Cry out for peace in the world, but also live peace within your own heart. Unite to the Source of Peace of the Universe, to the Consciousness of your God and Lord, to the Heart of your Mother and Lady.

Unite to Those whose peace is unalterable and not even the greatest of the indifferences or the gravest assaults can extinguish the peace within Them.

Peace is the certainty of the triumph of God beyond the appearances and beyond the possible defeats along the path.

Peace is the wisdom and the knowledge of God. Who knows God and lives in Him does not lose peace, because they recognize that His Will is beyond all Life; everything that has been created belongs to His Heart. To renew Himself and to allow His children to grow, the Creator observes and respects the workings of the Laws; however, with a breath of His, Life is made and unmade.

Unite to this unalterable Source of Peace, not to be indifferent to what happens around you, in the world or within you, but so that you may grow and be able to remove from your eyes the clouds and obscurities that the lack of peace brings and, thus, you may be able to see the events with eyes of Truth and contemplate them with understanding and wisdom.

Unite your heart to the unalterable Source of Peace so that you can look to your own inner world and know where to begin. If your heart is at peace, you will be able to take one step at a time, without hurrying and without fear, along this great stairway that takes you to Heaven, which is the school on Earth.

Seek, child, to sincerely be in the Peace of God.

 When you see your heart disturbed and your consciousness entering the abyss of human incomprehension, which begins small and rapidly becomes big, pray to God and ask:


Lord, place my heart into Your Source of Peace.
Make me feel a little bit of Your Peace within me.
I, who am Your Fruit, a living part of Your Creation,
Your cell, seeking the renewal and overcoming in Your Love.
Help me to be in You, so that, in You, I may overcome these times.
Bring Your Peace to My Heart, and, through me, radiate Your Peace to the world.


Thus, simply and sincerely, speak to God and create a bond of Love with the Heart of the Father so that, without knowing it, you may finally abandon what you are and allow your Creator to transform you and convert you into an instrument of His in this world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When your eyes open each day, My child, contemplate in your heart  the Truth and the Presence of God. Remember that there is a higher reality that calls you and that there is a Greater Plan to be manifested.

When your feet touch the ground each day, My child, remember that you are on a sacred planet that, in spite of often not seeming so, is a great treasure for the Heart of God.

When you breathe the air each morning, remember, My child, that there is a Greater Breath that comes from God and dwells in you to give you the true life, the true awakening.

Thank God every day for still having an opportunity of being in the world to learn about the power of love and how it transforms and redeems all things.

Thank God every day for there being infinite Cosmos, a symbol of the infiniteness of His Love, and because, among so many stars that there are in Heaven, the Creator has His Eyes focused on Earth.

Recognize the mystery of life and the profound ignorance of the human heart every day, and keep alive within you the aspiration to know and live the new.

Thank the Father for life, for Creation, and sincerely emit to His Creator Heart this feeling that unites Universes and dimensions and reaches God, consoling His Heart for so much indifference that He has felt, caused by a part of His children.

Love being part of this Divine Project, and may the transcendence of the human condition be for you a great challenge, rather than a great burden.

Surpass yourself and do so with love. Vanquish yourself every day to give a victory to the Heart of God, who daily contemplates His children defeated in the abysses of the world by illusions and by vanities.

When you fall, offer your hand to the Father. There is nothing that pleases the Heart of God more than a child of His that has sincerely repented, crying out for His Hands. With joy, God will raise you up, and your act of elevation and surpassing will inspire others.

Make your life, My child, a great offering to God through small and sincere actions. From you, God only needs a spirit of gratitude, a humble heart willing to love.

That every day, when you wake up, you may not only wake up your body, but also your consciousness, because not only you, but all of the planet needs this.

I bless you and leave you My Peace so that you may multiply it each new day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
