Universal Prayer of Faith for Planetary Purification

Universal Prayer of Faith for Planetary Purification


Prayer to be recited during the cycle of purification
and the Armageddon of humanity, at least once daily

I trust in the Almighty,
because His Hands of Mercy extend towards me.

I trust in the presence of the Powerful Son,
because Jesus Christ, Our Lord, will redeem us.

I trust in the authority of His Ministry.

I trust in the divine preaching of His holy Words
and, above all, I trust in the Omnipotence of His Christic Love.

I trust in the Omnipresence of the Holy Spirit,
because Its seven Gifts can descend over the whole planet.

I trust in the power of Its Science,
because it reveals the whole Universe to us.

I trust in the existence of Divine Wisdom,
because day and night it guides the Hierarchies and creatures.

I trust in the Fear of God,
because I know that the Father will never allow me to separate from Him.

I trust in the seven Gifts,
because they are the visible rays in the manifestation of the Work of God. 

I trust in the Sacred Feminine Source.

I trust in the universal sovereignty of the Mother of the World.

I trust in the conception and in the incarnation of the Son
that Mary, forever Virgin, gestated in Her most pure womb.

I trust in the Reign of Peace and in the living of all miracles
that the Most Holy Mother has accomplished in me.

I trust in the truth of Her Words
and in the sublime manifestation of Her holy maternity.

I trust in Her Omniscience,
because She is the creator of all works of light in the world.

I trust in the power of Her Infinite Love
and in the intercession of Her Consciousness, for each one of us.

I trust in the charity of Her Guidance and in the humility of Her Works.

I trust in Her Celestial Authority,
because She converts hearts and saves lost souls.

I trust in the existence of all the Archangels,
because they serve Our Father God.

I trust in the Celestial Commands and in all the legions of light
that carry out the project of the redemption of humanity.

I trust in Archangel Michael,
because He is our protector during the battles.

I trust in Archangel Gabriel, 
because He is the Announcer of the Divine Word
and the Judge of all fallen angels.

I trust in the magnitude of Archangel Metatron,
because His Divine Fire illuminates our spirits and guides our paths.

I trust in the divine science of Archangel Raphael,
because He cures and heals all that has been created.

I trust in the power of Archangel Uriel,
because He protects the inner worlds
and strengthens our essential union with the Creator.

I trust in the presence of the Guardian Angel,
because They obediently serve and protect each one of our steps.

I trust in the continuous prayer that Their divine voice pronounces.

I trust in the protection of Their wings in the face of the attacks of the enemy.

I trust in Their holy patience, in Their divine consolation
and in the sacred refuge that They have for us.

Yes, I trust that all of this exists and I will fear nothing,
because I am a child of God and I am part of His Sacred Creative Work.

May the Most High have pity on me when I do not respond to Him.

May He give me the strength and courage to purify myself.

That, in surrender, in trust and in renunciation,
I may discover the true way out towards inner freedom.

May the Will of my Father be fulfilled in this sacred humanity.


See the original message: Saturday, February 20, 2016.

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
