Prayer for Peace in the Nations: participate in the indispensable spiritual exercise for these times

“This is the time to hold prayer as the instrument to solve the most difficult situations, because prayer will always lead you into remaining at another frequency, in a safer reality, at this planetary moment.” The Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace - January 9, 2021

The Divine Messengers are relentless in spreading the main spiritual tool for the salvation of souls today: prayer. The exercise of raising the consciousness through supplication and the dialogue with God has the power to modify our vibration, lead us to higher realities and open the door for Divine Mercy to act where necessary.

So, how about helping yourself and others through this practice that, in its simplicity, hides a sacred science capable of transforming everything? With that intention, there is a virtual environment that offers the structure and incentive for you, united with people from all parts of the world, to pray in your home.

The Prayer for Peace in the Nations channel is a large online prayer room created at the request of the Virgin Mary with the purpose of helping the planet through the prayer dedicated to Peace.

Prayer events are held daily, with free access, at different times and for different motives, such as for the:


How to join?

Visit the website, choose the prayer schedules you would like to join and connect on the indicated days and times.

You can also access the calendar of events and subscribe to the official channel of Prayer for Peace in the Nations on Telegram to receive notifications and information about the schedule.

What happens in the online prayer meetings?

You will participate either in the prayer of a Mystery of the Rosary, in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy or in another spiritual exercise (depending on the event) and listen to devotional songs. The transmission is made through audio and slides.

Often, a different person leads each of the five decades of the Rosary, which makes the spiritual exercise more participatory and dynamic.

In addition, often prayers are performed in different languages, as a way to express unity and fraternity among all peoples and nations. Thus, you will have the enriching experience of praying in other languages ​​and you will be able to perceive that, when it comes to prayer, we develop a special way of communicating with God, which is beyond forms: the language of the heart.

Moreover, if you are interested, you can participate in leading the prayers, offer a song or collaborate in some way in the transmission of the events. For more details, write to:

Allow yourself to be an instrument of God through the power of prayer

Our Lady is counting on every sincere prayer addressed to Heaven by Her children to continue to spiritually sustain the planet in this difficult moment.

In Her message of January 13, 2021, She affirmed:

My hands continue to weave the network of prayer throughout the world and your prayers can be a part of this network, of this great inner Mantle that the Mother of the World is weaving to help the souls that suffer, to help sustain the nations and the peoples.

Therefore, may we respond to the definitive call of the Heavenly Mother for these times and, making use of instruments such as the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, act so that the Divine Plan is fulfilled in our lives and on Earth.