It is time, child, to put temptations in their place within your consciousness.
This is done by understanding who you are, what you came to do in this world and how your spiritual mission is greater than any aspiration, thought, feeling or harassment that may come from this world.
So that temptations are in their proper place in your life - which are only for you to grow, overcome fears, childishness and retrograde conditions - your consciousness must also be put in its proper place.
Contemplate who you are and the power of union of your spirit with the Spirit of God, and bring an end to that which weakens and distracts you from your path.
Contemplate who you are, beloved child in likeness to God, whose evolution was worth the Blood of God Himself, completely poured out into this world. Could it be that to surrender Himself for you, for your evolution, God knew the mystery of the potential of your life and the life of each being?
Contemplate who you are, child: a vehicle of transformation and renewal of all the Divine Creation.
And it is thus, miserable and imperfect, that the occult chemistry occurs and the miracle manifests. It is thus, full of errors and deviations, that redemption is concretized and renewal is consolidated. The mystery is revealed in your constant overcoming of self.
Place temptations and human desires in an inferior place where they belong.
Place your mental struggle and your apparent defeats in last place where they belong, in the face of the greatness of the Thought of God for you. And just like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, you too step on the head of the serpent that encircles you, wipe the blood that runs down your face and rise up from the weakness of illusions, in which the adversary of God places you constantly.
Within you there is a potential to overcome temptations, humiliations, sorrows, surrenders and challenges.
Within you there is the potential to be scourged, crucified and the potential of dying on the cross.
In you there is the potential to love more than God Himself loved you and to renew His Creation through this Greater Love.
And so, contemplate who you are. Put your consciousness in the right place, yield your most human aspects to God and let the bloody sweat strengthen your spirit to discover that, beyond human weakness, an essence and a Divine Purpose is hidden.
Awaken! Because it is now time, it is now the moment.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the desert, child, where there is no food, there is no water, there are no fountains, just emptiness, your sustenance will be the Breath of the Spirit of God.
It is the union with the Holy Spirit that will reveal your strength in Christ, in spite of any misery, weakness or smallness.
It is the Spirit of God, which dwells in the depths of your being, that will speak louder than all the confused words of your lost mind and the temptations of the world. From inside out, the Holy Spirit will reveal Itself within you, and in the arid and dark desert, within your own heart, you will find a Light.
Thus, seek the Holy Spirit, even though it seems incomprehensible to you. Ask for the Grace to discover It and know It within you and in everything.
When you were thought of by God, within you, in the deepest core of your human condition, a particle of His Holy Spirit was hidden. That Spirit that animates matter, and which is the bridge between illusion and Truth, can take care of everything you are, through the yielding of your heart, the surrender and the true union with God, even in the emptiness.
Cry out for the revelation of the mysterious and silent Spirit of God.
His golden Sun will be revealed in the night of your heart, and you will no longer be walking lost in the desert, but rather you will have a direction, which is the deepening into the mystery of surrender, which will someday show you who you truly are.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
During the 40 days in the desert, your Lord not only strengthened His Spirit and His union with the Father; He experienced for the first time the suffering of the entire world in His Heart and knew what it meant to carry the Cross of the sins of each being of this Earth.
His silence sustained His inner world and raised Him beyond human pain, for Him to reach the Heart of the Father and to know His Love would go beyond any sacrifice.
Today, child, you are invited to enter the desert of your heart, to there contemplate this planet, to prepare your inner world for that which will come, to experience within yourself what the transition of times is and, above all, to strengthen your union with God, entering His Heart and knowing there is nothing on this Earth which can surpass the necessity to reach the Father. His Love justifies all things.
Every effort, sacrifice and offering made with the heart are justified by the Love of God.
Every humiliation, emptiness, desert, loneliness and silence are justified by the Love of God.
Every service, tireless surrender, renunciation and trial are justified by the Love of God.
In the Love of God everything is dissolved and pacified, everything finds its meaning and its value, since within it all can be renewed. Therefore go, child, and seek that Love. It will be your sustenance, it will justify your existence, it shall be the meaning for your life on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more