The joy of Jesus was in the inner and spiritual miracles that souls experienced when they came out of misery and went on to be in glory.

The joy of Jesus was also in the smallest, in the humble and in all those who, in absolute and total trust, would embrace the call of the Kingdom of God.

His Joy imprinted in His fellow people the true spirit to be able to live the Kingdom of God and be part of it.

Jesus reflected His Joy and also His gratitude for the Instruction that brought forth and manifested the sacred knowledge through the parables, which throughout His preaching, formed what we know as the Gospel.

Jesus was the Gospel itself made person and spirit. His Presence would grant souls the possibility of coming out of ignorance and experiencing the first steps of awakening. 

The whole work of Joy of Jesus was based upon Love for God and His Divine Will.

That nonmaterial Love which Jesus expressed for His Eternal Father was visible by means of the momentum and strength of each word pronounced in the Gospel. And also, through the events that occurred in the healing of the sick, the leper, the blind and the paralytic; as well as in the conversion and redemption of the most hardened hearts.

It is evident that the physical events, of which Jesus was an intermediary instrument for souls to liberate themselves from their own ills, were not intended to generate fanaticism nor sensationalism.

The miracles occurred to try to awaken humanity from its profound and petty ignorance. They intended to elevate consciousnesses, from such an earthly state to a more spiritual state.

In this sense, miracles taught the true actuation of nonmaterial Laws that interceded, through Jesus, in serious and complex situations.

The fundamental message that the Messiah wanted to leave is that all material life is governed by a spiritual life, and that our foundations, actions and deeds committed start first from what is absolutely invisible and that we are led by the Source of Creation.

Jesus used all spiritual means so that, through His joy, warmth and Love, the simplest and least prepared consciousnesses would learn to find the true meaning of being in incarnate life and thus discover their personal mission.

The joy of Jesus, His smile and impersonal affection for each being could heal the most profound corner of any consciousness, where the most hidden wound existed.

Just by looking into the eyes of the miserable or the arrogant, Jesus changed their destiny and altered their evolution forever.

I thank you for imitating the joy of Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


A Good Mother - Part I

A true mother is able to give everything to her children, no matter if her children correspond to her or not.

A true mother does everything in silence, and in this silence many times she is silent in order not to challenge the contrariness of these times.

A true mother shelters the suffering of the others and makes it part of herself.

A true mother knows the immaturity and stubbornness of her children, and even so, a true mother will always show the reality and the good side of the history and of the whole experience.

A good mother does not complain, but yes she indicates; she does not submit nor control, but warns, suggests and guides, because her maternal and feminine heart will always dictate many things.

A good mother will always give good to her children, and a little more.

A good mother is one who always says yes and who cries in her solitude. 

She waits for her children will find the way to maturity, kindness, and transparency.

A good and true mother fears for the perdition of her children, and when her children do not listen to her, it grieves her heart.

That is why the Father gave you a mother, no matter if she is right or wrong. God gave you an earthly mother and a Spiritual Mother.

These mothers expect that their children never forget them, to carry them engraved with fire in their hearts, because a mother is the intermediate thread that will unite them to God, in Her feminine aspect.

All those who, in the consecrated life, had the grace of having a spiritual mother, is to recognize her, especially the youth. Because in these moments to be on the lap of a mother will be like being in the Arms of God.

A lot of humility and confidence is necessary to understand, feel, and realize what a good mother feels for her children.

I invite you to relive the hearts of mothers, for all the mothers of the world who agonize day and night because they cannot help their children. 

God gave you His greatest universal treasure: to have a mother close to you, just as Jesus had Me, so that in the most difficult and arid moments I would support Him.

A true mother always has a place for her children, because her children are the first reason for her existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


In the same way that chaos grows on Earth, the minds destabilize and the souls get lost, Heaven also opens before the eyes and hearts of men, bringing to Earth inexplicable Graces.

In the measure of humanity's ignorance, God offers His Wisdom to those who know how to seek it.

While many sink deep into the abyss of their ignorance and the sciences move farther from God, others receive from the Father teachings that overflow beyond their merits and, with the little openness of their hearts, the Creator and Lord of all Knowledge and true Science gives them everything.

The ignorant see the simple of heart listening to God and think their teachings are false, because their own ignorance separated them from God and filled them with themselves, giving no possibility that the Wisdom that transcends their minds might be accessible or even acceptable.

Choose, children, at this time, the path of simplicity and self-emptyness, so you do not run the risk of not having, within yourself, space for the Divine Wisdom.

Recognize, each day more, in humility, that you know nothing and receive, with love, all the Knowledge that comes from God as something new and unique.

May all Wisdom find its place within your consciousnesses and that it not be to fill your minds, but yes to fill your being and become part of you, so that there is always a new space, a new place for what God wants to teach you.

In this revelation cycle, your spirits must always be empty.

Never underestimate the simplicity of God, because His Wisdom is not restricted to the far-fetched words of men or to that which for you is considered elevated and superior. A great Divine Instruction can come through the simple Words of His Messengers, in the maternal love of His Heavenly Mother, who overthrows the power of the proud and delivers the Keys of Heaven to the humble.

Those who really open to the Divine Wisdom will live all teaching with gratitude, whatever it may be. In that way, they will be able to grow in spirit and be ready for the coming times, to be called "Precursors of the New Life", "Seeds of the New Race".

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My Beloved ones,

I am here again with all of My precious children to keep celebrating, inside and outside of the heart of My faithful children, the advent of Christ, the advent of the New Humanity. 

Today My Heart of Mother is nestled inside of the heart of the faithful, of the devotees, of the unconditional, those who say YES to My Immaculate Heart and to the powerful call of the Son of God for these times.

In them I find consolation and relief for My Universal Consciousness, which, although it comes from the Creative Source, still feels pain for what it sees in this world and above all for the infinite ignorance and indifference that humanity suffers from in this planetary time.

I am asking the Eternal Father, with humility, as Mother of everybody, that in His Infinite Mercy He allow Me to be together with you for the longest possible time, because I see that many imperiously need My maternal instructions.

However that, I have total trust in that everything that has been delivered by Us, the Divine Messengers, has found inside of the consciousness of each one, a space to sprout, grow, give fruits and also flowers, seeds that can be sown in other souls. 

In this new anniversary I want to thank My beloved Aurora, to its Kingdom of Healing and of Redemption for having been the home, here on the planet, that in this cycle has opened its doors and its heart to receive the Universal Mother, the Mother of God, the Co-Redeemer of the Savior.

As never before a Kingdom of Love donated itself without conditions to the Greater Will, placing the Plan of Love, almost unknown, in first place, with full humility, love and confidence.

To this, My House on the planet, I give today the teraphim of My Immaculate Heart, so that it may always be available for the souls.

This Immaculate Heart will radiate Healing and Redemption, Divine Forgiveness, Liberation and Rehabilitation to all the souls that come here seeking a new opportunity for their lives.

Here, this Heart, united to the powerful Light of the Archangel Michael, will liberate from the oppression to all the spirits that come, with sincerity and humility, seeking to be pure, free, seeking to be healed of the diseases of the soul, those which sicken the minds and the bodies.

Here, the Mother of God will leave open forever the healing of the soul and of the spirit, the possibility for the beings to be washed and purified by the Codes that Christ reached when He shed His Blood on the Cross.

Every consciousness that enters in this place with reverence and humility, recognizing that it walks in a sacred ground, a space in which the Redeemer placed His Feet again on this planet, after two thousand years, will receive from the Universe what it needs to go forward, to serve the Son of God in the preparation of His path of Return to the world.

Here will be forged the Warriors of Mercy.

Here the valiant souls will receive their instruments, those that they will play together in the great symphony of the planetary rescue in the end of times. 

Here the Warriors of Peace will wait for the great signals from Heaven that will announce the great coming of the Son of God.

Here will be the place where the Warriors of Light will illuminate, with the Sun of their interior, the path for the souls that should come to find the lost way.

Here, in the Aurora of My Heart, will rise the spiritual columns that will sustain the fallen ones, those who will find God for the first time and, as a celestial miracle, will place their souls on the ground to offer them to the Redeemer when He returns.

This Aurora of My Heart, which with so much humility and rejoicing always waits for Me, will be the school of those who, through its essence and instruction, will govern the Promised Land, when, after the Great Transformation, the New Humanity arises in the dawn of a New Era.

To you, My Beloved Aurora, Hail!

Hail your pure and humble heart, My Love grows in your presence!

I love and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Universal Mother


Dear children,

Today I want to announce, as requested by My Son, that your Heavenly Mother will close this miraculous Pilgrimage that has happened during these last two months in Europe.

Europe, as a whole, was liberated again of many errors, not only from the past, but also from the future.

This Pilgrimage has launched new seeds that many hearts of different nations knew how to sow, and cultivate within themselves.

The impulse given through the Pilgrimage attracted important liberations and redemptions to the European nations, that were happening cyclically, as the Pilgrimage was developed.

Although, during these last two months, My pilgrim servants went through difficult and culminating moments, I would like to tell you, children, that the enemy and his powers were defeated many times and they were returned to their deepest abysses, where My Son, for the second time, will go to judge them and redeem them.

Today I take the time to transmit this message, and these informations, so that more each day, the Work as a whole, may know how far a simple pilgrimage can go, or even a humanitarian mission.

Everything that is done for love has a transcendental effect and can cover great plans of consciousness.

Even though the Pilgrimage for Peace has not ended in Spain, it does not mean that My children from this country do not receive the spiritual help they need.

In Spain there are valuable and precious servant souls, in which the Mother of God can found the basis of Her trust, because I know that they will always comprehend Me.

Now that so many nations and peoples of Europe have been spiritually helped, I want to tell you, My children, that the Iberian Peninsula is already prepared to go meet other European peoples and nations, in order to carry My message of peace and of redemption.

The next July 21st, which is a special day for Heaven, for its universal and cosmic conjuncture, the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Humanity and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, will appear in the Community-of-Light Flor de Lys, to close the Pilgrimage for Peace, together with Her dear children, giving testimony once again of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.

There, I will wait for you to share, along with all of your fellow beings of the world, this important moment of synthesis.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved Children of the Most High,

During the Passion of My Lord, your Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel showed Me, from the inner planes of My Consciousness, that at the end of time, in distant places of this world, communities of followers of My Son would meet to pray, receive Me in spirit and they would be instructed by Me.

They would prepare the second coming of the Lamb of God to the world.

Right after this vision, My Beloved Son, while He was agonizing on the Cross, announced that He was handing over humanity to Me to take care of it until His return.

Today I see manifested on the surface of this world, in lands distant from the Holy Land, in another land that is also holy, those communities, which today are Christian, prepare the second coming of Christ.

Today I see before Me those consciousnesses that the Great Announcer Gabriel showed Me and I hear His words again: these will be the faithful, those who will open the door to hundreds, thousands, millions and who will be the new companions of the Redeemer.

In that moment of so much pain, this vision and these words calmed My Heart and I was filled with hope.

Today, when you are standing before Me striving to fulfill each one of My requests, facing difficult tests, often without fully understanding the Designs of the Father, I want to thank you for the fidelity and commitment that you give us and I want to announce to you that I will be with you until the last day of your lives, accompanying and guiding you from the inner worlds.

A day will come when I will no longer appear publicly, I will not speak to you through your brothers and sisters; but within your souls, a loving place has been built for your Heavenly Mother, in which I live and I will always dwell.

In that place we will meet until God calls you to His side.

Today, which is a special day for this world, a day that God chose to give you one of His daughters, who would perform a hard and demanding work, I want to give all of My children the Gift of Fidelity, an essential gift for these times, which will be a column of light over which My Son is building His Celestial Church within your spirits.

Today, on the ground of this grand Kingdom of Aurora, I bless you and lift your souls up to the Feet of the Creator.

The promise of Archangel Gabriel has been fulfilled so far. Strive and reach the end, because that will be when Heaven will definitely descend to Earth.

I love you, bless you and revere your spirits in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ.

Thank you for being with Me today,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Community of Mary

Dear children:

It is with supreme joy that today your Celestial Mother announces the manifestation of Her marian community, which will be integrated within the existing Communities and will welcome all souls that have just taken their first steps towards the consecration to God and to His Divine Plan.

That is the reason why your Celestial Mother will manifest the Community of Mary so that those souls, who have just awakened, can receive the accompaniment and the love they need to continue walking in the concretion of the Plan of the Creator.

This Community will not be different from the other ones and, in its lap of love, it will receive the brothers and sisters who come from the world and that need special care and instructions.

The Community of Mary will be the central heart of your Heavenly Mother, both for the pilgrims and for the first servers, which are born in these times, to the awakening of the spiritual life.

It will be a merciful, simple, orderly and true community.

It will be a community that will accompany and will adapt to the interior and material reality of each being.

Just as your Mother has accepted humanity as Her children, the spiritual Community of Mary, in a compassionate and considerate way, will welcome, with joy and love, the heart of all souls that will be entering the primary service of the Plan of God and the Work of the Divine Messengers.

Children, it is thus that we are already in other times and it will be fundamental to perceive and see the planetary reality; this will help so that the other Communities-of-Light, already founded, can continue responding to the needs of these times and not remain stationary in their own time or understanding.

It is time to open the doors of the heart even more, just as your Mother of Heaven gives you Her Heart, so that you can live in it, all the time.

That is what I desire from all of My already formed servers, that you can welcome and receive those who arrive with great love and not with rejection.

It is time for the graceful Communities-of-Light which are already founded to fulfil their main mission which, by their existence, they came to fulfil.

If these changes are accompanied by all in confidence and without misgivings, it will greatly help so that your Celestial Mother may continue congregating souls so different from you, those who will also deserve the consolation and the Mercy of God.

The Community of Mary will make no difference; on the contrary, children, the Community of Mary will come and will manifest itself before your lives and hearts so that you may comprehend and believe that we are already in another cycle.

Blessed will be those who trust in My designs because they will never lack wisdom.

The spiritual Community of Mary is the gift of God for the planetary life, life, which in these times, by its own actions and by human errors, loses the codes of christification daily.

For this reason, the Community of Mary will come to guide and assist the souls that have never learned to serve God, but that at this time will awaken to the inner call of My Maternal Heart.

May the Community of Mary be the sincere aspiration of those who believe in God.

I thank you for listening to Me with the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

First Message

With My Light Blue Ray of Grace, I radiate to the world and I await an answer from it.

Even in the patience of My Spirit, I wait for an answer.

And I would like from My companions that, after everything that has been received during the last days, discords, doubts or contradictions among Mine and among the fellow beings do not exist.

Because what I have given you during the last days cannot be lost; it will be your responsibility to preserve it and to have this bear fruit in the future.

It is not time to think about yourselves, but about what the world and its humanity need, because you were always rewarded with the treasures of Heaven, more than many souls in the world. 

I need bonds and deep alliances among the consciousnesses that can bear what will come and that do not fear My Fire, which purifies everything and transcends everything.

But I will not be able to penetrate in those spaces of consciousness where I am not allowed. I will not be able to have more time to wait for you, as I have done it many times before.

It is time to assume what has been received and not waste it.

The Instruction that I come to leave for the world is an Instruction for the future humanity and that begins from now on, within you, with the certainty of doing good and not destroying it for anything.

The conviction to fulfill My Laws and to carry them forward in this final time must arise in you. In this way, My Light Blue Ray of Grace will be able to continue descending to the world, because I will have depository souls of My Light in this humanity.

Although everything happens and everything is unleashed, I will continue working for the world and its humanity.

I will ask the Rays of the Universe to continue descending upon the souls so that all times and all forms, structures and resistances may be unblocked.

There is still a lot to do and there is no time. This is something that many have not understood yet, but the majority have not accepted it although it has been said many times.

I do not come to the world to speak to you through theories or philosophies but rather through concrete words that announce what will happen. That is why you are in a preparation that you cannot stop living every day, at every moment, at every instant.

My Words cannot be kept in the unconscious of this world and by no means of its humanity.

My Words must be a reflection of a Work that can be realized from time to time and through the instruments that I am calling by their names.

It may seem difficult to do everything that I ask you, but if you really learn to be in Me, everything will be possible, although it does not seem so.

That is why your relationship with your brothers must be impeccable, free of conflicts, free of value judgments.

It must be a healthy relationship in the spirit so that this may reflect in the consciousness and your consciousnesses may be able to cover many more things that they still do not do.

You must reach the level that I ask you, and that is achieved with constancy and determination, with a ravishing faith; and, in this way, you will not leave behind all the needs that the Universe presents to you from time to time.

The legacy that I came to give you in this last Sacred Week is a legacy that will not be repeated. As much as it has seemed the same, I have delivered different things, new impulses, unknown currents of the Universe.

So that you can understand the Science in which I work, which is not from this Earth, you must love My Words one by one, even if you do not understand them or if you cannot make them part of yourselves in this time.

Love is what allows the Purpose to be radiated and to be literally fulfilled.

In love, things do not become distant nor unattainable.

In love, everything is understood and accepted.

There is nothing that love cannot bear; on the contrary, love, because it is alive and elevated, covers everything.

If there are discords and conflicts among My companions it is because My Love has not worked in you, at all.

You must learn to endure the fire of transformation that I bring you, because it is for a greater good that you will still get to know.

The unity among you will allow My opponents not to approach, not even to know what you are doing or what you are fulfilling in My Name.

I am not saying that you will be free from battles or from challenges, because you are learning to overcome the duality of these times, as humanity and as a planet.

But you cannot lose the Teachings that I give you, you cannot stop looking for them not even for a moment, because there is the way to be in true good and in true peace.

I need you assuming the Plan for the end of times, the Plan of God, which is this part of the Purpose that must still be fulfilled on this planet and with this humanity.

Being eight days with Me is no coincidence nor a mystery, it is a reality that you must learn to accept. 

The Father Who is All-embracing, Omnipresent and Omnipotent, still respects the freedom of His children, because He knows that they must learn in this school that the planet offers them day by day.

But you will not be able to go to My Kingdom with pending subjects in the school of spirituality and of service, of brotherhood and of good, of mercy. 

You must live that experience of redemption even in the greatest limits or even in the greatest tests.

You and many more in the world, in the name of all humanity, must witness through your own experience of redemption and forgiveness, that it is possible to realize this Project, even after the Resurrection of Christ.

You must affirm that the genetic of this humanity can be changed, transformed, transmuted and sublimated, that it is possible for Christic Love to overcome and, thus, the Plan triumphs over the forces of chaos.

But as long as duality exists in this world, which is something that will be defined in the next time, there will still be great internal and external battles and you will have to seek help in My Heart and in My Words, remembering and reliving the legacy that I gave you with an immeasurable Love, which still many have not understood.

I must be clear, precise, fair and true. I tell you again that there is no time.

While everything happens rapidly in the world and within the consciousnesses, it is necessary to learn to grow with speed, at an unknown speed that even matter cannot accompany, but the spirit and even more the disposition of the soul can.

New Laws are beginning to act on the planet for this final time, in order to define all the things that need to be resolved.

But if this does not begin first within you, it will not be able to happen in the world.

That is why the apostles of the last times are apostles who are different from those of the past, because we are facing a reality that can no longer be hidden, not even by the media and the news.

What is written is being fulfilled step by step.

For this reason, it is necessary to define yourselves with caution and surrender to a greater disposition, knowing that your imperfections will go with you until the end of your days, until the inner prison is finally opened so that the spirit may reach its freedom and may be united to the Source with all the experience lived on this planet.

We are working for a redemption that is gradual, that takes place step by step and not with great advances.

It is necessary to understand that the genetic of humanity has become imperfect because of its errors and deviations.

After 2018 years, I come, at the request of the Father, to correct humanity, so that it may learn to be free of itself and of its own illusions, as well as of its own fantasies.

And that change will be painful, nothing will be light. Remove the roots of authority, power and inertia will be painful; but I bring an inner balm in My Heart that no one has, to pour it out over those who truly accept it. It is the balm of My Mercy, which release all faults and all sufferings when you only trust in Me.

It is not time to get lost in superficial things, it is time to look on the inside and find oneself, not with pride or selfishness, but with a spirit of humility, simplicity and love, asking yourselves every day: "Lord, what else should I do to serve you?"

And so your miseries or disturbances will be small, because you will be busy in universal service, in the constant love of giving yourselves a little more every day, to make My Kingdom triumph on this planet. 

All souls will live their tests, no one will be free of them.

But have hope in what I promise you, because after this difficult time a better time will come, where it will no longer be necessary to experience pain nor suffering, nor will there exist a feeling of guilt for not being able to achieve everything.

On the contrary, you will have already learned to overcome duality, which will no longer prevail in the world nor in the consciousnesses. You will learn, through Me, to be free.

May this Marathon represent a deep reflection on everything that has been received, a constant confirmation of your spirits for My Works of peace in the world.

I would like this Marathon to be the moment for each being to find its purpose, which descends from Heaven and from the Universe to awaken souls in their mission.

I do not want you to take My Words as punishment, but rather as an opportunity of transcendence, to advance in the Light and to defeat evil.

May My greatest aspirations to see, in a short time, New Christs accomplishing their mission in humanity be fulfilled in you.

Offer this Marathon for those who are asleep, for those who are distracted, for those who have not had the Grace to be in My Presence yet, as in these last days many had.

Offer each moment to your Master and Lord as a gift of love to the King of the Universe, be it in the action of the day-to-day, in the prayer, in the Communion, as in the unity with the neighbor, so that My Spirit of Peace may always prevail in you. 

May the Lord bless you for this new cycle of awakening and of assuming with responsibility My Designs, so that they may materialize on the surface of this planet.

Under the Light of this Greater Center,

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In this time, have absolute faith in My Heart, because everything that will happen cannot cause your confidence in the Divine Purpose to waver.

As from now, start preparing yourself for the new challenges and apparent obstacles.

Your Master and Lord will help you to create this faith which must be born from within you, be deeply based on the love of service to fellow beings, on the love for the Instruction received, as well as on the love for the Greater Purpose.

Those three virtues will be able to strengthen your small faith so that it may be strong and immutable in the face of the events in life.

Begin as from now to consolidate that faith in the Heart of your Master so that in spite of everything you may see the Will of God concretized in the different spheres of His Work.

So, surrender, again and again, in confidence, so that everything that is foreseen can happen without fear of failure, abandonment or loneliness.

It is time to move forward with courage, knowing that, above all, unity must reign among hearts receptive to the Greater Call.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Rest your soul, your mind and your body in the arms of the Celestial Mother, so that after the sacred rest you find the inner strength necessary to carry forward.

In these definitive times, souls are defining for their lives the next stage of their awakening and walk.

The more adhered and united the souls are to the need that the Universe presents, the greater will be the reason, for all, to respond to what is urgent and immediate.

Then, in this cycle, the fulfillment of the Plan of the Father will depend on this true and unbreakable alliance that must exist between hearts and God.

Thus, the Almighty will see that the action of delivering His most important Designs to the souls, who in this time must take charge of greater responsibilities, is just.  A deep and sincere openness will be enough to carry it out.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

On this day let us follow the steps of the Light of Jesus, but let us still see Christ walking in this world, carrying out miracles and wonders in hearts.

Let us feel within ourselves the hour of His Agony, everything that He suffers for the world upon seeing a humanity blind in spirit and closed of soul.

Let us follow the steps of Light of Jesus because in this cycle He is fulfilling everything that His Father dictated for Him.

Let us see the Face of Our Lord, pale and serene, silent and thoughtful.

The Master approaches His hour and He wants to see Those of His united with His Heart, confirming His Presence in each one of you.

It is thus that you will be able to accompany the Lord on the path of faith and of trust, demonstrating in each act and in each action the Designs of the Father.

In that inner union with Christ and prior to the hour of His great Agony, may His apostles of the last times define their cycle so that in the time to come the emergence of New inner Christs may be possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the spiritual, educational, and academic formation of My Order, consecrated almost nine years ago, I will be able to be accepted, in a civilized manner, by the world and by cultured human beings, who do not believe that within My new apostles, there may be a source of instruction.

When I asked Peter to found My Church for future times I also asked him to form himself; this was for the purpose that he was to represent Me on Earth as a successor of Christ.

Today, in these very accelerated times, I come to ask for a continuity of the spiritual, educational and academic formation of the entire Order, in order that when I can no longer be present amongst you, the nations, the governments, the diplomats, the presidents and the religions of the world may provide a spiritual and physical space so that those who are Mine may testify to My Presence and that, within the laws of the Earth, there may exist a true acceptance of the spiritual mission that I have come to fulfill amongst you during these years.

For this reason, it is of great importance to Me that My faithful collaborators and followers help in the formation of those consecrated in this time and, above all, facilitate the means and the material resources so that these siblings of yours may be able to represent me in a dignified manner, in the coming future.

This will be of great help so that the Work of Mercy that I carry forward in this place of the world, and by means of the Marian Centers, may be recognized as a favorable and safe place for the devotion, prayer, and communion of souls within My Sacred and Glorified Heart.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

Everything that the Universe may tell you or reveal through instruction will lead you to the Truth and your eyes will not be blind; on the contrary, through divine instruction, you will manage to see a part and a little more than what you can normally see.

In this way, you will be able to be up to the events and in a spirit of premeditation, you will know what to do and how to proceed.

Thus, knowing everything the Universe reveals to you through instruction, you will walk firmly and even though at some point that instruction may seem extreme for the life of a being and for the definition of a consciousness, you will learn to thank it every day for not being absent or far from the Truth, which only tries to place you on a new level of awakening.

Know, then, to love the instruction just as it is and you will be able to be prepared to receive and hear new revelations, which in these times will only try to place souls on the correct path of definition and surrender.

In spite of everything, humanity has been warned many times that there would come a time when the Time of God itself would separate the chaff from the wheat and that everything would be said.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who always blesses you,

Your Master Christ Jesus


My Words will remain, but time will pass

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and the moment will come in which all the divine knowledge of the Sacred Hearts will be the guiding star, when we are no longer among you.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and in that hour you must have been confirmed in unity and in faith so as to know what to do and where to be.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and for the majority it will be too late to become aware that all that was said by the Voice of Our Sacred Hearts is essential for the transformation and the redemption of humanity.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and everything will be happening, inside and outside of creatures. Inexplicable things will be shown and the majority will know who they really are.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and some will remember the sacred keys of instruction that we have brought for the great change within the human consciousness.

My words will remain, but time will pass, and many will not be able to return to the previous moment because they will not have taken the step in trust and obedience to the Higher Law.

My Words will remain in the consciousness of the peoples and the nations, but time will pass; each impulse given is decisive and definite and will never again be repeated.

My simple Words will remain in humanity, but material time will pass and everything will be shown inside and outside of human beings.

Merciful and compassionate hearts that can withstand the fire of imperfections will be essential, because there will come a time in which souls will be able to be free themselves, for the last time, from their prisons and chains of yore.

This will be the moment in which your Heavenly Mother will come from Heaven to open the last Seal of the Armageddon, and everything will be unleashed in order to define the emergence of a new and purified humanity.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and only those who dare to lose control of their lives, the power and pride of their actions, will experience overnight the great inner changes.

For this reason, My Words will remain so that all may remember them, but the time of the world will pass and the Source of Graces will unexpectedly close. In this hour, your hearts must have alraedy truly repented and have become reconciled with fellow beings. This will be the only way in which the beast, who will come out of its abyss, will not find you divided, distracted or indifferent.

My Words will be strength for the simple, a shield for the peacemakers, encouragement for the humble, and victory for the divested of self.

My Words are now the last, and they will remain to guide those who want to be guided by the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the jurney from the city of Santiago to the Olmué Commune, Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Now, dear children, that part of the souls of Chile have been gathered and awakened to the path of the concretization of a greater life, your Heavenly Mother expects this mission with the consciousness of Chile to continue to bear fruits of love and light.

For this reason, dear children, it will be necessary to know how to care for and protect the bases that were established so that souls may, from time to time, take steps toward a deeper awakening.

In this way, dear children, all that you may do for this dear country will help new consciousnesses, who are also awaiting to awaken, to receive the same opportunity that your brothers and sisters of Chile received during these last two days.

You must take care that this flame kindled by My motherly Heart does not extinguish, but that it leads each heart through prayer, service, and instruction, to be able to have greater awareness and motivation for universal and Christic life .

I leave you this invitation for the purpose of generating in this part of the world a new Light-Community .

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today I invite you to be living receptacles of God. I invite you to be receptacles of Christ. I invite you to be simple dwelling places for My Maternal Heart.

Today I invite you to be receptacles of the Gifts of Heaven and of the treasures that are spiritually given to humanity, through your acts, through fraternal gestures and through charitable actions; in this way, you will keep these treasures within you and you will not lose the celestial relics that the Universe gives you today through Instruction.

Dear children, may your souls, as receptacles of the Divine, be mediating essences so that the Plan may be fulfilled on Earth.

I wish is that many more souls be encouraged, in these times, to be living receptacles of the Divine through an inner consecration and a life of prayer and of service to current humanity; thus, you will allow Divine Grace to come to the planet and to everything that will be in need of conversion and of redemption.

Never tire of being receptacles of the Divine, because in this way you will recreate this Creation, through your living example of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Sixth day of the Novena:

“For receiving from the Source all the knowledge of the Universe, shaped through the Instruction and formation of the servants of God.”


In these times, dear children, the instruction that comes from the Universe of God will help in awareness-raising and the immediate awakening of humanity.

When there is receptivity to the received Instruction, the Spiritual Hierarchy can move forward with the Work of redemption of humanity.

It is for this reason that Instruction in these times has a profound characteristic of definition, and places humanity at a different degree of consciousness and evolution.

Dear children, this is why the sacred knowledge, as well as the sacred word, are sources of transformation and renewal for souls.

To feel the divine Knowledge within yourselves means to awaken to new possibilities of redimensioning planetary life on another scale.

The formation of the servers of God comes from the spiritual knowledge that is given and that shapes the consciousness for its mission and its inner purpose.

The more you recognize the knowledge of the universe, the more the effects of the planetary purification can be reduced; we know that in these times, souls have placed their attention more on the world and less within themselves.

That knowledge is decisive because it promises to eradicate all that is superfluous and petty from the consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May today My Words be received by humble hearts, so that they may sow within themselves the Gifts of God, and awaken them to live the great planetary service.

May today My Words find only dwelling and rest, so that they may bring clarity and understanding to souls in need of much guidance.

May today My Words be received and considered, so that they may generate in the consciousness the condition to be able to live redemption.

May today My Words be contemplated by those who need them most to live their inner change and to attract to the planet the Grace of opportunity.

May today My Words be heard with love, for this will transform consciousnesses and will make them strong at the moment of experiencing the new cycles.

May today My Words be considered by the world, for in them lies the instruction and the way out for the great inner changes.

May My Words be kept as a light for the moments of solitude, of surrender and of renunciation..

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

If souls could recognize that in the Instruction of the Sacred Hearts lies the keys to experience the long-awaited inner transformation, maybe consciousnesses would avoid making hasty decisions and committing errors.

Instruction is a source of wisdom and encourages discernment. At the same time, it tries to not only correct and improve, but also to awaken and deepen the principles of a life consecrated to the Plan of God.

When the Instruction of the Divinity is not correctly assimilated and contemplated, the consciousness runs the spiritual risk that its lower aspects govern its life and make it dependent on their actions.

Instruction tries to remedy human attitudes and elevate the consciousness from the rudimentary levels where it is usually found.

Instruction, united with prayer, causes the need to change soon to blossom more quickly in the consciousness, in order to become an instrument in the Hands of God, in service to His Divine Will.

In these times, one who does not bring instruction and prayer together as one teaching could be left behind in the last steps of the awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Words of Light and Wisdom emanate from My Immaculate Heart. They are Words of Love and of Truth that come from God to illumine the paths of souls or to draw souls closer that have distanced themselves from the Father.

These Words, which emerge from My Heart, are full of Grace and of Mercy, for behind them is held an infinite and mysterious Higher Love which makes each creature worthy and venerable.

These Words seek to awaken the truth in each being, and at the same time, the Purpose that each essence is to accomplish in light of Creation and the universe.

This makes us understand that Spiritual Instruction comes to us so we are able to know how to make the most of our own life through the path of faith, charity and helping others.

The Words of Light which come from My Heart make life evolve, with each consciousness becoming a Sacred instrument of God.

The Words which come from God concretize many things, especially the Purpose and the task that each soul must experience in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
