In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From Heaven, I come to this ocean, I come to this sea, just as I did more than two thousand years ago, as a fisher of hearts. I come to invite you to again come aboard My Boat so that, in faith and hope, we may cross the oceans of consciousness, in which God lives, in which His Creation is latent, in which His Peace dwells.

A short time ago, I called you to step upon these oceans with your feet. Some have done this spiritually, but I still await those who have not done so, for those who have not dared to overcome the limitations of their minds and their consciousnesses in order to enter the mystery of Higher Life, of infinity, of the universe.

Today I come as this fisher of hearts, as That One who was at the banks of the Sea of Galilee to call upon the first apostles.

Today I come here, to meet My companions so that they may hear My voice and feel My Heart, so that they may receive My Love and My Peace, because we must cross the oceans of the end of these times.

From the great oceans of the planetary consciousness, the urgent needs of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature emerge, because the planet is on the verge of living its great birth.

The movement of the Earth is continuous. The changes bring events to an earlier moment. Everything becomes premature and the majority of souls are still not ready.

Just as I invite you to cross these oceans with your feet, have faith, because, in this way, your feet will not fail, and you will walk, like Peter, upon the waters, without being conscious of yourselves, but rather being conscious of the Truth of God.

My Father has delivered a Message for all of you and for the whole world.

My Merciful Heart, in spite of the suffering I see in the world, feels joy and bliss because Our Celestial Father has communicated with His children once again, just as He did many times with the ancient people of Israel.

Its descendants and its tribes must still prevail throughout the times, although this human civilization has sufficiently learned to self-destroy and wound itself.

Who will come aboard My spiritual Boat to cross these oceans and help your Master to launch the nets of salvation and planetary rescue into this universe of needs, of demands and emergencies?

When I formed the first apostles, more than two thousand years ago, I not only formed consciousnesses in surrender and in willingness to serve the Project of My Father, but I also founded the first missionary consciousnesses in humanity through service, charity and the Word.

These three pillars: service, charity and the Word. will be that which will heal humanity when the majority of My companions, especially those who still do not accept Me, understand that fidelity will always keep them in the Light and in the Truth because My enemy still keeps weaving his adversities and evil plans throughout the world.

Souls become stuck in his nets of capital sins, of ambition, of power, of lies.

Do not surrender to these projects of evil nor allow your brothers and sisters to be dragged or pushed towards the abysses of illusion.

As I told you at the beginning, these are times of emergency, these are times in which each one must serve Me wholeheartedly so that I can work and fulfill the aspirations of the Father.

My instruments in the world, that is, the souls that serve Me, must be these very nets that I can launch over the oceans of the emergencies of this world so that, not only may souls awaken, but they may also again find the truth they have lost, the inner truth.

Meanwhile, I wait for you here, in My Boat, on this ocean of the world, in which I am today, and I will be very attentive and open to receive your true and not fleeting offers.

I know it is not easy for the majority to surrender their lives for My Plan, and, above all, for My Will. I have seen that many made the effort, and few have managed to do it, and this should not be a reason for guilt or disturbance. I only ask you to give Me what in truth each one of you can give Me, because, in this way, I will not only be able to launch the nets of salvation, but I will also weave a net of Light, of Power and of Peace through the brave and available hearts.

You already know that the world agonizes at each moment that passes, at each day that goes by and is fulfilled, and the material necessities, and also the spiritual ones, grow.

Many souls have still not understood the Message that I delivered to you more than two thousand years ago through the Gospel. I invite you to study the parables again, because, in such simple and essential Teachings, you will understand everything I tell you.

During this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I invite you to pray for the expansion of human consciousness so that, beyond the material limits and the spiritual prisons that many souls in the world live, all hearts may receive the Grace of the expansion of consciousness so that they can transcend and overcome themselves, to the point of attaining higher degrees of love and service.

The great key of this time for the service of souls is missionary life, because, in missionary life, you will not only step out of yourselves, but you will also surpass yourselves by means of absolute self-giving and unconditional surrender, and, even more, companions, you will know, just as I know, the pain of the world, the indifference of souls, the cruelty of many hearts, the deprivation of many people, social and global injustice.

But I do not ask you to serve as missionaries of peace and fraternity only to see these things, I impel you to the missionary service so that you may heal the spiritual deprivation of this humanity. The more souls serve, the less will be the effects of the planetary purification, the less will be the consequences of the climate and even of global warming.

Today, I do not send this Message through a religious message, but rather I send this Message through My Divine Consciousness, which is the emanation of the Consciousness of the Truth of God, because I also know that many of My apostles, of My companions, have felt ashamed in the face of what they have seen in My Church upon the surface of the Earth.

I do not ask you to believe in them, I only ask you to believe in Me, because I will never fail you, and I am fulfilling My Word, that I am returning to the world, more each day, with greater power and consciousness, with greater determination and spiritual strength.

From My Heart the Government of the Heavenly Father will emanate so as to again raise this sick and wounded, destroyed and self-annihilated humanity.

I will take the false scepter of power from the hands of those who govern, and, with your own eyes, you will see that no stone will be left upon stone.

If you see, in these times, that the planet expresses its rebellion, its agony and its pain, do not fear, this is the sign of the final time of the Armageddon, because, somehow, humanity must be purified of all it has done throughout the times. Everyone will receive what corresponds to them by Law, nothing will be out of place, although many put everything out of place and believe they will come out unaffected by the events of the planet.

I will remove the monarchy from this world, a corrupt and indivisible monarchy for those who believe they live it, because this human project is unique and will be fulfilled with those who, by faith, service and hope will repopulate the Earth with new attributes of evolution and love.

Because the Return of your Master will not only place in order the whole chaotic planetary situations of the peoples, nations and even of nature; the Return of your Master and Lord will be very similar to two thousand years ago, when I was able to be closer to Mine, to instruct them, to strengthen them, to ignite the flame of Christic fire in the human heart. This is what I most expect and this is what I most aspire to experience during My Return.

It will not only be a universal and planetary order, it will be the moment when I will invite you to physically board My Boat, so that you may know Who God is, because I will tell you so.

I only wish to have in My Arms those who have so much asked Me for this, in these times. I only wish to place My Hand upon the anguished, disturbed and desolated hearts, upon the hearts that lack peace, that have lost faith, that no longer believes in anything nor in anyone. 

My Love will transform the wounded hearts and re-establish union with the universe, of all those who lost it due to the injustice and shame of the men of this world, and even of My Church, because I will cause My Spiritual Church to spring up from the hearts of men and women of the Earth, of the children, of the youth and even of the elderly, and it will no longer be necessary for them to live bodily disease due to spiritual disease.

Hold on tightly to My Mantle and, in this way, I will not only protect you, but I will also sustain you with My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, to go through, with courage and bravery, the end of these times.

From these oceans, I bless, renew and reconsecrate you to My Heart of Love so that the one thousand years of peace may be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this time of Armageddon, companions, I call you to cross unknown oceans with your feet so that the limits of ignorance may be overcome, so that the voice of My Heart may resound within each one of you.

Just as the apostle Peter, step with both of your feet upon the unknown oceans that I present to you today; in this way, you will discover within you what you truly are, and what you came to fulfill in the name of My Father.

I am the Fisherman that calls his companions to the deep seas, to the profound oceans of the infinite so that you may submerge in the essence of life, so that, within the Source of Light, you may find the Truth, that Truth that the world lacks due to its indifference and ignorance, due to the lack of search for higher Truth.

I Am the Lord of the Oceans, I invite you to walk upon the waters, and in this time of Armageddon, it will be your faith that will allow you to cross the very vast oceans that I present to you. In this way, with your offering, you will also elevate the consciousness of humanity and help to remove it from the great abysses of these times, when suffering and desolation reign within hearts.

I call you to cross the unknown oceans of the infinite in trust, igniting the flame of faith at this planetary moment, because faith and trust will allow you to understand everything, to accept everything and to no longer suffer.

I invite you to cross the unknown oceans with courage, with the bravery of a server of Christ, with a soul in detachment and in selflessness for the service of others, to meet the great planetary need.

When you step upon the oceans with your own feet, do not doubt, because if you doubt you will sink, and then your faith will be weakened, it will be poor faith for not believing.

If I call you to cross the oceans, it is because you can believe in Me. I continue being the Way, the Truth and the Life. I Am the Way to reach God, I Am the Truth to find it within each one of you, I am the Life that will never die, because it is an Eternal Life, the Life of the Spirit.

Now cross the oceans, upon the waters, feeling the firmness of what I tell you. Do you know how you will be able to cross these unknown and infinite oceans? Not by looking at your feet, at your imperfections nor at your doubts, but rather by looking at the horizon, where I Am, waiting for you as the Eucharistic Sun of Adoration. In that direction, you must look.

Your eyes must penetrate the mystery to be able to cross the great oceans of consciousness and go through the thresholds of ignorance and indifference in order to find, beyond yourselves, My Spirit of Truth.

Today, I am upon the oceans of the world and I invite each one of you to also be upon them because it is in these great oceans where you will find your inner void and you will be free from the expectations of the end of these times, of all that could happen.

Although the world view is something more than a serious and painful crisis, I call you, as My apostles of the end of times, to cross the unknown oceans of the infinite with your own feet, stepping firmly upon the waters, feeling the elevation of consciousness, leaving that which is material and earthly, superficial and petty; walking upon faith and trust, spiritual dignity and prayer, until you find, upon the horizon of the oceans, My solar and cosmic Consciousness, opening its Arms to receive and welcome you into My Heart.

If souls would decide to cross the oceans that I offer you, these unknown and infinite oceans, the whole world would not be in this situation. The oceans, on which you must step with your own feet, invite you to overcome your own fears, your insecurities and your doubts.

I know that you will go through these feelings and thoughts, because walking upon the oceans not only means having a spirit of determination and trust, but also going beyond faith, what is beyond faith and what comes from that which is eternal, from the unchangeable, from the unconditional.

The unknown oceans of the Christic Consciousness open before you so that you can cross them at this critical moment of humanity, as it will be through the path of the oceans that you will be able to find the peace and emotional serenity that you need at this moment, in the face of the whole planetary situation.

However, if throughout your walk upon the oceans you come to feel doubt, uncertainty or insecurity, know that I will be there to help you. I will help you to walk upon the waters of the typical turbulence of these times.

Trust, beyond what you live and what you know.

Trust, because I will extend My hand towards you and you will hold it tightly. And if out of ignorance you fall into oceans that you do not know, I will raise you up, and I will bring you with Me to the end of the path, towards where My Father needs you, at this moment.

If many more let themselves be led and guided by Me, you would not be living this moment that humanity lives today.

Although you are on this planet and within this school, which the universe has given you in order to learn to love and serve, I have precious treasures for each one of the souls, but these treasures are in crossing the great oceans of the inner and spiritual consciousness.

If your trust is strengthened and not lukewarm, you will cross, with your own feet, the oceans that I offer you, and you will not fear what is unknown because, in the end, upon the horizon, you will find the portal, a threshold that will lead you towards something more profound that you still do not know.

Thus, when you come to this moment, you will perceive that you are losing the control and the power that you believed you have always had. For this reason, I speak to you of trust and faith at this planetary moment.

Do not fear to cross the oceans that you do not know, because they will never cause you harm.

Today, see yourselves before the oceans that I offer you, at the shore, upon the sand, listening to My Message, hearing My Words, seeing My Presence on the sidereal horizon.

I call you to cross the oceans with your own feet, without fearing that you might fail. Your history and your past will be left behind, the wind of the oceans of My Christic Consciousness will impel you to reach the goal that I propose to you today, which is an inner goal.

If you cross the oceans with your own feet, you will be able to become aware of the talents that I have deposited within your hearts, souls and spirits.

This is the time to launch into the unknown, into what you cannot control nor direct with your power, but rather launch into what you can live, in divestment and in emptiness, in humility and in surrender.

Many still find themselves at the shore, barefoot on the sand, thinking whether or not they will cross the oceans that I offer them towards the unknown and infinite. But they see Me, many see me on the horizon of the oceans. They listen to the sound of the waters, they see the movement of the waves, feel the breeze of the wind upon their faces, but they have still not taken the final step. Because there will not be a boat that will take them. Their boat will be trust and faith, which will sustain them at this moment and in this time.

And when you cross the oceans with your own feet and step upon the waters, if you trust, you will know who you are and from where you have come, what you have lived and how long you have been here, waiting for this great moment of again meeting your Lord, the Lord of the Oceans, the Lord of the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Meanwhile, I pray for you and for the world so that the ocean of ignorance no longer embraces you nor causes you shipwreck; so that the ocean of indifference does not drag you towards unknown places, without a safe harbor, without firm land.

I pray for the world and for you so that the Ocean of My Love and My Mercy may flood you. And so that someday, free from your inner and outer, bodily and spiritual prisons, your true being may again be born, that which once emerged from the Source, from the sacred Lakes of Light of the universe, to fulfill the Divine Will.

The oceans prepare the Return of Christ.

This is the time to overcome your fears. It is time to no longer fear the unknown.

It is the time to lose the control and the power you believe that you have by means of emptiness and divestment.

I call you to step with your feet upon the waters, where doubt, insecurity or lack of faith cannot make you fail.

I am here to help you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



If you do not pray, the old boat will be shipwrecked at sea and nobody will be able to save it nor everything that it holds within.

The old boat always supported itself through a dogma of faith that has not been worthy; for this reason, its old structures will be shaken, just as a storm passes through and cleans a place.

But who will help in supporting the old boat? Those who inhabit it? No, do not expect anything from them.

The triumph of Love will be that which will save it and will not allow the old and sturdy boat to be lost on the high seas.

That is why, I come as the Fisherman of hearts so that from those least thought of, from those who would have had no value, may spring forth the inexhaustible source of this Love  which will save the spiritual matrix of the old boat and all of that which shapes it and inhabits it.

After the tempest, it will be placed where it never was. For this reason, the fortitude of the old boat will be broken; so that its most recalcitrant roots, which will be purified of a history of hidden errors, will be released from that secular sentence.

From the simple ones will spring forth the strength of the faith that will lead to a safe harbor the old boat which, redeemed from its actions, will find a new spiritual meaning, the feeling of becoming aware of having distanced itself from Love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I am on my way to meet the planetary needs, to meet the souls that are in most need of My Heart in this time.

Companions, accompany your Master on this new path of Light that will help you, as brothers and sisters, to dissolve appearances, differences and conflicts.

Walk by My side with the beautiful smile of the spirit so that everything within you may be healed and redeemed.

Dare to transcend yourselves and to enter this school of healing love so that your hearts may be relieved.

I encourage you to a change of consciousness in order that your hearts may serve the Creator of all that exists.

I leave you My Peace and My renewing Love.

Go ahead and wait for the arrival of the Universal King during these days.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Message

What sweetness My Heart feels when the Helpers prepare My Altars with so much love so that their Humble Shepherd is able to place His Feet here and bless you all!

The sweetness My Heart feels when everything is prepared with love is very great, indescribable.

This is why today I can tell you, My apostles, that in many of you I have seen the steps toward redemption, knowing how to go through the tests, the challenges and all the difficulties just by opening to the experience of love, which is what makes souls alive. It is what brings the spirit of the Source to your hearts.

May the love I find today on this altar, prepared by the kind hands of My Helpers, may that love multiply in the world.

Because you know, companions, that this love is needed to learn to bear everything.

The world lacks that infinite and great love which comes from the Father and which must always descend to the Earth through your hearts and experiences of charity and of kindness.

Yesterday I came as the Lord of the Night; today I come as the Sun of the Love of God, so that you may know I am always in everything, even more so in the small details, when you do everything in the name of the Love of God and for your Lord, the Redeemer.

We have come to a special moment in these times, in which the help of souls who surrender to live My Divine Mercy is indispensable to Me.

Today I do not want you to feel sadness nor suffering, but rather the deep delight which comes from My Heart on seeing fulfilled, on this planet, that which the Father once showed Me in the Garden of Gethsemane during the Agony.

Why do I mention the past experience lived by your Master and Lord?

Because you, companions, day after day need to recover the codes of Light that through the suffering, the agony, the pain and anguish, are gradually lost.

In the experience of the past of your Lord is Life. The reason can be found for you to be here, accompanying Me in this cycle as future New Christs.

Breath the spiritual energy of My Love so all may be comforted, and at this time, all may be renewed.

Today I emit silence between My Words so you may move deeper into My Message and the subtle vibrations are able to do their work in your consciousnesses.

Today I return here to give you My last legacy though the Sacred Medallion of Christ, the Glorified Heart, a symbol that, if lived with faith, will transform lives and will heal wounded hearts; a symbol that will bring wisdom and charity to souls.

By means of this Medallion, I will place an experience lived by Me, and I will leave it imprinted together with all the attributes which this symbol of redemption represents for souls.

I desire that, in spirit and in soul, you now go with Me to the Sea of Galilee, to the moment when your Master and Lord called the Twelve by their name, just as I have called you by your souls.

Walk with Me toward the edge of this sea and see the fishermen on the boats, working to survive. I have come there to cast spiritual nets and draw souls to My Heart.

See the multitudes working at fishing, carrying out their labors in order to please God in each daily task.

Try to reach this moment together with Me, and remember when I called some of you by your name, just as I called Peter to accompany Me in that great mission which God gave Me in those times.

See how the Shepherd was in search of His new sheep, calling them, grouping them, assembling them under the Spirit of God for that great mission of the redemption of the planet.

Remember that inner call and relive it as if it were today.

Remember your Master approaching the fishermen, climbing with them into a boat to sail out to sea and multiply the Graces.

When you cast the nets into the sea to fish, trust and have faith, for the souls I need to rescue from this world are many, and you are My fishers of souls, the hearts I can use to draw the Mercy of God closer to your peers.

Feel that call that I once made and renew your vows today with your Master and Lord, for I will still need your lives to be confirmed so that I may move forward with the Plan of Redemption of this world in this end time.

Just as you offer Me precious altars, I need you to offer Me precious lives, adhered to My convocation and to My call; this will allow Me to labor and move forward with the Designs My Father has dictated to My Heart.

The redemption of the planet began on the Sea of Galilee; the portal of salvation opened there for all souls, especially those who were in ruin.

The defeat of My enemy began there, and the triumph of the Love of God through the hearts that opened to My call.

Companions, renew the vow of fidelity to Me so I may count on you even more in these critical times, in which only love will free you from the binds, the prisons, the chains, from suffering.

I wish you to dedicate this Marathon for those who do not live the commitment to Me, or for those who abandoned it for different reasons. For them I still have Mercy and pity, just as I do for you every day.

Let this Marathon be a moment to renew the commitment so your Master and Lord may continue to open doors in the expansion of His Work for the planet, for there are still souls that wait for Me, like your own, to receive My Forgiveness and My Grace.

Everything will depend on that vow and that commitment being renewed.

I do not ask you to do more than you are able, but rather that you do it in truth, so I may find rest in your hearts.

I want you to be glad because the day of your renewal has come and the end of captivity is near.

But there is a part that is yours to do, in this time and within this transition of the planet.

I come as that Sun of the Love of God so that you may remember that My Grace is always there.

Thus, during this Marathon, I will bless all these Medallions you have placed at the foot of My Altar, because these first Medallions will come to Africa before coming to your hands.

The next Medallions will come to Asia and to the Middle East.

There are still souls who need to find consolation, and renewing this commitment to Me in this Marathon will allow your hearts to be able to give of themselves, rather than to receive.

Do you accept giving the best you have to your brothers and sisters?

Do you accept that the Sacred Medallion reach those most in need in the world?

Then I can consider you disseminators of My Glory and My Mercy.

You in truth have it all because you need to give it all.

This has been My work during these last 50 Marathons, give you everything so you may give everything, to those you do not know, those you do not see, those who endure suffering in this world and in this humanity.

But you will be able to have Sacred Medallions for yourselves; I will bless them in time.

I need you to accompany Me as you have done up to now, with maturity, in the face of this crisis of the planet and its humanity.

There are places in the world where situations are escalating; thus the importance of Our Sacred Hearts helping the nations through the Pilgrimage, to avoid great conflicts, to aid souls, to carry the same relief that your hearts have received in other meetings with Me during this time.

I wish you to be in likeness to what I Am, in the giving of self, in mercy and in kindness.

Let us then water this Sacred Figueira with the Virtues of God, because the world is still waiting to get here, when the doors of your hearts are fully open. And at that moment there will be no reason for fear because while I am here, and especially in you, My Will shall be accomplished.

I thank the Helpers of My Mercy for having placed these Medallions at My feet that will go to Africa, and I know they will not be enough, but through them I will multiply all the Graces so My children of Africa may receive the same consolation that you receive today, and be brought relief from the wars, illness, hunger and persecution.

May these Medallions reach the children who have need of a Father like the One Who is in the Heavens; who have need of a Mother like the One Who is in the Heavens; who need apostles like the ones here.

The fourth group of Medallions, after Asia and the Middle East, will be sent to Venezuela, so the Venezuelans not believe I have forgotten them.

Remember that evil, which has no love, at some point defeats itself and throws itself into the abyss of its own perdition and illusion; and at that moment, God sends His great Archangels to rebuild the souls that are wounded and lost like in Venezuela.

Wherever that Medallion may be, there Justice will be.

Blessed will be one who believes in its non-material, non-physical power, for they will be in God.

Blessed will be one who gifts it in love, for they will be giving My Merciful Heart into the hands of their brothers and sisters.

Let your hearts rejoice and let your souls smile, because the Lord, Jesus Christ, will send out the apostles two by two so they may carry these Sacred Medallions to where I have said.

Do you accept this?

It is time to share the love, so the Love of God may abound on Earth.

I will now bless this altar and these Medallions under the effusion of the Holy Spirit so that the ones who receive them may be blessed by Divine Grace.

Lord, sanctify the elements that You Yourself created for the elevation of consciousnesses and of all the worlds.

Sanctify, Lord, each created element, in order that souls and all the spaces of this planet receive the powerful Source of Your Light. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, the water that You Yourself created, born of Your non-material Source of Light, in order that the spaces and all souls receive Your Grace. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, this oil, born of the creation of the trees so it may restore souls and alleviate hearts in need of You. Amen.

Beloved Father, sanctify the Blood of Your Son so His codes of Light may be poured out over souls and they may participate in the redemption. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, the Body of Your Son so hearts may receive My Divine Essence and in them the new humanity may be built. Amen.

And today, the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus sanctifies and blesses these three small hearts which will be placed as light and as life in the souls that will receive them, in order that they aid, through My Sacred Heart, the souls that will be in need of healing and consolation. Amen.

Father, with this water You have created, bless the souls that will serve Me in other times.

We will now ask the Father to bless this moment so more hearts in the world may receive the Grace of My Glorified Heart.

Father, grant the powerful Mercy of Your Heart to all those who are in need, and from Your creatures receive this sacred offering of prayer during the next two days, so the planet as consciousness may be aided and humanity may awaken to redemption.

So be it.

I bless you, in the name of the Almighty and Lord of the Heights.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being in the Mercy of My Heart.


Dear companions of the path,

There is no greater power that I have left for the world than the merciful prayer, that which unites spaces, places and nations.

Today, those who may dedicate space to this important spiritual exercise will receive from My Heart the gifts that will allow them to open the doors for the inner healing of the heart and of the soul.

As you have asked Me, all the most needy children are already in My Kingdom and in My Eternal Heart.  I ask you to carry on praying with fervor, love and dedication so that the fruits of the merciful prayer may open new paths for those who in this time have condemned themselves to the fire of hell.

In this moment the Fisher of souls is traversing the places in the world that need an important spiritual and divine help.  In My Basked of gold I collect the prayers of those who offer constant joys and blessings to My Sacred Heart.

Now, in this hour of Divine Mercy the clocks of the world are detained so that the true time of My Divine Mercy may descend in Glory and in aid for those who most need.

I only ask you to be persevering as was Sister Faustina Kowalska until the end of her life on Earth.  Join forces from the heart through the union between your beings because only in this way you will give permission for some events to change.

It is time to swim in My Ocean of Repairing Graces; it is time to raise the flag towards the High, the flag that will confirm before evil the victory of the Christic Life.  It is time to only act through the pure love of the heart.  You need it and the world too.

Under the Eternal Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for always seeking the Eternal Flame of My Heart!

Christ Jesus


There is nothing stronger, in this time of tribulation, than the unfathomable and magnificent Power of My Divine Mercy.

Go in My Name and say that I am pouring My blessings and Graces for all of the children from the Earth. There will be no darkness, no matter how great, that the powerful force of My Light cannot dissipate and thus dissolve the evils that keep hearts imprisoned. 

For this I come first to announce Myself in a Divine and Loving Spirit so that your souls may participate in My Presence and in My Return.

But before, we must transform that which is within each being, that which separates My Greater Life from your lives. Only seek to be merciful and praying beings of the soul. This will be enough to overthrow the barriers that your little consciousnesses impose before Me. Seek to live a life of charity and give the example of your true union with Me every day.

Now your Most beloved Father sends you the King of the Universe to weave a web of new fishers of souls, souls that will approach themselves to My Heart after having once renounced to My Mercy. This will be possible because of the faith that the new apostles may radiate upon those hearts that are weak and insecure about confirming themselves in My Christic Path.

All of the time I need your sincere union with Me. This will allow your steps to be guided by My Heart and not by your wills. Love all the time what you live and know that each small effort for the other will be a great effort for the entire world.

I Am here on this day of reparation to let you know My Gratefulness to all of My ones because in the confidence of the spirit you were encouraged to cross the merciful threshold towards My Heart.

I accompany you and I vigil for you always in My Eternal Protective Love.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the center of your beings!

Christ Jesus, the Spiritual Guardian of the walking souls


I Am the Universal Star and I Am the Greatest Sun that comes from Heaven to save, up to the last minute, the greatest number of souls.

For this, at each moment I need faithful and dedicated servers of Peace and of Good that may be able to be transmitters of My Merciful spiritual impulses. I hope that through My daily Words of love many souls that are asleep and far away from My Blessed Heart return just by having been touched by My Redeemer Love.

Companions, a new time approaches and each day that passes in you accelerated time My Light descends to embrace the little hearts. Be bearers of My Simplicity, Humility and Pacification. Be firm bridges in prayer, that may sustain in this time all of those who forget to look towards God.

May the faith in your essences never end, may it be the true fire of devotion that elevates you to the Kingdom of My Father. Never forget that I am here to help you to find day by day the path towards My Temple and My Heart.

Pray for those that still do not look at My Merciful Heart and today I tell you again, My dear friends, with a few I will row the Boat of the New Time. For this moment prepare yourselves from the heart. I thank you for listening to Me.

Under the Mercy and the Peace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


I come and I return to the world in the search for new custodians of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

As I did with Saint Faustina Kowalska I Am congregating apostles of the Divine Mercy of Christ Jesus so that, in the same way that the apostles and disciples did in the past, you may diffuse, before My Return, the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart.

For this I Am preparing day by day, through My Words, all of the souls that in the love of the Plan of God may want humbly and simply to represent Me as springs and rays of My Merciful Heart to the entire world.

As I once called and searched for the fisherman from Galilee, today as Fisherman and Master of hearts I convoke to My Table those ones who, together with Me and before My Eternal Father from the Heights, have committed themselves to be the living word, example and testimony of My redeeming Message in their lives.

Today My Heart flourishes with love and honor for all of those who in this time and without knowing anything call for My Divine Mercy, because all of those who pray the Sacred Chaplet of the Divine Mercy of Jesus at three in the afternoon are spiritually liberated by the redeeming power of My Blood and are reconciled by the endless strength of the Source of My Eternal Water.

In reverence to those who in love realize and pray with Me this exercise of the Divine Mercy My Consciousness will show itself to you as a Savior. At the hour of the death I will not be your judge nor executioner, I will be the Source that will nourish you and will free you from any pain that you may have caused to the Heart of My Father during your passage through the Earth.

To those who until the last minute of life may pray with effort and love the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy I say that they will quickly pass through the garden of My Kingdom, they will rest in My Arms and they will know the unfathomable power of My Love.

For this in your hands is the safe key for your salvation for all of the days of your lives. And for those who may diffuse the Grace of praying this Chaplet of the Mercy, in Heaven they will be recognized as disciples of My Sacred Heart.

In truth I tell you that you still do not know the greatness of the Love of God in My Eternal and Glorified Heart. Today I encourage you to love the Divine Mercy because this is the necessary door for your salvation.

Under the Mercy and the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Merciful and Redeemer Christ Jesus.


My dears:

Today I come as the Fisher of souls so that, recognizing My Face in the world you may be served of My favorite Love to diffuse My savior Message in this world.

I know that many seem to be tired of walking towards the infinite that never ends. I tell you that in love you may carry lovingly the cross that My Kingdom hands to you and that you may be thankful for receiving in My Name the rays of redemption and of conversion.

I ask you that you do not lower the arms but that you open your hearts to receive My Commandments, those which will order for you the life in spirit and in service. Dear companions:

The tasks of the servers for the end of times are blessed with the possibility of the awakening of more hearts to the path of redemption and of forgiveness. Know that it will be through those who are willing to serve Me until the limit that My Redeemer Plan in the world will be fulfilled, and this will be before My Return to the suffered world.

Your essences must be like flowers in My Hands so that My Spirit may be able to present them as an offer of redemption before God. You are with Me whenever you say yes and I will be for longer time whenever you simply open to Me the door of the heart.

Come and walk with Me because I will always protect you and guide you.

I thank all of those who serve Me without delay and who donate to Me the time for the Greater Work.

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior and Lord of the souls.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
