Dear children,
On the eve of the great moment that My Son lived on the Cross, today I invite you to prepare your hearts on the path of perseverance and faith, attributes that were lived by Jesus moments before His surrender on the Cross, before everything was consummated.
Thus, My children, entering the school of faith and perseverance, you will find the path of constancy and fortitude so that, before the tests, you may be confirmed in the Plan of the Celestial Father and He, through Mercy, may be able to carry out His Works throughout the world through your spirits.
In this time of preparation, your Master is already in Jerusalem, working intensely for the redemption of souls, which in these times do not even receive the opportunity of experiencing the love of the heart.
May this Sacred Week lead you into understanding the mystery of the Love of God through the sacrifice of Christ, for, in this way, you will be holders of the essence of Life that created the bases for transcending the Passion of the Lord.
Children, on this day, we walk together in the Will of the Lord, which renews us and encourages us to live the surrender of life and of the heart. Stay always upon My lap; I have prepared a space of inner fortitude that is capable of leading you into living the Gifts of the Creator.
Dear children, from Heaven, I will accompany you during this Sacred Week; thus, you will perceive how important it is for these times to remember the Passion of Christ as a primary key to be able to transcend the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you with the Water of Life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Children,
In the beginning of this Palm Sunday, I invite you to remember the moment when your King and Savior entered through the high gate of Jerusalem to freed it from punishment and from the conquering power.
Remember this decisive moment because it was the beginning of the surrender of your Lord to the cross of Redemption.
For this, on this day, dear children, glorify Jesus because He was the one who, in the name of the Supreme Will, came to the world to end the captivity of all of humanity.
Raising your branches and palms of light to receive the Savior at the doors of the inner Jerusalem, open your hearts to recognize the Lord of the Infinite Mercy. In this way, being healed and forgiven by His Luminous Presence, receive from His Sacred Heart the gift of Peace, because in these times Peace will lead you to testimony the second coming of Christ.
Now, in glory and in power, the King will arrive to end His Mission on Earth. Prepare your virtues and gifts because soon He will come to get them to do with them His Works of Mercy in the souls of the world.
Children, silently, your Celestial Mother, in the joy and fullness of Her Immaculate Love, reminds the passage of the arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem. This moment was meaningful and predestined for all of humanity because it would reach, throughout this act, the time of its purification.
But it is now, children, that you must be prepared to wait for the second coming of Christ. I call you to become aware of this universal event that will mobilize all of the laws of space, and the stars will be witnesses of the arrival of a new cycle.
Until that happens, bring back to your hearts the passage of the entrance of your Master to Jerusalem. In this way you will attract the codes of light needed to define your paths.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who is with you today, at the doors of Jerusalem, waiting for the Savior,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloveds,
While the world agonizes and many souls suffer the consequences of their actions others are blessed by the Grace of My presence.
To the ones who sleep I give My Mercy so that one day they may be able to awaken and become worthy children of God the Father and the Savior. To those who are awake I give My Grace so that they may be able to become soldiers of My Marian army.
Today My dears, I return to this city because I wish to find here more than the spirit of Devotion. Here must beat the active heart of this nation, so beloved to the Lord and to My Immaculate Heart.
I still see much illusion in the world, I still see that the souls do not understand My Call because they do not allow My Word to completely transform them.
My dears, the moment has come for My presence to become alive in the hearts of those who listen to Me. Up until this moment I have been building a union of your hearts with Mine in order to lead them to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son. But now My dears, is the moment for this Grace that you receive of being with Me to not only be the reason for the relief of your anguishes and fears, because the world is in need of beings who are awake, of soldiers who are willing to surrender all out of Love of God and for the salvation of the souls.
My dears, I want to tell you that I do not come to the world only to find you in devotion and in faith. I want to find the hearts more conscious of the time in which they live because much has been said and little that you could truly understand.
Those who have listened to Me did not truly believe in My words because if they had their lives would already be other lives and in their inner would dwell another strength that is not of the world.
I want that My words get to the hearts in order to touch them with Celestial Love and that they also get to the depths of your beings in order to transform you into instruments of the Heart of God.
For all the Graces that I have given to you I ask you to truly listen to My Call. Doubt no longer about My presence because My Heart has made you feel and has touched your souls, dissipating the fear of encountering the Divine. Now is the moment to grow up and to wait for My arrival, as a companion of Christ, the one who waits for Him so that together with Him they may be able to manifest the Will of the Father.
My dears, there was a time in which the men and women of Jerusalem listened with attention to the words of their Master. They awakened the devotion and the trust in His Divine Word, they accompanied Him in His Passion, they cried for His death and they glorified Him in His Resurrection and after His Sacred ascension, they became His eternal Apostles, companions of His Divine Love and, for all eternity, they awaited His presence, surrendering the life so that other souls could achieve the awakening.
Now My dears, these men and women of Jerusalem must reemerge in order to wait, to sit at the table of Redemption, for the Glorious return of Christ and reconfirm the commitment that as humanity they made with His Divine Heart.
These men and women of Jerusalem must sit again at the table of My Son, share the bread and the wine, and commune with His Living presence for the renovation of this world.
Today I tell you that if in another time there were those who surrendered all to God out of love for His Son, after 2014 years this love must have matured so that in the face of the tests of these times, these men and women may overcome the fear of losing the world and of losing themselves, in order to live in Christ and for Christ eternally, proclaiming His return, His resurgence in Glory and Divinity.
I thank those who listen to Me and those who will make My words alive, who I summon to walk by My side.
Who loves you eternally, your Mother and Queen of Peace,
Most Holy Mary
The Old Law of Purification
Since the first day in which My Mother Mary presented Me in the Temple of the Lord, the High Priest recognized before his eyes and before the eyes of the wisest that they were before the Virginal Purity of God.
As an act of humility, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph carried as an offer to the Temple the symbol of two doves, which mysteriously represented the Holy Spirit during the circumcision of Jesus.
From that day on, the Law of Purification became the Law of Consecration for all beings. Christ, as the Child King, brought a deep change for the life of all consciousnesses. He was the Messiah who announced the liberation from the sin of the people and, consequently, of humanity, through the power of the Love of God.
Therefore, today, do not fear to be before the present law of purification because whoever aspires to the Life of the Infinite will be able to achieve the consecration of their heart to God. No one reaches the Father without having first gone through the purification of body, mind, and spirit.
The Child King, from His consecration in the Temple of Jerusalem, brought the opportunity to reverse the sins and aspects of life through compassion. Do not see yourselves as so impure, see your beings in the cycle of the fiery purification of earthly life.
The Merciful Jesus is the Spring that will wash you and at the same time show you all that must be purified by the brave soul who dares to live it.
You are in a time of a deep redemption of capital sins. Therefore, confirm your faith in the Lord God Almighty so that Christ may receive the permission to liberate you and help you during the great purification.
Offer your miseries to the Universe. Today, I invite you to enter the temple of purification so that more souls may soon be consecrated to the precious Plan of the Creator.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for purifying yourselves through My Redeeming Love!
Christ Jesus
Listen with your heart to the story that I will tell you, let that My words flow like pure water in the river of your mind and may the mysteries of My life run within this water with the same harmony. Trust in the commitment that your heart has with Me because the world knows very little about this story, and it will continue to know very little until it enters into the Kingdom of Heavens.
I was born from a gestation of infinite purity, prepared by the angels, as if they were creating a flower, but it was My soul that was growing in the maternal womb of My holy mother. I say holy to you because upon her the Holy Spirit descended through dreams. She was prepared by the angels to understand the maternity that she was going to live, of an uncommon child for those times.
My mother used to sing to My heart, praying and preparing her pregnancy with deep love. Love that God infused in her to inspire her creation that was going to be the seed of what was going to become Joseph, called the son of David.
I was born and I grew up accompanied by angels. My holy mother, adorned by the Holy Spirit, was the one who first taught Me to realize the initial works of charity. She taught Me that to the neighbor we would always offer the best and whoever acted in this way, giving to the neighbor the best that one had, would receive from God the best that He Himself had in the Kingdom of Heavens.
In this way, I began to understand the Laws of God that were very different from the laws of the Earth, and the more My child’s consciousness was submerged in this Kingdom, the more I saw Myself outside of all of the laws of the world, above all the laws of matter, those that tie humanity and make it a hostage of the energies of vices.
Gifted with a deep union with God, the Lord never allowed the laws from the Earth to act upon My youthful consciousness.
I learned about work and about solitude, silence, prayer and fasting, and within these daily habits, I grew. From a simple and poor family, life was reflecting itself in My soul, I grew up simple and poor from the things of the world.
Solitude taught Me humility because in solitude I used to deepen Myself into the mysteries of Faith, and in the science of the Kingdom of God, that which made Me understand, day by day, how small I was before the Greatness of the Most High God.
It is true that I made a vow of chastity when I was 12 years old. In truth, chastity and purity were infused in Me by the Divine Will, and these were natural virtues of My little being. When at the age of 12 I understood part of the Will of God for My little consciousness, I confirmed Myself in this Will and I offered the vow of perpetual chastity.
I did not only make this vow before God, but I also promised Him to be eternally of service in all things as long as I lived and into Eternity, I would be His faithful servant and worker, eternally serving His Holiness and all His children, those most in need.
When I married Mary, I also found within Her the perfect charity of which we were examples as a family, and as individuals.
All works carried out by My hands were offered to the poor, those who were poorer than we were. And, as I had learned from God, when I gave to those in need, by Work and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we would receive at our table all that we needed to survive.
Mary was also an example of spiritual charity. She would form in the Love for God all those who were in need, from the elderly to the youth. She was always surrounded by women from Nazareth and Jerusalem.
In My work as a carpenter, I carried out the trade always united to the Will of the Lord, and this allowed the craft made to be endowed with the Holy Spirit. Many miracles happened within and outside of my knowledge, miracles over which I asked for perpetual silence regarding those that would receive them, and total attribution to the Divine Grace and to His Holy Will and Work.
In My carpentry, I trained the young and the children of Nazareth, among whom was the Child Jesus, who would teach Me more than what He learned. With His presence, the miracles realized through the objects that were made began to grow.
Since our creations were made for people that were very poor, but who had much faith, it cost them nothing to believe in the Works of the Holy Spirit and, though deeply grateful to this quite mysterious family of Nazareth, seeing such great humility and purity, they did not hesitate in attributing these holy works to God.
The life of Joseph was above all a life of silence, work and prayer. The Lord says that this is the archetype of consecrated life, a life that existed so many years ago and that, by many, may be considered outdated, but that came to reveal to the world the archetype of families upon Earth.
Joseph and Mary completed each other in virtue and in devotion, in Love of God and in caring for Jesus. Jesus learned in His childhood about the virtues of His parents and He excelled in all, growing up with them and teaching His most humble parents to live under the Law of God.
The Sacred Family was the complement of perfect holiness, the most pure Work of the Creator, seen in the smallest details and prepared not only in Joseph and in Mary, but in all previous fourteen generations of both parents of Jesus.
These generations were growing in holiness and purity to offer the two saints the most pure sanctity that could exist upon Earth and, from this perfect union, they would be able to birth, protected from the world and sheltered by the Holy Spirit, the favorite Son of God, His firstborn, Jesus Christ.
The writings that are found in The Mystical City of God are complemented by those that are in the Gospel.
All must be read and studied with the heart so that, through it, it shall be transmitted.
May first be born in your hearts this devotion that later will cross the world.
Your beloved Brother and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My children,
Today I invite you again to the adoration of My Son, in each one of your prayers, as well as in the exercise of contemplation of the Merciful Christ. Raise your eyes towards the Heart of My Son so that your hearts may live the announcement of the New Redemption. In this way, My dear children, through this exercise you will be, in silence, preparing your hearts for when He returns. Your souls, as lambs in the flock of the Shepherd, should walk in trust, through the state of prayer and of adoration.
Dear children, you will not only be lifting your hearts a little more through adoration, but you will also be able to raise the feeling and the thought of the humanity that lives without My Son.
For this Easter that is approaching, I invite you to embrace My Son and just as at the Doors of Jerusalem, I invite you to receive the Redeemer Messiah. With this paschal mystery in your lives, you will be able to live the sublime presence of His Most Holy Heart, because without My Son you will not be able to truly see what God has for each one of you.
Beloved children, it is only through My Son that you will be able to direct your feet towards the Heavens so that the soul may find a safe place to return to.
Dear children, in this preparation for the adoration, your hearts will be liberated from the burden that they carry in life and thus, they will shine by the Presence of the Redeemer. Therefore, dear children, it is important to open yourselves in order to live the true mysteries of contemplation that Christ left as a teaching.
The time has come for all hearts to prepare themselves and to use time properly in order to be in My Son. Keep in your lives the mystery of the Love that Christ now brings to you, through His Mercy, for the whole world. Live in Him and live for Him, because soon you will understand everything.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Love and Light for the hearts.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more