During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


Unexpectedly, today I present myself to humanity, to call it to repentance.

Before now, the cup was almost full; now the cup is overflowing. Be aware of what you are doing, stop the attacks of brother against brother.

The nations and some of their leaders are already more than puppets in the hands of My enemy. A hidden and evil network subdues the innocent: children are abandoned, human beings are despised and rejected at the borders because they try to escape famine and persecution.

Do not play with nuclear weapons anymore. You, human beings of the Earth, are not aware of what a mere slip would generate upon the entire planet.

In the mid-1940s you were warned about the consequences of using nuclear energy, and you did not listen to our messengers. Now you run and compete, threaten the world and conduct hidden tests in places upon Earth that are already highly contaminated by so much radiation.

When will you realize that power does not belong to you?

Stop and listen to the Voice that comes from the Heart of the Universe.

You no longer have anything else to experiment with and to create. At this moment, recognize that you have failed at your experiments in laboratories and with humans; and that the current pandemic is the result of malpractice.

What else do you want to have?

There have been previous humanities that transgressed Creation and hurt themselves.

You are the fifth and final race. The danger is no longer in your paths; now it is in your hands, and you cannot control it.

Abandon the social and conquering arms race that you still promote in many nations. No longer attack the seas and the oceans. The planet is heading to an unexpected salinity.

The Earth cannot endure any longer, and it will reflect its agony. You cannot imagine this world without fresh-water, or in long dark days due to the spread of the ashes of all volcanoes.

What will you do if that happens?

As long as the Kingdoms of Nature remain the focus of an unlimited exploitation, blood will continue to be shed throughout the world, and it will continue to be in the news.

You have lost the intuition of your souls; you no longer have the sensitivity to listen to God within yourselves.

Your lives are darkened by ambition and injustice, while thousands of people in the world are hit by marginalization, exile and exploitation.

The same hands as always enrich themselves through global suffering, but that will end. It will be one of the first corrections that I will impose on humanity.

Today I speak to the whole world, I do not speak to just one religion. I speak to all believers and non-believers, to those who have wasted their lives for pleasures and desires of the world, I speak to those who feel satisfaction in doing evil.

There is no angel or Hierarchy that will stop the overflowing cup. You are at the edge of the great abyss.

My Heart not only sustains the suffering and agonizing world; My Soul endures the injustices and the contempt of those who abandoned me and did not believe in Me. They did not hear My message. They judged My work and My dedication, and My enemy deceived them.

Therefore, be attentive. Everything I have given you throughout these years was to prepare you for this time, and most of you let My Words pass you by and you lost them.

Now, with little time left, reconsider, correct your mistakes and ask for Mercy, because no one knows Justice and, even so, souls challenge it, out of ignorance and indifference.

In truth, I tell you that I can no longer justify before My Father everything that you do. The time has come for everything to be defined between you and God.

But if love, tolerance, respect and care are experienced in your lives, you will suffer no more; because everything that will come will be the result of pride, exploitation and the evil of those who continue to live them.

I can only tell you to repent, so that in these acute moments, you not lack peace.

Hold on to My Words. Be the New Testament so that the whole world stops suffering its own consequences.

On the twelfth anniversary, together with the Mother of God, and for an undetermined period, we will give you Our final Words, so that you may listen to them carefully, and your consciousnesses may understand the message.

For this reason, responding to the Will and Justice of the Universe, and for everything received at each new meeting, you will listen to our Messages after prayers, which will be delivered beforehand, since for an undetermined time, I will protect the visionary, so that he may help Me to sustain this moment, in prayer and in silence, so that My Graces may reach other parts of the world.

It is time for you to live My Messages, especially the last ones.

My Heart has endured offenses from very close companions, something that has opened the Wound on My Side. The offenses of those who leave hurt My Heart, because I give them life and, instead of living in Me, they let themselves die. 

May discernment and peace guide you in these difficult times.

May this Marathon be the synthesis and confirmation of your lives before the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is in the silence of the inner worlds and in the stillness of the souls where the Mysteries of God can be revealed and shown. This part of the Mysteries that are held in the great consciousness of the planet, in the soul of the planet, throughout the entire orbit of this humanity.

That is where I want to take you today, to share with you this part of the mysteries that God knows and is aware of, concerning the whole human existence.

In previous days, we spoke to you about the sacred civilizations of the Earth that inhabited this planet and that coexisted, in harmony and peace, with all of nature, achieving high levels of contact and consciousness with the Divine, Cosmic and Inner Universe, as well as with a very pure and profound union with each of the Kingdoms of Nature.

And it is on this path that I want to take you today, as a preparation for this next Marathon of Divine Mercy in which, as a group of souls, as a group of essences, as My apostles, you must continue to pray with all the conviction of your hearts, just as you have done until now, to attract toward humanity the Divine Attributes that are kept in the Sacred Books of God, and that are reflected toward the inner worlds of the great consciousness of humanity.

It is for this reason, companions, that today I hold in My Hands the Sacred Book of God, one of the many books that hold the records of the history of this humanity, bringing continuity to sacred knowledge and revelations that you need, at this time, to be able to take the steps toward the Heart of God. This is why today I bring you these impulses so that your hearts may ignite even more in the Love of God and His Divine Presence.

It is in this recollection where the Truth is shown, it is where your consciousnesses can be enriched by the knowledge that comes from the Universe, but that also comes from the planet, from ancient times, from very ancient moments, when humanity experienced such a true and profound moment in its process of contact with Creation, something that does not happen in this time, but that has only taken place in a minority of this humanity incarnated upon the surface of the Earth.

This impulse, like the previous impulses, comes to place every being of this planet, everyone who prays and every consciousness that trusts in Me, upon the path of return to the sacred Creator Project of the Celestial Father.

I bring you the opportunity to find the way back to your origins, not only to the place from where you once emerged from the Sacred Lakes of the Universe, where your essences prevailed and showed the truth of the original purity and of the original love that God conceived in you as consciousnesses before you departed to the schools of the Universe and to these schools of life on Earth.

In this book, which today I hold in My Hands, can be found the origin of a civilization, of a sacred people that inhabited this region of Canada. Very close to the Arctic Circle, they were in the greatest solitude, finding deep union with God, listening to the Word of God that came through His Messengers of the Cosmos and consciously receiving the impulses that opened up the space and path so that the humanity before, long before the people of Israel existed, could experience contact with that which is higher, cosmic and Divine.

In this way, companions, you will be able to understand what I am talking about at this time, and, from where this sacred information comes, which emerged spontaneously upon this planet, long after Adam and Eve; that civilization, which was in North America, found the path spontaneously and naturally to live this permanent encounter with the Universe and Creation.

It was this people of North America, prior to the great indigenous civilization, who inhabited the far lands of Canada. This people lived the Project of God, fulfilled it, carried it out, step by step, following the guidance that came directly from the Universe through the Messengers of the Cosmos.

In this process, they evolved and achieved the seventh degree of evolution of consciousness.

In this way, understand that which happened in that time and how humanity today has not been aware of this history, but, the Eternal Father, since the beginning, has known everything.

These consciousnesses, which evolved naturally because of their inner and spiritual condition, opened in those times a great doorway so that the following generations of humanity, the next peoples and civilizations, would also have the opportunity and the Grace to become aware of the invisible and superior reality that surrounds them.

And so, the Father entrusted one of His Archangels to closely follow that people and that civilization. The Archangel Uriel sent one of his sublime and eternal aspects to the material dimension of the planet.

In a state of spiritual, soul and divine consciousness, He approached this people to bring a message and a revelation, since this people was not fully aware of all that existed beyond its material universe.

The governors of the different civilizations, of the different peoples, always existed to guide all toward the path of realization of the Plan of God, and, in this case, in this people of North America, who lived and remained close to the Arctic Polar Circle, there was a special governor, a wise but also humble man, uninterested in power, in authority or in conquest, because these energies did not exist in him, nor in his people.

The protection of that people was their union with nature and with the Universe, although they did not know everything.

Their sensitivity awakened high degrees of love and allowed them to expand their consciousness in reciprocal and compassionate service among brothers and sisters.

It was a people that witnessed the coming of this great Celestial Messenger, the Archangel Uriel. In this people, and in its future generations, He cultivated the fundamental principle for inner worlds, which is the fortitude of spirit. This people achieved fortitude of spirit and learned how to sustain this inner fortitude through a great and unique key, which was faith. By this faith, the people awakened trust in the unknown and they were not afraid to open up to discover, to know and to understand what was beyond the limits of their material consciousness.

This governor was a consciousness who was present with this people, but who in spirit had come from the Universe. One of the important Masters who still accompanies humanity to this day, and who guided that people, in the likeness to a patriarch.

In reality, the lineage of the patriarch began at that moment for humanity so that later the following patriarchs could come to this world to guide it and govern it with loyalty and without human power.

In that people as well as in this great patriarch of the civilization of North America, in the Arctic Polar Circle, there was no interference, there were no limits, there were no obstacles, impediments, because the purity that came from their hearts was so simple and so profound, that it made them humble in the Eyes of God.

That people was one of the main reasons why the Father and all that is under Him, within His Law of Hierarchy, could trust in His creatures, in His children, and continue with the Project that failed in Adam and Eve.

And, thus, miraculously and without explanation, that people had no temptation, deceit nor deviation, and so the group of souls of that people lived their first experience on this planet as human beings.

 They emerged from sacred lakes and came to the Earth in a very high original condition of purity, similar to that which Mary, My Mother, incarnated.

The great archangels, in ancient times on Earth, accompanied the project of humanity, because they knew the value and the importance of its meaning.

In this current time, the archangels will approach humanity to be able to protect and take care of a part of the Project of the Eternal Father, even though humanity has deviated completely from the path and the Law.

But today, to all those who listen:

Beyond your spiritual, inner or material condition, beyond your purification, your mistakes or your tests, beyond everything, beyond any condition or situation that may seem unachievable for you, and, through this Marathon of Divine Mercy, with this impulse for your consciousnesses, hearts and lives, I come to have you recognize and value that which you truly are so that the obstacles, interference or the deviations may dissolve into the powerful energy of Love-Wisdom, coming from My Christic Consciousness.

I bring you this history, that you had not known, and through which today you can awaken to elevate your consciousnesses in ardent aspiration, an aspiration for someday finding this path, for living this purity and this very perfect union with the Creator, just as this people lived it in the past.

It is in this way, through this history and this revelation, that today I mirror and reflect the same principles that this sacred people of North America lived, for the entire group life of the Light-Communities, for all those who are participants and followers of the redemptive Work of your Lord, Jesus Christ.

Let your hearts be tabernacles of the sacred knowledge which once existed on Earth, because not everything was error or evil on Earth.

Opening your hearts to this knowledge, commune of the Holy Spirit and the Source of Its Gifts so that, renewed by the Grace that comes from the Universe and from the Source, you may stand and continue onward, just as I did for you up to the Cross, up to the last breath, until I closed My Eyes, for each one of you, and surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of God; just as I give your spirits and lives into the Hands of the Father.

Reaffirm this commitment with faith.

Express this same faith that this sacred people had, and bring continuity to this history, which must be re-written for the redemption and transformation of your lives and for all of humanity, so that more consciousnesses and souls may be participants on the path of redemption and Mercy.

Receive the balm of this sacred knowledge and be blessed by it so that within you may awaken this same impulse that awakened in that people, in the simplicity of spirit and the purity of soul.

Let the Love of God govern within you.

Let the Love of God make you participants in Divine Life, and, in Divine Life, may the doors open to Universal Truth, in which all beings will find not only their origins but also the synthesis of their existences and the reason for having come here, to this planet, to experience this school of forgiveness.

With these words, I prepare you for merciful prayer so that, through this merciful prayer, you may receive the impulses of Light that comes through knowledge and from the Source.

Believe that nobody will cause you to lose this connection with what is superior, as long as you protect it from yourselves. Open your hearts and your consciousnesses will expand in the Universe, and, in this way, you will be filled with Peace.

Trust, because redemption is close at hand for those who open to live it inwardly; it will not be difficult to achieve it, it will not be an obstacle to be able to approach this redemption, it will be a Grace, an impulse, a blessing, an opportunity, which My Heart will bring for all when I return to the world.

I bless you and I give you the Light of this knowledge so that this current race of humanity may bring continuity to the Work of Christ upon the surface of the Earth, for the triumph of love, of peace and of unity among souls.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
