The arms of God, the Most High, are open for all of you to enter into the pure Heart of Love. With this I want to tell you that the Universe awaits daily the coming of more souls towards the Kingdom of the Creator.
My children, a path to this encounter with the Universe of God is the Light-Star of My Son. In Jesus you will lose the fears of consecrating your life to the Will of the Creator.
Many souls lack the Presence of the Love of God because they put their personal will in first place. My Son teaches you how to be partakers of this Greater Will, which you will be able to find by means of the prayer of the heart. It is through prayer that you will find the true essence of the Will of God because your hearts are donated to the universe during prayer.
Dear children, today I ask you to pray for all those who live their own will and that are far from the true Purpose of God, which is the eternal life through His Merciful Love. The world will able to be better when it accepts that God is the Only pathway for the life of every soul, because it is in God that all life can be conducted towards the Light.
My children, know that the moment has come for the world to recognize the existence of the Creator. Therefore, one of the reasons for so much prayer is the great need for salvation of many of My children.
As Co-Redeemer I ask you to contemplate every day the lov- ing Heart of God. Each time that your hearts are in God, the world will be safer.
I thank you!
Thank you for considering My call in your life.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
For the Lord it is important that your hearts be converted into flames of Peace. To convert the heart, it is necessary to pray in the name of My Immaculate Heart of Peace. Thus, I will guide you as the Mother of all the hearts.
Today I invite you, My little ones, to pray with Me without expecting anything else. In this way your little hearts will be invaded by the Supreme Will of the Lord. Today I call you to internalize the exercise of prayer as a praise to God. He wants to see His children surrendered and as pure as the crystalline water of the rivers.
I assure you that when your hearts become crystalline through prayer, in each one of your lives, the path of purity will begin. Purity will protect your hearts so that they do not unite to human actions that, in this world, have distanced humanity from the Beloved Heart of God.
Therefore, in each apparition I come to radiate to you, from the Heavens, My hope for the true transformation and conversion of all the hearts that in this last hour must defy their steps and direct them towards the consecration to the Lord. But if your hearts are in Me and not in your own selves, you will be able to recognize the Divine Love of My Heart, and thus you will understand the adoration that I have towards each one of you.
I only ask you, My dear children, that you place your hearts and your feelings in the universal prayer to My Immaculate Heart. In this way and in this exercise, you, My little ones, will be dedicating life to Love and to the Redemption of the world. Remember, My little ones, that all are within My Heart, and that I await, at each new day, that your hearts may radiate peace and purity.
Many hearts and souls lack purity from having been invaded by the will of humanity; thus they have been distanced from the Divine Will. For this reason, My little children, to be able to help the world and the spiritual conversion, I invite you to turn towards My Heart as little children. In this way, in prayer and love, the Celestial Father will pour His Mercy over the world.
Your hearts must be that which they have never been, in order to be able to live in another law, and under an Infinite Will.
Let us pray for the peace in each heart.
Who guides you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
A humble heart, donated to the Divine Purpose of the Lord is a heart that is in the great flock of souls of Christ, since it is a heart that does not decide by itself because it is permeated by a Divine Will. This is the same Will that filled the depths of My Heart when I was on the Earth.
My dear ones, to follow the Purpose, you must love the Divine Will beyond the human will. The human will, not merged with God, has provoked in humanity miseries, wars, separation, loss of precious souls and loss of hearts.
Therefore, My little ones, I come from Heaven in order to make known the Kingdom of My Peace that is radiated by an Infinite Will. So that the heart may be redeemed, it is necessary to love the transformation of the soul that the Infinite Will is sending to each life.
The first step of the pilgrim soul is to renounce itself; this will liberate it from belonging to the will that made people lose Light in the world. Love the unknown Will so that the Doors of the Heavens may show the next path to follow in the pathway of life. For this, My dear ones, remember that everything is achieved through prayer that is done with love and for love of the souls that need the Light of God.
Today I invite you to remember the moment in which My Son, Christ, lived the Will of the Lord, accepting to drink the chalice of sacrifice, that the Lord of the Heights gave to Him.
What allowed the Purpose of God to be fulfilled in the Master? It was the complete trust in the Love that Our Lord has for every creature. Therefore, little ones, convert your hearts in Faith so that the paths may be invaded by the Unfathomable Mercy of God.
God loves you. God guides you. God shows you the exit. In the Immaculate Love,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more