Pray for a true religiosity, so that human hearts incline to the spirituality of being in God and of consciously being part of the Creator.
Cry out for souls to receive an opportunity of awakening and of deepening into their awakening, when they already feel awakened.
Beg to the Father for those souls that have offered to be His representatives in the world, regardless of their creed, to be true and sincere in the love for God, because the love for God will lead them to the correct path, to the Narrow Door of the Heart of the Lord.
Trust that, despite the differences, the one that lives to express, multiply, experience and give the love of God will find the path to unity with the Father, and it is there where religions will understand one another; it is there where philosophies will be freed from their ignorance and will find the Truth.
Throughout this time, children, the Truth of God and life, revealed in parts to human beings and hidden in its fullness within the essence of Christic Love, will be completely revealed to you. And you will understand that inside of true love there was no wrong religion but, in truth, a true one that was not completely revealed but shared between the children of God so that, when each one would follow His precepts and path of Love, they could meet one another, and all with the Light of the Divine Truth.
Just pray for the sanctity and purity of religions.
Pray so that you do not confuse the ways of God with the ways of humans.
Pray so that beings may reconnect with their Creator, wherever they are, through love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
God will always accept the degree of your surrender and everything that you may want to offer.
Your offerings will always be precious to the Heart of the Creator. But in these times, children, you are called upon to give everything of yourself for love, for love of this planet, for love of the Divine Project, and for love of the evolution that, before the beginning of the Earth, was already waiting, so that this project that your souls are experiencing could be concretized and triumph in the Cosmos.
Thus, in this hour, in which the cycles are accelerating and the transition of the times and the absolute definition of beings are drawing closer, let each one of you know that which you will offer to the Creator, that which you will offer to the Universe, to evolution, to life.
Today, children, it is no longer about crying out because of your own miseries and asking for forgiveness for your own sins. Your miseries will be healed in service and this must be your prayer for yourself. And your sins will be redeemed when you are capable of forgetting about them in order to cry out for this world.
The abysses are full of souls that clamor for peace, and on this day of Mercy and of Grace, your prayers are like the balm they have been waiting for, for a long time. Your prayers are like the soft breeze that enters where there no longer was air, there was no breath.
Feel the souls whose sin is considered eternal and unforgivable; feel their pain and despair. Today, children, this pain is relieved and the despair is transformed, because Mercy crosses the dark spaces and grants a new opportunity for those who have condemned themselves to punishment and darkness.
May your merciful prayer stretch out beyond this day, for many souls will continue in the abysses, crying out. For you, every day must be a day to plead to God for those most in need.
Let your priority in this time be the rescue and salvation of souls, because the time will come when you will no longer be able to clamor, because everything will already be defined.
Today I bless you and leave you My Grace, so that you may deepen in Divine Mercy and so that each day it may be more alive within you, not only as a prayer, but as a way of being.
Be merciful, in this and in all times.
I thank you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more