Believe, above any situation or circumstance that everything is in the Hands of God. No matter how difficult certain experiences may be, God holds all power, because He is one and He is great. Everything that is below the Father is small.

Believe, above all else, that the Father is Who holds the helm of the ship and is Who guides it towards good harbors. The Father is in each detail, but He, in His infinite Wisdom, allows His smallest creatures, the human beings of this planet, to learn through different experiences.

Have faith and affirm it, because the Father is above all, He is the Commander of the Universe and the Regent of all spaces and of all areas of spiritual work. Yet, with His infinite Goodness, He allows His children of the Earth to learn so that they may eventually be as similar as the Father is in love; for this, souls make mistakes again and again, until they learn, at their own expense, that without love and without truth one is nothing in this Universe.

The Father gives an impulse in this time for the fulfillment of His Work of Love through the experience of humility.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children of Mine,

On this day, a radiant Sun crossed the world, illuminated the lives and the hearts, removed the souls from darkness and rested over Venezuela. This Sun, that burns in Divine fire and comes from the Holy Spirit, comes to light up the hearts of the children of God, which are dimmed out of fear and by the lack of Faith and of Hope.

This Sun came to show that, to the one who asks, it always will be given and to the one who calls with fervor at the doors of Heaven and clamors for the help of God, He will always send help, listening with Love to the prayers of His children.

My beloved ones, I want to invite you to persist in the Spirit of Pacification, because the one who seeks Peace and lives it radiates to their brothers and sisters and brings to the world the possibility that others may discover the Power of Peace and may live it.

Confirm day by day the union with Me, because My Heart vigils this world day and night, always attentive to a sincere call, a prayer filled with faith.

Children of mine, these are times of chaos in the whole world. It has been permitted by God that humanity may learn through the consequences of its own acts.  But today I say to you that this learning is not for all, because there exists the possibility of learning through Love and Peace.  You only need to walk towards this goal and in your lives sow actions that generate fruits meritorious for a life of Peace.

Peace is reached through the union with God, because if you are united to Him, you may understand His Plans; if you are united to God, you may find His Will in all the events of life and in everything you will find the perfect offer to be realized to the Lord, for all of those who live in the world and suffer even more, because they suffer in ignorance and in the lack of God.

My beloveds, to find the path of Christ, discover the resemblance that there is between your lives and the life of the Lord, and ask with fervor that He may help you to discover this unity between the Calvary of Christ and the Calvary that the whole world lives.

You must, in this time in which chaos is growing, learn to transcend the limits of the events of life and, as My Son has taught you, “to be in the world, without being of the world”.  Know that every experience brings learning and all learning brings a strengthening and an inner maturity.

A soldier will learn to be a soldier, battle after battle, and the soldiers of Christ will learn to merge themselves with Christ when, battle after battle, they may overcome themselves and their enemies, by loving them.

My dears, these are times of the discovering of love and of finding it in all, because all the difficulties of life bring to you an opportunity to love.  Just as My Son, embrace this cross that is being given to you as humanity and know that even in the time of Christ many carried a cross, but few knew how to love it and to find in it the liberation of the world.

Who will offer themselves to renew the sacrifice of Christ?  Who will find in pain the will to relieve the pain of the other?  Who will know how to forget themselves in order to truly love their enemies?  Who will be the sun of the new time that will remove from darkness those who did not know how to find the Light?  Who will accompany Me until the end, who will proclaim Peace and will live Hope in a world that is destroying itself?  Who will bring My Kingdom to Earth?  Who will summon themselves?

These are questions that your hearts must know how to answer in this time.  And to all of those who say yes, I say to you, that I will always be with you and that I will always accompany you.

Just pray, pray much and live Peace in your hearts.

This is My last call: Peace.

I love you and I bless you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


I come to the world as Healing Mother, healer of the souls and hearts that suffer the most. I come to say to you that My Love is the cure for all evils, at any level of the bodies, because there is nothing that before God and His infinite piety, that under the intercession of His Servant, cannot be healed.

My beloveds, My presence in the world is the cure for all the faults of humanity; it is the cure for all the kingdoms of nature; it is the cure for the planet itself, that today agonizes permanently.

This love that I bring to you, and which is the perfect remedy for all evils, must be poured over the world, by means of clean, pure, true and simple vessels, that may reflect the Love that I bring to you day by day.

For this I come to My little children in order to form those who will be the mirrors of My Peace and My Mercy, through which I will testify to My presence on Earth.

Those who do not see Me nor feel Me, will see Me and feel Me in the eyes and the heart of those children of Mine who have surrendered their lives completely in My arms, and no longer live for themselves, but for God.

Beloved children, to live the imitation of the Servant of God, and to express on Earth equality with Her, you must first open yourselves truly to live this wonderful fact, and then you must persist eternally on the path of constantly falling and standing up. Because in order that I may live in the hearts and Be in your lives, all of that which is not similar to My Heart must be extirpated and, for many, letting go of what one is not, in order to be empty before God, this is and will be very painful. But do not be afraid and seek to love this purpose of life, because Love itself can act also, and transform that which is ingrained in your consciousnesses.

Do not worry if you are not perfect and if you constantly discover that what was a great and immutable truth to you yesterday, has become a poor illusion today. The eyes that mature are transformed and, for every child it is difficult to abandon the illusions of childhood, but it is still even greater what awaits in the maturity.

Beloved children, you are no longer children in spirit nor in consciousness, and the moment has come to mature and to live in matter what you already know that exists in the silence of the heart. I only ask you to never be discouraged and that you may be able to become malleable creatures in the hands of the Creator.

Do not be afraid to leave behind what you have been until this moment; and may the Faith in something superior and unknown be greater than the incomprehension that today comes to your mind. A child will never understand the life of the parents, no matter how much they believe they understand, until they become an adult and look back to see how much they were wrong and how they really knew nothing of that life.

Walk only in the Faith of the heart, knowing that there is much to be healed in all the consciousnesses of the Earth. There is not, and there has never been in the world someone who has reached the holiness of Christ; but there have been those who have sought for it persevering until the end of the life, and today continue to seek for it in the Kingdom of the Heavens, now walking by His side, by means of the merits reached on Earth.

Happy are those who persevere in the search for perfection with joy and peace of spirit. Never lose the Peace that I bring to your lives, and day by day allow yourselves to be in My maternal arms.

What you cannot reach by your own self, make an effort to offer truly to God and let Him, Who is perfect, be in charge of His imperfect creatures.

I love you always, and I am at the side each one of you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
