Monthly Message of the Most Holy Queen of Heaven, the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Today I bring you the essence of Heaven, which is recognized as the peace of the heart; if you seek that essence, you will find the path to forgiveness and then the path of My Son, which is the eternal path.

Dear children, today I present Myself to you to give you a monthly Message. After so many Graces received over time, the Lord has granted Me the Grace of continuing to visit you within your heart.

Today I have a greater request for your consciousnesses, a request to concretize this Plan of Love which God proposes for your lives.

I will wait in My maternal Heart for your response to this call, for I still need to continue on pilgrimage through the Americas to carry Peace, which is lacking for many of My children and, above all, they lack the Love of God that has been very much forgotten in this time of spiritual crisis the world is experiencing.

I come from Heaven, as I have come in other times, to announce to the world that it is possible to experience the Grace of Peace.

Today, with joy, I dare to make a special call, in order to be able to accomplish the Will of My Father.

The goal, dear children, will be that you lovingly concretize the manifestation of the Pilgrim Bus of the Divine Mother, which will hold, as does My Mantle of Light, My servers and volunteers of the Association Mary.

This special objective will be to make this instrument concrete on the material plane, which will carry those who respond to My call and those that transmit My Message of Peace, throughout the regions of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.

In this way, dear children, you will be able to manifest Divine Providence, which God wants you to learn to experience and manifest among beings, in a fraternal way. Each one of you has a key to accomplish this very important call in the end of these times.

Beloved children, to accomplish this objective, you will have the coming year of 2014. Just as the laws are experienced in Heaven, so they are experienced on Earth; nothing is separate.

This new Marian instrument will make it possible for My children, gifting themselves to My Work, to fulfill My call. I ardently desire that all the pilgrims and devotees pray and collaborate in this mission that I am entrusting to you.

Go two by two, as My Son has requested; carry out campaigns of charity and solidarity to concretize this objective of the Pilgrim Bus of the Divine Mother.

Beloved children, behind all this mystery that seems very material, there exists a spiritual goal that God wants you to see with clarity and wisdom. Imagine for a moment that this pilgrim instrument arrives in the cities of regions of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, so that they may receive and honor Me as the Lady of Peace.

Dear children, the time has come for you to be one, as it was in the beginning, and that  from this unity, you fulfill the requests of Heaven.

It is a very important Grace to know to respond to the call of the Universal Mother. For the requests that have been answered and for this request that you will respond to, I thank you now and always.

Thank you for responding to My call!

May the Light of God be among you.

Who loves you always,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace