this. 

Your father and friend,  

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Why is it that in times of war, chaos, injustice and revenge, your Celestial Mother comes to speak to you about the Kingdoms of Nature?

That question echoes in the hearts of all those who have yet to learn about the unity that exists between everything that was created.

That question, children, echoes in the hearts of all those who have still not truly experienced union with the Kingdoms of Nature so that they may understand that evolution only fully occurs when each being, of each Kingdom, fulfills their part.

That question echoes in the hearts of the men and women of the world because they have still not perceived that imbalance begins with the inability to be in communion with nature, and that chaos dwells in the spirits of beings because they have not truly found peace through unity with the Kingdoms.

Wars are the expression of a much deeper imbalance; they are the result of a tree with its roots in disconnection with God, and this disconnection is expressed in the impossibility of serving the Kingdoms, contemplating them, communing of their purity, learning through their connection with the Divine. In the same way that human beings have the unique ability to connect with God, the Kingdoms of Nature are part of that connection, of the spiritual science that allows creatures to have contact with their Creator.

The Kingdoms are like a bridge for human beings for the elevation of their consciousness, and in the same way, for the Kingdoms, humanity is like a springboard for their evolution.

While consciousnesses are indifferent to the suffering of the Kingdoms, to the imbalance in nature, to the assault of the species and elements, to the uncontrolled killings, to the unbalanced use, there will always, children, always be wars within and outside of beings; there will always be hatred, resentment and the desire for revenge in hearts.

For this reason, when your Divine Mother comes to meet with you, and in times of wars and chaos, She speaks about the Kingdoms of Nature, She is guiding you to the roots of all evil and to the healing of your consciousnesses, so you may be able to once again find purity and the connection with God, and thus find peace through contact with and service to the Kingdoms.

Work untiringly, children, so this balance may occur. Unite with the Kingdoms, serve them, inspire nature through the awakening of Love, and that will be a great service you will provide for ending the wars within humankind and between nations.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Account of the Message:

When Saint Joseph arrived here in the Marian Center, He appeared behind the image that is here on the altar, and behind Him, seven abysses appeared, as well as seven hells, and in those hells there were different groups of agonized souls, with hands raised up, as if they were disintegrating, burning. And then He began to pray:


Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet!”


And we went praying together, until He stopped praying and began to show that, among the souls, some were beings who were incarnated and others were beings who were not incarnated, who had already disincarnated, but that the souls were in those hells.

He showed how they were screaming all the time, asking for help, but their cries dissolved. Then He showed all of us, the beings in cities and even in the Communities, us, living, and this cry that happened and nobody heard, that cry for help that echoed like this, and nobody heard.

And then He began to speak:


Listen, children, to the cry of the souls in agony. Do not let this cry be dispelled in the wind in the face of human indifference.

Listen to the call for help of those who suffer and for a moment, let your consciousnesses set aside your own needs, desires and aspirations, your own sorrows and anxieties, doubts and inner questions, so that, even if for a moment, your verb can be sincerely directed to the souls in agony.

Cry out for Mercy, with your heart, enter into the deep abysses, where souls are in the darkness and the emptiness of not feeling protected by anyone.

Let your prayer be addressed to God, in the name of those that suffer and are forgotten; in the name of those that suffer and are alone in their pain; in the name of those that are wounded in the body, mind, soul and spirit, and their pain transcends all the limits that they never thought they would have to bear.

Listen, children, there is a cry echoing in the world, but the noise of the men and women of the Earth does not allow you to hear it. For this reason, silence your hearts in the light of God, and at the Feet of your Creator, pray from the heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús: Saint Joseph spoke the following prayer:


Lord, I come to You,
surrendered at Your Feet,
to cry out for the souls:
souls in agony in the abysses of the world;
souls in agony in their inner abysses;
souls who cry out and are not heard,
not even by their own beings.

Lord, I come to You,
on my knees at Your Feet,
to cry out for the souls:
souls who, alone, suffer pain
that transcends all the limits of the body,
the mind and the heart;
souls that have been extinguished
because they were not able to find the light,
hope or help.

Lord, I come to You,
and prostrate at Your Feet,
I cry out for the souls:
souls who live in wars;
souls who are at war with themselves;
souls blinded by suffering
and walk in the world not knowing where they will end up.

Lord, I come to You
to cry out for the souls:
souls who once emerged from Your Heart,
from Your Source, from Your Love,
to renew and multiply that Love among the dimensions.

Have the souls return to Your Heart.

Touch their inner self with Your Mercy,
wash them with the Water that flows from the Heart of Your Son,
with the Spring of Compassion and Forgiveness
You manifested in the world
through Christ Jesus.

Lord, I pray for the souls:
souls that hold within themselves the perfection of their essences,
the mystery of their purpose,
the Grace of living the gift of life.

I ask of You that the souls of the world
discover and are fulfilled in the gift of living,
so that life not be a source of pain for them,
but rather of Love: Divine Love, Spiritual Love.

Lord, I come to You
and cry out for souls.

Set Your Eyes on Your Children
and grant them Peace.



In this way, pray with Me, children, for the souls that are lost, because there is still time to find God again.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sister Lucía de Jesús: When the Message ended, Saint Joseph asked that we bring the Communion, and He was consecrating it together with us.

Behind Him, He continued to show those open abysses, and as He consecrated the Eucharist, above those abysses the images of the Holy Supper gradually appeared, and overlaying the images of the Holy Supper, images of the Passion of Christ appeared.

While Christ distributed the Bread, images of the Cross appeared, and while He offered the Wine, there were images of His Blood being spilled to the last drop and the spear piercing His Body, with Blood and Water spilling out.

All those images were poured out like codes of Light over those souls in the abysses, and this is why Saint Joseph asked that we offer this Communion for the souls, because when the codes of the Eucharist touched the souls, they began to breathe and some of the souls began to leave the abysses; they received that possibility of leaving through the prayer and the offer of the Communion.

Saint Joseph asked that we continue to pray for the souls, that each one of us dedicate a moment, in spite of what we are experiencing, our crises, our tests, our doubts; that we remember to pray for the souls, remember those souls that are in agony, and at some moment during our day, we remember to make this offering for souls.


Today, in My hands, I carry a parchment, and on it are Seven Primary Wills of the Heart of God for this place, Seven Divine Gifts which the Creator aspires to place in your souls, and through your souls, on this planet.

This Community has been called Nova Terra (New Earth) not so that you should hurry and live the new humankind, because that is still not possible, children. Thus, do not be in a hurry, but do not stop your steps.

The new Earth and the new life are a constant transformation. Even during and after the Return of Christ, humanity will continue to transform. His Presence will move the inner world of beings, the cells, the atoms, the consciousness, the spirit, so that little by little, you transform into the true archetype of Divine Thought, not only for the Earth, but for all of life.

This Community is called Nova Terra so that here you may aspire to that path of transformation, so that here, imperfect beings, from different parts of the universe, with histories, with memories that must be purified, may find redemption. This is the essence of the new Earth and the new life; this is the First Divine Principle I bring you: the experience of redemption.

The Second Principle is a fraternal coexistence between all of the Kingdoms, the transformation that takes place in the human consciousness through the relationship with nature. This too will be part of the new life; this is why it is a Principle of this Nova Terra Community.

The relationship with nature transforms the human consciousness. Each species adds its part so that transformation can take place. Thus, you must live this experience here with awareness and offer it to all who pass through this place, so that in contact with the animals, plants, minerals, human beings, the devas of the mountain and hills, the elementals, consciousnesses may have this experience of the opportunity for transformation.

The Third Principle is service, a service that must begin from the inside out. The first service you must learn is through the transformation of the human condition within each one of you, a contact with God through prayer, so that this connection with the Divine can help you to serve humanity. Humanity, children, urgently needs to unite with God. For this reason, the union and connection of each of you with the Creator is the first service you must provide for this world.

The second service will be to others, those who are beside you every day. Through the gift of fraternity, which I give you, learn to love one another through service. And even though you do not love and are not perfect in love, service will gradually transform you and show you the path to the essence of the brother or sister, to that which is hidden within them.

Afterwards, the service must expand to local families, through prayer, guidance, a simple presence. You must also experience humanitarian missions so you may have experience, and going through the experience of missions, mature your consciousnesses in that which, alone or in community life, you would not have been able to mature. Service will help you grow.

The Fourth Principle which I bring you today is intercession, so that you are able to intercede for the children of the world through prayer. Intercession, children, is something you must learn, and little by little, as you discover the gift of prayer, you will also discover the Grace of divine intercession.

Thus, far beyond the children growing, forming their families, making their decisions, this place will always be a space for intercession for children, because the main task is spiritual and is connected to the consciousness of the planet. Each child who passes through here represents humanity, and even though their life is not perfect, they carry a seed in their heart with them, which in acute times and moments of need, will speak to their soul about the truth, the way and life, because this is a Christic seed.

The Fifth Principle I bring you is forgiveness, because you still have to learn to forgive, and here you will have the Grace to forgive wounds from the past, to forgive errors, to forgive going off the path within and outside of yourselves. And the inner connection will show you how to do this in a mature, just and merciful way, whenever necessary.

The Sixth Principle is the transformation of life: the transformation of human life, of vices, of degenerate archetypes of the old human. For this, you must move toward self-sustainability, to work with renewable energies, and thus dispel from the consciousness everything that damages nature. You must do the same work within yourselves, making love sustainable, to transform everything that damages each other and yourselves.

And with that, I give you the Seventh Principle, which is the gift of peace; a peace that consciousnesses will find in this sacred place; a peace that consciousnesses will feel again even during times of chaos when they simply arrive here, wash their faces in the fountain, sit down and contemplate the portal of peace, and through it, nature. The spirit of peace will dwell here for all those that have lost it.

And in this way, I give you a new mission: the mission of forgiveness, of redemption, of transformation and peace.

And also, in this way, today I come in a special way to consecrate you, to welcome you under My Mantle, just as you are. The Creator does not expect perfect beings of you, He just waits for you to open your hearts so that a seed of the new life may begin to sprout, and that you live this in the name of all of humanity, that you aspire to be a New Earth, in the name of all of the Earth.

Today, children, receive this Divine Purpose for this place as well as for your souls. Receive My paternal blessing and the spirit of consecration.

Together, begin the Novena of the New Cycles [1] today, and each day you will understand what I am speaking about and how each test that will present itself before you is to cause you to grow. Just as I have lived, today I invite you to live the human transformation into divine unity.

I bless you for this, I guide you, embrace you and consecrate you, just as I consecrate this place. Far beyond where you are able or not to hear My Voice, I am always with you; I accompany you.

Feel the gratitude of My Spirit for each step taken here, for each leap into the void, for each test overcome, for each resistance defeated.

Thus, children, I thank you, for in this way, in spite of your difficulties, you walk toward God, and through you, He builds the New Earth.

Bring water here to be blessed, incense and anointing oil.

Just as this water is pure, be pure in your spirits; just as it is transparent, may you also be transparent, true to one other, so humanity may learn to enter into the spirit of truth.

Just as this incense burns and transforms, may the Spirit of God also burn and transform the human condition so that you may receive Grace, the virtues and the gifts that come from His Heart.

And with this oil I will anoint you, to thus consecrate you to this path, and wherever you may go, wherever you may be, you may be recognized as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, as My companions, those whom I shall walk beside, those to whom I listen, those I love, with whom I am, because they are with Me.

And in this way, children, I give you the Grace, the blessing and the peace to open this new cycle.

By the authority God granted Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Continue in peace and transmit peace to the world.

[1] Saint Joseph is referring to the Novena of Saint Joseph for Beginning New Spiritual Cycles.


Receive in your heart, child, the Peace that comes from the Kingdom of God, so your spirit may be fortified and your heart expand, so your consciousness may mature and your being express the Divine Purpose for your small life.

Allow the impulses of Mercy that descend from Heaven to pierce your cells, your atoms, your bodies, so that transfiguration may be a reality in your consciousness.

Allow a Higher Love to awaken the true meaning of love in you, so that you no longer measure events according to your small understanding, but rather according to the Grace of Divine Mercy. Only in this way will you be capable of experiencing forgiveness, unconditional love and Christic charity in the face of the most lost souls and the hearts most submerged in darkness.

Allow merciful prayer to be a bridge for you to the Heart of God, and in this way, with your consciousness immersed in the Creator, you can not only feel His Love, but know it; know where Divine Wisdom comes from, from what principle the Discernment of God comes, what moves it, how His Spiritual Nature works.

To know God and His Divine Nature, child, to be immersed in His Science and live according to the action of His Rays, the first step is to open the heart, and the second, to pray with an open heart, to enter into a profound dialogue with the Creator, allowing both word and silence be present so that you know how to speak, but also know how to listen.

This is the science of contemplation: when the being crosses the bridge that joins with God, through prayer, and submerges its spirit in the Creator so that, passing beyond the levels of dialogue, it penetrates the mysteries of unity and comes to know God.

This, child, is the path upon which the Sacred Hearts are guiding humanity. And to live it is not synonymous with perfection or the absence of miseries and conflicts; knowing God is, beyond the miseries, imperfections or conflicts that are part of material life, allowing the consciousness to have its priorities in the Higher Life, in unity with the Creator, in the permanent striving to live according to His Divine Nature, according to what He Is.

And so it is that, step by step, slowly, hearts cross the thresholds and enter into new laws, where unity with the Divine can be a more palpable and profound reality, where the human condition is transformed and reveals the divine condition, where the likeness to God emerges and true life comes to light, a manifestation of Divine Thought.

It is then, child, that only here will you understand God's Purpose, and His Thought will find meaning in your small thought, and His Love will find expansion in your small love.

Walk toward that Purpose, trusting in the guidance of the Sacred Hearts, praying with the heart open and listening lovingly to each of Our Words.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May peace dwell in and fill your hearts.

I listen, children, to your most sincere prayers. In My Heart, I hold your offerings, so that, in these times of chaos and so much inner confusion, the disciples of Christ may find peace and sow peace in the world.

I come to this place for a simple purpose: to expand the service of souls and give beings the opportunity to find God again.

I come to establish here a Point of Light, of Grace and of Mercy, so that the most lost hearts, those that seem to have no solution for the darkness within them, may find peace again.

I come to establish a Channel of Healing here for souls, which must be accompanied by My children of the Grace Mercy Order, so that, together with the servers, far beyond the illnesses of the body, they may be a bridge for souls to receive healing, the spiritual healing that simply speaks, children, about souls finding God again, when beings are able to be with sincere, selfless hearts, when they have the opportunity of being with themselves, without the interferences of the world, without the sufferings of this life, so that, even if only for an instant, souls are able to feel the Peace and the Love that come from the Divine Consciousness. This is the mission of this house.

And this will happen in many ways, but what is most important is that your hearts be available to learn to love, and through this love, the alchemy of the transformation of the human consciousness occurs.

And thus, in the same way as Saint Claire, your souls may be a mirror of the Love of the Mother of God. May devotion be the guiding star of your hearts.

For this reason, prayer and union with God cannot be missing before each moment of service here, because what you will give souls is not charity, but rather Christic charity, the one which unites the consciousness with the Light of Christ, and this is a great mystery that I invite you to meditate on today.

Let the servers deepen their inner path, in the development of their Lineages and their mission, so that the service is the result of this inner deepening.

Let this house, just like the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering, be a prelude to the Grace that God will pour over the Earth through the House of Saint Lazarus.

Thus, understand, children, that this Work is a single one, and that everything is part of one construction, like a stairway of Light that ascends to the Heavens, so that souls may climb and return to the Heart of God.

Over time, you will experience great tests that will fortify your spirits in the learning of Love. Many times you will think of giving up, and in that moment, I ask that you listen to My Words again, because I have warned you in order to strengthen you and to ask that, when it becomes difficult, you simply pray, and when you are unable to pray, just be in silence before God, so you may hear His Voice and let His Wisdom guide you.

Be united.

In the face of any conflict, choose peace.

Do not want your ideas to stand out over the ideas of others.

Always choose peace and humility, and in this way, you will be protected.

Where unity exists, the enemy cannot reign, and its interferences dissolve like dust, in the human mind and consciousness.

When you are faced with a conflict, pray together the Devotional of Unity [1] I have given you. And this is a key for all groups, as well as for all families and all servers, so you may perceive that which separates you and you can return to the principle of unity.

Let the therapies of healing be established here again as My son Friar Ameino taught you. These therapies, children, go beyond the body, and their simplicity touches souls and hearts so the cells can open to Divine Grace.

Let the servers be formed again, learn again, with a willing heart, because today I have come to dissolve the past, to free what was stagnating and establish a new cycle in this place, as well as in your souls.

Are you willing to experience this?

Pray for each other, pray for the triumph of the Heart of God in your fellow beings, pray so that celestial virtues may be established in souls, and in this way, there will always be somebody who will pray for you.

I leave you My Grace today, a special Grace, so you may learn to serve and surrender your lives; today I grant you the Grace of Consecration, so your spirits may be renewed by My Presence.

Remember, children, that you can count on Me, with My intercession and with My paternal Love.

May the gift of consecration renew you; may the spirit of consecration permeate you.

May gratitude open the doors of Heaven; may Mercy attract souls that are in need of a new opportunity.

Let your hearts be witnesses to Divine Grace; let peace be established in your families.

Let healing first touch your hearts; let everything be as it should be: according to Divine Will.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Those who wish to be consecrated today, stand up, with your hands lifted up. 

The priests can bring the blessed water.


I bless you, I consecrate you, I awaken your spirits and renew them. I free you and open a new cycle for your consciousnesses.

May the Graces received today be multiplied and be poured over the souls you meet along the way.

May you be My Children and Friends, ambassadors of the charity that comes from My Chaste Heart, from Christic charity.

May My Lily of Light be in your beings, reminding you of the gift of purity and joy of serving.

May the gift of wisdom be upon you, so you may know to give souls that which they need, in a just and merciful way, each in their own time.

I bless you and extend this blessing to your families and your loved ones, to the Kingdoms of Nature and to the human heart.

May your souls be renewed in My Name, through the authority that the Creator has given Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


[1] Saint Joseph is referring to the Devotional of Saint Joseph to Achieve the Divine Spirit of Unity.


Constantly seek, child, the space and time for entering into a dialogue with God and creating a bridge between your heart and the Heart of the Creator, through which His Wisdom, His Grace and His Laws will flow over your life, and thus, over the Earth.

Seek the space and time to silence the heart and listen to the Creator, allowing His Impulses to flow over your consciousness, even though they also may be silence and solitude in God.

The great battle of this time unfolds through the noises of this world, in which the enemy causes consciousnesses to be incapable of being in silence with themselves and with God, so that they can never perceive the point at which they are and cannot awaken. 

Silence and quietness are two primary keys so that souls may achieve balance and enter into the frequency of inner contact with God. But this possibility of silence is something the adversary tries to steal from souls through constant stimulations to produce something, to be distracted by something, to have the feeling of filling the inner emptiness with the stimuli of the world.

But today I tell you, child, that silence is capable of filling a consciousness much more than all mundane stimuli. Silence is capable of opening more celestial portals than the vibration of all sounds. Silence holds within itself a mystery that is the union with the Whole, with the Principle of Life, with the Creator God in His Solitude, feeling within Himself the emergence of the Love that moved Him to create all things.

Silence holds within itself the keys that up until today humanity was incapable of discovering and that, day after day, the great strategy of the adversary is to not allow souls to approach this mystery, because even for it, the silence is unknown.

For this reason, find the space and the time to become silent and find balance again, to fortify your inner world through the silence that unites you with God.

Let it be God Who fills what is empty in your heart, and in this way, child, you will always find peace.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In prayer, find peace, but also the Purpose of the Creator for your little life.

In prayer, find light, but also create the bridge that unites the human consciousness with the Heart of God.

In prayer, find the answers you are searching for, but also intercede for souls inable to listen to God.

In prayer, recognize your path, your vocation and the gift that God has placed in your heart, but also cry out that the nations, peoples and religions find again their meaning for existence, the archetypes of their manifestation, the beginning of their existence, where the first Will of God for life dwells.

In prayer, seek to understand the Word and allow it to touch you and transform you, but also, child, allow a new truth to be revealed to you. Allow the Creator to show you what is beyond your small understanding and open your heart, your mind and your spirit so that God may manifest the grandeur of His Spiritual Science to the eyes of your soul, the perfection of the manifestation of His Love between the dimensions.

In prayer, find the fortitude to serve and go beyond your limitations, but also ask the Father for the understanding in order to stand before the processes of your brothers and sisters, so that your service does not only speak about yourself, but rather about the actions of God in human and spiritual relationships.

Let your life of prayer be ample, profound and unlimited.

Let your prayers not have boundaries nor even be held to a single purpose.

Pray, allowing the dialogue with God to carry you beyond what you can perceive, and let the Creator, child, act in all life through your prayers. In this way, you will discover His Mysteries and you will participate in His Sacred Divine Plan.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may find peace.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may find forgiveness.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may achieve Mercy.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may learn to love.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may overcome the barriers that stop you from entering the Higher Universe.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may overcome fear.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may recognize silence.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts, so that through healing, you may return to the origin, not only the universal origin, but also the inner origin; may you return to the origin of Divine Thought, that one day you may manifest that Perfect Truth of God.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts and lead you beyond what you can see, feel, touch, express.

May the Gift of Healing touch your hearts and reveal to you the Higher Life that dwells within and outside of each of you.

May the Gift of Healing touch your hearts and teach you to forgive the past, not forgetting the past, but rather transforming that experience in the consciousness into a learning experience, which allowed you to be here today. No longer blame yourselves for imperfections; each mistake on the path has allowed you to grow and each test that is to come will draw you closer to the Heart of God.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts and show you the value of the truth and of transparency, of simplicity, of humility and emptiness.

May the Gift of Healing permeate your hearts and free you from all false power, all ambition that stops you from being instruments of the Divine Consciousness.

The world is in need of healing, but this does not take place from the outside in. Before healing occurs from the outside in, it needs to be lived from the inside out, and you already know this.

Healing, children, is the result of the Love and Forgiveness of God, and already existed since the origin. This means that before any error, forgiveness already existed; before any illness, healing already existed; before any deviation, redemption already existed; before life manifested, love existed, and it is through that love that you must begin to return, return to what is real, pure, sacred.

Human creation is a mystery among mysteries, because within this creation is held a still unknown Will of God, a creative movement that only He knows, and which allows Him to remain immutable in light of all that happens on the planet.

The Love of God does not change, it only multiplies and expands. And through this Love, the Creator continues to guide each heart, the Creator continues to accompany each soul. His eagle Eyes contemplate His Children in profound observation, in deep silence and deep love.

However, children, part of this mystery of the Divine Consciousness is also held in the Law of Duality, in the transcendence of this Law to a Higher Law, which is an unknown Love.

You will not be able to understand everything I would like to tell you today, but do not be in a hurry. Simply walk with the transparency of the heart and allow healing to enter first into each of you.

Allow yourselves to travel through the dark spaces of the consciousness to place Light there.

Allow yourselves to be imperfect, without this being a great suffering, because it is through the recognition of that imperfection that the possibility will be born for healing to enter into you.

While you hide your errors from yourselves, you do not allow Grace to fill you. For this reason, do not fear seeing, believe in the Love which will be capable of transforming all spaces, heal all wounds, transform all miseries.

Believe in Mercy. Believe in Forgiveness. Believe, children, that before, long before any error, Forgiveness already existed.

Does God expect to see you perfect?

Why did the Creator manifest Forgiveness, Healing, Grace?

And when they were no longer enough to intercede for humanity, He manifested Himself in the bosom of life and allowed Mercy to emerge, for a Will exists at the center of the Heart of God which only He knows, and a potential exists at the center of the human heart which only God knows.

And this potential does not exist to be known by humankind, but rather to be lived, and therein lies the mystery: in living, even without knowing, in being, in the simplicity of surrender, in service, in the giving of yourselves.

Those are the keys for finding that potential and letting it grow.

For this reason, today I bring you the Gift of Healing, so you may learn to be, and that you not seek to know, but rather live.

Do not look to live what others live; look to live the potential that is within each of you, and that expands, grows, expresses itself through the giving of self, of surrender and the revelation of the Love of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


At the end of the weekly Message, Saint Joseph did the consecration of the Eucharist, transmitting the following words:


And when the Creator manifested Himself in matter, in the bosom of His Creation, to renew each of His Children, to transform the human condition and grant you a new opportunity, God became not only flesh, but also bread and wine.

And just as He manifested as a Man among humankind, He manifested as bread within humankind, as Body in their body and Blood in their blood, because His utmost Love led Him to not only dwell on Earth, but also dwell in His Creatures.

Thus, manifesting this Will, which was not only His, but also that of His Father, Jesus took the bread, lifted it up and deeply united with God, as one Love, one Will, one Body, one Soul, and the Father, through Christ, transubstantiated the bread and transformed it into a living part of His Sacred Body.

Thus, Christ broke it, just as God broke Himself at the beginning of Creation. And the Creator offered Himself in the bread that Christ gave to His companions, saying: "Take and eat of it, all of you, because this is My Body, which will be given for you."


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Then Christ took the Chalice and lifted it up, and as a symbol of the life which flows between the dimensions, the life that animates the Divine Consciousness, the Creator, the Father, united with the Son, in one Love, one Truth, one Purpose, transubstantiated the wine into the Blood of Christ, and the life which flowed in the Blood of the Son united with the life that emerged from the Heart of the Father; He transubstantiated the wine into the Blood of Christ so that creatures would once again live through Divine Will and not miss the opportunity of renewing that Love.

There is where the Source of Divine Mercy was born, in the Blood of Christ united with the Blood of God, which was poured out and given to all creatures in that time and in all times, in all the centuries until today.

And in this way, the Lord offered the Chalice to His disciples, saying: "Take and drink of it, all of you, because this is My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out for you for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me, until My Return to the world."


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


And behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, the first manifestation of healing, of forgiveness, of redemption, which touched not only the human consciousness, but also the body, the blood, the cells and the atoms, life in all its dimensions.

Behold the Love of God manifested in everything that lives and breathes. This, children, is the Body and the Blood of Christ.


Prayer: Our Father

We announce peace.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and I shall be healed. Amen.

I leave you My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Before seeking that your life be an expression of holiness, first seek, child, that your heart, your mind and your intentions be holy. It is there that the greatest battles are fought, where nobody sees, that only your Creator contemplates. It is there where your transformation must be consolidated.

When holiness dwells in your heart, it will gradually transform your mind and cause it to yield in the light of a Higher Love.

When holiness dwells in your mind, it will transform your intentions, and there will no longer be secondary intentions in what you do or express, because the transparency of the mind will be reflected in the intentions of your consciousness.

And when holiness dwells in your intentions, it is then that your life will be holy, when your actions will be holy, when your expressions will be holy. Do not seek the opposite path, do not wish to be outside of what is still becoming consolidated within you.

The path to holiness is eternal, and what is most important about it is not its outcome or how it is demonstrated in the world through those who live it. What is most important on the path of holiness is the process it carries out in human consciousness; what is most important on the path of holiness is the integrity with which it is lived, from the inside out.

And when that inner transformation is real and true, then it occurs not only on an individual level, but in all beings, and is reflected in all of life. It is on this that the grandeur and the power of the aspiration to be holy is based, that which in truth is the fulfilling of the Purpose of God for all beings.

To be holy is to find unity with God within yourselves and let that unity expand into all spaces of the consciousness, moving from the heart to the mind, from the mind to the intentions, from the intentions to all the expressions of being. In this way, you will understand that God is Holy through His Creatures, and they will be holy because He is Holy.

Unity with the Creator is what transforms the consciousness; that is why we always ask that you pray and do so with your heart, because it is there that God begins to reign in the center of your beings.

Do not become tired, child, of walking this path. Do not become tired of praying and discovering in prayer the source of peace and of transformation of the consciousness.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May your heart find peace, child, in the deep and sincere dialog with God, in the transparency of your soul when you allow the Lord to enter the deepest spaces of your consciousness.

The act of confessing before your Creator is like opening the doors of your consciousness and your heart to Him so that He can dwell in you.

The Lord already knows your miseries and sins, your virtues and skills, what you are in essence and do not even know, and what you think you are. Therefore, child, confession does not exist for God to know you, but for you to grant Him permission to enter your life and show you who you truly are.

The act of confession does not exist for God to know you, but for you to know God, His Love and His Mercy.

It is in confession that you understand that God's Love is not limited by your miseries, is not conditioned by your sins or measured by your virtues. God's Love is from the beginning of life, and it is not He who distances or hides Himself from beings, but it is creatures who remain in a life of illusions that prevent them from perceiving, feeling and living God's Love.

And confession is this door that opens in the heart as well as in the consciousness, so that beings can once again perceive God's Love, unmasking the illusions of their own lives to allow what is real to come to them.

For this reason, the act of confession is a primordial Sacrament, which I call souls to experience today. So go, child, and allow God to remind you of who you are and what you have come to do in this world.

Allow God to let you know who He is and His great Love for you.

You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Crossing the door of the last opportunity, children, is to begin to tread a path of reparation in which you will no longer fix your gaze on all the mistakes of the past or on all the expectations of the future, but you will live in the present moment the opportunity to repair and do things differently, not doing those things you already know should not be done.

Crossing the door of the last opportunity is a cycle to reap all the fruits you have planted. From the fruits of mistakes, you will reap the learnings, and from the fruits of successful deeds, you will reap the merits to awaken the consciousness more deeply and to come closer to God.

Having the door of the last opportunity before your eyes should not mean a punishment or even a warning, even though it is a heavenly warning. This door should symbolize for you the Love of God and His Infinite Grace, because in times when humanity should already be submerged in the Laws of Correction and Divine Justice, you still receive Grace and Mercy.

This door has opened before all the Children of God, and the decision to cross it belongs to each creature, who decides to leave behind their deepest mistakes in order to experience a profound love, capable of balancing the indifferences, misconceptions and wrong paths taken by beings, to lead them once again to the Heart of the Father.

Nothing, children, will prevent you from crossing this door, except yourselves, because God calls you, but He does not walk with your feet when you have not yet chosen to be His instruments.

Mercy still flows upon Earth, the flow of the Heart of Christ is still open for souls. Who will turn their heart into a chalice to receive Him?

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The spiritual cycle of the consistent

This is the time and the hour of the consistent, of those who will see the fruits of their sacrifice and of their inner dedication, fruits that will manifest in unconditional service, in inner fortitude, in the ever closer presence of the Hierarchy, in the deep silence of their heart.

The fruits of the actions of the consistent are not recognitions or rests, they are moments of true spiritual deepening, they are experiences of the inner life in which beings no longer live only by studying knowledge and instruction, but can touch them, live them and experience them in their lives.

The fruits of the lives of the consistent are manifested in their interior, in the fortitude that emerges from their hearts, in the multiplication of the Gifts that the Spirit of God has deposited in their spirits, in unconditional surrender, in true humility, in the transparency of their intentions, in the sincerity of their actions.

This is the time and the hour of the consistent ones, of those who remained firm, year after year, sustaining the impulses of the Hierarchy, even though they often did not understand them, those who immersed themselves in instruction and spread it, even though it was an impulse for times to come, in which consciousnesses could finally live what they have received.

This is not only the time of awakening, but the time of surrender, the time of submerging in the Grace of the Heart of God and allowing this Grace to transform you and place you at the exact point of your transformation.

Many will be called to awaken and take steps that seem greater than those that their consciousness is capable of experiencing and assimilating, but this happens because the commitments of souls can no longer wait for another cycle to be fulfilled.

And to those who have already awakened, a new door will be opened, the door of the last opportunity so that they no longer see the impulses passing before them without being able to grasp them and live them to the fullest.

It is time to enter this door and leave behind the miseries and resistances of always, the difficulties that have always held your feet to each cycle in which you should take a step and walk.

It is time to break the old chains, children, because Grace has already touched your hearts and strengthened them, it has already given you the tools you need to break the bonds with the old humanity and enter the door of union with God, of the opportunity to heal the incurable and transform what seems untransformable.

This is the time and the hour to be consistent and not to leave it for later, because the Real Time of the universe touches the planet, and a reality that has been hidden from the eyes of the men and women of the world will now come to light.

To be in the right place and fulfill your mission, you must allow your souls to be filled in the Divine Will and be true children of Grace, consistent with that which you have received for so long.

You have My blessing for this. 

Your father and friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May peace fill the hearts of those who seek to live in the Love of Christ and who find in sacrifice and in solitude the bridge to make a greater offering of their own life to the Universe, and who thus repair the wounded and outraged Heart of God. 

Consecrated souls are a treasure for the Celestial Father, a treasure that He carries with Love, which He contemplates in the moments when the world wounds His Sacred Heart through indifference and lack of love. 

Far beyond being imperfect, the consecrated souls repair the Heart of the Father with their effort, and it is in this effort, children, that a profound love is hidden, which day by day emerges in the human heart. 

I tell you this so that you may learn to contemplate, like God, the value of your lives, that you may understand the essence of this life and know that it is not about perfection, but about transparency; it is not about loving perfectly, but about trying constantly; it is not about enduring everything with perfect patience, but about trying to live each test with wisdom and surrender, even when you lack love and patience.

May the meaning of your lives not be lost, may the reason for which you have consecrated your lives always be alive, like a foundation that sustains you despite the human condition. Know every day that you are treasures in the Hands of the Celestial Father; you are like a delicate and precious plant that He cultivates with Love, waters with delicacy and always contemplates to find joy. 

And this is so, children, because the Creator sees what you are in essence and in truth, He sees your most sincere intentions, He sees what is kept in the hidden part of your silent and solitary heart, and that many times you do not even know how to express. 

When you feel that life is losing its meaning and value, remember what you are to God, remember how loved you are and always remember that in your lives God finds encouragement. Even though your lives are imperfect and a true silent battle with the human condition, still, children, something greater is gestating through your lives, and on that you must fix your eyes. 

Many times, a seed does not know that it will become a leafy tree and that it will support others with its shade, but the One who cultivates it with Love, who waters it and cares for it in its fragility, knows the greatness that is hidden in the smallness of His seed.

Therefore, walk and just trust; feel not only the Eyes of the Father upon you, but the profound emanation of His Love and, in trust, see how His miracle is realized step by step, slowly, in the course of your lives, in this world and beyond it.

For this, persist. 

You have My blessing for this. 

Your father and friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


At the same time that the chaos expands throughout the world, the Light also expands within souls. Everything will be allowed at the end of times so that beings may experience their inner definition.

Just as many souls throw themselves into the abysses due to their choices and actions each day, so too, children, will those who raise their hands in a sincere request for help receive the opportunity to reach redemption. 

The Light will expand within beings with the same intensity that chaos expands in the world. Everything will find its balance, and within those who pray and awaken the faith within themselves, will dwell the answer to every moment of confusion and darkness that they will experience upon the Earth. 

In these times, the souls who are searching for the Light will meet Christ, because they know their last opportunity is approaching. Therefore, do not fear or build up expectations, only pray so discernment and wisdom may make you see when you are before a sincere heart that searches for redemption and the opportunity to see the Light.

This opportunity will be given to all, because the time of Mercy is still present in the world. For those who cry out the doors will be opened so that they may know the Grace of redemption while there is still time. 

This is why souls approach, this is why more complex situations arise at this time, because everyone feels within the Call of the last opportunity, and those who are vigilant walk towards it to go from obscurity to Light. 

The Sacraments will be the key to the redemption of beings, as well as constant prayer and the sincere heart that is seeking redemption. Humility will dictate the degree of Grace that the consciousness can receive, and faith will dictate the amplitude of the action of Grace in hearts. 

Therefore, pray and do not get tired of praying. 

Allow the Light of Christ to permeate your inner being so that you may be His mirrors in the world. It is now time to mirror the Lord so that the darkness of these times does not matter, wherever there is a disciple of Christ, there will be Light.

You have my blessing for this,

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.


The time has come, children, for the spiritual life to mature in your hearts so that you may give testimony of peace to a world that suffers in pain; that you may give testimony of resilience to a world that has not learned to love sacrifice, but that surrenders itself more each day to the false law of least effort. 

Time has come to rethink your steps every day, so that you may not be circling the same flaws and miseries, but that you may let go of that which prevents you from experiencing a broader transformation.

The time has come to serve, to put your consciousness in the need that arises every day, not to increase tension and be at the limits of tiredness and fatigue, but so that you may learn to live doing everything out of love, and not out of obligation; that you may learn to revere the gift of life at each instant of it, so that there may not be any regrets in your hearts, and that you may take full advantage of each instant in which love can find space within your hearts. 

The time has come to look at your neighbor with eyes of compassion, not of superiority; to revere the lives of others, knowing that God is hidden within them.

The time has come to not only recite spiritual theories, but to be spiritual, to manifest the spirit that silently dwells in the core of each being since the beginning.

And how to do this?

Start, children, by being grateful; by meditating, every day, on where you are, who you are and what you have come to do in this world. Do not let unconsciousness hold you, but embrace your awakening that must happen daily.

The stimuli of the world lead consciousnesses to be constantly asleep, to be more distracted each day, and have their creative potential asleep. Therefore, spiritual awakening must happen every day. 

May there always be a space in your lives to stop and be thankful, to be conscious of The Divine Presence and ask yourselves internally what the Will of God is for your lives. Do not allow the time of the world to go by without your consciousness deepening in surrender, in service, in the awakening of love and in the consecration of life. 

I am talking about making your actions, thoughts and feelings sacred. And this does not mean to be perfect, but only to be conscious of what you are and what you express to the world. 

Souls today are silenced and buried in the inner world of many beings that are unaware of the truth about themselves and who live and express themselves without ever perceiving the consequence of their actions. 

This is why I call you to awaken every day, to give thanks every day, to consecrate yourselves every day, to serve every day, to meditate on the Divine Purpose every day, to realize that life is sacred and that in everything that happens in it dwells an opportunity for transformation, for healing, for redemption and for mercy.

I tell you this on a day like this, in which I have called you to consecration as a Light-Community, so that you may understand that consecration is not a ceremony, but a state of consciousness. 

Consecration is more than a moment of renewal of vows, of being for an instant in the peace of the presence of the Hierarchy. 

Consecration, children, is a commitment to be new every day, to be able to start from scratch and to always live in the aspiration of making existence sacred and making room so that the Creator may express Himself through you. 

May consecration not be an instant for you, but a constant aspiration, a constant experience. For this, I call you today.

With these words I bless you, I consecrate you, I renew you and I leave upon each one of you the Grace of beginning again, of healing, of reflecting and of mirroring the Sacred Life. 

You have my blessing for this. 

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Find peace in the grace of sincere prayer, in which your hearts are capable of leaving yourselves, for a moment, to find the meaning of your own life in the rescue of the souls who are most in need.

Find peace in the grace of unity, in the possibility of having brothers and sisters on the evolutionary path who, despite their imperfections, are trying day by day to be better disciples and servants of Christ, companions of His Sacred Heart.

Find peace, children, in the possibility of looking around and being grateful, because gratitude places your heart and consciousness above the dimensions of chaos and conflicts, and allows you to see the Purpose of the existence hidden within beings, in their ability to love and serve.

Find peace in the possibility that God gives you of always starting from scratch again, of finding the point you left behind so that you can resume your commitment to Him every day.

Find peace even in times of chaos, because if you are able to feel peace in your hearts, you will be generating peace for the world and for the hearts that suffer.

Living a divine attribute, children, is the best way to radiate this attribute to the world. Being what you expect humanity to achieve someday is the best way to serve this Purpose, this Project conceived and loved by God. Within you are the keys and through you this Project is realized.

For this reason, when I asked you to consecrate yourselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, I also asked you to demonstrate to the world your consecration through the actions of life, so that you may penetrate this mystery and discover that the human consciousness is one and that within each one lies the key to the consecration of all.

I have told you this many times before, and today I tell you again that you should be that which you expect from others and from the world. Be the human being thought of  by God, so that one day you may see this human being manifesting itself in all creatures.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

When life apparently comes to an end, know, children, that it is not the end, but the beginning of a new and mysterious stage, a new school in which you live the synthesis of your experience on Earth, assimilating what you have learned, transmuting what no longer corresponds to you, forwarding the records of your experiences to the corresponding Source, forwarding each body according to their destiny to then prepare something new.

Life does not come to an end. Life on Earth is a precious gift, a treasure of the Heart of God which He cares for with predilection because it is a Project that holds within itself the essence of everything that was created and whose plenitude will transform all of the Divine Creation. 

But the fact that material life completes a cycle only signals that the consciousness needs to learn in other ways, that its experience has generated the merits and fruits that it should have, and it has been granted to live by the laws of matter and spirit. 

After material life, deep steps follow, inner synthesis, moments of reflection and understanding, moments to look at life with the Eyes of God and, finally, to be able to see that which was not possible before. And just as an adult is able to understand that which for a child is incomprehensible, so the soul that leaves its body is able to see life as it really is. 

And those who have walked on a sacred path will still experience many regrets, but they will give way to the light of the consciousness, which will open up to continue walkIng with the codes of love received on the planet. 

For the souls who have walked in obscurity, seeing the truth is their greatest and unfathomable suffering. Incalculable is the repentance of the soul that realizes it has wasted its incarnation due to ignorance, indifference, illusions; and for these souls you must pray very much. 

I tell you this first so that you will understand that life does not simply end in this world, but its follow-up is the consequence of everything you have lived on Earth. And secondly, so that you may revere the moment of those who pass the stage between material life and spiritual life; so that you may accompany, with your heart, the passage of the souls between dimensions and not fear, but build bridges of love with sincere prayer. 

The suffering experienced in the world will give way to the deep awakening of beings, and the degrees of love can be expanded and multiplied at that moment when, in the light of truth, the soul may understand the Divine Will.  

May your hearts, in the face of life as in death, always walk toward God. There you will be safe and see His Purpose being fulfilled and revealed in your inner world. 

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Place all your aspirations and projects in the Heart of God, all your longings and desires for manifestation, all your tasks and responsibilities, and know, children, that before all this, your works reflect what you are. 

Before showing the world your deeds and actions, show the world the truth of your hearts, because it is the true love in the heart of the disciples of Christ that manifests the rescue of souls and the purpose of the human consciousness. It is the transparency inside and outside of your beings that will make souls recognize the Divine Presence in everything you do. 

And for your works to speak about God, and not about humankind, they must be imbued with a transparent purpose of conveying God to the world, rather than human skills. 

This is a time of great competition, in which planetary energies urge consciousnesses to produce and demonstrate their skills to everyone through their actions. But when Christ spoke to humanity that “by their fruits you will recognize them,” He spoke solely of the fruits of the spirit and of the heart, of the fruits of the transformation of souls, of the fruits of the ability of His disciples to transform the retrograde condition of humanity through Christic Love and to imbue all that they do with this Love. 

For this reason you will recognize them: by the love they emanate, by the Holy Spirit present in all they manifest. Therein lies the secret of the conversion and transformation of beings.

To attract souls to God, concrete actions only are not enough, but actions permeated by the Spirit. It is thus, children, that you will see souls that are waiting not only for the time and hour to awaken, but also that your hearts are ready to be what God needs from each one of you, and that you are no longer just sheep in the Shepherd’s flock, but are His companions, those who have learned to be shepherds with Him, to carry forward His true Work, which speaks much more about what is within you than about what is outside. 

Understand by this that I am not undervaluing the power of actions, but at a time when the world only calls you out and to what is superficial, I warn you not to forget to look at your own heart, and know that empty actions do not build the Plan of God; but actions full of the Holy Spirit multiply the work of the Creator in souls. 

Therefore, first and foremost, pray and value the spiritual life, value the transformation of consciousness, value silence, humility, the gifts and virtues of the Spirit more than the skills of the mind, and thus you will understand what I am telling you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Place all your aspirations and projects in the Heart of God, all your longings and desires for manifestation, all your tasks and responsibilities, and know, children, that before all this, your works reflect what you are. 

Before showing the world your deeds and actions, show the world the truth of your hearts, because it is the true love in the heart of the disciples of Christ that manifests the rescue of souls and the purpose of the human consciousness. It is the transparency inside and outside of your beings that will make souls recognize the Divine Presence in everything you do. 

And for your works to speak about God, and not about humankind, they must be imbued with a transparent purpose of conveying God to the world, rather than human skills. 

This is a time of great competition, in which planetary energies urge consciousnesses to produce and demonstrate their skills to everyone through their actions. But when Christ spoke to humanity that “by their fruits you will recognize them,” He spoke solely of the fruits of the spirit and of the heart, of the fruits of the transformation of souls, of the fruits of the ability of His disciples to transform the retrograde condition of humanity through Christic Love and to imbue all that they do with this Love. 

For this reason you will recognize them: by the love they emanate, by the Holy Spirit present in all they manifest. Therein lies the secret of the conversion and transformation of beings.

To attract souls to God, concrete actions only are not enough, but actions permeated by the Spirit. It is thus, children, that you will see souls that are waiting not only for the time and hour to awaken, but also that your hearts are ready to be what God needs from each one of you, and that you are no longer just sheep in the Shepherd’s flock, but are His companions, those who have learned to be shepherds with Him, to carry forward His true Work, which speaks much more about what is within you than about what is outside. 

Understand by this that I am not undervaluing the power of actions, but at a time when the world only calls you out and to what is superficial, I warn you not to forget to look at your own heart, and know that empty actions do not build the Plan of God; but actions full of the Holy Spirit multiply the work of the Creator in souls. 

Therefore, first and foremost, pray and value the spiritual life, value the transformation of consciousness, value silence, humility, the gifts and virtues of the Spirit more than the skills of the mind, and thus you will understand what I am telling you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
