In the times that will come, dear children, the ultimate times, the Law of purification will be the tonic point.
It will be the means through which all will be liberated for the consciousnesses to be more prepared to receive the new codes of Christ.
That is why, dear children, you do not need to fear this Law, because it will always place you on the correct path to be able to find in everything the Love of God.
In this last cycle, the souls that are in prayer will be able to help other souls that, still living the life of the world, must purify themselves intensely to receive at the time and at this moment the Grace of help that they need so much.
The Law of purification is an autonomous law, that is, as it comes from the Divine Source, it acts in a more direct form, as it has acted on humanity in other times.
May your hearts open themselves to know this Law, because it is the formula of the end of times that will expurgate all that the human beings have lived outside the law, bringing the Grace of reinsertion onto the Christic path.
The Law of purification will bring to the consciousnesses the possibility to evaluate oneself again, that is, to rethink their actions and take the decision to change, and at the same time, renew the vows before the Creator.
The Law of purification will allow the human heart to place itself in the mission and in the personal and group purpose that it has come to fulfill.
This Law generates the opportunity to once more conceive the Christic principles, to once more approach yourself to the path of rehabilitation, because it does not only purify, but redeems from time to time the hidden aspects of the consciousness.
The permanent prayer will allow the Law of purification to be more balanced at the moment it enters into the consciousness.
Let us pray for all souls, who in the illusion of the world and without having God in first place, will purify themselves, as the planet will be purified so that everything may enter into a new state of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who accompanies humanity in its purification,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more