Wednesday, November 25 of 2015


Dear children, when I arrived in this Nation, I came with a Purpose, because beneath this ground there is a Kingdom consecrated to My Heart since the beginning of its existence. This Kingdom, which I call the Kingdom of Aurora, which I am gradually making known to you, is the cradle of healing for humanity. From this Kingdom, which is My Kingdom in the world, comes the restoration of all essences, those that have been lost throughout their trajectory on the planet.

In this country there is the Kingdom of Aurora, which must manifest on the surface through this Prayer Center. Here you will find souls consecrated to the Heart of Mary and to the Plan of God, just as it is in all dimensions.

When I came to this nation, My children, I came for a Greater Purpose, at a request from God Most High, because the consecration of this country is vital for the manifestation of His Plans. 

If there is no Kingdom of Aurora, also manifested on the surface, radiating its healing to hearts that are lost, many souls will miss the opportunity to receive redemption. And God's Plan, My beloved ones, must be fulfilled in all creatures, above all in those who are most sinful, in those who have made the most mistakes in the universe and who have come into the world in search of an opportunity.

I tell you this, My beloved ones, because it is My desire to consecrate this nation, not just for itself and for its inhabitants, but for the planet and for what it represents in the life of the spirit.

That is why I ask you to help Me reach the city of Montevideo, because I do not come for a material purpose, I come for a Spiritual and Divine Purpose, because there is no more time and the hearts of this world, especially of this Nation, must recognize My Presence and the existence of the Kingdom of Aurora. For they will not only need this healing for their souls but, as beings of this Nation of Uruguay, they must be healed in order to help others who, at the end of times, will need to receive redemption.

Today, My children, I want you to understand at least one part of My Plan. I want to receive My children from all over the world here in Aurora and, for this, I need to strengthen those who were born on this land.

The healing of Aurora does not come from this world, it comes from the Heart of God as a pure principle, capable of converting and redeeming all the molecules of evil. That is why, My beloved ones, I am here and I will remain here, because that is what God needs.

Aurora's healing must reach all areas of this planet, beyond the nation of Uruguay. It must be carried within hearts that are redeemed and that announce it with the testimony of their own conversion; they announce that salvation is possible and that, with the Presence of God, everything can be redeemed.

I want you to understand, My beloved ones, the importance of the existence of Aurora, as well as of each Marian Center founded by My Immaculate Heart. Each one of them offers the world a Divine Attribute and has, in the life of its spirit, a Kingdom that offers something to humanity that is completely unknown to the human heart, but which now, little by little, I need to reveal to you. Because in the times to come, you must be able to count on what God offers you through each Marian Center, each Spiritual Center that has manifested on Earth at the request of the Most High.

When I told you that a new cycle would begin, many felt and thought that I had told you that so many times, because many cycles have begun in this world. Times are speeding up and the Plans of God must be manifested, which is why heavenly strategies are changing all the time. And this December, I assure you that a new cycle will begin and that a definitive change must take place in the human consciousness, as well as in planetary consciousness. Many doors will open, but others will close, because nothing will remain as it is. 

The evil that exists in the hearts of beings will have to be purged and, for this reason, it will seem to grow. Many will lose control of themselves and, before that moment comes, I need souls to know that here they will find the cure in order to experience their purification in a more harmonious way.

That is why, My children, I need to get to the city of Montevideo so much, so that a door does not close in the heart of this nation and the Kingdom of Aurora cannot fulfill its mission in this world. From this new cycle in December, when the inner and outer purification of beings will be accentuated, I need Aurora to be full and safe to fulfill its mission.

Here in this place, as in every Marian Center, I have opened doors of liberation for the world so that, invisible to your eyes, everything that today does not correspond to the Plans of God, everything that the enemy manifests in the world, may be removed from the planet. These doors of liberation should grow every day so that, in an accelerated way, this planet can be cleansed and ready for the emergence of a new race. 

For this reason, I need firm foundations and consecrated souls who, representing each nation, will defend the Marian Centers from the cunning of God's adversary.

That is why I ask you, My beloved ones, to unite yourselves to My Purpose of Peace, to unite yourselves to My Immaculate Heart in prayer every day, to strengthen your consecration to God and, through example, to encourage others who will have to follow in the same footsteps in order to achieve redemption.

And with the intention that there may be more true examples of transformation and faith on this planet, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, so that humanity may see that, month by month, new hearts are impelled to make their lives sacred, to respond to the call of God in a deeper way and not just wear a sky blue T-shirt, but to consecrate their lives to the Plan of God.

Because I tell you, My beloved ones, that to consecrate yourselves as Children of Mary is to offer humanity one more opportunity for redemption, as long as you are true in your consecrations and renew yourselves every day through prayer, through conscious transformation, through the permanent effort to live love, fraternity and unity with all beings and with all the Kingdoms, because these are the attributes that will open the doors to the New Earth.

May My beloved children come here.

My dear ones, every time another soul is consecrated to My Heart, I feel the joy that relieves My Divine Spirit of all the pain caused by humanity ignoring Me and not recognizing Me as Mother of the World, as the Universal Mother, who does not accept the fountain of Love that I have to offer.

Every time you kneel before Me seeking to consecrate your souls, aspiring to take a first step in this union with Me, even though it is so unknown to many, My Heart rejoices and is deeply happy and, for an instant, My children, there seems to be no pain or thorns in My Immaculate Heart.

This is why I consecrate you and, with all my love, I thank you for encouraging yourselves every day to transform your lives. I know the difficulties of each one, I know your trials and resistances. I know everything that you have not yet been able to transform and, with eyes of compassion, today I extend My Hand to you and offer you My Light and My Peace so that, through the Peace of My Heart, you may take your steps and that this path may no longer be so hard, so difficult for your little souls.

May living a life consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary be a source of joy to everyone!

May living a life of prayer, even if you experience some sacrifice, be a reason for eternal spiritual rejoicing, because I know that your souls recognize that this path is true and that you are filled with gratitude for walking a sacred path, while so many in humanity are walking into the abyss of this world.

Today I consecrate you and bless you with the power that God has granted Me for being His Servant, Mother of His Creatures.

I place My Mantle over you and I ask you to carry it in the most difficult moments and that, even when the world is afraid to proclaim it's faith, you keep My Mantle over your bodies. It will protect you, sanctify you and bring peace to the whole universe.

Now sing to say goodbye to Me, so that I may rise along with your offerings. May I lift up  tonight, through the offering of your hearts, those souls who have cried out so much for an opportunity.

Receive the Grace and Mercy of My Heart to dissolve the bonds with the past and to bind yourselves to Me and to God eternally.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.