VII - The Strength for Seeking Light and Crying Out for Mercy

A soul that was treading their path of surrender to God, one day, while experiencing a profound moment of inner definition, tempted by the forces of the world, thought about abandoning everything and launching into the pleasures and illusions of life. This soul was tempted to think and to feel that their surrender had no meaning, that it made no difference to the evolution of life and that despite so much effort, they were standing still; so it would be better to leave this path and launch into the world.

Upon inwardly planning to abandon their spiritual path, the soul felt they could not do so and something tied them to God. With a mixture of fear and of indignation, the soul began to question the Lord, saying: "Tell me, Lord, why do you tie me to Your Heart? What difference do I make for You if I am always the same invisible and imperfect soul in the infinity of Your Creation? God, why do You not allow that I abandon this path and that, surrendered to the world, I may learn to find You through other ways that are not this one?"

And with a smile on His Face, showing His celestial compassion, the Lord answered:  "Can an organ decide for itself to live outside of the body and leave? However much it wants to be independent within this body, and it might create illnesses and imbalances, that organ cannot leave on its own. And if one day, after so many illnesses, it were to be removed from this body, do you believe, little soul, that it would survive alone?

This is how the souls are like that have committed themselves to Me are. All the souls I have created are cells of My Mystical and infinite Body, but those that have committed themselves to Me are organs inside of Me, which have a fundamental role in the evolution of life, and even if they do not realize it, they are part of an infinite Work that does not begin nor end in this world. Therefore, beloved soul, it is not I Who ties you to My Heart and does not allow you to follow other paths; it is your own life and your condition of union with Me that makes you feel that, in spite of all the temptations, you cannot do so.

But for you, this moment is not the expression of your purest thought. You are going through a moment of blindness and ignorance, in which clouds cover your face and your heart, and you cannot see or feel the truth. So that this truth to be revealed to you, do not distance yourself from My Love and do not stop crying out for My Mercy. Even if you are in the desert, I will give you the strength to persist. And even in the inner dryness, you will feel My Fount that, in the very depths of the depths, springs up again within you. In a time of confusion, do not stop seeking Me, and I will give you peace."

In this dialogue with God, children, may the souls that today are blind find the strength to seek the Light and cry out for Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Accompany, with your heart and spirit, the steps of your Lord through this world. 

Cry out, on behalf of humanity, for the roots of corruption of human consciousness to be pulled out from the depths of beings and of the Earth. Allow the Divine Hands to plunge into the ocean of the records of humanity, to liberate and purify you, removing from the consciousness of men and women of this world, the weight that does not allow them to walk. 

Beg for Grace and liberation.

Let Mercy descend upon the Earth as a transforming flow, and offer your heart so that it may be the first one to be healed and transformed by God. Because thus, child, with your own example, you will open an even greater door so that the Mercy of God may descend to the world. 

Cry out and be an example of the action of Divine Mercy. Ask God to transform the world and let yourself be transformed. Ask the Father to sublimate human corruption and let Him tear out from you the corrupt roots, the ancient energies and hidden forces  that hinder you from deepening your steps toward God.

Look at the world, child, and feel yourself as a mirror of it. If you transform what is inside of you, that which is outside of you will also transform.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph      



The time has come to return. To return to the Heart of God, return to the pure and simple principle of your existence, return to the essence of what you are, to the essence of Life.

The time has come to return. To return to the Father, renewed by the presence of His Spirit, carrying with you everything you have learned in this world and in all others.

The time has come to return. To return in consciousness to the point you left behind before original sin. Return in consciousness to the Truth, recovering the Wisdom that, as children of God, you hold in your inner world.

The time has come to return. To return to Life and escape from death, in which many have chosen to be.

The time has come to begin to consciously tread the path of return, which does not mean to cease to exist, but rather to exist within the Truth, belonging to the Truth, being one with it.

To return means to go back to Divine Consciousness, to go back to the Consciousness of your Origin, dismissing the power of illusion and of ignorance and making space for Reality to manifest.

The time has come to return, because everything that belongs to illusion will vanish with it.

Pray and truly aspire to be in God, to know and recognize His mysteries, and each day more, let Him express Himself in your hearts.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.

Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.

If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now. 

Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.

The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.

Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.

So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.

Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the midst of a world that submerges itself each day more in the darkness of its own ignorance, I come to call you to awaken the Christic flame in your interior.

While the ordinary humanity seeks the progress in the discovery of new technologies that may hypnotize and submit the beings even more, I call you to discover the truth about what you are and for what you have come to the world.

Today I tell you, companions, that this incessant search for power and for manipulation is a fruit of a seed that you have brought from the universe, where there are also spirits that do not seek anything besides their own mental development and ways to conquer the consciousnesses through the material power and the force.  But I tell you that greater than those two energies is the invincible Love of Christ.

Love is unknown for those who only seek their own material growth because, if they knew the true essence of love, they would know that there is not a greater wealth than the virtues that are consolidated in the hearts that abandon themselves.  They would also know that there is no greater kingdom to be conquered than the Kingdom of God, that which is found inside of each being that opens itself to live love above all things.

Today I will answer to you a question that many do by observing the ills of the world: 

“Where is God? How can He allow these things?”

Know that the ills of the world are caused by the lack of control of the forces that the planet human beings themselves have brought from the universe in order that they would be healed by the potency of love that you can live here.

Especially on the current days, those uncontrolled energies will emerge from the consciousnesses and the chaotic forces will stimulate their growth in the beings.  If you have a heart pure and a strengthened by the power of prayer, you will be able to balance these forces with the light generated by your own spirit in redemption.

If you open yourselves to live love, beyond your own mental judgment and beyond all the degenerated teaching that you received hereditarily, you will be able to defeat all the darkness that inhabits your beings and that you often do not known.

This is a very solitary struggle that is assumed only by the brave because you will have to go against all the decadent human principles that are already engraved in the cells of this world’s beings.

But everything is possible, because huge is the light that is being delivered to you in order that you will illuminate the abysses of the inner world.  I only ask you, beloved companions, that you trust in the leading of the Divine Messengers and do not fear to lose yourselves in order to find a new and true being.

I love you and lead you under the Celestial Blessing of Christ.

By the power given to Me by My Son, I impel you to the emergence of a new race.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In these times of the planet, you must be very vigilant with yourselves, with everything that you think and feel and with wherever you allow yourselves be taken by imagination, because the small permissions that you give yourselves and the small gaps that you allow to be opened in your spiritual fortresses will become the reason for the rupture of a construction, elevated with much effort and arduous inner work.

Much it will cost you to construct of an inner fortress, to achieve the consolidation of a virtue or to manage to transform an ingrained aspect of the being, because the planetary forces have already reached a certain reign within the human cells, within the genetic code of most beings.  So, all your tendencies will take you to succumb to the ordinary life and to the capital energies.  For this a slight thought or an apparently innocent imagination can lead you to get lost in the endless labyrinths of the earthy energies of this time.

It is for this reason, My beloved ones, that you must be very vigilant with yourselves.  Give priority to the life of prayer that, little by little, will strengthen you and will enter with the new codes in your cells, codes that will make you more strengthened before certain influences of chaos and of evil.

While you do not know yourselves and you do not develop your own spiritual potentialities, prayer will be the greatest instrument for the maturing and the growth of the spirit.  Therefore, pray and do not allow that the mind digress and live, in the mental and astral levels of consciousness, those things that you have already proposed yourselves to not live.

Pray, pray much, because you will need to be more and more firm in the times that are to come.

I love you and I lead you with small keys, but very valuable ones, when they are used with the heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
