The most emblematic of all the Sacred Weeks. This is how Christ Jesus referred to this 10th edition of the event, in which He returned to the Holy Land for the first time to renew on the planet the divine codes that He sowed with His Public Life and with His Passion.
73 countries connected with the planetary task of the Master
The Sacred Week 2023, which took place from April 2nd to 9th, at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was broadcast live by Misericordia María TV to people who were connected in 73 countries.
In these eight days with Our Lord, we followed His steps in Israel and listened to the Messages He transmitted, through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in sacred places that hold His History. With every new Teaching, the Master gave us the gift of communing with the heavenly mysteries deposited by God in these memorable places in the Middle East.
The Last Call to Conscious Apostolate
In each Sacred Week, Christ Jesus deepened our preparation as His followers and disciples. How many times the Master has purified our hearts and raised our consciousnesses to sublime spheres, never imagined before! How many Graces and Mercies were granted, how many Revelations were unveiled to the world!
But now, after ten years of careful and patient formation, Our Lord launches His last and definitive call, asking us to be able to take one more step on the path of the apostolate.
So this time, He addressed souls in a more direct way, leading us to make deep reflections and giving us precise indications about what He needs from us as representatives of humanity in these times of Armageddon.
Who will respond to the Lord's call and postulate to live a transcendent, divine experience, the redemptive apex from which everything can be renewed? Who will be the victims of the Love of Christ?
Next, read the summary of what happened on each of the eight days of the Sacred Week and learn more about what Our Lord truly expects from those who love Him and follow Him with conscience and maturity.
Day 1 - April 2
On Palm Sunday, the first day of the Sacred Week, we begin our spiritual journey following in the footsteps of Christ Jesus in the Holy Land.
In His Apparition to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the Master led us internally to the gates of ancient Jerusalem and remembered His triumphal entry into the city.
Our Lord explained that He was returning to the Holy Land to deposit in the human consciousness - and, through it, in the entire planet - the Christic codes that He achieved with so much effort and care in Israel.
Thus, the Savior revealed that, during the 8 days of the event, He would present to the world the mystery that can convert and transfigure humanity: the Law of Christic Love.
School of Christification
Christ has announced that this is the last time, before His Return, for His companions and followers, especially those aspiring to be His apostles of the end times, to live His Word. Therefore, He called us to take the first step in the school of Christification as soon as possible.
According to the Master, for this to be possible, we must make a profound examination of consciousness and ask ourselves:
Our Lord stressed that we must seriously reflect on these issues, as He needs us to be more aware, sensitive and available to sustain the emergencies of the end times with firmness and dedication, conviction and faith.
Spiritual Retreat of Christ Jesus
On this blessed day, Christ also revealed that in the inner planes of Israel is located the Spiritual Retreat of Christ Jesus. As Our Lord explained, it is an immaterial and sacred space, created through His Precious Blood shed on the Path of Calvary, in which extremely precious spiritual relics are kept.
Finally, to seal in our hearts the luminous codes radiated by the Master, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order celebrated the Spiritual Communion.
Day 2 - April 3
The Celestial Church of Christ
On this day, Christ Jesus announced that this edition of the Sacred Week was the most emblematic of all, as He was finally returning to Israel to renew His great planetary task.
In His Apparition, Our Lord opened the doors of His Celestial Church and invited us to make a pilgrimage in spirit to it, to be liberated from suffering and renewed inside and out.
According to the Master, the souls that join His Celestial Church, anywhere in the world, will be strengthened with special codes for these times, through the attributes of spiritual resistance, ardent vigilance and obedient love, hidden pillars that He achieved on the Cross, to defeat the adversary.
The importance of our spiritual offering
After leading us to the Celestial Church, Christ Jesus asked each soul to make its spiritual offering before the Creator.
Our Lord revealed that this offering will prepare His Return and define the next steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy on the planet. Furthermore, He will be able to make the most needy beings receive the merits of His Sacred Heart and the nations of the world to reach an amnesty that will balance the serious sins of wars.
The Master indicated that, depending on the response of humanity, the Universal Law of Love will come to our aid, signaling the next steps for the physical and spiritual reconstruction of the planet. When that happens, not only will Earth be helped, but the entire universe will be relieved of the dissociative energies that are generated by humanity.
Souls confirmed in the Lord
Our Lord reinforced that, when He returns physically, He needs to find, among His followers, disciples and apostles, firm pillars of the Plan of God, souls decided and confirmed in the Lord.
Therefore, this is the great moment to strengthen faith and love the knowledge that He has given us in recent years, in order to accelerate our process of redemption and consciously enter the path of consecration.
The Ark of the Holy Covenant
Christ also reminded us that the Ark of the Holy Covenant is kept within His Celestial Church. He asked us to keep it in mind, as a Teraphim of the Divine Source, in every moment of prayer in this Sacred Week, or even in every daily task.
In this way, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be able to intercede for the world, just as the Star of Bethlehem blessed and transmuted the Earth during the three days prior to the Birth of Christ.
In closing, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order held the Spiritual Communion and offered those present the Sacrament of Foot washing of the right foot, which represents the surrender of one's own will so that the Will of God may dwell in us.
Day 3 - April 4
Love, the key to overcome the end of times
In His Apparition, Christ affirmed that only those who follow the path of His Love, living it even in the smallest things, will be able to overcome the end of times.
Thus, to remind us of the attribute of Love, Our Lord exposed to the world, on the spiritual planes, the sacred relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant. As He explained, they contain the Christic codes derived from the experiences He lived in the Holy Land.
Path of the apostolate
Christ observed that peoples and nations are moving away from the Love of God as they suffer from the chaos of these times.
For this reason, He once again called us to embrace, as representatives of humanity, the path of sacrifice and mature love, in the name of carrying out the Project of God on Earth.
To do so, we must go through learning and face unprecedented situations, so that each lesson awakens us to the meaning of living the path of Christification.
Our Lord wants us to be very clear about this: He calls us to live the same path as His apostles in the past. However, now this will have an intensity never seen before, related to the acceleration of the end of times, which brings transformations from second to second.
Continual consecration
Christ said that souls often do not understand that consecration is gradual and does not end with the profession of monastic or civil vows. It goes on deepening at every stage of this life and continues after that.
Thus, there is a long way to go until our souls experience the learning necessary for us to be more conscious servants of the Plan of God.
Time to mature
The Master warned us that the Plan of God cannot be compromised due to our inner oscillations. He reiterated that it is time to mature, before everything is unleashed in the world.
To that end, we need to trust Christ and pray for the Grace of being consistent with Him. The Redeemer guaranteed that, in this way, we will obtain the Grace of God and the Divine Will can be fulfilled in our lives.
Our Lord revealed that He was instructing us, as He did in the Temple of Jerusalem, at the request of the Eternal Father. The Creator Himself indicated that He should prepare and warn us, just as He did with the people of Israel before His sorrowful Passion.
To close this day, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order celebrated the Spiritual Communion and offered the Sacrament of Baptism to those present.
Day 4 - April 5
The path of pacification
Christ began His Apparition asking us to maintain serenity and calm in these times. According to Him, there will be no other path or answer in the face of everything that we will live, other than following the path of pacification.
The Armageddon
Our Lord affirmed that He continues helping us to go through the planetary Armageddon, because it is something that this civilization is completely unaware of, something that will bring out everything that is hidden inside and outside of us.
The Master clarified that, just as there were different cycles in the history of the planet, there is the cycle of Armageddon, which comprises several stages of purification and transcendence.
According to Him, the period we are living in began in 1988, when the Law of Purification became active throughout this solar universe.
Our Lord pointed out, however, that Armageddon could be milder and more fleeting if humanity were not so committed to the forces of evil. In view of this, He invited His companions to reposition their lives daily so that they are in line with Universal and Cosmic Laws.
Indications for going through the end of times
The Master gave us some guidelines so that we can deal constructively with each experience and learning brought about by Armageddon:
Law of Transfiguration: Are We Ready?
Our Lord reiterated that, at His Return, He will restore the Universal Laws through the implementation of His Spiritual Government.
In that long-awaited moment, He will show His true Face, that which some of His apostles knew in His Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.
It was then that Christ Jesus announced another Grace to us: He said that, in this Sacred Week, we could all come into inner contact with the Law of Divine Transfiguration.
However, before that happened, He asked us to ask ourselves: are we ready to have contact with this Law, without resisting and without fearing that our negative aspects will be released?
The Master explained that the contact with the degrees of love, for those who dare to experience them, also represents detaching from ourselves and from the corrupt codes of evil; that is, from what the world calls capital sins. Therefore, this inner purification must be sustained with prayer and faith.
A bridge between past and future
Our Lord observed that after His Ascension He had never returned to the Holy Land. Thus, His Presence in Israel in this Sacred Week was the bridge between the past and the future of His Christic Life; it was the impulse of renewal that will forge the definition of our souls.
To end this day, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order celebrated the Spiritual Communion and offered the Sacrament of Anointing to those present.
Day 5 - April 6
Sea of Galilee: beginning of public life
On this day, we watched the Apparition that Christ Jesus made to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús on the Sea of Galilee, in Israel.
Our Lord recalled that His public life began on the Sea of Galilee. There, He went to look for His apostles, as a Fisherman of souls and hearts, to start His Work of Mercy and Redemption in the world.
The Sea of God Consciousness
Christ revealed that the Sea of Galilee is one of the internal spaces of the Ark of the Holy Covenant. In the spiritual dimensions of these waters are kept the codes of the most important experience of the public life of Jesus for the salvation of the Human Project.
He also stated that this is the Sea of the Consciousness of God, which reflects His Love and Compassion for all creatures. In these waters dwells the Presence of God and His Supreme Will, which mirrors all Universal Laws.
The Master said that, many times, He contemplated the Eternal Father through nature on the Sea of Galilee and, thus, He knew the Divine Will for souls.
The first initiation
Our Lord revealed that, on the Sea of Galilee, God first presented to Him the sacrifice that, as Redeemer, would live for the world. That was the first initiation of His Heart into the material world.
The Lord of the Boat of Salvation
Christ told His followers that we are on His boat of salvation. He offers it again to the world so that, instead of Justice, the Mercy of God may descend.
Our Lord called us to walk on the water in faith, just as Peter walked. However, now it is we who must walk to Him, in confidence, strength and faith, so that our deepest fears dissolve forever.
The Savior announced:
I Am the Lord of the boat of salvation, and I receive everyone without conditions or rules, because it is the Love and Compassion of the Eternal Father that receives you.
Thus, Christ opened the doors of His Celestial Church so that, through the Sea of Galilee, our hearts might be blessed.
He ended this Message by reciting the following prayer:
Beloved Sea of God,
deep ocean of Divine Mercy,
perpetual expression of God’s Compassion,
faithful witness of the redemption and conversion of souls.O, sacred Sea of Galilee!,
reflection of the Presence of the One God,
radiate your Christic codes of life,
offered out of love at each step lived by the Master,
gather in this ocean all those who are thirsty for you.O, sacred Sea of Galilee!,
reflection of God’s Hope,
make all souls of the world reborn,
close the wounds of suffering and mistakes,
grant Me the Grace of purifying Mine with this water,
to again baptize them
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.Sacred Sea of Galilee,
make souls find
My Eternal Presence of Love.Amen. Amen. Amen.
So be it.
After celebrating the Spiritual Communion, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order offered the Sacrament of Foot washing to those present.
Day 6 - April 7
The Tree of Life
On Good Friday, Christ Jesus transmitted His Message to us on Mount Calvary, in Israel.
The Master spoke about how He, the Lord of the Tree of Life, let Himself die on the Cross so that the human genetic project - inaugurated by the Eternal Father in Genesis, through Elohim - would be resurrected on the third day.
The 12 tribes of Israel
With the Sacrifice of Christ, the 12 tribes of Israel, as the original sacred people that had lost their spiritual values, could recover the primordial attributes of the Project of God. That is, from that moment on, everything could be renewed and redeemed.
The Master explained that currently the last 12 tribes that emanated from the ancient tribes of Israel are spread across the four corners of the planet. And that, after so many errors, redemption will come with the sincere conversion of hearts to the Most Pure Source of His Love-Wisdom.
The Star of David
Christ announced that He carried the Sacred Star of King David on His Breast, as the insignia that represents the cosmic revelation of the union of God with man and of man with God. In the center of that Sacred Star, He carried the 12 main attributes of the tribes of Israel, which today must be reconfigured by human beings.
Our Lord asked that we recognise this cosmic impulse He was sending us to start over as a New Humanity.
Spiritual Synthesis
Christ Jesus highlighted that, at this moment, we can live a spiritual synthesis through three attributes: redemption, reconciliation and consecration. They represent the inner schools that are being offered to humanity for the last time.
If souls are consistent with this opportunity for redemption, Divine Justice that should befall the world can be stopped. The Savior reinforced that this is our last chance to experience spiritual judgment before His Return.
The Legacy of Christ
According to the Redeemer, the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar and the Sacraments hold the keys we need for the world to be regenerated. Thus, He said that even with all the sins of the world, He takes advantage of the souls that seek Him in this way. Through them, His Legacy and His Grace can be perpetuated.
Carry on our cross
Christ invited us to accept the planetary cross, which very few want to carry out of fear, ignorance or indifference. The Master assured us that, if we trust Him, we will know how to carry this cross as selfless servants, in silence and anonymity. It should be a symbol of transcendence, love and overcoming in these end times.
For that, we must find our spiritual strength in His Wounds, especially in the Wound of His Side, which is an inexhaustible flow of Cosmic Mercy.
Our Lord announced:
We still have time to recover everything, we are still in time for Mercy.
Blessing of crosses
On this day of deep contrition and reflection, the Master blessed all the crosses that the devotees and faithful carried with them.
To finalize, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order celebrated the Spiritual Communion, in representation of that which happened in the Cenacle.
Day 7 - April 8
Victims of the Love of Christ
On this Holy Saturday, the first day after the Crucifixion and Death of the Lord, we heard a new Message that Christ transmitted on the Sea of Galilee, in Israel.
Our Lord announced that, through His last Apparitions, He comes to ask souls to offer themselves to be victims of His Love, because He first needs to prepare the spiritual foundations of His Return in the hearts, so that later this expected event may materialize in the world.
The Redeemer longs for this aspiration to touch the hearts of His companions, for He does not yet have many victims of His Love, only souls that adore and love Him.
What does it mean to be a victim of the Love of Christ?
Our Lord affirmed that only He can accept and confirm the souls that offer themselves to be victims of His Love, because it is a mature and perpetual commitment, a profoundly spiritual experience, silent, anonymous and imperceptible.
According to Him, being a victim of His Love means:
An opportunity for everyone
The Master declared that the first victims of His Love were the apostles. Since then, this experience has been part of the lives of many saints and blessed ones.
He stressed that this is an opportunity offered to all hearts, without exception.
A new chance for the world
Our Lord revealed that the step taken by souls who postulate themselves to be victims of His Love will represent something unique and never seen before, because it will be able to change the course of this humanity forever. Through the offering of these souls, the Superior Laws will be able to descend and rebuild the Earth, converting it into sacred soil.
The Master said that the imbalance and disharmony in the world exists because souls are not united to the Superior Laws. Consequently, we are in a moment of planetary transition, where many people do not seem to find a way out and an explanation for what is happening in their lives. But Christ guaranteed that everything has an answer and, even if it doesn't seem like it, everything has a meaning.
The Book of Life
From the Sea of Galilee, Christ launched His Boat of Salvation, austere, simple and humble, to call souls to fulfill this Aspiration of God.
In His Hands, the Master carried the Book of Life, in which the Eternal Father waits to write this moment and awaits the offering of the hearts that offer themselves to be victims of the Love of His Son.
Our Lord ended His Apparition by transmitting to us the following prayer:
Once again, you, Sacred Sea of Galilee,
consciousness that reflects
the promising hope for the whole world,
that holds in your deep silence
the Pain of your Master and Lord,
offer yourself again in unconditional service for souls,
and, on this day of Hallelujah,
may souls be purified again
by the Sacred Science of the Sacraments.O Sacred Sea of Galilee,
you, who offer yourself in silence and selflessness,
who are a witness of the Footprints of Christ
and have many times contemplated the love lived
by My companions,
be a witness again of this sacred moment with Christ Jesus,
so that hearts may receive the liberation they need
and an ever more conscious awakening
to greater service, for one goal:
the triumph of My Redeeming Love.So be it.
To complete the services of this Holy Saturday, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order celebrated the Spiritual Communion and offered the Sacrament of Baptism to those present.
Day 8 - April 9
The last and definitive call
We arrived at Easter Sunday, the Day of the Resurrection of the Lord.
On this occasion, Christ Jesus, the Lord of the Universe and Son of God, announced that He was giving us His last and definitive call.
The Master declared that His Spiritual Source was open through the light and power of His Five Precious Wounds, so that souls could drink from this divine fountain.
By Christ and for Christ
Christ revealed that, in this Sacred Week, He was completing a series of specific spiritual impulses, which during the coming months will lead souls to definitively decide whether or not to become part of the New Earth.
The Master said:
May your lives become defined by Christ and for Christ, knowing that there is a perfect Plan that was already written before your existence …
Our Lord affirmed that His disciples and followers still have many experiences to live in order to awaken in them the love of sacrifice and ennoble their spirits.
Christ Jesus raised some questions about our real commitment to Him and His Redemptive Plan.
Then Our Lord asked us to meditate and learn from the errors, successes and results of our spiritual journey.
The Master revealed that, from this synthesis and from this reflection of the souls, the answer will emerge that will determine the next steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy in this planetary transition.
Let us not waste the treasures of Heaven
Christ said that He hopes that we leave this Sacred Week renewed and blessed, slightly more aware and available, knowing that, in the world, the majority of souls are absolutely distracted and cannot even perceive His Love.
He asked that we, who have the Grace of receiving all the treasures of Heaven from Him, not waste these moments, but that we be concentrated and attentive to read through His signs what must come to the world.
Our Lord announced, then, that He was ending His task in Israel having achieved the maximum goals foreseen and the results expected by the Creator.
Finally, Christ recited the following prayer:
Lord God,
bless Your people of Israel,
today spread across the surface of this planet.
Do not look upon Your holy people with Justice,
but rather with Mercy.Through the Heart
of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ,
may the doors of Your Grace,
Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness open,
so that Your Heart, through good souls,
may be repaired.Oh, Lord God of the Universe,
Supreme Consciousness of Love and Life,
make the Rays of Your Heart descend through Your Son upon the surface of this world
and permeate with Your Code of Love
all impossible causes
so that, once again,
all may be renewed in glory to You, the Creator.Amen.
To end this Day of Resurrection, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order celebrated the Spiritual Communion and performed the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more