The Mother of the World’s Supplicating Petals Devotional

The Mother of the World’s Supplicating Petals Devotional


In October 2023, the Virgin Mary introduced us to this new spiritual exercise and said:

"Through these prayers, which I call the 'The Mother of the World’s Supplicating Petals,' you will be able to unite with the codes that I left imprinted during the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus and, thus, protect the best matrixes that the Universe has kept for humanity from this intense dissociative movement, caused by so many offenses against God's Creation. Pray these supplications, offering the world reflexes of My Praying Word."



Union bead

For the profound reverence of the Virgin Mary
before the offering and obedience of Jesus,
Eternal Father, awaken hearts
so that they may receive the true gifts of Your Kingdom.

First decade

For the profound supplication of the Virgin Mary,
experienced in the silence of Jesus' solitude,
Lord, fill our inner worlds
with Your Infinite Presence.

Second decade

For the pious supplication for justice
that emerged from the Virgin Mary
during the condemnation of Jesus,
Lord, remove from human judgment the obstacles
that prevent us from glimpsing Your Designs.

Third decade

For the mysterious supplication
that sprang from the Heart of the Virgin Mary
during the scourging of Jesus,
Lord, may we endure offenses and martyrdoms
in the name of Your Holy Work.

Fourth decade

For the humble supplication of the Virgin Mary
in the face of falsehood and pride
expressed in the crowning of thorns,
Lord, make us humble like Your Son,
when He allowed Himself to be crowned with thorns
to receive the True and Eternal Crown of Your Kingdom.

Fifth decade

For the compassionate supplication of the Virgin Mary
before the miseries of the world present on the Cross,
Lord, may our steps be strong and decided
before the inner Calvary that we must sustain.

Sixth decade

For the persistent supplication of the Virgin Mary
before Jesus' walk with the Cross,
Lord, may our strength be multiplied
and may we confirm our vows
when we have reached the limits of our strength.

Seventh decade

For the silent supplication of the Virgin Mary
at the foot of the Holy Cross,
Lord, may we surrender ourselves into the Hands of the Most High
and trust in the transcendent power of God's Love.

Eighth decade

For the watchful supplication of the Virgin Mary
during the three days after Jesus' crucifixion and death,
Lord, may our spirits never tire of keeping vigil for
Your reapproach to this world.

Ninth decade

For the confident supplication of the Virgin Mary
before the revelations of the Mysteries of God
with the Resurrection of Jesus,
Lord, may our faith be strengthened
even when everything seems lost.

Tenth decade

For the joyful supplication of the Virgin Mary
before the Glorified Face of Christ,
Lord, may we never stop praying and supplicating
for those who sleep in the tombs of their choices.



In the tenth bead of each decade,
we say: Amen.


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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
