Sunday, September 25 of 2011

Special Apparitions

The attunement work began with the prayer "Luminous Bird."

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We breathe in and allow ourselves to be filled by this peace. Let us unite with the attributes of the "Universal Mother" to receive our Mother. And as we did today in the morning, let us draw these attributes to this place, to us, aspiring that one day they become a complete reality in our lives.

The "Universal Mother" was prayed.

At a certain moment, the "Hail Mary" was sung.

By the Divine Power of the Creator, let those thirsty for Light be forgiven, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray for peace in the whole world and for those who are immersed in the forces of chaos. I wish to help all of them.

Now let us lift up our hearts to the Throne of the Lord so He may receive your prayers from Me, which you now pray with Me.

Let us give up thought and open our hearts in order to penetrate the Heavens. In order for Light to come, we must open ourselves up. Seek the treasure of My Immaculate Heart at this moment, in the silence and in the peace. This is My last call on this day. Come to Me, climb up to the Heavens to forgive and to love, to redeem and restore the past.

Blessed are those who climb up to My Kingdom, for they will rejoice in My Eternal Light. I listen to you, I welcome you, I protect you. I Am the Patroness of Love, the Mother and the victorious Bird of Light, which has come from the Heavens for 17 days to announce to you the New Kingdom that will come, the New Race, redeemed and forgiven. And thus, today I confess to you in the name of Divine Love, by the Law that governs us, that I will return, Glorified, after My Son.


We continue praying the "Hail Mary" in Portuguese.


Today I smile at your hearts with My Light, for you have responded to the call of My Peace; we still have time to reverse the pain and for all of you to find refuge in My Heart.

Today I lift up many souls to the Heavens, souls that are unknown to you but that, at one time, were in this world to learn to love and grow in union with the Lord.

Allow your hearts to blossom as they did in past times, so you may recognize My walk and follow behind Me, in My redeeming Light.

Today, I bring the world the reconversion of all the errors committed against the Creator. For those present here, in the name of your brothers and sisters, I, the Mother of Divine Mercy, radiate My Peace to you and I give you My Forgiveness so that you may open your hearts to My Face, so that you may find rest in the tribulations the world will experience before the coming of the Redeemer. For this reason, I have pointed out that you are to read the passages of the Apocalypse of John, so that you may prepare your beings in this new time of purification and restoration that will come.

Now I am placing My Heart over Medjugorje to fulfill the Will of the Lord, for from here pilgrims will go to meet with Me and to a reunion with your brothers and sisters of the northern hemisphere. Thus, you will know that, as in Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Medjugorje, and now here, I Am One and My Voice represents you all, as the Mother of Love, the Bird that brings you Peace from the infinite Heavens.

Today, on My right are the 24 Elders and on My left are those who followed Christ, the Lord, as His apostles; so that you may know We descended from on High, acting under the Laws of the Lord so that the world may restore its peace and its unity with what has been separated for a long time.

For this reason , I call on you to open your hearts to all your brothers and sisters of different beliefs and creeds, so that you may join together in the same fire that descends from the Holy Spirit to the world and to each creature, under My intercession as the Great Lady of the Sun.

I have placed My Feet here, for 17 days, so that you may recognize My Immaculate Grace in your hearts and so that, as from today, you may carry My Peace to your brothers and sisters, so that you may show them and transmit to them how I Am before you and all My children. For the Lord Jesus, the Christ, has entrusted all of you to Me from the beginning until now, for all eternity, so that together, we may reach the end of the path, to discover the portal of Peace and enter into the ocean of Mercy, which the Lord promises to the world before His Justice arrives.

Thus, I stand  before you to bring My Redemption and My Maternal Love to your Hearts. I hope that you have come here, erasing the past, and that this baptism of 17 days that I have carried out in the name of the Lord, caused your hearts to be born in purity, humility and surrender.

To go on to the new paths that will come, we must pray for those who do not find them, for all the children who are blind and for those who have not heard My Voice over the centuries. I will not rest until I have drawn the last soul to My Heart, because before the Lord I have promised to not let any creature be lost, so that no one may burn in the fire that evil is spreading in the world. Thus, you have seen Me tread upon the serpent.

My Reign of Light will first be established in open hearts, which will be prepared to glimpse the great call of the Heavens.

Today I rise up and announce Myself to you to once again distribute My Celestial Graces upon those who want to trust in Me, in an Immaculate Mother Who promises you redemption and the dissolution of faults.

I have opened a small door to the Lord so that all hearts may rise up in this last cycle, in this last hour. For this reason, I tell you that you must pray, in spite of everything, to build the column of Light towards My Heart and so that My Immaculate Being, as the Mother of Peace, the Queen of the Heavens, may enter your hearts and dwell in union with God.

And so, do not be troubled by your thoughts in daily life and you will place your souls at the service of the Lord, responding to everything in spite of the trials. I can only tell you that each soul will be confirmed in this final hour. So I will be there to accompany you and to show you the path to the Lord.

Hold this moment in your memories and in your hearts, the moment of My Peace, so that you may see Christ come upon the clouds, and when He calls at your door at an unknown time, may He find you in prayer and vigil.

For this reason, I am here and in Medjugorje, gathering the souls that are converting and consecrating themselves to My Immaculate Heart. Because a part of this humanity must help in the redemption and in the elevation of the world, which is in darkness because of its own actions for a long time.

Thus, the Lord has sent Me as Intercessor of Love and of souls, so that all may be reborn under the Light of My Hands.

Let us pray, pray, pray so that the world may be converted and so that the Law, in its wisdom, does not bring pain to the hearts that do not want to convert.

I Am the Mother of the World, the Universal Bird of Peace who brings to you the New Kingdom for those who want to see it and also to those who want to hide from Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now She is emitting a luminous radiation. In reverence, those who are able, should stand. Feel what She is doing at this moment.


I Am Mary, the same as yesterday and the same as today, the Immaculate Mother Who brings you the Kingdom of Peace.

Why so much Peace?

The world must be converted through meek hearts, so that you may again hear the Lord through My Voice, which is announcing itself to the world for the last time.

Remember, My children, that you must not hold on to grudges against any of your brothers or sisters; for if that were so, you would not be hearing My redeeming Voice and the Kingdom would not be able to enter hearts that close themselves off. Thus, during these days, I have entered into each heart, so that its pain and its misery may pour out over My Hands, so that My Love may convert and elevate them to the Light, redeeming the past and opening your eyes to the new horizon.

Receive My New Aurora, the flame that is shining over the world. Recognize the Law, Love and Compassion I bring you, so that you may quickly unite with the Lord, commune with Him, and in this way, the world may be healed.

Today I will respond to the last prayers, but know that I always listen to you when you pray with Me in trust and in the strengthening of the faith that must mature in some, so that the flame may remain burning in each heart.

After responding to your questions, I will finally tell you what it is I most want on this last day.


Mother Shimani read the questions.


Today I want to ask you for the last time, that on November 24th you come here for a retreat to prepare for My Meeting of Light and Love, and thus you will do so on the 24th of each month, so that we can enter into deep prayer. Each one must pray every day with Me, so that your lives may find My preferred paths.

I send you My Peace and I give you My Peace. Keep My call in your hearts.

Thank you, all of My children, for responding to My call.

May the Heaven of the Lord permeate you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now She is ascending and closing the Heavens from whence She came.


Listen to the echo of My voice to find My Heart.