My dear children,
Today, with a great and indescribable joy for being present here with you, I come to close this stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, and, in bliss, I come to establish, bless and open the new Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God, so that through Communion with the Celestial Father and with the Kingdoms of Creation, the same codes that Noah received may be deposited in this place and, from here, throughout all of Brazil.
The Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God will have the mission of praying so that the Inner Government of the planet, which is the Hierarchy’s Government, may be spiritually fulfilled in this country and, through this country, throughout the whole world.
The task of my children from Brasilia will be to express this Sacred Marian Center, which I will bless in due time, when a part of it will have already been made manifest.
May this place be a space for inner healing and reconciliation of hearts.
Here the fountain of the Lady of Graces must be manifested so that my children from Brasilia, from this region and from the whole world, may come here to receive My Graces.
Furthermore, Via Crucis and the small Chaplet of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be expressed here, in addition to a small square with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, I invite you to be in jubilee and joy today, together with your Celestial Mother, giving thanks to My Son, because finally a point of Light is instituted on the surface of this region of Brazil.
The Sacred Name that governs this Marian Center is Elohim.
I thank you for accomplishing the aspirations of My Beloved Son.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
I like it when the most sinful souls approach Me, contemplating the Way of the Cross.
That comforts Me a lot, because I know that souls are searching for the path and the way to be able to return to My Heart.
My words may sound determinant, but you must know that they are full of the most true love, the love that you need, day by day, to be able to perceive the reality and to not deceive yourselves.
Those who seek the means to reach My Heart, either through the Way of the Cross, Confession, repentance or Communion, will never be alone because they will be trying to open their heart to Me so that I can rule it.
My Love for souls is so strong that, at the same time, it is determinant. I always wish souls to know the Love that was able to give everything for their salvation.
Relive the Way of the Cross as many times as necessary, because those facts of the Lord hold the codes of Higher Love that you need, again and again and thousands of times in order to take the steps toward My Noble Heart.
I offer you everything that I Am.
I give you everything I have, because I know it is possible that more hearts will surpass the Master in love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
Today, an inner opportunity begins in your lives to walk a new path, which is possible through the sacrifice of Love My Son made for all of you.
At the beginning of this Sacred Week, I call on you to enter deeply into the essence of each of the Stations of the Cross. In this way, during this week, you will be able to penetrate the infinite mystery which allowed My Son to concretize the salvation of humanity.
But as Your Mother of Sorrows, I still see the martyrdom that many of My children experience in this time, martyrdoms that occur because of the ideas of My adversary and which lead many souls to mortal sin that are imprisoned in the hellish abyss of this cycle.
But I, as Your Mother from Heaven, bring you the Light of My Grace so you may believe that, in spite of everything, it is possible to defeat fear and achieve a victory of Love, beyond enemies.
I wish for this Sacred Passion of Jesus to be offered to the Creator for all the wounded hearts, mainly for those that do not even find an inner consolation.
In light of the seriousness of things that happen in humanity, your tests are small considering the immensity of sins and the assaults committed by humankind of the Earth.
For this reason, My children, let your hearts dare to reach the celestial spheres through the contemplation of the Passion of the Lord; thus, you will understand the greatness of the Mercy of God in these times.
Dear children, Your Heavenly Mother calls you to prepare through prayer. In this way, an invincible shield of Light will emerge in your hands and that shield of prayer will protect you from the deceits of My enemy.
On this day, in which your souls are called to walk at the side of Jesus, receive from My Heart the necessary fortitude to be able to transcend the end of this cycle.
Your constant purification will cease and no more suffering will need to be experienced. But for that, the premise will be enough that souls accept transformation through the Fount of Mercy which is being offered to all. Thus, you will allow My Project of Peace in the world to triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who carries you to the Calvary of the Lord,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more