Proclamation of all Hearts of the World

Proclamation of all Hearts of the World


For the Liberation of souls,
Lord Jesus, have Pity on us.

For the Liberation of the Mineral Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have Pity on us.

For the Liberation of the Plant Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have Pity on us.

For the Liberation of the Animal Kingdom, 
Lord Jesus, have Pity on us.

For the Liberation of the Human Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have Pity on us.

For the Liberation of  hearts that suffer,
Lord Jesus, grant us deep Healing.

For all of those who have fallen,
in spirit and in matter,
in temptation and in deceit,
Lord Jesus, save them all.

For all of those who suffer and who have lost hope,
Lord Jesus, have Compassion on all of us.

For those who burn in the fires of hell,
and who in life get burned by the deceits of the enemy,
Lord Jesus, have Mercy on all of us.

For the New Humanity that must reemerge
resplendent, healed and liberated from everything,
renovated by the Return of Christ,
Lord Jesus, hear our supplications.

For the Divine Beings,
those who are called Celestial Messengers,
we clamor to the Celestial Father
that these Sacred Hearts
return to this world, to liberate it from evil,
to undo the ties, to heal the hearts,
to transmute the wounds and open the doors to Redemption.

O, Lord Jesus!
O, Holy Virgin of the Virgins!
O, Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph!

In Your Sacred Triangulation,
may the Most Holy Trinity guide humanity
and may all souls that live upon the Earth
reach the Dwelling of Heaven
in the time to come.

May souls, for all of Eternity,
celebrate in Christ
the Glorious Return of the Redeemer
together with the Angels, Archangels
and all consciousnesses of the Universe.

May this world become Confederate
and accomplish the project of the Lord
in the time to come.


“If you decree this prayer with conviction, all can be accomplished. If even one soul performs it with devotion, it will open a small door in the Universe, giving the opportunity for the rescue and the salvation of souls”.

Christ Jesus

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
