As your Mother of Mercy, today I follow this day of great celebration and atonement of all faults that oppress and condition the spiritual life of the souls of the world.

For this, children, peregrinating through Rwanda, you accompany Me on a path full of sorrow and internal incomprehension.

Your hands were called to serve on the land of the indignation and of the suffering caused by the plans of My adversary, who led thousands of souls to take an attitude of destruction and massacre.

But My Grace, that is blessed and merciful, shows you a different path, an opportunity of taking the lost souls and their families through the path of forgiveness and peace.

Your feet step on the land of despair, that which remained engraved in the essence of innocent hearts and of all those who could not save themselves and that will be removed from the eternal sea of sorrow by My hands of piety and mercy.

This nation, marked by injustice and by the lack of love, already rises on the horizon through the devotion and the faith that all the good souls proclaim to our Lady of Kibeho.

Your Celeste Mother performed wonders and dictated warnings to all at that time.  My adversary took charge to distract them and to prevent the souls to pay attention to My messages.

And thus see now, children, the result of all that happened.

For this, the missionaries of peace are sent by My Immaculate Heart to extract the records of sorrow and massacre through love, hope and, mostly as sacrifice and surrender, they will offer to the Celestial Father, abnegation and effort, work and service as an opportunity of receiving Grace, Forgiveness and the Absolution of all mistakes committed.

Thousands of souls perished the result of the incomprehension and of the division among cultures even when the Mother of the Divine Word prophesied the importance of no division and of looking for the Source of Peace through the Holy Rosary.

In the same way as all of humanity, they first checked the veracity of what the Mother of Word said on that time, to then repent themselves and act in faith.  But that did not happen.  The own impulsive and excessive action led an entire nation to self-destruction in all the levels of consciousness.

You, missionaries of Mine, today visit Rwanda in order to know the consequences of a blind and deaf humanity, but you also arrive to Rwanda, as many other servers of Mine in the world, to settle and balance a secular process that still has not had an end.

For this, open your eyes and work in faith so that Rwanda may receive the gift of the definite healing and many souls may be worthy, on this day, of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

Remember that through your exercises of charity you will be opening the Source of Mercy.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who makes you get to know a reality unknown for many,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  

Message for the Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

May My Mantle spread throughout the world and all creatures who live in it understand that I am in everything that was created.

By contemplating nature, may the creatures discover the greatness of the Universal Creation, which used the Purity of Its Servant so that, from Her maternal Womb, a molecule of divine Purity could penetrate the essence of all beings on Earth and in the universe.

When I can no longer be here, manifested as a ray of sunlight before the eyes of those who can see Me, I want you to find Me in everything that God has given to the world as a source of beauty, purity and life.

I want you to commune with the Kingdoms of Nature, so that the purity expressed in them may activate the inner purity of your essences and thus, find peace and the path to redemption.

My children, My maternal Heart comes from a pure Principle of God, to which it returned after this life upon Earth to fertilize, from this Principle, all universal life. The Purity of God took on life and consciousness from the existence of the Mother-Consciousness of this universe.

I want you to listen to My Words with attention and with love, because many do not know the Principles of Creation and, however, as much as you exalt and praise God, in Himself, in His Son and in His loyal Servant, you do not understand what true existence is. And now I want to help you understand these mysteries, so that through the Codes of Light that I deposit in My Words, your souls can awaken to the divine and profound Origin that pulsates in the heart of this whole universe.

Your hearts are already on the path of inner maturing and, in the face of all the accelerated events in the world, it is also necessary now that your souls receive strong impulses from God and from all His expression in the universe.

Therefore, do not be afraid to listen to My Words, do not fear when faced with the terms and definitions that you have never heard being spoken by My Divine Word throughout the history of humanity.

You are entering a new cycle, in which the truths must be said and the secrets revealed before the time comes when I can no longer be with you. Then, you will have to discover everything by yourselves, and will only be able to confirm the truth of the impulses of light through your own essences.

Therefore, My Beloveds, My Word will descend upon souls with greater intensity. Many will receive it with peace of heart and the joy of being able to discover and experience the celestial mysteries; others will not understand Me and will doubt the truth of My Words and others will not be able to understand what I say, but will follow Me, because they feel in their hearts they must do it even without understanding. These will be called blessed because they will know how to follow the voice of the heart, beyond the misunderstandings of the mind.

My dear children, on this day, I prepare you for the days to come and ask your hearts and souls to strengthen themselves to cross the boundaries of the mind and to allow love and peace to prevail in your lives.

As Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, I leave you a blessed key so that you may contemplate the Kingdoms and join them. In this way, you will be able to open your heart a little more, so that you can find Me in all that has been created and thus, little by little, you will discover who I truly am and what I have come to accomplish in your essences and in the essence of this world.

I love you deeply, because you are part of My Immaculate Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
