Thursday, October 13 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

With all the joy and motherhood of My Immaculate Heart, I come today again to meet you in this hospital of sick souls so that, under the glory of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, all these consciousnesses, as well as the sick consciousnesses of this world, may receive the Grace of liberation.

I wanted to come back to this place of the mentally ill to teach you, dear children, that humanity suffers this illness throughout time because these souls do not receive love, compassion, or affection soul to soul.

Nowadays, the greater part of humanity is going through serious mental problems due to several spiritual and human factors. 

The first factor that has a great influence on the mental sanity of souls is the lack of love and of daily prayer.

The second factor that affects humanity of this planet is the destruction of mainly the Planet and the Animal Kingdoms; this opens great uncertain doors over the human consciousness, which day after day and without stopping, annihilates millions of animals in the world, generating in these small consciousnesses not only suffering, but also an indescribable horror.

The third factor that affects the human mentality is the lack of consciousness or of attention in daily attitudes, in generating hate, enmity, in material and economic failure; these factors open more doors, which cause humanity to become a primitive civilization, capable of self-destruction through their actions.

The cure for all of this, My children, is communion with Creation and especially with nature.

Your Heavenly Mother comes to the world to help it in the great spiritual and mental disease that it is going through.

It is in this way that My Heart of a Mother has much compassion for those who suffer these difficulties. These souls offered themselves for many others to balance the errors of humanity, but mental difficulties are also the product of human spiritual blindness, of the lack of inner peace, and of a deep grief.

As Mother of all the sick, dear children, I want your consciousnesses to wake up to reality and every day to change a little bit more, to make your paths victorious ones to Christ and to the Father God.

May all of you accept the human mistake and, in wise penance, a greater number of souls of this planet may repair, at least with their prayers, what the majority of consciousnesses commit through actions against the Lower Kingdoms and against humanity itself.

In the name of the Light of God I need you, dear children, to take that step for Me!

As I am the Heavenly Mother, I know that not all humanity will change, and that all the planet experiences today, and what it will experience, is because of carelessness, negligence, and terror.

I ask you, My beloved pilgrims, that your groups of prayer become cells of My Divine Consciousness, that you may carry out your daily and weekly prayers for the whole of the planet, so that the majority of souls acquires the Grace of awakening and of a greater consciousness.

Today, in spite of how I see the world, I leave here more tranquil, because I see a sincere and ardent response from My children of São José do Rio Preto, something that all are invited to live.

I love you, I love you very much and with all the Infinite Love of God, I give you the Graces of My Heart.

Have faith and persevere, unite above yourselves; be bearers of My Celestial Peace.

I will always be with you until the end of days.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you in the Lord,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the sick