Before His daily Apparition, the Master appeared walking in an indigenous community in Brasilia, DF, Brazil. He was helping and supporting the original peoples; after that He came to us and transmitted His message.

Dear brothers and sisters:

You know that, now and always, the entire humanity forms part of the incalculable source of My Divine Mercy.

Today My Heart wants to pour out Its Graces, not only in the entire world but also, in a special way, upon all the original peoples that have appeared since the beginning of the project of God.

With such a goal, today I give you a new exercise of devotion, which will assist in conserving and protecting the spiritual and loving culture of all your original brothers and sisters.  They too, at this time, are deserving of My Divine Mercy.  All the religious and devotees that will pray this devotional will be able to channel many Graces over the consciousness of all these peoples.  Spiritually they are in need of recovering their identity before God, the identity and the purity that was interfered with by the modernities of today's world.

For this, I ask you that the Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus for the Indigenous Consciousness be prayed fervently on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and especially on Wednesdays, together with the prayer of the Five Sacred Wounds.  This will have important spiritual repercussions in Heaven and I promise to be attentive to the voice of your supplications.

This Sacred Devotional has the goal to protect, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, all the original consciousnesses, the ones that you call the Indigenous Consciousness.

Since the origin, when I was on Earth, the Father trusted Me with the revelation about the existence of all these brothers in the Americas.  After My Work in the Middle East I made the promise to bring My Mercy to the Americas with the goal that this continent be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This devotional may be prayed as many times as the soul feels the necessity to unite herself with My Purpose of salvation of this Sacred Indigenous Consciousness.  Now you shall exercise the devotional in the following manner:

Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus
for the Indigenous Consciousness

Union bead

For the Invincible Force
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Beloved Father,
attend to and listen to our supplications.


First decade

For the Invincible Force
of the Heart of Jesus,
all peoples are rescued.

Second decade

For the Powerful Fire
that springs from the Heart of Jesus,
all peoples are saved.

Third decade

For the Unfathomable Light 
that the Sacred Heart of Jesus emanates,
the entire Indigenous Consciousness is sheltered.

Fourth decade

For the Sublime Flame of Love
that the Sacred Heart of Jesus radiates,
all original peoples are reconciled.

Fifth decade

For the Sacred Merits achieved by Jesus Christ
during His Passion on the Cross,
Beloved Father, unite us now and always.


Have a good experience of love and of prayer for your brothers and sisters.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to the command of My Heart,

Christ Jesus.


At the end of the message we asked the Master “why so many tasks of prayer for all of us?”

Christ answered:

“With so many prayers transmitted, they are proportional to the necessity of light on the Planet.”


In spite of the thresholds that you must cross, always keep ignited the eternal light of the heart so that nothing external to My Kingdom of Love may extinguish it.

It is necessary to have a peaceful and loving heart in face of unpredictable circumstances. In this way the enemy will not disturb you and you will find inner strength by means of the presence of My Merciful Heart.

The hour of Divine Mercy is only for the brave because from three in the afternoon My Disciples help Me to tear the hells and evils that the consciousnesses live in different parts of the world. For this the disciple must hold on to My Tunic and walk among the wolves and the darkness without fearing to fall into the abysses that this humanity creates because from three in the afternoon your beings must become invisible before the wiles that My eternal rival articulates.

Without expecting anything, without aspiring for any results, always pray with fervor, fight so that your eyes may not fall asleep but that in truth your spirits may awaken to the Redeeming Work that all of the prayerful people are accompanying Me to carry out. In this way you will always know, through the intuition of the heart, which part of the reality of the world and of humanity is receiving My Merciful Liberation from the evil that oppresses you.

Let those who are willing to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy remember that you will be doing it for your own salvation and for the salvation of all the Earth. You will do it principally for the permanence of the life of all of the Kingdoms created by the Kind Hands of My Father.

I invite you to pray with faith and conviction so that the Project that was drawn in the heart of the Universe may remain amongst you always and for all eternity in My beloved blue planet of light.

And something else I tell you: listen with attention to My Words every Wednesday, the day of study and reflection about My Message, because My Presence will be there by means of the heart of My Disciple Jose. Listen with attention to all that I have told you with so much Love and every Wednesday you will receive the gift of My Eternal Grace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the love of your hearts!

Christ Jesus, who returns to your lives. 

1. Christ is referring to the studies that José Trigueirinho Netto has been carrying out for years in the Light-Community of Figueira, Brasil.


Dearest friends and followers of Mine:

Today, under the Power and the Grace of the Father, springs from My Merciful Heart for all of you a new and powerful exercise of Prayer, of Mercy and of Redemption which I name the Devotional to the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus.

With true love, devotion and surrender, you will repeat ten times each one of My Five Wounds. Whoever does this exercise with faith and spiritual conviction will receive the merits achieved by Me on the Cross and these will be the same merits that I will deposit in the heart of all those who may clamor for Me and who may believe in the redeemer and healing power of My Wounds.

Those hearts that, as in the Via Crucis, venerate Me and pray to these five wounds marked on My Glorified Body, all Wednesdays and Saturdays, will be truly united to My Compassionate Heart and with reverence I will give them My Peace, My Comfort and My Mercy. If this exercise is prayed in group or as a family, the power of this devotional will acquire greater celestial repercussions.

All those who with faith exercise these prayers to My Five Wounds will be able to understand from the heart the divine mysteries that were achieved by Me during the Passion. In this way you will repeat ten times each one of the five wounds and you will concentrate your being on the place where they were marked on My Glorified Body. Whoever does like this each new day will help in glory and in honor so that My Sacred Heart may be relieved from the pain that humanity causes Me for not accepting the All Powerful God through His Most Beloved Son. 

First signal
For the Sacred Wound that we marked(*)
in the right hand of Our Lord Jesus,
Father, have Pity on us.

Second signal
For the  Precious Wound that we marked(*)
in the left hand of Our Lord Jesus,
God the Father, have Mercy and Pity
on all of us.

Third signal
For the Immaculate Wound that we marked(*)
in the right foot of Our Lord Jesus,
Eternal Father, have Compassion and Forgiveness
for all of us.

Fourth signal
For the Glorified Wound that we marked(*)
in the left foot of Our Lord Jesus,
Lord of the Universe, have Love and Grace
for all of us.

Fifth signal
For the Blessed Wound that we marked(*) 
in the Side of Our Lord Jesus,
from where sprang the Unfathomable Source of Mercy
for the entire world,
Adonai, Eternal Father,
reconcile us with Your Glorious Kingdom.

(*)Marked: According to Christ Jesus, all prayers have reference to this word because we as humanity marked the Son of God with wounds and this is an exercise of reparation.
And for the union beads, you will repeat with faith:

Union bead
O Lord Jesus,
resurrect our spiritual life,
redeem our hearts,
elevate our being before God.


Have a good exercise of union with Me.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for praying to My Heart with all your love!

Christ Jesus. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
