Wednesday, May 6 of 2015

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the future, the seeds generated by striving and sacrifice will grow. But your inner worlds, which are like children, will be the first to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.

As in those past times, today in this current time, I come to teach you about Love, something that is profoundly unknown to all of you.

Yesterday I spoke to you about the essence of Adonai, and today I will speak to you about the Heart of God, which is the principal Source for the emanation of universal Love, of which many souls and Hierarchies avail themselves to concretize evolution on the inner planes.

In these critical times that humanity is experiencing, in which the greatest atrocities are seen by your God Himself, I come to invite you, My companions, to seek Love, the essence of the Love of God, which, in its first emanation, is present through Christ.

That powerful and prodigious Love is what releases ties and heals wounds.

That powerful Love of God is what sustains Creation and the universe; it is what allows the sustenance of the original Plan in this galaxy and in others.

You are called to seek the essence of universal Love; because in truth, I tell you, companions, that there will be nothing else to hold on to. The universal Love of God will always fill you, will quench your thirst and your emptiness, and you will feel in plenitude so as to be able to serve the Plan of the Creator.

I invite you, companions, to meditate on the paths you are choosing to follow. I invite you to choose a single path, which is the path of My merciful Heart, where you will never be lost and never fall into any abyss.

Many false paths will appear in your lives. The time will come when each one of the beings of the Earth will have to confirm themselves to the Creator and choose what path to tread, because afterwards there will no longer be time for other things.

It is this Love and this emanation that have allowed Me to come here today, to Brasilia, and share My spiritual Communion with My brothers and sisters of Maceió, and with each of the consciousnesses that follow My paths.

The true cenacle, which you must build today, is to be found in the fortress of the heart, where there is no disquiet or disturbance for carrying out the Works of God.

The grounds will tremble. Your hearts must be prepared for that, because just as I once said, no stone will be left upon a stone. The structures will move so that the true tempered heart may emerge, which will be crystaline and pure in the Eyes of God.

And so, experience your purification calmly. Hold on more each day to the Universe of the Creator. Live in the trust that I promise you; in this way, you will not be lost, and will always find the true path.

Today, companions, I come to show you a part of the Plan of God, and over these skies of Brasilia I trace the true Purpose of God, which is unknown, which is far away, which is far from the true purpose that souls live on this Earth.

Today I come to trace, in these skies, the great omnipotent Thought of God. That which is written in His Immaculate Heart, which you must know through the feeling of your prayer, asking your inner beings: Where should I be in these times? What is it that I am to do to concretize the Plan of God? Is the time of my life being lost? Where is my consciousness at this moment? What is it that I should do to have the Plan of God be accomplished? Am I truly a server of the evolutionary plan? How much have I done to be able to achieve it and what is it that I didn't do right?

Dear companions, meditate on what I tell you. You still have time to do this, but the great clock is marking the hour, and at that point, everything will happen.

The prayer that My Heart has prophesied has worked wonders. And it is for this reason that, on this afternoon of Graces, I am with you so that your hearts be deserving of My Mercy.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus asks us to pray to Abba, Our Father. Let us repeat this prayer, phrase by phrase, and at the request of Jesus, to think of Abba.

Christ says He will pray with us. Prepare yourselves.

And just as I did at the Sermon on the Mount, I lifted My Hands to Heaven after the sacred preaching; and Adonai, through My Being, caused the omnipotence of His Supreme Consciousness to descend.

I lifted My Hands up to the people, hearts were healed, the paralyzed walked, and souls rose to spiritual life.

In this way, companions, today I place My Hands upon you, with the blessing of My fatherhood. May the blessings of the Eternal Father descend now, at this moment, from the Celestial Universe.

Repeat, like a prayer, the Name of Abba, of Emmanuel, and of Adonai (these are repeated several times, separately).

Primordial Source of Unity,
strengthen us in these times
so that through the Love of Your Kingdom,
we may accomplish Your Sacred Will.
(repeated three times)

You have entered, in spirit, the three dimensions of God, but in those dimensions are to be found other universes. Remember what you have felt at this moment, through each Name of God; in this way, you will know how to find the way out.

In the name of the Thrones of the Father and of the Archangels of God, we will bless the Sacraments after these prayers.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Jesus, we will listen to the Pater Noster.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic and in Portuguese).

Under the blessing and merciful authority, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, dear children of Brasilia, for having responded to this Sacred Call. Be in vigil with Me, in prayer. Go in peace.

Song: Abba, Primordial Source.