Tuesday, November 19 of 2013

Monthly Messages

With humility, today I want you to learn about trust, a divine trust that comes from the Celestial Kingdom to be deposited upon the Kingdom Itself.

Today I say to you that many lack faith and full trust in God, to understand in this way the signs that we send you by means of the happenings of life and of the actions of others.

Today I transmit this to you because these are times of purification, times in which the changes of consciousness are happening in an accelerated manner, and those who resist transforming themselves suffer the friction that many times hurts their hearts and destabilizes their consciousness.

I hope that today you understand that everything that was announced throughout the centuries, all the happenings that before were kept in hidden scrolls, today have become current, and can no longer be hidden.

As Father and as Instructor I warn you that the time to mature with full trust has come.  This is the moment that all suffer when they are about to cross the threshold of the maturing of consciousness.  But if you permit that the divine energy itself may illuminate the discernment, and show you the path, you will feel fluidity in each step, and you will be able to walk with profound harmony.

Do you remember when you were children and the moment came for your parents to not accompany you to school?  This moment has come again.  Your parents never stopped accompanying you, but they were not so near as before, and they did this out of love and out of necessity.

If you understand in truth what I say to you today, listen with attention to My words, and read what I write between the lines of My Divine word. It is time to listen, to assimilate, and to practice.

It is time to heal that which is ingrained in the consciousness, that which throughout time could not be liberated, because it did not have the permission from consciousness itself to do it.

My dears, My word penetrates the souls of those who know how to listen.  For those who do not fear growing, there will be no pain that will stop them, and even if they recognize their own faults, when they are presented to them they will not hesitate to move ahead with all diligence of spirit and of heart.

Those who know how to listen to Me today, will know how to listen to My voice in the instructions that they receive by means of the instructors that I Myself have sent to them.

Do not create doubts, nor barriers.  Fear before anything that you will not  accomplish with precision the Plan that has been entrusted to you.  And continue, continue with trust and with the banner of fraternity raised in your essences.

No one is outside My teaching of love, no one is outside My Heart.

To those who listen with attention to My words, to them will come the clarity to understand them.

I thank you today and always for being united to My Chaste Heart.

Your Father, Friend, and Instructor Saint Joseph.

Tuesday, November 19 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Today My Chaste Heart brings you an important gift for life and the evolution of your spirits; this gift of which I speak to you is the sacred mystery that My Sacred Heart will reveal to you today.

The Sacred Family has worked from the beginning for a project that should accomplish itself in humanity, this project refers to the consecration of all the essences that were born on this world.

One of the paths realized by the Child Jesus was to attract the seven precious gifts to the families of the whole Earth; also in Heaven there is the Great Spiritual Family formed by the angels, saints and the blessed ones, that which waits to find you united in the next world.

The seven gifts that Jesus reached as a Child before His Passion as a Man, were:

First, Faithfulness.

Second, Strength.

Third, the Perfect Unity with God.

Fourth, Christic Love.

Fifth, Faith.

Sixth, Fraternity.

Seventh, Strength of Spirit.

From the beginning, you as a group of spiritual work contacted by the Heavens have been participants in these seven gifts, into which some have strongly awakened.

Why does My Chaste Heart talk to you about this?

Because the Lord has asked Me to communicate to you today, in a special way, that the true treasures for material life are found in these seven gifts that the Child Jesus reached.

These seven gifts will be for you keys of orientation on the path, especially when you feel that you are blind or cannot see the light.  God grants great tests for His children, tests that are protected by the Divine Messengers.

Now I ask you on this sacred day that you do not fear to lose it all; God gives you of His Sacred Goods to take away your material goods.

The message for this month will be: “In You Lord I have nothing, but Your Divine Spirit will give me everything, will fill my soul with Glory and Joy”

To be like the Sacred and simple Family, Heaven will help you to be humble.  Do not fear to surrender yourself to God, because in His ocean of Mercy you will find the truth that today you need.

I thank you for listening two times to My Chaste Heart!

Your Father and Guide,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.


At the end of the message, Saint Joseph transmitted to us the following prayer, which He asked to be included and prayed every Friday at the end of the Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Prayer to live in the Celestial Good

Lord, my real treasure
is found in the emptiness of all,
because Your Kind Spirit
will fill me with Divine Goods.

May my feet not tire of walking
and of abandoning the past.

May Your Supreme Light,
pour the Celestial Graces
that my heart needs.

Wise Creator
of all things, visible and invisible,
today I abandon myself to You
and I entrust my very small life
to Your Great Will,
because, in Your Eternal Kingdom
I will live forever.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
