Prayer of Union to the Humility of God

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
transcend the barriers of my ignorance.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
defeat my resistances.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
open my eyes to the true Light
and remove my consciousness from the abysses of pride and vanity.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
dissolve my smallness into your greatness
and show me the true purpose of human creation.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
unite me to my neighbor and to the Kingdoms of Nature
for the concretization of the Divine Plan.

Allow my consciousness to recognize
the presence of the Creator in all things
and glorify His existence in all forms of life.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
allow me, now and always, to live You with perfection,
as did the Lord,
Who reduced His greatness to be among humankind
and confirms His Infinite Mercy
by returning to the world.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God, 
may You be a fruitful principle within the human heart.


On your knees, pray and ask God to help you to imitate Him, because only the truly humble heart will overcome the tests that will come and the ray of the Justice of God that will break and destroy the structures of the pride, of the arrogance, of the haughtiness and of the vanity of the human heart.

Be firm in humility, and surrender yourselves to love. Be brave, so that you let yourselves be overcome by God. Be strong, so that you stand up with hope and willing to be reborn in Christ, when the Lord overthrows the old humankind inside of your consciousnesses.

Humility and peace are the keys for these and all times.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of the Sacred Humility