Certain states of consciousness, such as the case of Nuremberg, are part of a hostile spiritual network that joins with a group of situations that in some planetary moment, must be freed.
The reason why the Spiritual Hierarchy has not yet intervened in such situations is because they are attached to the terrestrial consciousness, such as the case of Nuremberg, and this re-creates states and experiences that are increasingly hellish.
In order to move this network of situations, which are part of the debts of humanity, to another state of consciousness, the Divinity would have to carry forward a divine operation similar to that which occurred in Austria.
For that reason, everything must be previously calculated, as shifting an involutionary state of consciousness is shifting many more.
To bring all past and its large aftermath in souls to an end, the humanity itself that participated in said events, such as in the case of Europe, should ask for Mercy and redemption so that a powerful and immaterial ray may perforate even the hardest layer of these states of consciousness and all may be freed with the help of the angelic consciousness.
Everything is to be done. It depends on the response of the Europeans that more regions of suffering Europe may be freed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more