May peace be in your heart so that you may see God within you.

May peace renew your being in Christ so that Christ may renew the times through you.

May peace be unchangeable so that it may be established beyond consciousnesses, nations and peoples.

May peace be carried as a banner of loyalty and honor to our beloved Lord of the Universe.

May peace bring science and knowledge to the human beings so that through peace they may find God.

May peace reign in the inner universe of each being so that inner peace may be known in the world.

May peace bring that which is new and eternal for everyone; may it bring the joy of serving God and of helping to rebuild this humanity.

May peace never end in those who truly serve God and who fulfill His Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace





My friends,

Do not fear failing because of what you were in the past or for what you have now discovered about yourselves and that must die from now.

I am here on this day of Glory and Mercy because you have sincerely accepted to wash your faces and your feet in My Source of repairing and inexhaustible Love. For this, day by day, by means of the merciful prayer, I encourage you to go ahead in the search of the path of sanctity and of perfection of the soul so that all may be renewed in life.I know how you feel now and how much you need My Help. I have My Heart open so that in faith and in trust you may be able to enter in It without fear and without disturbances.  I will not judge you, I will only show to your hearts the time of the great step for your spirits.

Cultivate a spirit of hope because if you do it you will see being born in you My Joy and My Mercy. Remember that the world is suffering and purifying itself, it is time that My Soldiers abandon the swords from yesterday and to carry in their hearts and between their hands My Banner of Redemption.

My Paternal Spirit accompanies you today in the silence of prayer.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for transforming your lives through My Holy Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus, You Faithful Confessor.


Truly I say to you that the soul who clings with devotion and love to the hour of My Mercy will be recognized as a blessed soul, capable of being able to carry between its hands the standard of My Peace. In this way I will give to it, at the culminating hour, the power of the Word and of the Spirit so that the hearts may be able to recognize My Presence between their lips and their little spirit.

I am also here on this day to confirm to the souls that since the beginning made a vow of consecration to My Most Sacred Heart of Love. For this, in addition, I tell you that no soul will lose the bond of love that unites it to My Heart as long as it answers to the greatness of My Eternal Call.

In this time of purification for your hearts My Rays descend from the heart of this universe to unveil the mysteries of My Christification as a Man and as a Consciousness. This happened with the intention that all of My disciples, as souls of the world, may be able to soon imitate My steps in the different phases of life.

Dears, day by day I bring you My Kingdom so that in your earthly life may be affirmed the commitment of your souls with My Eternal Spirit. In this way your example of love and of devotion to My Sacred Heart will open the door for all of the consciousnesses that live in suffering and in the eternity of their own hell.

Whenever your beings, in spite of everything, are available to receive Me with truth and faith at three in the afternoon, the inexhaustible Source of My Mercy circulates throughout the world as a flight of the Holy Spirit to convert the hearts, and to liberate from ties those who live tied up to the illusion of the world. Day by day, through My Mercy, I invite you to the collaboration with My Plan of Rescue and of Conversion of the world.

Under the Infinite Light of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, He who returns in victory to your lives. 


Dear children,

May your lips never tire of offering praises and blessings to the Heart of God, because in this way, in the name of humanity, you will be praising all of Creation.

My children, may your hearts rejoice on this day because My Son is present in your lives and He, at this hour, needs all of your True Love.

My little ones, bring on this day My banner of peace in your hands so that the powerful flame in your hearts may radiate faith and devotion to those children that have lost it.

In times of conversion, I need you firm and brave so that those who still do not believe in My call will be able to return to the arms of God through My Heart. The time of definitive salvation is for all, and you, as My beloved children, can count on My Maternal Help.

Dear children, know that after having walked so much with Me throughout all this time, there exists a unique and precious opportunity for all souls to find God in this last hour. Just as I took Jesus in My arms to the Temple of God, today I present all of you so that My Father may pour His Mercy and His Pity on you. Each step that you take in this life means so many steps for many other souls that must unite to God the Creator.

Dear children, therefore raise your prayers tirelessly towards the Heights, and may your open hearts be receptors of My Immaculate Love.

My little ones, with My eyes of Mercy I contemplate you because, from Eternity, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, My task is for love, the task of bringing you to the encounter with My Son.

I thank you again on this day for walking at My side; My Heart has been walking at your side for a long time.

Now, My Light has reached your hearts to awaken them to the celestial reality.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Will you carry the banner of Peace with Me?

Will you help Me spread My Message in the world?

Dear children, you, through the prayer of the heart, may be My messengers, those who only communicate to all what My words dictate day by day to your hearts. Many are My Marian soldiers of prayer, the armies of the Father on Earth. But to follow in this service to the Creator of the Whole, you, in the groups of prayer, must always renew yourselves in the exercise of the prayer of the heart.

Today I invite you to live in the instruction of the One and Omnipotent Lord who is in the Heavens; may He be for you the wise and kind fatherhood that many children search for in the spirit.

My Immaculate Heart wants to bring you to know and feel the greatness that exists for being in the Lord and how all of you may be invaded by His prodigies and mercies. But before this My children, each of you must repaired in the Lord so that the heart lives the forgiveness that is promised by My Son Jesus.

Know dear children, that Christ, the Redeemer of the World, is attentive to the voice of all supplications. They must be true before the eyes of My Son because in this way He will indicate to you how proceed on.

And thus you may proceed in God because your souls must remain, through prayer, in the infinite ocean of Mercy, so that your mistakes and pains are freed little by little.

You, dear children, represent precious gem for the heavens, which polished and transformed by prayer, must be near the hands of God, so that He places you as light in the Universe. Many of my children are precious gems that still are not polished and that lose the intensity of their own inner sparkle.

For this, dear children, prayer for all the children will collaborate so that all souls are also repaired by My maternal hands and by the rays that spring constantly from Jesus.

Thank you for answering My call.

In divine prayer for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children,

Yesterday I invited you to live in the reconciliation of the heart; today I invite you to continue exercising this attribute from the Heavens, because each reconciliation that is lived will relieve the burden of suffering in the world.

For this reason, My children, carry in your hands My standard of peace and in the prayer made with the heart you will allow God to fulfill you with His Gifts and Graces.

You know, My little ones, that humanity fears the time of the great changes, but I tell you that in truth you must pray more so that all the fear may disappear. The enemy distracts the hearts through fear. For this reason, little children, if your hearts are vigilant in prayer, you will help this belief in fear to disappear through the strong presence of love.

Dear children, stay in My Protective and Maternal Presence so that your lives may find the true refuge of the heart: Peace.

Life in peace is like the elevation of a bridge of Light to the Heavens. This path will be built with daily prayer, a prayer that prepares you for the new times.

Now is the moment to radiate to your brothers and sisters the love that your hearts feel for My Glorified Son. In this way, from each life will be able to emerge a ray of fraternal love that humanity needs to find again in these times.

Dear children, each one of your hearts is in My presence. I call you to reconcile yourselves with God through the act of forgiveness.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
